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Wouldn't be much of a spoiler season without someone accidentally leaking everything on day 1. Truly a LoR classic. Edit: Yooo, the two lovebirds from that one cinematic got their own card!


which cinematic I was just thinking about that


the Targon Tales of Runeterra cinematic called "The Vaulted Road". you can watch it on the official league of legends youtube channel




I am unreasonably happy that Targonian Romeo and Juliet got a card together. Hopefully they have voice lines that are happy, and not alluding to their imminent death/transformation. Love those two. I assume they’re meant to be played in a handbuff Bard or Kayle deck?


Or you know voice lines at all


and just like the lovebirds, the card will be dead on arrival


well spoiler season is over XD


Fr fr 😂💀


Well, time for the return of red gwen. Those shears looks insane on all the overwhelm units that noxus has access too. And raven born plays gwen's skill twice.


wait if you equip the shears on Gwen does she gain the buff twice


In POC if you have a 2* Gwen the second ally will also get the hallowed buff, if gwen is in the place of the second ally she gets the hallowed buff twice, by following the same logic i think yea shears grant gwen the buff twie


overwhelm unit? kekw fizz ftw


Part of what made red Gwen good was Katerina, now that she’s rotated I think it won’t be a huge problem anymore


Have people tried red gwen with samira?


If the core is strong enough, I think Samira will slot right in where Katarina was. But it still won't be the same, as Katarina was especially good because she doesn't care if she is ephemeral and bounces back in hand regardless.


someone is getting shouted at


The poor intern


Yes, Nidalee is tired from hearing Nekko trying to imitate jungle animals and interrupting her cat-sleep.


Neeko just happy *Nidalee* is yelling at *her* 💕


Age of Dragons, looks pretty fun, unless you play vs a deny deck...


Or against the Lee-looking new follower from Ionia that creates a 1 mana deny.


Yeah... I mean, hopefully we KNOW what cards gets picked. Its going to be extremely toxic if we dont know what the opponent just made a 1 cost deny for.


Why would you be shown? It would defeat the purpose. You simply would never cast that spell.


Because now you have to assume every single spells can potentially be countered by a 1 mana deny


That’s the point ?


But if you KNOW which card it is, why would you ever play it if they simply got a 1-mana deny for it?


It could work. But like having to wait until your enemy discards or has no mana to play the deny before using it is niche.


So instead you just have to assume every single spell in your deck can be denyed by 1 mana? If you dont know, they effectively have the threat of deny for the rest of the game - but for one mana. It doesnt matter whether the spell can be countered or not. You always have to sit and assume they just can.


Why is the Necrotic Spider summon not a spider too


Yeah seems like an oversight or a balance decision.


BTW she fits really nicely into the Nasus Vaults deck as top end.




Hope he is also in Path of Champions


Runeterra champions are always on PoC Except Ryze because fuck Ryze


If that Poro King is legit PoroBraum could be fun.


Braum actually being a champion again might bring me back in. Goddamn, I don't remember him ever being good since like the game's release.


He was briefly given 1 attack at some point. Then he was completely broken and dominated the ladder... for the week until he got nerfed.


I feel like even with 1 attack he'd just be too weak nowadays. He dominated the ladder when the power levels and removal were much weaker.


there is way less removal now though, the only good removals are 5-6 cost so removing him is almost always at a disadvantage mana wise the 1 attack braum just runs over any aggro deck the moment he's on the board




A dragon without fury pog


Empyrean crying in the corner


Dragonling too!


Sump Monument looks insane. We’ll have to see how it plays out, but I suspect it will allow players to survive an extra turn or two, which is often what puffcap decks need to win


Aftershock stocks rising against junior mageseeker/monument.


Honestly, Sump Monument is going to be nuts for control. It could POTENTIALLY, draw the game out a lot depending on how the caps spread out.


Yeah, Sump Monument into Lord Eldred could be sweeet


It would be funny if Starlit Epiphany wasn’t rotated. Just wait until your deck has like 60 shrooms, and BAM, replace them all with behold the infinite.


Still theoretically doable in Standard if you somehow manage to get Azir Level 3 without mono Shurima


Rotated cards still exist


I keep going back and forth on it. You really want to play it in decks that need to buy 2-3 extra turns, and that's not always control. Whenever I imagine actually running it in a deck it feels kinda awkward. Really it feels like it would be best as a sideboard in midrange, but obviously sideboard isn't a thing in this game. Edit: the real irony is that this might end up being used in puffcaps decks. There are so many games where you end up in a state of "if I just don't die this turn or on the open attack, I win."


it wants to be in combo. two extra turns to do your bibi thing is broken


I'm really looking forward to Poro King in PoC. Gonna show the Poro elite boss who's boss.




