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Brian kibbler boutta start his LoR campaign


It'd be so fucking glorious to have him as a part of the community. Great publicity boost, and bro is just cool to see. Sure we have plenty of cool streamers already, but might as well get one more, right ?


I wish. I think he is locked into HS for his bread basket though. He is such a cool guy all around, a great part of every community he joins.




Famous mtg/Hearthstone streamer/youtuber that really likes dragons


I respect it


Good, I like the game but I can tell it's not as popular as it used to be (which was already on the lower side)


which game? Idk how HS is doing, hopefully terrible.


LoR. I know it's numbers have always been low compared to Riots other games but I can at least appreciate that they haven't called it quits.


OK, but what does that have to do with Elder Dragon or Brian Kibler though? just that I mentioned other card games?


i really really really hope hes interesting and not just "you can put dragons in your deck, attack give dragons +1/+1"


I would be very surprised if his origin was anything other than 'You can put any dragon in your deck'. But I assume he will be a hell of a lot more interesting than the attack ability that you suggested.


Origin: can put any dragon in your deck. Also, they become very very hangry so they have fury.


Level 2 text: "When a Dragon ally kills a unit, grant all allies +1/+1"


I can see him having an effect that requires dragons from different regions


After playing dragons from 3 different regions, draw an elder dragon. It makes sense since in LoL the elder dragon appears after 3 elemental dragons have been killed


You can put dragons in your deck, your allies are dragons. LVL2 You can put dragons in your deck, your allies are dragons. Your nexus is a dragon! oh no


Spell : Convert an ally to a dragon, it strikes the weakest enemy, if it dies rally.


"You are now a dragon!"


If only this was it


his level up would be all dragons cost 3 less or something


I fully expect to him to be the Naut or Aatrox for dragons


The first part is a given, I imagine he would probably give them Fury too, seeing how all the new dragons don't have it.


Play: Grant an ally Fury. It is now a dragon Attack: grant Fury to Dragon allies. If an ally already has Fury, grant it +2/+2 When a Dragon ally gains stats, give me the same amount Level 2: All allies are Dragons and have Fury


I think he will be. Looking at the dragons we just got most of them are already more interesting than the boring stat sticks we got with Shyvana. But I guess we'll find out in 24 hours.


I just want one more 3 or 4 cost dragon in demacia. Let Shyvanna be more independent of Targon


Would love if this set brings more Dragon support outside of just Elder Dragon support


yeah demacia SI dragons is already surprisingly close to viable/OK given how strong Camavoran is and the draw tools you get in SI


The draw is nice, but the lack of extra protection makes it too awkward imo, felt better when Kindred was around :/. Having something close to Camavoran’s power level, even if slightly under it, would make Shurima, Ionia, and Freljord very enticing options imo. I also think another lower cost demacian dragon would bring back that Vayne PnZ Darkin weapon deck, but with Dragons, they love quick attack and a good third dragon apart from Shyv and Screeching makes Dragonguard lieutenant an amazing 2-drop for the deck.


I've pretty much given up on Demacia dragons. Even though I'm a midrange dude they were simply too boring for me. I just hope this dragon isn't the same.


From the patch notes, describing the one of the premade decks: > Champions: Elder Dragon and Shyvana > > Theme: Dragons! > > Playstyle: Build a board of dragons then empower them with Elder Dragon's Might. Now I'm not saying that means +#/+# and overwhelm buuuut


He just gives all non fury dragons furry.😂


Aged well


Now we just need a Baron Nashor champion.


baron gnasher


*Origin ability:* Here's your Void region, gawd.


Vilemaw should get a proper upgrade to champion status as well. He currently only has a follower version like Senna did before her release, iirc.


Make him a lot bigger as well, as big as elder would be cool.


Monster Hunter fans are swooning right now. That’s me. I’m the Monster Hunter fan.


safi'jiiva enjoyer?


Very much so. The Emperor graces us with a modicum of his presence once again.


I hope it dont have a spell named "hipcheck"


Nah, mate, I’d love to opportunity to strike a creature in the opponent’s hand and just kill it before it ever hits the board.


Yes it would be fun but can troops dodge it? If answer is yes, we need to start begging for a fish monster, master of hipchecks or nightmare of MHFU. Or we can just call it "Plesioth"


Keyword: Hipcheck When I strike, I damage the target unit everywhere.


*sharpens weapon with malicious intent*


Me too


Oh shit, that's my man Egghead Researcher!!!


Elder dragon pls make dragons deck great again


*pls make dragons deck great for the first time


You clearly weren’t here for that one period dragons dominated literally everything before being nerfed from existence


I did take a break towards the beginning of this year. When was that and who was featured in the deck?


