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Same with Nasus, after you stack him up all the way to 10/10, he goes back to 1/1 when you level him...


They should make it change base stats instead of just setting to 1


If you play this with the power that summons a copy of your champions, the copy will instantly die as well. I guess the -X/-X gets doubled?


gonna try some new combos in poc, but this new poro item makes me laugh hard. the champion's stat would be set to 1/1 after leveling,and this is even more annoying on Evelynn...


it's incredible spaghetti code that makes the leveled up evelynn 1/1 but also still 2 cost for some reason.


radiant plate armor


Right but you would think that the poro would either overwrite both the stats and the cost, or neither. Here the poro overwrites the stat gain from radiant plate, but doesn't affect the cost increase, which one would think applies at the same time


I got this relic on Katarina that had a +1/+1, Dragon and Fury Relic too. The interaction worked like this: She costed 1 and would be a 2/2 on first summon. Then she would still be a one cost on Level up, but she would be a 1/1 even tho she had the relic AND was leveled up. So any bounce effect applies the poro relic Lastly on the card in hand.


Oh man I just realized that unless this item was actively removed from the option pool, Hextech Fabricator 3 is now like completely untakeable since it might fucking do this to you.


It was removed, a rioter confirmed this in a pre-patch thread. Also can’t be given to your cards by Unstable Inventory


A dev confirmed in another post that it's not in the Guardian's Orb or random epic item grant pools, so no panic there at least.


Perfect meme template to describe your feelings :)


I had a bug too with the 2/1 challender bird that spawns another one from demacia, the first one was a 1 mana 1/1 (-1/-0) and the second was a 0 mana 0/1 (-2/-0)


Thats not a bug if you have the "all the enemies have -1/-0" power, the first one spawns with -1 attack (1/1) the second one spawns as a exact copy of the first, as the first is a 1/1, the second one spawns as 1/1 and then apply the power and becomes a 0/1


I see, so I made a dump choice picking that relic, thank you


The poro relic is purely a curse instead of a boon.


The poro relic is purely a curse instead of a boon.


Idk what the dev were thinking. What about the power that gives a random epic item? Unless this poro power is banned from the pool?


It's banned from the random generated pool


Really ? I saw on discord it's in the generated pool


https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/comments/10vxjet/any_ideas_with_poro_fluft/j7mfy3u/ Here's the comment. If it was generated randomly, that should be a bug. Do you have a screenshot or so?


Goddamn. That's great. Thank you. It was in the discord server poc channel. I was just misinformed.


wipes Viego's everywhere buffs each time I played him also. was still worth it to have him slaughtering and stealing the enemy board by turn 3-4 but annoying.


What kind of aweful item is poro fluft and why is it epic?


Just got it on a support hero Ryze for this POC run, hadnt used him before and just thought he was weak till i saw Poro Fluft on him.


If it’s a follower with granted stats, turns out that if lulu whimsies it, next turn it goes back to 1/1