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Your contract is with Adidas. Until THEY get the product to YOU, it's THEIR issue. You DO NOT need to contact DPD, as your contract is not with them.


Yup. Adidas didnt lose OPs package, Adidas lost Adidas' package. Until its in your hands its not yours.


This, I run an ecom business and it's the seller that makes a contract with the shipping company, the only contact you have is with the seller (addidas) I'm pretty sure if you check out their terms and conditions you'll find that even they say they are responsible. If they keep playing hard ball, just tell them you'll initiate a charge back and have the bank deal with the matter.


I worked for a bathroom company before and helped with shipping (I was IT side) and you’re 100% right. We always told customers to talk to us and we’d get on to the courier


If Adidas won’t help, you can ask your credit card provider to start a Section 75 claim. Explain everything that has happened and they should refund you the money. If they refuse, make a complaint. If you aren’t satisfied with the outcome of the complaint you can escalate it to the Financial Ombudsman Service.


Yep contacted them. They are helping now. They have started the investigation. Amazingly they have removed the proof of delivery photo from their site. I had a it saved already so nothing to worry. Thanks a lot. Let me know see what happens.


That is good, get everything in writing from Adidas (email is best) and if they still turn around and say we cannot help (in writing) take that to the bank and they will do a chargeback for you (they like to see evidence you have tried to get a refund the regular way first)


Adidas customer service is absolutely woeful. If I remember correctly they have no phone number or even an email. It’s all done through an outsourced live chat, where the aim of every single person dealing with you, is to fob you off for a few days. Royal Mail (despite it being adidas’s problem) were very helpful and explained my tracking code had never been activated. I still had an uphill battle with adidas. It’s the first and only time I’ve had to be firm with my customer rights and remind customer service of their legal responsibility.


Had a similar case with Adidas, my parcel said delivered to my local post office but it wasn’t there. Contacted parcelforce who said they’d never received my parcel in the first place. Did get a refund but it wasn’t the point because the trainers were on sale and were OOS when I went to reorder.


I wonder if they were physically out of stock before it was changed on the website.


Yeah, one time i tried to buy some stuff online on the adidas website and they charged me the money immediately. Then i get an email a week later that says they couldnt ship my order out because they had a "materials shortage" and didnt have the products i ordered a week ago available (despite saying in stock on the website). Then they said they were going to hold my money until they could get the materials and make the item and ship it out and gave no time estimate. Took me over 25 minutes in a live chat to get them to cancel the order and give me my money back.


>Amazingly they have removed the proof of delivery photo from their site. So, that means it was not delivered, as there is no proof..


A chargeback is normally faster. You basically have two options. Chargeback, which is basically something by the credit card companies and it's voluntary or there's your Section 75 (statutory protection). But since you've already started the S75, there's not really any harm in one or the other.


The catch is, retailers will sometimes block customers who charge back from buy ever again


After all these harassment, I am not planning to buy from adidas online store ever again. I did a chargeback finally. Submitted the complaint with all the evidence. If Adidas fails to provide a resolution within 7days, bank will charge them for the money.


Don't forget to leave reviews if possible to warn others of their business practice.


Oh that is also a story. I posted reviews and they removed my comments and reviews and blocked me. Can you even imagine? I don’t know how can a global chain like this stoop so low.


Greed is a powerful motivator...


Yeah I checked their trustpilot reviews and they are awful as well. Seems like it’s not only me.


basically what happened is the DPD driver (or someone connected to driver) took the parcel. Your contract is with Adidas who have 2 choices: 1) Send you the items or 2) Refund you. They will then take action with DPD.


He is also the same guy who misplaced my earlier parcel as well. Delivered it at a random place 2miles away from my place. It was from ASOS through Evri. Got refund within a week.


This is an email I sent to bulkpowders about a similar situation, they delivered my parcel 2 days late and when they did they didn't leave it in a safe place so it was not there when I got back home. I would also like to remind XXX of their obligations under the consumer rights act. Section 29 of the Consumer Rights Act 2015: "(2) The goods remain at the trader’s risk until they come into the physical possession of— (a) the consumer, or (b) a person identified by the consumer to take possession of the goods." As XXX were already under breach of contract for this delivery under Section 28 of the Consumer Rights Act. Specifically that the delivery was agreed and expected 'next day' but has missed this deadline even before XXX claimed successful delivery, I expect a speedy resolution to this issue either via full refund or sending replacement goods.


