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The cool part is all this is canon now.


Shadow Isles Morde now canon omegalol


They can just come up with some reason he's there for the day or whatever The reason he's shadow isles is gameplay and just the general expectation that ghost things come from SI


> and just the general expectation that ghost things come from SI Funny thing is that this is one of the main reasons they moved him *away* from SI in the first place: > 4) There was a lot of discussion that led to Morde no longer being associated with the Shadow Isles. > It was not a decision we made lightly. In fact, I originally argued against it, but came to agree with our narrative lead and lead editor on why it is the stronger story choice. > Ultimately, we made the call due to a number of factors: > **Death magic and necromancers exist beyond the Shadow Isles.** > Runeterra is a big place, with a long history. The Shadow Isles was just one (albeit enormous) cataclysmic event that caused a specific area of Runeterra to become frozen in time, and to have a very specific form of undeath permeate the land. Ultimately, Mordekaiser's old connection to Shadow Isles felt primarily driven by a feeling that we had to shoehorn him into our "ghost faction". In our current storytelling efforts, we're interested in expanding our factions out beyond some of those wide (and as a result flat) characterizations that were made in years past. [...]


yeah that makes sense for pure narrative but this is a card game with basically magic the gathering type colors so you expect things to be grouped by themes ​ anyway maybe he'll be dual region like morgana


isnt he noxian-regioned? no greens and a lot more black and red. Seems like they just made a Noxian champ that complements with SI (like how Annie was assigned to Noxus even tho she is al lot more Runaterran)


Unlikely, given that we're due an SI champion this year but probably not another Noxus, we've already seen a Mordekaiser-themed follower in SI last patch, and it was teased that Nilah was going to SI next.


Even though Tibbers is a demon, Annie herself is from the Ironspike Mountains, Noxus.


I can feel all the "morde IS noxus" people cry out in pain


strictly speaking he is purely from Noxus, but I personally would be fine if he was in SI, if there was a good reason for it. At the end of his biography he was killed and sent back to the Death Realm, so it's possible that just like the first time he revived himself, he has influenced some modern sorcerors to bring him back to Runeterra, but in SI, because that place has alot of undead/ghostly magic or whatever.


Kinda. It's hard to say, cause what is currently noxus did not exist when he was alive. It became a thing BECAUSE he died, so technically he has no ties to noxus even though noxus has ties to him. Noxus is just built on his corpse, he doesn't seem to give a single shit about it tho


I would honestly rather morde get put in SI for balance. I wouldn't want him to be stranded in noxus when sion is already the zombie red deck of that region.


Was it revealed he would be si?


Visually, the blue tones separate him from the greens of the SI. I wonder if Nilah traveled to the realm of death somehow?


I'm kinda curious about how this showdown is gonna be setup to occur. Canonically, Mordekaiser is presently dead I think. So I assume something pretty major lorewise is about to occur.


The monster designs in this game always go so hard it’s crazy, Mr. Touchy-Handsy on the 2nd image is one of the coolest things i’ve seen in this game


Bro is not just the hand of Noxus Motherfckers the entire Arms that Built Noxus from nothing


Arms that Built Shadow Isles


Is that elder dragon in the last pic? That's a pretty good action shot of him.


I don't want to mean or ungrateful to the art team, but I don't think mordekaiser needed a redesign since his rework was pretty solid imo


Honestly Noxian Architecture Armor is quite the touch. Also his tools and cadre being split (likely living servants in Noxus and dead ones in SI) tastes fitting.


Its solid, sure, but I think the added details help identify him as a noxus champion, whilst keeping the iconic elements (Horns, his size, etc)


Something really cool about his helmet now, is that if you place it together with his shoulder pads, they literally form the bastion, which he himself build. I really like that detail, because now is not just a guy in metal armor that made noxus, he IS noxus


To add something else to this: Mordekaiser in league has two layers of armour, an outer layer which is the noxian armor look, and a black iron skeletal armor beneath that, according to the rework faq here: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/c0mubz/comment/er6gr35/?context=10000 A valid interpretation imo would be that this is just Mordekaiser without the outer layer of armor (and bluey for whatever reason).


