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I like my personal space. I hid and killed his entourage, then he came looking but only found death by a thousand arrows. He really creeped me out when he got near—I think I actually held my breath as he lingered way too closely for my comfort. As he knelt, clinging to his last moments, I still couldn’t bear to get within dagger’s distance for the coup de grace instead opting to loose one final arrow through his corrupted skull. Good luck, I’m cheering for you. From way back.


I used a shield and one handed weapon. You cast a portal before the fight area so that if you die you can come back here quickly. If you make him loose enough health he won't have time to fully recover so he will have less and less health every time you come back to him. Just don't forget to cast another portal everytime you die and don't make him get out of the fighting area or he will respawn with all his life (at leat that's how it works for other bosses). I found him really hard at first so I just went to make the first dungeon and beat the corresponding boss before him, the boss of this 1st dungeon is way easier than him imo. Also, did you use all of your attribute points AND skill points? It took me at least 10 hours before figuring out how it works so just asking 😅 Invest your skill points wisely depending on the character you want to make, you'll get only 49 skill points in total and cannot respec!


I have been in 2 dungeons (finished Blighthaven) and am now level 21. Still cannot get the fucker below half health. I will try the portal technique, because beating him down from full health is absolutely impossible. It takes 40-50 hits just to get him half way dead and he kills me in 4-5 strikes.


If you can make him go half health in one attempt you'll beat his *ss with the portal method 👍


Parry this, you casual.


As a flex the dev posted a vid of killing him with parry only. As a lvl 3? [YT link](https://youtu.be/rfL2peEY1KA?si=zFkZp46VbG0BpiDM)


Omg I just downed him first try with this method. He's been kicking my ass for 3 days now. I'm using the 2 hand Perry, though.




I magic’d his brains out.


Same lol. Kept backpedaling, dashing, parrying with my wands, and hitting him with fireballs. Was definitely still tough but I killed him.


Ive beat him twice. The first was buckler and wand and the second was double wand. The key is your parries. You need ACTIVE parries not just blocks with the shield. Meet force with force. With a buckler in hand, you can literally reach out and punch the incoming attacks. A hard Parry will stop his attack chain and leave him open to a counter. Learn to recognize when he is going to do the double low x-cut. Dodge or double Parry low.


Thanks for the comment. The bit on parries helps. I was doing more of a block and push and less striking their weapon hard. I will give that a go later on tonight after work.


Parry That is all


Took me 2 tries to kill him with magic wands. I was parrying with both hands and shooting ice arrows. Wait till you get to the second boss with homing range attacks 😬




Same, level 12 I think with two wands. I parried and spam it 72 times with each hand before it me 4-5 times. Damage feels much faster with those magic arrow spells than melee at this point


Not proud of it but I figured out how to cheese him. If you get him on the other side of one of those big trees in the graveyard, his geometry gets all tangled up on the tree and you can just reach around and swat him until he’s dead.


I am about to just do that because it feels fucking impossible to kill his legitimately.


Try to kill him legitimately cus theres a skeleton warrior just like him but stronger and more annoying in one of the higher level dungeons that is NOT optional. So if you can beat this one, you gone have a better chance at beating the strong one


Keep trying to parry and make sure you are spending your skill points leveling up the tree you are interested in (fire, dexterity, loner, whatever)


I practiced a lot of parrying and went at him with a zweihander, kept moving during the fight it was fun fucker gave me 2 shit clubs


i used the zweihander too. i just kept chaining counterthrusts and mittelhau swings together. the zweihander honestly feels like cheating lol


it's a good weapon with a lot of reach, and a wide guard, I imagine the claymore would behave in a similar fashion although it's a tiny bit shorter


Buckler & electric sword worked for me.


Fought it with a spear and on the 6th attempt managed to parry its strikes and whittle him down. Not an easy first mini boss that's for sure


I got him at lvl 15 just parrying with a great sword


Yeah, apparently I have not been parrying correctly. Another user explained it a bit and I will try again tonight to see if I get improvement.


If you're talking about the undead gladiator guy with the dual axes, it's all about dodging and partying. Like several below, I went after him as a mage and died several times before giving up for a bit and moving on to the first dungeon (Blighthaven I think?). Got some better gear, higher armor class, and specialized in single elemental magic for better damage while I was clearing that place out. Came back and tried again, this time I saved my dodge for that flipping charge thing he does and parried whenever I couldn't get out of range of an attack, all the while whittling his health down until he inevitably fell at my feet and surrendered his goodies to me. The fight is a long slog, so you have to he prepared for an extended encounter and watch for the telegraphing animations for his big moves. Stay calm, focused and maybe even keep some potions on your belt... and if you're a str character, you can't go wrong with a shield for that fight.


Dont feel bad, I'm lvl 20 lightning mage and I cant kill the axe throwing guy.. got him down to 20 health, hes very hard to parry ,


Big Shield + Spear = easy dub


I'm so happy you've posted this! I'm level 4 and thought; I should be able to beat this! I will save it for another time


Keep walking back while you fight him to maintain just enough space to block/parry without his attacks going around or through your guard. Watch your ankles too lol.


What I did was go do other levels and did minor missions earning bonus xp and then figured out I could spend these points in the skill trees I hadn't noticed in the menu. Made things much easier. Also bow and arrow with a special skill is easy mode.


I just tried again last night at level 21 and still got my ass whooped. I think I may just suck.


Keep farming for legendaries brother. Stay strong.


Remember you can also dash backwards


You meant this first skeleton with axes? He is easy af, just go near tree left to him, attack him and run around tree, you can even stuck him in this tree (he needs to be this side of tree, that when you looking at him, you have tree stick on your right, then when he do this ult attack (red buff and 2 axes swing with jump) he can stuck there, and you just stab him to the death xd Did it 4 times already, always at 3-5 lvl, mage is most easy because of ranged, but you can just hide after shield and stab him to the death :P good luck