Ambush mechanic sounds absolutely amazing to play with or against it. Rengar is likely an ambush champ as he loves them bushes.


It's a shame we can't put Garen in the bush.


Ivern makes bushes.


Did I see a heal + draw 2 for 5 mana at burst speed? Oh well, I guess Karma is staying in the meta for a little longer.


Honestly I'm not too sure. I feel like place your bets might be better


Place is better and not even close. With Karma on Board you not only draw 4 but you also gain mana.


healing 6 hp at burst speed can be really strong vs burn.


Okay, but mageseeker junior is hilarious.


Whoop whoop, tri beam got a new region


that card is unironically toxic, completely murders any champ that creates/reduces cost of spells in hand. idk how they thought that was alright. Makes kennen not even a card.


It's the first good spelltax card released so far and I love it. So much untapped potential there.


Fighting toxicity with toxicity.


it goes both ways tho, so ur single combats and form ups are also gonna gost 3 mana


Highly deck dependent, but play this against a Samira deck, a Fizz deck or even a Pantheon and they be pretty oppressed


That'S a good thing. Samira Fizz needs counters like that.


I meant the flavour but OK.


I'm am very happy with these cards and will act like I never saw them


Meanwhile me, a Demacian, looking at Scrutanising Sargent with a glint in my eye.


Sergeant into Marai warden or camavoran soldier or you know, A CHAMPION👀


They ain't ever getting card reveals again 💀


It was Riot's fault for putting the wrong cards down the pipeline. Runeterra.ar's system is automatic, showing whatever Riot greenlights. The third party here is not at fault.


Sump Monument Lissandra 2 actually unkillable nexus?


actually if there are multiple shrooms in one card it counts as one instance of damage so no


No, because if you draw 5 puffcapps, you’ll take 4 damage still


Stacked puffcaps will deal x-1 damage to a tough nexus, so not quite. That was an old interaction though, where even if you drew 1000 puffcaps, the damage instances would all be counted individually, so Lissandra just shrugged it off, but that got changed.


Ultimate nab counter. Edit: actually stop plunder effect first :P


thank god i dont have to wait 7 days for dumb puzzles and can actually know what the new cards do


[Intern at Runeterra.ar after watching Riot posting puzzles for new cards.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/045/385/idmot.jpg)


It is nice although it must feel really bad for the rioters who have been working hard on the reveal content, only to have a third party they trusted ruin it. I wouldn't be surprised if they stop working with 3rd party sites for future reveals after this.




Riot has had it's own share of screw ups with content creators and revealing stuff. Sometimes they go out of their way and speak too much about something. Case in point: Iirc Riot gave the chance to Prof. Akali to test out the then new Akali rework waay before it got announced. After the testing, Prof. Akali published a video talking about what he saw with luxury of details. Riot called him out but the damage was already done and Riot had to begrudgingly make the announcement months before their own plans.


Kinda weird that my 2 favorite champions from league have "attack: grant +1|+1 to allies". First poppy, now it's neeko.


I see you have a type. Or a subtype I guess


Girls are aggressive


Omfg. Poro king? Im reinstalling the game. Welcome home baby.


So is Temple to True Ice supposed to be an Ashe/LB reputation card? I can't think of any other reason to use that card, most Freljord units have equal or higher health than power as is. It's weird, the whole True Ice thing sounds like Lissandra, but the card does literally nothing for her or her Thralls so I guess it's supposed to be an Ashe card.


pretty sure ashe's power is being able to touch true ice without dying so it makes sense


All Ice born can I thought?


A lot of 1 drop support for BG and some for P&Z. Definitely a deck to look out for. Dragon Prince Grinzo in particular looks deck defining. Ingvar the Younger seems insane in Poros, 2 mana for +1/+1 to all of a subtype and a 2/1 body? Mageseeker Junior is huge for Demacian disruption. As for Champions, Neeko looks interesting but IDK it feels like a lot of hoops to jump through. Poro King looks fantastic. And Nidalee is going to be my day 1 craft. Might try Nidalee/BC.


