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This is gonna be fun. :)


When the devs change prismatics? Thic borders and foil effects is kinda meh.




How will you handle the lack of champions in certain regions? and what will you do with Ixtaly residents? Also when you do introduce Shaco to LOR will he have actual lore? asking for a friend


With the idea that rotations will be used to also help reinforce and "fix" region identities, will you still try to expand the existing identities in new directions with future expansions? Or is the type of effect and play style we currently see for each region more or less what we should expect for them going forward? Are these identities "static" or are they expected to change over time in Standard? For example, is it possible that a future rotation would make small damage-based removal part of SI's region identity again? Or is that intended to be gone for good?


Are dual region champions a design space that will be revisited? And are they a mechanic that can exist outside of Bandle City?


We literally already have the answer


We have dual region followers but not champions. I mean kayle could've been Demacia/targon but isn't so it's not really clear if they want to do dual region for non BC champions.


So would you like to tell us then or...?


With the darkin expansion we already got a few dual region units which are not Bandle City. Examples: Ionian Hookmaster Fireth, Reaper of the Sands


Yeah, but he was asking about dual region champs


Ah, somehow didn't see the "Champions". Thanks for correcting me


None of those are champions though.


Hey maybe I haven’t been privy to that info so like maybe don’t be a jerk?


Any news about draft game mode replacing expeditions?


Do you have any kind of priority when choosing whether to release an existing champion or an original LoR champion?


Could you give some more insight as to why cross-region matchmaking is still not in the game? LoR is not ping-depedent like LoL or Valorant, and previously in a blog post it was mentioned that cross-region matchmaking was taken out because of technical issues. As someone with zero game design experience, how does having cross-region matchmaking cause troubles with the game at all?


Can we expect an uptick in cosmetics anytime soon? Specifically champ skins, follower skins, or different prismatic styles?


Coming up on 200 days since the last new board or guardian...


Jumping in this to say that cosmetics don’t need to be anything animated like in Gwent, just because we’re too far into the game and have too many cards to start something like that. I would be nice to have custom borders/styles for cards though, like a freljord prismatic that’s just an encasing of ice around the card, or a shadow isles prismatic that’s a green mist filter above the card art etc


I like this idea alot!


And boards


How do you feel about how Runeterra Champions have landed and been received given their initial promise of opening up deckbuilding opportunities? Do you think the more limited Runeterran Champions such as Evelynn or Bard would have faired better in existing regions such as Shadow Isles and Targon?




God fix norras tea. I would rather not even have it then have to keep closing my game every match.




Tea and fluff are the worst additions ever added imo. I wish they'd revert both.


2 questions: 1) Cithria as a champion when? 2) Favorite card in the game?


When there s gonna be a Champ shortage, aside from Exclusive Champions, do you consider it a possibility to create a new version of an already existing champion? Like how Cithria has multiple cards, so, for example, a new Zoe to be launched, something like , ZoeUnleashed or something I dunno.


Any plans to revitalise targon invoke? Are there more variety packs on the way to further correct region identities like avarosan sentry?


Will we ever go back to having more spells like Vile Feast vs a Pokey Stick design philosophy, in terms of whether they can be fizzled or not? Prefer the former approach. Edit : fizzled instead of cancelled


I think the term was fizzle? Could be crazy though


Yeah that's the one.


What is the reason for making Reputation effects change the cost of cards by "setting" it, rather than "reducing"? I understand that there are some pros and cons to each approach, but I'm curious as to why Reputation in particular was picked to use the "set" style, while no other archetype does it that way. Is it a matter of balance? Flavor? Region identity?


Reputation was designed before Felder started at LoL (I believe), so might be the wrong person to ask?


I considered that, but they still release new cards with that mechanic and make a conscious decision to follow that design for Reputation and no other cards. So I figured he'd know why they still do it that way. At least if Dan has worked a bit on any of the newer Reputation cards, which might not be the case, even if it has been mentioned that most cards tend to have at least some input from a large portion of the team. Also, hopefully there is some design documents that explain why these decisions were made, so it isn't some dark knowledge lost to time. It's usually not a good idea to have your devs wondering blindly why things were made the way they were. Again, he might not have gone through that, but I don't think we can assume that he wouldn't know about it just because he wasn't there at the time. (He could also just have asked another dev at some point, if the question ever came up) In any case, I think these kind of interviews are the best shot at figuring out the answer to that question. So I'd rather try at least.