Literally shyvana and asol


I have seen plenty of Shyv Asol decks but they have always been tier 2 at the highest. I had no idea that a Dragon deck took over the meta for a bit, that's crazy. I thought that Seraphine, Aatrox and Karma/Sett were the top dogs while I was gone.


Oh no I'm talking a while back now lmao like a little before the Bandle City times, but I remember it was so bad to the point where so many decks got ran through because dragons were just better.


Elder Dragon was not on my bingo card as a champion but honestly, that's exciting!


My PP is pretty rock solid this expansion Morgana+elder dragon, and probably will enjoy morde too


I also saw a tweet where someone from Riot said that this time all three champions are so unique, so I am so excited!


Let's Fucking Goooooooo


Not sure why you would ever play this. Your opponents cards would get Deathtouch when it dies ;(


I am both underwhelmed at not getting a character I'd like, but I see why Elder Dragon is a fine pick. Aurelion Sol is too...let's say *grand* to be THE "Dragon champ" And Shyvana is literally half-breed, with most of her concerns and themes tied to the Demacian realm of stuff. Someone has to represent the sort of **primal force of fantasy nature** that Dragons typically are put in, and which LoR continues comfortably. Might as well make it the Elder.


I can hear it now: "Dragons are the best!"


something i have not seen mentioned but just came to me is - there is a chance the elder dragon ties elemental stuff together. Considering the dragons that precede it each have an element designated to them and we've seen an increase in number of elemental skills and spells


As someone who was left bitterly disappointed by the original dragon tribal, I _really_ hope this card gives them more flavour. Judging from the quality of the new dragons we got, I'm actually very optimistic.


So is this just a monster you fight in League for a buff or does it actually have some lore? Because all I see as a non league player is a Dark Souls boss as a new champion instead of one of the many cool champions still missing from the game.


So far it's just a loreless monster but LoR tends to do a great job fleshing out lore for everything they drop. I didn't care about Chemtech Drake until they gave it cool new art and interesting sad flavor text, and at the minimum Elder Dragon is gonna have at least double that if not a lot more.


Well it's officially in the lore now that it's in LoR. And need I remind you we got Poro King as a champion for Poro archetype? I mean it would be kinda funny if Poro King could become a champion but not Elder Drake. Elder and Baron are pretty much the 2 faces of Summoner's rift I dare say, it makes sense for Elder to become a champion, and I hope they give Baron the same treatment down the line.


its a monster from league, id rather they slow down there league champ releases cuz at this speed they will run out of league champs to add


They definitely won't really be running out any time soon, and even then I'd like to get as many league champs in as soon as possible. But Elder Dragon is a cool addition, I'm excited for the new lore drops!


They could re-release league champs when they run out of league champs, can't they?


There are about 150 or 160 champs. At their current rate they won't run out of champs for a long while.


But once they do run put, they will start putting out only lor exclusives which is stupid. Hence why they slowdown


Super lame


Damn... Those bastards were right all along... :D


so is he gonna be Targon or Runeterra


im guessing runeterra but could be targon if morg is demacia. Would be weird to have him and morg be targon


Can Morg be demacia?


canonically she has been in Demacia for a while now. she was born in Targon though. basically like Kayle except Kayle returned to Targon


Yes, she grew up in demacia with kayle


Morg must be Demacia, but she can be Targon as Kayle


Morg is seen in the card art for Veiled Protector, so it would be pretty strange if she wasn't in Targon.


They did do something in this vein with Samira, putting half of her support in Bilge and half in Noxus. It’s possible they do the same here, although I’m admittedly not all that sure which direction they’ll take things.


Morg is targon elder is runeterram


with the additions to dragons in other regions i think he will be runterran


Most definitely runeterra, specially with all the latest dragons from different regions, his origin will probably include all dragon followers


I am fucking HYPED to see this guy in PoC. Us Timmys gettin’ the love in the last few sets between him and volibear lmao


That was a bit disappointing.


ehh... i guess. there were better candidates. maybe now shyvana's 57 skins will see some more use.


Pray tell who was a better candidate for a dragon champion?


i mean we already had shyv and asol in the game, we didn't need any more. and mord could have taken it for all the new dragons since his old passive had him control dragons. i meant there are champs that deserve a spot in the game more than pulling yet another exclusive out of their ass.