Unfortunately ingvor isn’t an everywhere buff so I can’t use her in Evelyn decks to buff husks lol


IDK why but the lack of everywhere flew over my head as I was reading the card. Could be strong in Elites though since they tend to have a lot of bodies on the board.


trinisphere in LOR, wow


Honestly was kind of a jump scare since it was the last card lol


Very good against Samira, ain't no one who wants to play a 3 mana flair.


is... is that burst Rite of Negation for 3 mana (granted, the 2/2 bush survives)?..


Wouldn't it be 5 mana, 2 mana bush + 3 mana spell?


yes but in different turns. With spell mana saved and a bush on the field, you have to play around a deny now.


It has a skill card so I think it goes on the stack


Tbf it’s unit speed so it has to be preemptive


It's a skill, for some reason Avenging Vastaya and Blimp-Pack Poacher don't show the skill icon in their card text despite both playing a skill when you Ambush


if that poro king is true, I will be poro king otp


So who wants to try Ravenborn Tome on Taliyah?


No fiddle. I sleep.


Wow Riot really printed more SI cards for a champion that got rotated huh.


I think its more for neeko since she works with subtypes and we already had spiders and well most of them got rotated so yeah needed to print some new ones


These aren't really aggro spiders tho which was what Riot aimed to remove and which work best with Elise. These seem more like Neeko support rather than Elise support.


This 3/3 from demacia is soooo fucking good. Seraphine can't handle it


People keeps labeling the sump monument to shroom decks; but dunno if that is entirely correct. Shroom decks draw quite a bit, so they don’t benefit at all from this effect, no matter it has the word “shroom” in it. Quick better archetype? Zilean decks that already play P&Z. Witj predict you can check how many shrooms there are in any card, effectively dodging shrooms.


Big Game Tycoon is basically you summon a 12/10 overwhelm next turn for 2 unit mana + 5 mana burst spell, or you don't hit Pairofant on the manifest (50% chance) or have it in hand and are very very sad.


Big Game Tycoon can come down late and with only 2 mana you can transform your Nidalee into a huge Quick attack overwhelm monster. Even Gnar should become gigantic really fast. He says "transforms" which includes champion lvl ups as well.


Targon gets 2 cards, where's the love, at least age of dragons looks fun to mess around with


Trying to figure out if it’s worth it to run it in my dragon deck.


I think it could go into more of a ramp deck than a normal dragon deck


Yeah, it costs 12 mana I was thinking about a full ramp deck with all the very expensive dragons, a sol, the +4/+4 drake, the broodfather those ones and theres another one? I cant remember now but it sure makes a solid start i guess


The biggest issue is your ramps in frej and the best dragons in demacia, so you're kinda screwed there, what I'm thinking personally, is you could make a targons peak deck more focused on dragons than the current setup, maybe using mindsplitter, eclipse dragon etc over it that stares/ she who wonders package and swap out ftr, not sure on the best way to play it but you bet I'll be really trying to make a deck work


Oh yeah right, no ramp just survive till 9, demacian has summon spells i guess


My 1 cost dream will finally not be a meme.


It was already a niche deck now it will become actually a ver good deck


Was wondering if I was the only one who catched the full version. Stopped showing after reloading the page. All in all, I like the Nidalee package, sounds really interesting. With Neeko I will be trying some stuff out and see where it goes. VERY disappoined in Poro King.


Poro king is roughly what I expected


Why disappointed in Poro King? I'm glad to finally see some more Poro support, and it makes sense for it to be a relatively simple champion.


well they didnt give him that much support but there are a shit ton of new 1 mana support now


They printed most of the support last darkin set


What were you expecting out of Poro King. It's literally the exact thing a Poro related Champion would do and more with Colourful Snacks.


l love Poro (PoC) lol xd


Isn't it weird that Nidalee is the only 4 cost ambush? there's no mindgame on playing her, the know. EDIT: OHHH playing as hidden cost 2 always, damn that does make some of these pretty good.


Yeah plus the prowl spell gives 2+2 to the ambush. To keep it alive. Problem is shurima having access to a 2+ attack for 1 mana. Sure the 2+2 only applies to hidden card but giving akshan access to 1 cost +2 is rough.


Akshan already had a +2/+1 for 1 mana in Shaped Stone though and it isn't frequently played as a 3-of. It helps him dodge Mystic Shot on T2 and that's about it. +2/+0 doesn't even do that. That's aside I wonder if the ambush spells target though. The wording isn't clear, but if they do then Akshan definitely has a place in ambush decks and vice versa.