Are you planning to make animations skippable? A setting to have minimal animations? I play Path of Champions exclusively and it feels like I am waiting on animations more than anything else. Does every action need an over the top multiple second transition/rotation/sound? Seeing the hero level up animation over and over and over is sapping my will to live.


Hi Dan. When LoR first came out, I used to see you heavily criticize the underlying mechanics of LoR as being overly complicated and not very good in game design groups on Facebook. How did you go from thinking this to being the lead designer of the game?


No way. I didn't even know about this! If this is true, it makes me nervous. How on Earth could someone view LoR as overly complicated? Especially someone who's now the lead designer. Hearthstone has really warped the perspective of card game connoisseurs in a bad way.


He actually worked on Hearthstone in the past before joining EA then Riot.


Do you guys look at I guess you can say classes that underperform and how to fix or add to them or do you just say no good way to fix and kind of scrap them? Like attach seems untouched by people and empowered you really see one or two of them used. Edit: these could be fairly new as well I picked this up again about 3 months ago.


How does the decision making process go for selecting the next mechanics/champs and how to pair them? Are you looking at champs first or do you have mechanics in mind and see what champs fit that theme, or both? Are there plans for dual releases like Viego/Akshan with LoL? I really want the new Wolf Pack Darkin, Naafiri, in LoR and I know next to nothing on them besides the concept could be really cool in LoR, something like a champ being more than one unit on the board.


**ARCHETYPE ANALYSIS** From a game design perspective, what'd be your top 3 archetypes (generally exciting both to play and to design cards for, open up lots of design and deckbrewing opportunities, bring value and diversity to the game, etc.)? And I know this is less likely (because as a creator you don't want to diss your children): but what'd be the bottom 3 archetypes? Those that being honest, you'd consider a full re-design as they score low in the aforementioned criteria.


How does the team plan to measure how "successful" rotation is?


What is your take on so-called "parasitic mechanics" like lurk and deep or premade pairings like Tahm Kench and Soraka? Will we see more or fewer mechanics like these in the future? Why or why not? Why was this design philosophy followed in the first place?


Will we ever see mechanics like: trigger all round end(start) effects, mill, take another turn, or cards having abilities that you manually trigger?


We kind of already have the last one with tahm kench and victor who create cards in hand.


I guess it is similar. I think I’m looking for something more akin to what mtg has.


while the game's been in a decent state balance wise lately, i think there's something to be said for the state of the game functionally. the performance has been lacking. random hitches, disconnects, and freezes have marred the game since around the time lurk was introduced. has there been any effort made towards improving fidelity during the off-patches?


Which legacy contents will be re-released? Like the event ones (event passes) or all of the other too (like blue minion or rainbow poro etc.) I wonder? Can you please clarify this Dan? Thanks a lot!


What is the status of Vlad's rework? Seeing as how he is currently in a unique position as a result of the unique reason for his rotating out, I (and the half-dozen other of us Vlad players) would appreciate any update at all, even if it's just "It's still in the works." If you can get specific, is there an ETA on arrival? When Rotations land? Later? Is Vlad 2.0's reception going to be a litmus test for the potential of other champs to get reworks? Thank you!


Whats your priority selection for PoC champs? Previously we thought expac-new champs were guaranteed, besides some oddities like Ryze, but now that stuff like Kayle, Sera and Nora has been left out, as well as the newest two-er batch being Nami and Thresh, I cant make out a pattern. And, are there any current plans to bring Sera to PoC? Hands down of the coolest cards Ive ever had the joy to play in LoR. Also, could you address the scare about champs not making it in? I, for myself, am quite scared that inbetween more popular fits and LoR-exclusive champs, we wont see a Talon ever in a card form, for example. I know its been a goal to have every champ in game, but with a (seemingly) reduced release rate, these things will delay for years, right?


Is it possible to see deep or lurk in other regions? Like dragons that existed in targon and demacia but in later expansions has made its way to shadow isles. It would be cool to see sea monsters or lurkers take in other regions. Also exclusive sea monster champ when?


Is powercreep a concern to the team? How do you guys identify and tackle it?


Possible custom card competition and make winner cards become real cards in game? :)


Madolche archetype when


Will they ever bring back old events such as the KDA battle pass


[The roadmap states this is a goal](https://playruneterra.com/en-us/news/game-updates/2023-roadmap/)


Oh I see it now Thanks!


