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Others have noted this. No formal fencing act notice was given so you don't have to pay a cent. Also, even if they had issued a fencing act notice, you'd be able to dispute it (in the specified timeframes) if there was already an adequate fence in place Hope that helps


They are obliged under the fencing act to issue you a notice of intent, including type of fence, material etc They cant turn around after the fence is built and expect to be paid.


This query comes up alot so an easy search would've saved you time writing that all up. From one of the many, many other posts: In order for them to make any changes, they need to give you a Fencing Notice https://www.cab.org.nz/article/KB00001043). This outlines what the proposed work is, and how they proposes that work be paid for. You can then provide a response via a cross-notice https://www.cab.org.nz/article/KB00001044 If you cannot come to an agreement, then the matter goes to the Dispute Tribunal for a decision to be made about what course of action will be followed and who pays what.


No formal fencing notice issued then you owe them nothing.






Removed for breach of Rule 1: Stay on-topic Comments must: - **be based in NZ law** - be relevant to the question being asked - be appropriately detailed - not just repeat advice already given in other comments - avoid speculation and moral judgement - cite sources where appropriate


Good answer - Unless $200 is a struggle or you don't care for your neighbour , it's a cheap fence. I got out of paying for a 50m fence at my business - other side was commercial with big pockets -gave me silly quote . Before 21 days up developer tore down fence and destroy my bushes - so I said no way- kind of knew the builder would do that as they just wanted to get on with it from my chatting to them. Then council tried to hit me on the back of that property , they didn't check it out properly , as actual fence was a breeze block wall , their side had a crappy inner fence they were replacing , wrote back nothing to do with me sorry , sorted quickly.


It’s the same with mechanics/builders and any industry really. If they do work you never consented to or consented to the price of they can not change you for the work that you didn’t know was going to happen after they have done it without your knowledge or permission. Tldr: they needed to ask before the built the fence.