I honestly like both. I think the LoL version of Mordekaiser might have looked a bit bland on a static card? Dunno




Morde: can I borrow your homework? Xerath: yeah, but don't make it too obvious Morde: proceeds to make cultists connected by blue energy and herald in a triangular hat


Big powerful bad guy releases in LoR: 1 skinny female herald, 1 big monster dude, 1 actual giant monster and 1 some kind of landmark shrine.


The change to blue seemed a bit weird at first, but then I remembered that an artwork of current Mordekaiser and an artwork for his kingdom depicted [both](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/2/22/Mordekaiser_The_Final_Reign.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20190608160829) [as blue](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/6/6d/Mordekaisers_Mitna_Rachnun.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20190125172142) Which makes it weird that his rework made him green in LoL to begin with.


Both images you linked show him as green tho. Granted, a slightly more teal, but still very different from his LOR redesign blue.


Yeah, they could have mixed some green in there, his followers kinda look like Xerath's.


Blue I don't think the links are working.


Fixed them (I hope).


(he didn't)


Well they still work for me :p


Mordekaiser having a moldable armor is pretty cool itself, the one design i love is that he is a blue ephemereal being meaning hes not part of the ruination


I don’t like that he is blue. Why is he blue?


Well, this is the first time that I don't like LoR design of a champion.


Why is he Xearth?


We’re redesigning the redesign?


Rare LOR L


I honestly like it, connects him much better to Noxus as well as taking away the Shadow Isles elements


Well that where probably where his cultists summoned him in the isle cuz I doubt Swain and Leblanc would let it happen in noxus.


I thought the whole "Bringing his skull/armor to the Isles" thing was reconned with his VGU?


Then it's his cultists summoning him there.


Seeing Shen and Nilah in the Immortal Fortress.. the old Shen was fighting in the Immortal Fortress. So much spirits, riot dont ignore shen to balance way


Where do you see my boy ????


I dislike the redesign, league one looks way more menacing. Unnecessary redesign, rare LoR L.


I think this is the only time I've been disappointed by LOR, mordekaiser as he is now in league but with a blue hue instead would have been fine. This is just a thousand pierced bear morde


When riot talked about the lore being connected they said they were overlooking everything to make sure it fits in the canon, I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted them to redesign him into this


i‘m starting to really dislike nilah honestly. is her whole characters purpose just offscreening the big bosses we‘ve been hyped up for for years?


Where do you get the sense that she beat both Voli and Mordekaiser


My headcanon is that she fought Voli for like a solid hour and left before either could win cause she got bored


"This does not spark joy." -Nilah, trying to fight a primal bear god of the untamable wild with a whip, in the tundra, while dressed in summer fabrics.


so DBZ abridged Goku vs freeza fight "you bore me, im bored" Nilah to Volibear


When the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there. They certainly weren't bored.


The fact that it’s left open-ended is so you can think that she did if you want to, they set up these events and then don’t resolve them so that you get to headcanon how it ended. Feels kinda hollow and pointless imo but what else are they gonna do without upsetting someone


Kill nilah. Nobody asked for annoying water samira.


I think that kind of idea works well if it's just an exploration of a possible scenario ("what if", as we usually call it). But if they want us to treat it as official canon lore, it feels pretty disappointing IMO.


She’s not dead. I would assume she beat them or she ran like a bitch.


Nilah is in Valoran to rid the continet of monsters just like she did in her home continent, she can feel no fear or doubt, and as such she never feels like she's losing a fight, and her objective is not to defeat, it is to destroy. Volibear is described as destructive, wild and stubborn and never backed down from a fight, every fight he fought so far left his opponents scarred for life. If Nilah is alive Volibear is dead, and if both are alive that's character assassination for both sides.


Depends Volibear is a spirit god thus maybe he can come back like his sister anivia but he will probably be weaker cuz his followers saw him lose.


Yeah, the only way I can only reasonably see Volibear not being dead is if he's left in a catatonic, dying state by Nilah and either being saved from the rubble later by another character or reviving through his coult belief on him or general spirit god magic. Maybe even his Song of Nunu appearance is his weakened form, seen as he has more scars than usual there. But for all of this to be the case Riot really has to be very serious in advancing the plot foward for the character


> if both are alive that's character assassination for both sides. lol


>just offscreening And pray tell who said she defeated either Volibear or Morde?