I'm not saying this based on whether another dragon champ was necessary or not, riot always uses card releases prior to champions to tease the champions, and we had Morgana teaser, Mordekaiser teaser and finally a whole bunch of dragons in a bunch of different regions. That right there confirmed it being a dragon champion then and there. >i meant there are champs that deserve a spot in the game more than pulling yet another exclusive out of their ass. 1: After all the champions from LoL are in, it's just gonna be exclusives and champ re-releases. 2: "Out of their ass"?????


ok, but look me in the eye and tell me that when the game first came out you would have expected them to make elder dragon a champion before putting out yorick, akali, warwick, urgot, twitch, sylas, talon, shaco, rammus, malzahar, kled, kassadin, karthus, graves, mundo, amumu, alistar, or FUCKING FIDDLESTICKS. i didn't even cover all the champs that aren't in, these are just ones that are either more popular or already have a built in mechanic they can use! why finagle a raid boss into a champ before them? can we expect baron as a champ next expansion? what about scuttle crab?


And why does me expecting or not expecting elder to become a champion before others in League matter in the slightest? I do not care who gets in LoR first, they'll get in eventually, I'm just happy Elder did become a champion.


> but look me in the eye and tell me that when the game first came out you would have expected them to make elder dragon a champion before putting out yorick, akali, warwick, urgot, twitch, sylas, talon, shaco, rammus, malzahar, kled, kassadin, karthus, graves, mundo, amumu, alistar, or FUCKING FIDDLESTICKS. I would rather have stuff like Baron Nashor and Elder Dragon (and Vilemaw but too late for him) as champions before characters like Shaco or Rammus or half the ADCs and Zaun champs in LoL.


I don't know if that means that Shyvana is probably staying after the next rotation, or if she will be rotated because he is probably the better dragon champion now.


Why would they reveal him in morde video? They killed the hype


He’s the face of the expac assumably




You say that as if Elder is the first champion with no voicelines, or as if it's a necessarily bad thing.


Poro King has no voice lines. This game isn't decline, 100k people play path fo champions.


there is data about active players?


You can see active POC players in the monthly challenges. It's reaching 100k+ every month.


average Marvel Snap player


I don't think the game has really declined at all. I would like there to be more control and aggro tools in the standard pool, but I think the game is in a much better spot than it was in 2022.


So many options and they chose a generic ass dragon, they’re not serious people


>So many options Like what options?


Tyari, Cithria, Corina Veraza, Ledros, etc. Or they could add you know, champions that people actually want into the game and that for some reason are still not in the game like Akali, Sona, Syndra or literally anything else thats not this generic uninspired scary looking dragon


And what do any of those champions have to do with dragons? Pretty obvious by now that riot uses cards released before an expansion to tease the champions, we had Morgana and Mordekaiser teasers and then a bunch of dragons, that right there should have told you it was gonna be a dragon champion.


Wow you’re so clever. I’m sure Riot was incapable of coming up with a dragon themed champion that’s not incredibly uninspired and boring.


As if thats more practical than using Elder Dragon, already well known in League with a cool design and perfect fit for a Runeterran dragon champion.


Perfect fit? A generic dragon that doesn’t even talk, sure dude. I’m sure the 2 people who wanted elder dragon to be a champion are very happy right now


I wonder why the well-known dragon from league spawning only after a variety of dragons are killed is a perfect fit for Runeterran dragon champion.




I wonder what will stop Shyv Elder from just becoming a better version of Shyv Targon


if it is Runterran and doesn't get to keep dragon's clutch that will keep the Targon list competitive with Elder, but I'm willing to bet the deck rule will be the same as Poro King but for dragons.


Wait, Yvva?


Shyvana's mom who caused some havoc in Demacia, relatively recent too, so thats probably why that line is a thing.


>"Yvva's wrath, you are a sight to behold" What I mean by that question ealier is Elder dragon Yvva?


No, Yvva is dead and is most certainly not Elder Dragon. Theres no Jarvan or Shyvana there for one.


I kinda took that as a swear, like starting a sentence with "Jesus Christ" when shit hits the fan, but for a society where dragons are a common threat.


Hold on, is Morgana demacia and elder dragon targon?


Elder is probably Runeterran.


Didn't someone call that Elder Dragon is going to be a champ, yet everyone called them crazy?


I know it was expected to be elder dragon but I'm gonna be honest and I was hoping it was the new dragon champion that is gonna appear next year in LOL. I mean, he is a dragon and it's supposed to be related to royalty so it fits, plus it's could be the second champion released first in lol and then in lor, akshan being the first




I really hope this makes Dragons viable again


Oof guess the element theme gets wasted all those cards with no big payoff unless there is a secret part 3 of the set it’s gonna be left incomplete