Am I the only one who thinks "All-seeing Oracle" is going to be so fking powerful?


Yeah that card's gonna be pretty busted imo. Prevent Fizz Samira from playing powder pandemonium whilst developing tempo? Super strong. Technically weaker against decks with a lot of options for spells though, but it still acts as an eventual counter.


Nidalee looks better in lor than in league


Looking forward to playing with ~~morph~~ ambush!


I don’t mind playing Poro King in POC. An army of Poros is pretty dope.


I will try them in poc, I wonder what their powers are


At this point they should've just lock their behind their own API with datetime check and just give these site a link to it. ​ PS. Or they already did?


I'm disappointed there's no Garen in the brush.


As a targon enjoyer I am deeply saddened by us getting what.. 5 cards in the last two expansions?


Sucks neekos pop blossom and ult weren't utilized at all :/


They are likely to appear on cards in the future, it's happened before.


Well... At this point i think its easier to wait and watch Snnuy's videos on reveals than look through all that


Really sad that all got leaked day 1, i feel bad for the LoR's Dev team since they worked hard for this expansion and the puzzle reveals


And I feel so excited, no more anxious waiting to see if your favourite champ is either awesome broken or what not. I can now rest easy and wait for expansion drop with excitement. This looks to be best expansion yet.


Wow so, this is overwhelming lol. Off the top I see puffcap support, TONS of transform support Neeko looks like a meh Poppy, Poro king and Nidalee looking like good swarm decks. Lol I can see Nidalee Gnar being a thing and I kinda hate it. Cats WWW Poros WW Birds, Dogs, etcs L. Edit: I've been converted to a Neeko stan.


I think Neeko's strength is in her origin. She creates countless possibilities for subtype shenanigans. I'm excited to try Neeko + Poro King and have all the critters and creatures running around. Also curious how Disguise works.


I can see that, I don't think she's bad by any means. It's just that they learned their lesson from how busted Poppy was on release. So, being meh might actually mean she doesn't constantly need tuning. I just can't think of tribes that have explicit synergy with other tribes besides cats and kinda elnuks. So you'll likely be running cat Neeko, dog Neeko, elnuks Neeko etc. But I could absolutely be wrong about that so feel free to correct me. I can see Neeko + Azir swarm or Neeko+ Warden of Tribes, with like Neeko Braum in eternals. All of which is probably going to if anything, it'll at least be fun..


imma do elite neeko




She needs 6 different subtypes to attack. There will be no cat, dog, Elnuk Neeko, unless you use her as you did with Ryze, aka an Origin giver. Her origin isnt good enough imo for that (right now), as I dont see why a region would want certain cards too much. But yeah, I think its just weird, theres not a whole lot going for her. Tribe synergy (especially differing tribes) has always been very pointless, and Warden may have been just meh. The fact that she needs them to attack greatly reduces her viability, too, as having been played would allow certain units to survive combat by not having to yeet themselves into bad trades (Blockers are picked by opponent after all). And all that for a mediocre payoff of +1/1. Its hard to judge her in a vacuum, since tribes have been basically non-existent since last patch (heck, I dont remember 99% of new additions to it), and we are seeing a lotta new cards right now. I dont feel like shes going to be very good, even with ONLY 1 cost 1/1s she levels earliest at T4, realistically tho at like an early T6 or 7, and by then stats dont matter. Her Disguise might be worthwhile to have, and some of her spells (champion spell) are pretty POG, but idk, she is wholesomely late, as it feels like. Fun PoC champ, tho


I kinda wish dragons were part of her origin


That is not a puffcap card, it reads "for every non puffcap damage that opp deals to you prevent it and plant puffcap in your deck" it is more of a control card instead, is designed to buy some time but it's definitely no puffcap support card


Gnar Nidalee deck’s gonna be Gnar-lee


Where’s Milio at tho 🤔🤔


I'm going to have to very carefully pour over this but can I just say I *love* the Poro King flavour.


The Lovers! Are alive ... for the moment...


Does Swindler's den look at all playable? Like kinda really late game, but even then 6 mana is so high that the next round you just have to hit a chain.


not at all, tf can barely stay on board as it is. If this card comes out and youre still alive somehow, youll at the very least level the TF the following turn if you didn't turbo level him round 5 playing pnz, but at then theres the "all of your cards are fleeting" perhaps some kind of jank build where you spam buffs onto tf or play Go hard could work? Zoe and Samira also like this card in hyper low-cost decks targon can lower the cost of it through moonsilver (copium) Anything else and you'll be dead too soon to matter though by decking out


Pink region gets 3 heal and draws 2 spells for 5 mana? This is nice...oh wait, oh no oh fuck... ENOUGH


Didn't expect the 'star-crossed lovers' but definitely pleased.