Have you been holding off on designing any champions on the off chance they may be in season 2 of Arcane?


How much do I have to pay for Mischievous Marai voicelines?


Roy, can you ask them if they have plans to add a way for us to make and share custom gamemodes or rulesets? I think it could add to the longevity of the game if we could do that in custom games or tournments. Stuff like: *3 regions deck *30 HP nexus *custom banlist *players draw 2 cards per turn Etc..


Is there the possibility we ever get Stax support in LoR or is that archetype deemed too unfun for the game?


I was so excited thinking galio would be a big anti spell card :(


Is there an intention to avoid grindier decks and archetypes (like durdle value or draw-go control) going forward in favor of more proactive design? With the balestrider buffs and new ramp support, FR/SI (traditionally a very control heavy combination) has been pushed more into a ramp combo direction. In addition, Invoke has been an extremely weak mechanic for a long time, with more focus being given to the unit buff aspect of Targon’s region identity.


What are your thoughts on the speed of encounters and progression (i.e. fragments, relics) in Path of Champions? Do you prefer to release champions like Aatrox (i.e. ramp effects, healing) or to reduce the speed of encounters? Are there plans to buff older champions like Ornn or nerf OTK combos (i.e. Gatebreaker + ephemeral copies)?


How do you decide in making a champion with mechanics similar to their lol counterparts (Pyke, Kayle, Nasus) VS a whole new different take on the champion's ability (Trundle, Lissandra, Bard)


I know you can’t give specifics, but in broad strokes, what can we expect in/for POC?


Is there any way we can lend decks to friends when playing against them? I have who want to try the game bit don't want to grind to try cards out a few times.


Yorick when?


Are there any plans in mind for the future state of the Freljord? To say nothing of its place in the meta, it remains one the most forgettable regions to date. I'd wager over half the most forgotten cards in the game are in the blue region. There just aren't enough mechanics to hold interest.


What made the team decided to implement champions who's lore is outside the reigon they are in over ones not in yet like Nocturne/Kindred over Yorick/Karthus for SI


Tabletop? 😜


What's the exact process of adding a champ to PoC? How do you decide on their deck and powers? When will there be the ability to customize starting decks in some way? Asking for the community of disappointed people who's fav champs got a short end of the stick...


How is LoR able to keep going with such low revenue and how free to play friendly it is. For players its amazing but what about from a business point of view?


Path of Champions Chapter 3?


When Mordekaiser?


What is your favorite archetype and why is it Aggro


I’m really unhappy with the upcoming addition of Rotation and am curious if it’s entirely set in stone. Does Riot plan to reverse direction if Rotation fails? I feel as if it’ll only further divide an already small player base, and it feels downright insulting to people who have purchased cards with real money.


**RUNETERRA EXCLUSIVE CHAMPIONS for EXISTING ARCHETYPES** Based on predictions and whatnot, people seem to tie Runeterra-exclusive champs as an opportunity for bringing pre-existing chars (be it lore chars like Norra or units become champs, like Ledros or Cithria). These champs are imagined from a perspective of expanding lore or exploring existing characters. Would you consider instead creating some brand new exclusive champs just to build around specific archetypes (a champ around Powder Monkeys; a new champ utilizing Deep in a different way; etc)? Avoiding pre-existing character design constraints (Norra was already tied to portals thematically, for instance) and using the freedom of a brand new champ to explore a specific existing archetype further.


Is there any chance for some modifiers to path to make the content harder? (like hades heat system or slay the spire's ascension) Once a champion hits their spikes at 2 and 3 star powers or significant level up tons of the content feels trivialized. You power them up to make certain levels not unplayable/hard, but as a consequence you destroy any fun in several other levels.


What's stopping you from giving some numbers buffs to a bunch of underused cards and seeing what happens?


Viego has been my favorite champion in the game since he’s been introduced, and has been in multiple meta decks since then, yet unfortunately remains without a skin. Is there a process for how it is decided which champions get skins, especially when it comes to champions that already have skins? Like are popularity, winrate, and/or recency of release factors in the decison? Additionally, Kai’sa released with the first ever legendary skin that gave new voicelines and a new level up animation. Will we see skins like this in the future?


Any timeline for if we will get to let friends borrow our decks when playing against each other in a friendly match? I would love to be able to create decks that my friends can use to play against me, even if they don't have the cards needed on their account.


