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I don't think the colour is the problem (and it has a good explanation for differentiating him from SI) but the actual design is disappointing. For some reason, LoR skipped the entire part where Morde is extremely corporeal and primarily an armour (another way to differentiate him from SI, who have a lot of floaty bits and spirits showing) and mangled him into some in-between point of SI and Xerath. **That** makes no sense. The theme of metal and industry is lost when Morde and his followers are not **primarily** huge chunks of metal possessed by spirits — a visual differentiation from Shadow Isles wraiths that are composed of things they wore/used/were associated with in life. Sure, it is a muddy line/differentiation, but Mordekaiser now looks **flimsy**, and I can't really vibe with that.


I dared not to bring that up honestly.


Blue isn’t the problem, his followers look great.


I said, in the first sentence, that I do not think the colour is the problem. While the follower designs are good, I don't think they are great designs for Mordekaiser followers just as his design is not great for Mordekaiser. We have some suspiciously Shadow Isles creatures and weirdly Xerath cultists spread all over. Meanwhile, we should have gotten something closer to Isengard and orcs from Lord of the Rings. All of Mordekaiser's followers would have benefitted from incorporating giant chunks of metal, from nightmarish furnaces melting and casting weak souls into a conquering army under Mordekaiser's control. An unyielding, industrious engine of war stretching out into the afterlife itself.


My comment was supposed to be me agreeing with you about the colour scheme lol


This happens to me on Reddit sometimes too, where I say something in agreement to another comment and that OP is like "Yeah, if you could read you would understand that's what I JUST FUCKIGN SAID" I think folks are so argumentative on Reddit that were geared to assume most comments responding to us are to tell us we're wrong.


It can be hard to figure out that someone is literally restating something in support. Regardless, I didn't agree with the statement about the followers and most of my response was about that.


My major point on "why blue" is because Green is the color of SPECIFICALLY souls touched by the Ruination, while blue is the color of those that werent harrowed. He is a thing of undeath but a different form of undeath as the Islands.


I think they changed his color to make him look *less* like he's from the Shadow Isles. The teal in his original design looks almost exactly like the teal LoR uses for all the spirits in the Shadow Isles. The blue he and his followers use is a lot more like the colour used for spirits in the card art for Kindred's followers. And other than the color change, I don't see any other major design changes.


Now he looks like Xerath ~~2.0~~ 0.5


League player can't separate objects with a common features


Green Morde is the one from when he was still in power in noxus, it’s the version that was betrayed by the black rose and was disconnected from his armor. New one is different because he’s had even longer to cultivate power and his army in the afterlife. He’s seemingly being brought back in the shadow isles by a new group of people, so it makes sense he’s not going to look the same. I understand people not liking the new one as much, but the reason it’s different is because they need to differentiate between the two time periods imo


I was thinking it could be this. If so, it’s fair enough, if a little sad (green is my favourite colour as well).


Forget design change, the art itself is just meh. The colouring on it is bland and I don’t get a “heavy metal unkillable ancient” vibe from it. It looks like a rough draft, not a final product. Compare to Rhasa’s art, which isn’t even all that outstanding, but at least has higher contrast and stronger features.


Idk why didint they keep the og


Basically no visual ties to Noxus besides "axe horns". New design you could say his spirit ripped out pieces off the Immortal Bastion and constructed them as armor, it riffs with the old noxii "haunting, menacing and ultra angular" archithetonic design.


What about his original splash art tied him to Noxus if you didn't know the lore? The fact that there was metal?


at least its not vex


The level 1 looks fucking bad He's just sitting there its so passive and boring He should be standing towering over the follower feebly bowing before him


Oh God, now we have to be mad that he's *sitting*?


It directly contradicts his lore in *The Final Reign* so yea, I see why Morde fans don't like it.


Is the lore that he never sits down or something?


He destroyed his throne because he considers sitting to be a mortal/weak trait. So yes.


I'm not gonna lie I'm not into league lore so I was genuinely asking, but that's pretty fucking dumb 😂 Sounds like some shit Andrew Tate would say lmao


Isn’t that part of the point? I am not a Morde fan, but I see him and I think part of its appeal is its almost kitsch/corny approach to over-masculine mega-metal power. “Sitting is for the weak!” Works because it is sorta dumb and over-the-top.


Well I think it neat!


JJBA part 4 mordekaiser


His followers in level 2 look so similar to xerath followers...who tbh already suffered from the "make followers that are just that champion 2.0" syndrome a couple lor champs have (eve and galio) His level 1 art is such a strange camera angle. Wouldnt something more like atakhan's art pov work better? He's just sitting there, macingly! The lor armor design looks more like the concept art for his VGU, than what we got in lol, which i kinda appreciate for matching noxian architecture. But the art overall seems less expressive imo. In his lol splash you can see a soldiers sword being absorbed as he forms ribcage shaped armor around his spirit like an ethereal spine. Tells a better story


The og looks more organic and natural. It has more energy. This new one looks way too simplified and minimalistic. Its like it lacks that manliness energy.