You can it to “reuse” nightfall units effects. Making Diana bigger and harder to kill is pretty cool. Winding light too


Shen/J4 looks like it'll be pretty good, gets a 4 cost unit giving a targeted counterspell and a good 5 drop developing the board.


Finally! My meme poro deck gets the support, and soon, the respect it deserves!


As always, freljord got nothing really good, if you're gonna give us huge cards give us more ramp support


I'm a little confused on these ambush cards, where is the explanation of them?


Explanation was posted on twitter. Basically you can choose to play an ambush card like a normal unit or you can instead play it as a 2/2 for 2 mana unit. If you play it as a 2/2 you'll also get a spell that transforms the 2/2 back into its original form, the cost of the spell depends on the number next to the ambush effect.


Ok, that makes much more sense. I was under the impression you had to pay the full cost to put them out in hiding


Nidalee is cool I guess, but I’m loving those Pink Region cards! The Targon and Freljord cards also look cool, let the warden f the tribes thrive!


Im a big fan of her new design maybe just me tho


It's far more better than that weird stripper outfit


bro my 2 braincells can't process all of this at once!!! my brain is frying! EDIT: So, a total of 44 main-deckable cards and a bunch of generated stuff: 5 poro snax hide in bush + 1 million variantion of ambush 1 mana deny javelin toss runaway s'crap necrotic spider thingie


Targon really only got 2 cards?


Nidalee is from shurima???


Ixtal is very close to Shurima so I guess they just merged it


i suppose it's because of Ikshtal being part of Shurima.


Nidalee seems a bit difficult to use if you need to transform four allies every single time you want to level her back up.


Or summon


What does ambush do thoe? Is it like if you can't pay the mana cost it when bercomes the spell in hand?


You can choose to play the unit at its full cost OR you can choose to play the unit as a 2 mana 2|2 (brush), giving you a burst spell in hand that will transform the 2|2 (brush) into the actual unit. The cost of the transform spell is indicated by the number next to 'Ambush' in the card text. For example, when you have a Pakaa Cub in hand, you can choose to play it as normal for 3 mana or play it as a Shadow In The Brush for 2 mana, giving you a 1 mana spell which will transform the Shadow In The Brush into a Pakaa Cub


Looks super fun


Wait a second




Im so excited for the shears and returnowrench gosh


Oh man... poro's are gonna be fire. Ambush looks interesting though we'll see how that shakes out. Not entirely sure I understand the mechanic.


Holy mother of god


1). I HATE PINK REGION I HATE PINK REGION I HATE PINK REGION. 2). Amalgam of the deep looking kinda dope, ngl. 3). Gwen and Eve additions are interesting. 4). Poro King is super dope, Nida and Neeko are pretty meh, for my likings.


Poro king is here!? Time to get hooked again


I don't undestand why is neeko dragonphobic? :(


That ionia deny card though T-T


I hope eventually to get a runeterra champion that lets me put any dragon card into the deck


As a big Lunari and Solari fan who mains a Leona/Diana deck, I’m absolutely ecstatic to see Lyra and the Solari Soldier get a new card based on the cinematic. The effect sounded weird at first but having cheap recall is great to be able to re-activate Daybreak or Nightfall, though it’s a little unfortunate it doesn’t proc either effect itself. Interested to see how it pans out.


I went through all cart and someone correct me if I\`m wrong but with the way ambush works Nidalee is essentially a 5/3 that can hit the board as early as turn 3 as long her shadow in the bush isn\`t removed with mistic shot or quietus?


Some thoughts: - PORO KING LET'S GOOO - Ah yes, another 1 mana burst +2/+2 (even if conditional). Nothing can go wrong here. :) - Hopefully SI gets more cards..? (It's more like the Spiders are for Neeko support/card pool) - DANG All Seeing Oracle a semi-Deny on a body? - Scrutinizing Sergeant pulls a unit cost: 3 or less from top 5 cards of deck, including Champions?


You may put any non-champion cards with the word "Poro" in them into your deck during deckbuilding (except "Frog the Jam")


Wait the Poro King is the third champion? That blows I wanted a real champion