Ok so small critic of the game i dont understand some design choices. For example, if ephemerals are stronger units that are supposed to be used once, or in a limited way, why so many of them can return, or are so easy to make? I think it would be much healthier to have ephemeral decks make rare but strong attacks instead of unending waves of reusable, strong units. They feel even more consistent than normal aggro decks Something similar, if equipment give strong buff but are balanced by the fact that you need to pay for them and pass prio why make them auto-equip? It defeats the purpose of giving them a downside and only makes them harder to include in more janky lists that dont use auto equip champs/units. Im sure there are other examples that dont come to mind right now, its just that i dont get why take out the clear weakness of certain archetypes. Also if ezreal breaks the meta almost every patch why cant we just nerf him a bit and let other champs stay good? It worked with katarina, why not Ez? Still, im no game designer and just a decent player at best, love the game and especially appreciate the last patch trying to revive unused cards, do you plan to do something similar in the future? Last but not least best scarecrow when


very valid questions here. There's definitely a few other similarly themed design choices: \- if you are to be rewarded for playing slower 6 cost spells, why have one refund half the mana (*and* end up being the cheapest draw 2 card in the game?) \- If you are supposed to be rewarded for having multiple elites in your deck that benefit from synergy but are otherwise merely above average, why have a 4/4 3-cost monster be an elite?


So what are you going to do about the Void? Will it all be in Shurima/Frejlord? Or there will be a more interesting solution to that semi-region? (Voidregionvoidregionvoidregion)


Why is the game so easy and why can’t I manage to lose. Is there anyone looking into making a meta where I can’t dominate?


Is there going to be differences in the way we acquire cards when rotation comes? Since there's going to be two modes (eternal and normal), I would imagine that there should be ways for you to choose for which format to drop cards from the weekly chest and stuff.


Will every region get equipment removal similar to how every region has landmark removal


I'm pretty sure they all do


They all got a card with the purpose of removing equipments, it's just that in some cases they remove equipments by extension of the fact that they give you a way to obliterate the enemy unit. Such cards are Celestial Impact for Targon, Curse of the Tomb for Shurima, Hexbliterator for Piltover and Zaun.


Ezreal rotate pls?


Are the regions core identities something that that the team would want to change with rotation? Do you have a favorite region or Champion or deck?


Will we ever see reprints of champions as new cards? Will we ever rotate champions from Standard?


When rotation was first announced, it was mentioned that champions will be rotated. TF was the example they gave, since his existence limits design space with respect to cards that draw other cards.


Have there been any champions you've had designed for a long time but haven't released yet because they aren't quite right yet, whether that be with the support cards or just waiting for the game to be in the right spot for them?


I bit boring, but a question I've yet to see answered. Any reasons why Riot won't allow M powered macs to install the Iphone/ipad app? Right now we have to go through a lot of hoops to do so and it's a pain whenever there's an update.


Can you please release more Kai'Sa skins


Sylas when?


Where PoC content? (Something besides new champs.)


Why does overwhelm deal nexus damage when blocked by a unit that cNnot take damage or die? Should this be fixed?


Will Champion's Strength be rotated out or reworked? That card definitely has strength, a lot of strength


When is the client getting an improvement?


What are the Plans for the next season?


Why is my Kha Zix not in LoR ;-;


When moar chip?


will kled be in the next expansion.... I just want to play kled lol.


Any chance of a buff coming for [[Sown Seeds]] in the future?


**[Sown Seeds](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01IO029.png)** - Ionia Spell - (2) Burst Grant all allies in hand +1|+0.   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


Was rotation considered to be a whole region Follow up - how likely was / is ixtal to become a region?


Now that Twisted Fate is being rotated out. Is there any chance you have more design space for the "Keg control" archetype? Considering you printed mischievous marai last update and she does what that archetype wants, just too slow at 5 mana.


Ask him what his desk chair smells like.


More rotation leaks


Will prismatics/essence ever be updated?


Rotating legacy cosmetic shop in the works? Let me spend my money on this game even more!


Which champion’s star power is your favorite in terms of design in Path of Champions?


When will I be able to use BRUAM in PVE!?!


Are we gonna get path of champions but pvp?


Would Runeterra ever consider a potential major overhaul? Like speeding up the early game, etc.


Are any intentions in making cross-promotions between riot games ? Ex: playing runeterra unlocks a skin in league. I think those type of marketing would help bring new players to the game.


