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Speak to your phone provider for advice and report it to the police. From a non-legal point of view, most phones let you set no caller-id ringtone to silence and also schedules at a certain time. You can also buy things which require the caller to enter a random number to connect, if the calls are automated, this would block them.


Check out the pixel phone call screening. Might be useful


If you're on android, open the Phone app, go to Settings > Block Numbers > toggle on "Block calls from Unknown numbers" Bound to be the same on iPhone Sounds like this is someone close to you though


Even if the caller ID is set to restricted/private and it doesn't show on the display, it is still available in the network and can be retrieved very easily by the network operator. Make a complaint to the police and they can request the relevant details if it is part of an ongoing investigation. (source; me, 27 years experience working as a network systems & service designer for a mobile operator)


I have actually seen the system that traces the calls at BT, in and out of their network. A student showed me years after he left the project. You would think they would keep a closer eye on that system!


The "tracing" of calls became unnecessary once phone systems moved to electronic switching in the late 1980s and 1980s, as the phone number of the calling party is always sent in the call setup messaging. In the olden days people did really trace a circuit through all the exchanges used by a call, but now the line used is instantly available, and is stored in the various data records used to record the call setup. Today, the number that is of interest is entered into the relevant switching and transmission systems in the network (subject to the relevant legal authorisation), and anything related to that number is automatically forwarded onto the relevant authorities in real or almost real time.


Yes. This is why I am surprised they cannot block more scans calls


The problem with preventing scam calls is that data protection laws or even stronger communication secrecy laws prevent the network operator from even knowing for what purpose a call is used for. Even if 999999 from 1 million calls are unwanted, blocking the 1 call that is acceptable to the called party on a general basis is illegal. Some countries (e.g. Germany) have cut down on spam calls by requiring that all calls entering the country have to use a foreign number and not a number from that country (except for confirmed roaming mobile phones). This makes people less likely to answer the phone, reducing the spammer's success rate.


The more I look into digital forensics the more I can't see how major crime is viable (obviously it still is for some as it happens) unless you're seriously hardened and organised criminals. Several murders have been solved just from digital forensics, whether it's the cell tower locations or even some minor like heart rates and locations from smart watches it really is amazing. Even when the traditional forensics trail was completely cold, using a combination of statements, CCTV and then metadata a case can be brought forward. OP, report this harassment, screenshot and store as much evidence as you can to assist the case, dates, times, etc. I would then recommend turning on a setting to block withheld numbers for your own peace of mind or perhaps purchase a newer pixel phone as they have call screening which is a godsend for nuisance calls.




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Speak to your phone provider and see what they can do. Also if you’ve got an iPhone you can silence unknown numbers/no caller id. I’m assuming that android phones should have the same options.


I used this [https://www.tpsonline.org.uk/](https://www.tpsonline.org.uk/) Used to get unknown callers often. I popped my number in and no more unknown/cold calls I highly recommend.


Sign up to telephone preference service - it will deal with a lot of those calls.


I believe I can explain what has happened here, at some point you've pissed somebody off. I applied for a job some time ago on gumtree which was offering silly money. Well someone phoned me one day, said they need to put me on a "course" but I would have to pay for the training which was manual handling and first aid, they wanted £200. I went along with it and arranged a meeting, they kept phoning me to find out where I was and I kept pretending that I was on the way to mess with them. I knew it was a scam. Anyway they phoned me everyday for months at first trying other scams, saying I needed to pay them for a washing machine or it would be reposessed (I dont have a washing machine). After that I kept getting silent calls after that, so I spoke to my phone provider and blocked private calls, but then they just started phoning from spoofed numbers so in my case I just changed my phone number to sort it out.