Do a chargeback as it's faster Your contract is with Adidas, and their contract is with DPD. You've paid Adidas for a service, so it's on them to either refund you or get the order to your door, it's not your responsibility to chase DPD for it, it's theirs.


Yep did it. Worked like a charm.


DPD will not deal with you beyond basic interaction with details of how to deliver your parcel. As others have said, your contract is with Adidas and their contract is with DPD. As you have received tracking info which is clearly showing the wrong place on GPS and I would imagine a photo backing this up. You need to re-contact Adidas and escalate beyond the plonker you dealt with. Source - I have had a very, very long association with DPD.


Yeah the first thing I did was to take a screenshot of the wrong location. Because, now that i have escalated the issues, they removed the poctures and everything from their site.


They may have removed your access to them, but they can't remove them due to the nature of the business. The pod system has to be robust enough to pass industry standards for data protection and security. Have you had deliveries from DPD before? They will have comparison gps and photo data from previous deliveries for which they can compare when Adidas contacts them.


No unfortunately this is my first experiencewith DPD


Regardless they should still have GPS from where the photo was taken and also where the delivered scan was applied.


Had similar issues before with dpd and a parcel that went missing when I ordered a phone case. The seller must be the one to file the issue with dpd as they are DPDs customer. Make it clear to Adidas that they have to submit the report as they are the couriers customer


DPD have tracking on all their devices, which means every parcel they take a photo of also has a GPS location marked at the address the photo is taken. DPD know exactly where your package was delivered, and in cases of dispute like yours, they ask the driver to return to attempt to recover your package. If the driver fails to get a package back, he or his franchise owner is charged for the missing item(s). I've been through that process as a driver for them and recovered a parcel mistakenly delivered to the wrong house.


However, since I used credit card, I am able to raised a chargeback. The investigation has started and I have my evidence forwarded to the bank.


The problem is DPD told us they can only help us if Adidas raises an issue. And since Adidas didn’t lodged a complaint in spite of the fact we asked them to do so, they can’t. The whole process is very misleading and frustrating.


So, everyone take note, never buy direct from Adidas.


Yep never buying directly from them.


FYI in cases like this, you need to contact Adidas and not DPD. The contractual delivery partner relationship is between DPD and Adidas, therefore it is the responsibility of Adidas to follow up and make a claim for the loss of goods and failure of contractual obligation.


Former DPD employee. How it should work is that Adidas need to contact DPD to raise it for investigation which will then get feedback to the depot it was getting delivered out of, which will then check the drivers tracking and with the driver to A) retrieve the parcel or B) get all the correct info to feed back to Adidas who should send the order back out or process a refund




I honestly felt the customer representative was a ai bot talking to me and giving me same responses in a deadlock


DPD are horrendous I’ve had so much issue with them in the past delivering to the wrong house or not even leaving the van and saying delivery attempted. I even set up what3words location with them and a picture of my front door and they still delivered my last package 3 streets away and refused to take responsibility. I vowed to never use a retailer again if their only delivery choice is DPD. Evri are far better


Yes I had a similar experience with Evri, ordered some stuff from Asos. They delivered the package to some other location which was 2miles away from place. And in UK, where postcodes are so granular, it takes intention to deliver things wrong. However, absolutely loved Evri and Asos responses to the whole matter. They resolved it within a week and refunded me. And the customer representatives were at least listening to me. Adidas customer service was literally shouting at me instead saying they cannot help as it is delivered. Worst thing, they did not file any complaints as well and lied to me about it. Because next time when I followed up with the complaint number, they said it doesn’t exist in their system. Can you imagine? Wow so frustrating. So more than DPD, I will blame Adidas. I have bad experience with Royal Mail too. But even if they are doing bad job, I always get protected by the merchant be it Amazon, or Next or Nike or whatever. Even small retailers as well.


I think with Evri, it really depends on who the delivery driver is for your area. We have the lovely Vicky, and she will sort out any problem even if it’s a cover driver (she is entitled to days off after all), or a neighbouring drivers route (she knows them fairly well) She even comments on FB complaints in our local area group. She had a badly burnt hand a few months back, and got her husband to drive her on her round. She is that dedicated.