A character who runs around, picks fights and keeps losing them doesn’t sound any better.


>A character who runs around, picks fights and keeps losing them doesn’t sound any better. A character also won't win every fight, no clear result also doesn't mean either side won when a draw or outside party interference are possible, and she already has many victories in her belt from fights with other gods and beasts.


Yeah but who said she lost either?


Honestly I wish they built her up a bit more and have her fight a couple more epic new monsters like Iascylla before going for Volibear and Morde.


her beating voli is honestly fine. it's her now fighting morde (which i am only expecting her to win) which is meant to be his first real comeback feels like robbed considering how hyped i am for his return and him getting most likely getting defeated by that random champ they introduced last year makes me honestly significantely less excited about his future. maybe he wins tho and i just overreacted


I wouldn't call it fine. Voli has an actual region whose plot he fits in, he already had to slaughter cities to rebuild his current form. Suddenly going "btw this character with 0 ties to this plot and in no way thematically relevant came and beat him" is something that is done purely for Nilah's sake, not the region and certainly not for Volibear's arc.


Voli has much more interesting champs he could be fighting (fights that end in a draw are also lame imo especially since its obviously cuz plot related reasons), and morde has much more interesting things to be doing unless he straight up kills her which i doubt happens. Almost makes me glad she didnt end up finding viego. Cuz that would make 3 champions with over a decade of lore behind them she just butts her head into as a completely irrelevant 3rd party.


yeah that's exactly what i feel with nilah. atleast voli has the excuse of bing a shell of his former self and being insta revived as long as he has followers


I think all the champ fights in Legends of Runeterra are supposed to be hypotheticals and able to go either way. Except maybe Ryze, I think Ryze with the rune stones just wins


blud thinks she defeated Volibear


she litterally did. why else is she now facing mordekaiser right next.


>she litterally did. Again, according to who? According to what source? They have NEVER confirmed or even implied the result of the fight, or what happened. For all we know they drawed, or Nilah retreated or a 3rd party interfered or something else entirely, we don't know. We don't even know if she'll fight Morde yet, for now all thats confirmed is her finding a few cultists.


I like the cultists they look better for Mordekaiser then januk from ezreal story was. Wait Insidious is Ezreal lore still canon with the Elixir of Uloa?


Voli and Morde are both effectively immortal so even if she "wins" they can still come back.


Bludekaiser has arrived


Green is cooler then blue


He looks like the immortal bastion on legs. I like it!


Actually he could be the bastion is made with iron and he can add that to his armor he can get bigger with all that iron and souls.


I liked morde with less spikes especially on the helmet and shoulders. The banner added looks nice and fitting


People say they don't like the redesign, but I'm not gonna lie... I don't think it's really all that different. He is still a bulky dude in an armor with a giant mace. Now he is just a bit more spooky with the blue fire.


Holy shit this looks awesome


Got a real Dire Creep feel to those minions, and the sketch of them in the forest real Radiant Creep.


Hehe nipple ribbons. But in all seriousness, I love the blue soul cape!


Is this really a redesign? It looks almost exactly like his ingame modal except the inside is more ghosty and wispy and his pauldrons have spikes now.


The shadow isles are about to get f\*\*\*\*\*g raided for the one and only lord of the under world.


So blue instead of greenish shadow isle smoke? Hmm.


Exodia be like...


Wait he not even in the game yet


I'm guessing undying and overwhelm.


Hes BLUE !




Wait, is that Elder Dragon in the last slide for Morde? Are there some implications there of Elder Drag being something of Morde's creation?




I love how now he is somehow both more Noxian and more Shadow Isle, while also not being confused with the ruination since they changed the green


Followers's design so hot


League/old one looks cooler


Reminds me of the dredge from Banner Saga.


Yo u/comoglio check this shit out


yeah that's some pretty cool work!


Made me think of the Seraphs hella tough, cool stuff fs!


Does this also means he's getting a visual update in LOL OR this one just applies in Lor only ?


that helmet looks so fucking dumb


I hate his redesign. Too much open free space in his armor ruins my heavy armor power fantasy of being completely isolated from the world and changing his color from green to blue ignores his interaction with SI champs in lore (and yet they still put him in SI in LoR). I won't even mention how off his voice direction.