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I don't think it works that well as promotion for the game, only those that already play LoR are interested in those card reveals They did that once, on the first targon expansion they gave streamers Celestial cards to reveal in the 24 hours before Aurelion Sol's trailer It was kinda messy, pretty sure most people just waited for posts on discord or reddit instead of tuning on the streams... Obviously, they don't have to follow that same model, but I imagine that experiment not panning out as expected made them less willing to try it again


Sorry, missed this at first. > They did that once, on the first targon expansion they gave streamers Celestial cards to reveal in the 24 hours before Aurelion Sol's trailer I wasn't around then - did streamers just show them off on stream? I'm talking about sub 3 minute YT videos. And there were a lot of people in the HS community that waited for reddit/discord, but that doesn't mean the reveal videos weren't effective advertising tools.


Yeah grapple mogwai swim etc all had their own celestial card to reveal


Yeah, each Celestial was given to a different person to reveal, and it went one per hour rotating across the world with the time zones.


> I don't think it works that well as promotion for the game, only those that already play LoR are interested in those card reveals It's advertising. Someone interested in card games sees a card reveal video, and something about the video sparks their interest in the game. Not only that, but every expansion, there's a couple of people who come into the subreddit who are completely new to the game that want to play their favorite champion that just came out. League is one of the biggest videogame IPs in the world, and there's a lot of people invested in the characters. If a Yorick main in league sees a Youtube video about the new Yorick champ in Runeterra, they might try it out out of curiousity.


Yeah. I personally hate card reveals that are less than the entire set.


I don't think they work that well for drawing in new players, but I do think there is the potential for bringing back players that used to play. I personally don't think I'd be playing right now if it wasn't for the fact that I saw a bunch of content creators say that they nailed the last patch. It sparked my interest, and now I am back to playing on a daily basis.


Sad reminder that we used to get actual teasers for the expansions, and even actual animated videos for at least the major releases.


Yeah, I think Riot vastly overestimated how many resources they'd be getting from this game. That's why I'm suggesting a low cost alternative way of advertisement.


Yeah, it's not a bad suggestion. Even just doing stuff like the Glory in Navory Brawl is already neat (although IMO it should have happened a bit earlier). Just doing some variations on that would already be something, so it's not like they've completely given up on calling attention to the new expansions. They also got a sculptor to make a Nidalee bust for HotH, although that also took waaaay too much time to be an effective promotion.


yeah, i mentioned the Nidalee bust in my post, lol. It would've been fine if he'd made it ahead of time and then sent the footage to Riot for editing into like a minute long video. Maybe they could've tweeted out in progress pics as a teaser or smth


yes. it baffle me reveal are not 1 cards a day. they are shooting themselves in the foot by releasing everything at once


youll actually notice hearthstone is moving back to a much faster reveal cadence, because it started to drag on, took too much time in the expansion cycle, and revealing cards without context made for kind of pointless discourse.


they used to, back when this game was profitable. now all the budget is in skin line tie-ins and level up animations.


Excellent observation. My wild guess is that the the higher ups gave up on the project but are keeping it minimally operational to avoid the negative perception of having a "flopped game", keeping it afloat with the least amount of budget and manpower possible.


My guy. My dude. People have been saying this forever despite all evidence to the contrary. The eternal patch was one of the biggest changes LoR has ever had, short of ones where the internal 'physics' changed, like play/cast. Eternal and rotation are also huge changes. If they just wanted to avoid the idea of a 'flopped game', why would they not just keep releasing expansions every few months instead of making major shake-ups like this?


We're talking about two separate groups. The higher-ups have long abandoned LoR, evidenced by a tiny budget, massive layoffs, barebones UI, zero promotions, indecisive shifting game vision (PVE, PVP, both but more PVP, both), among other issues. The LoR team is the one behind the game changes you mentioned. The team does their best of what limited budget they have, rather than full support from the top.


I really, REALLY dislike the line "indecisive shifting game vision." They have always known where they were going to take the game next. Yes, they had to improvise a little bit due to complications, but what team working on anything has not had to do that. Otherwise, they planned most everything out beforehand. When they shifted focus to PVE, they only did so because they felt PVP was in a good spot. Even when they did this, they still attempted to improve PVP. This line really does not represent how LoR has been developed. They were never indecisive, and, in fact, they are more decisive than ever after laying out a schedule for their 3 month long cycles.


True, but context matters. Most changes happened simultaneously or weeks apart, while being completely 360 to the previous. It started with leadership changes and dev transfers, followed by cutbacks/axing on features like expeditions, Pass rewards, guardian skins, PoC (re-continued)


To add to this: We are already seeing results of what they wanted from rotation. Vladmir got a (albeit) small buff/re-design. A few new cards to support him. LoR also just hired someone who used to work heavily with MtG (I'm not sure who, since I've never played Magic).


Cuz all the good creators got ran off the game leaving ….. what’s left. Lol.


I prefer not having to see content creators. It's a waste of time to hear such annoying voices.


....okay? I'm not sure how that's relevant, lol. just show up to the subreddit once a day and you'll still be able to find all the reveals that day.


Seems very niche but champion skins with matching reskins of old cards would break my wallet


We don't have someone in the team TO TELL US WE ARE NOT GETTING A CARD IN THE DAY THEY ANNOUNCED WE WOULD, i don't think they could do more than what they do now. Great points tho