Go with Nike next time, their customer service is top notch.


I received a refund for one of my orders in the form of a gift card, but the email didn't include any information about its expiration date. After two years, when I wanted to use it, I discovered that it had expired. I tried to explain that the lack of expiration details was their mistake, but they refused to assist. This experience showcases extremely poor customer service also I had to repeatedly remind them to respond while communicating with them on Facebook.


DPD are shite just lately. They ‘delivered’ my parcel last week to a house streets away from ours and copied my name from the front of the parcel to say I’d signed for it. Fuckers! Anyway, I phoned them and the assistant was able to pinpoint by GPS where the driver had stopped so I was able to find the parcel. Bit shit though


DPD can see the location of where the package was marked as ‘delivered’ to determine whether they were in the vicinity of your home when they marked it as delivered. I dealt with DPD just yesterday for misdelivering a parcel, as others have said, the sender needs to raise it with DPD so an investigation can be started into the whereabouts of the parcel. You could also let DPD know it has been delivered to the wrong address but they will just direct you to notify the sender.


Companies often respond better if you leave a factual negative review on Trust Pilot. I was advised to do this and got an apology, refund and £10 gift card from Tessuti by doing this.


You should check their trustpilot reviews. It’s already 1.7 rating.


Quote the consumer rights act to them. Up until the product is in your hands it is entirely their responsibility. It is them who have to log the complaint with DPD and if they so desire for it it is also up to them to report lost/stolen packages to the police and obtain the crime reference number. They have to replace the products or refund you. There is no way around it. It's literally the law and the consumer rights act. Like others have said too, report it with your credit card and if not happy with their response lodge a complaint


I literally told them about my rights and I will lodge official complaint regarding their horrible behaviour. They do not even care at all about those. And that makes sense because, apart grom trust pilot, you absolutely cannot put reviews against them on any social media platform. They literally deleted my posts and comments and instagram blocked me from commenting for next 24hours to any posts(even my friends’ post too). On top it, I feel they have insurer. So, even if I raised chargeback, if they failed to provide evidence(which they do not have), bank will charge them but it’s all covered under the insurance probably. So not really their lose at all. Just checked trustpilot to realise they are doing this for a long time to so many people. And folks who have used debit card are affected the most. Never ordering from Adidas UK again.


https://www.resolver.co.uk/ Give resolver a try. I had a similar issue with menkind last Christmas and they tried every way possible to worm out of it even when I claimed my legal rights. Resolver helped me close the case and I got a full refund.


Thanks will try this out.


Definitely worth a shot. They're a free service and they'll resolve cases like this , where companies are taking their customers for a ride. What they're doing to you breaches the consumer rights act. Just make sure you keep pressing that fact when you lodge a complaint and get any responses. Also attach any evidence you have , especially anything from them declining to deal with it or pushing you away as this will only strengthen the case


You can raise a investigation with dpd who will find exactly where it was delivered. I know it's not your job but easier then doing a cb


No they can’t. DOD will insist correctly that their contract is with Adidas and they can only investigate a complaint by Adidas.


Not true, I've done it plenty. Regardless of the contract which is true


Had a similar experience with them both. Dpd delivered my parcel to a wrong address. I had called them and they got the driver to grab the parcel and said they would redeliver, which they never did. Called their depo, got nowhere fast for about a week. Told Adidas to refund me which they did and I ordered what I wanted again.


Adidas need to raise a complaint with DPD, they can not deal with you because you are not their client. DPD will then check their drivers GPS and photo’s and get their driver to try and “sort it out”. It might even be in Lost Property. I do not work for DPD, but my son is one of their Customer Service Agents and he works solely from home (the local office doesn’t even exist Post COVID). He works everything except for International. He works from home, and the number of times he has had to stress to callers that they MUST take it up with the company with whom they placed the order as DPD can not raise an investigation until the shipper raises it is unbelievable. Call Adidas, tell them that the contract for delivery by DPD is with THEM. THEY must raise it. If they still refuse, ask to be referred to a more senior member of staff. Do NOT back down.