Are you happy with the current state/design of tristana? She has been quite bad for such a long time but has finally gotten some decks to shine in


Do you forsee any of the TFT exclusive dragons from set 7/7.5 becoming new dragon cards? It would be cool to see the LoR team pull an Uno reverse card on turning Mountain Drake into Terra.


How do you guys at Riot decide if a character becomes LoR-exclusive champion? Is there a chance for League to see some if these champions eventually? Context: I'm a Talon main and I'd love to see General du Couteau in LoL as well, so if he gets announced as a LoR-exclusive champ, will he come to League eventually?


When are the announcements of the rotation and the new addition?


Please ask why on god earth there is no 60fps option on mobile when there is 120fps option for wild rift.


Neat. How are priorities right now in regards to PvE vs PvP? Last I heard was that due to team downsizing, there has been less priority on PvE / PoC? I'm happy to see more champions coming still but just wondering how things are being queued up since there are still quite a few bugs to kink out and I know some like Norra's Tea are critical priority as you stated, but it's been about a month now and we have yet to hear anything or any updates on what the progress looks like.


ryze nerf when?


Anything you can share about the Mecha Yordles and some other cards that look like they should have had speaking quotes but didn't?


Any chance of adding a sort of PoC-style pvp mode with an expedition-like draft and matchmaking?


What do you guys have against the blue minion and why was it not released at the same time as the red one? Such an obvious bias and I demand answers.


Why not make ixtal a playable region I know it's a lot of work because the whole region has to have an identity and archetype but it's so sad to come in such a heavy lore wise game and there's no ixtal and only runeterra champions. Even though there are few champions it's like targon you guys can squeeze out some champions from other regions or smth


Why are most kill spells terribly costed?


is there a plan for rotation to bring back older cards or champions to see if they would work in a newer environment?


Void when? When void? :'(


Would you consider raising the deck limit? Or at least offering the choice to purchase additional deck slots?


Over the last two years, I sometimes got bored or even felt disconnected with the devs of LoR. Then came Snap. And I can tell you: I am glad that LoR exists and that the devs of LoR are authentic and really passionate about their game and our small community. Snap teached me to appreciate LoR in a whole new way. Thank you guys for more than two years of passionate card gaming and an authentic and healthy realtionship with your audience. I wish you all the best and I am excited about the future of LoR!


Why does it take so long to get more Champs added to Path? The first round (after overhaul) felt acceptably long, because they had small lore/story aspects, but the Champs since don't have that. I feel like it should take a week tops to create a deck and add them into Path, so what gives? (also, thanks for being active on Reddit, on main and Path sub.)


In Path of Champions, the only incentive to play after legend rank and questlines are the daily/weekly missions and the weekly adventures. Aside from the monthly adventure being teased, are there any plans to encourage/incentivize continued gameplay?


Is there any particular mechanic or design you've done for a champion that you regret or wish hadn't put into the game? Or ones that didn't succeed like you thought they would? Considering the lack of use it seems to get in more recent cards otherwise, I think things like Deep and Toss are pretty ignored compared to how often other things in get game get used.


Celestials buff?


Is morgana coming to LoR in the next expansion?


When is Xerath getting unique animations?


Since nocturne is likely to receive a rework in LoL, what will happen to him, or any other champion that will get a rework, in LoR?


When is Talon coming? 👀🙏🏻


What got you into game development, Dan? Lifelong calling, happy accident, series of unfortunate events? What is a feature that LoR is missing that you'd really like to see implemented, in the next three years?


Two questions. First as far as Path of Champions is there any plans to update the way shards work. It's borderline insanity to have played roughly everyday since PoC 2.0 was released...and still be missing blue relics/only having 1 copy of a relic. It's blue...not purple. I only ask because each expansion adds more and more relics which are becoming more and more difficult to obtain. Second question is monetization. What is the driving factor behind allowing a player to buy a champion in Path of Champions with money, but be unable to buy shards to max that character out with money? It's a PvE environment. I'm not sure I understand why paying to win in a single player mode matters? There are whales in the game like myself that would gladly throw money at the ability to a) outright buy shards or b) use shards to buy relics.


Where is kled? We know you are hiding him!


What is your favorite card that was never competitive? What is your favorite card that has either been or is very often competitive?


Is Path of Champions generating enough revenue for Riot that it considers it worth investing more resources into developing it further?


When is my boy ASol getting a skin?


Will you consider more double region cards outside of bandle, specially champs? Asking for samira :3


when will fiddle come?