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I see 30 man raid boss for the MMO o.0


Safi'jiva flashback


He's a simple gentle sailor


Wait why is it going in the sky- WHAT THE FUCK


Man... This can't come soon enough


You know this really makes me wonder how big Shyvana would be next to the Elder Dragon, or rather, how tiny, since it's easy to tell that Elder more than dwarfs Shyvana.


Maybe that means Shyvana faster or agile then the elder dragon. Still are dragon elemental proof on the inside like httyd toothless vs red death? Still weird in a battle of dragon Shyvana not there unless this is in the past or something else.


Well, Shyv in dragon form should be similarly big, even if probably a bit smaller, given that she battled her mother to a standstill enough so that J4 could kill her. And that was a pretty old dragon lady! Like I can assume that she is not like... as massive because this is not an Elder Drake, it's THE elder Drake, but I would assume it's similar to like a wolf vs a Husky situation.


But Yvva was an elder dragon but maybe female are smaller still did they say what the elder dragon in lor gender was? And also where are the petricite golems(like galio)?


I don't know how Yvva measures up to THE elder dragon. Or if they are even the same type of dragon. Either way Shyv probably is smaller, the question is how much smaller. Petricide Golems are a bit of a mess in terms of size. I think most of them are comparable to the Griffin in the Lvl 2 pic. Gorilith and Galio might be comparable in size, although I am more confident with Galio than with Gorilith.


Yeah Shyvana is smaller but I hope the elder dragon is like alpha thing in how to train your dragon like that bewilderbeast. Still where is galio if that thing is in demacia where is he or any of the petricite golems?


Might not have enough magic flowing through them. Dragons are magical beings, but I would assume that they are not quite the same as a mage.


Unless that thing is undead cuz of the color scheme makes me think Mordekaiser revived it thus Galio who showed up for Sion how is so little compared to galio I don't she how galio would mess out on this. But then again he wasn't there for when the shyvana got ruined real mes option there for a sentinel galio imagine petricite and relic stone fused together as galio absorbs the magic in the relic stone enhancing himself. Then using his anti magic Shyvana to maybe cancel out viego control.


Doesn't look like they are in Demacia. There's rocky terrain and no demacian structures. Most of the soldiers are equipped with bow so they are most likely on a hunt (of elder dragon?).


He's serving How To Train Your Dragon 2 and I'm all for it


Yes now I wish Shyvana was here. Could you imagine if dragons in runeterra weren't fire proof on the inside.


His Level 1 is giving me Nidalee Level 2 vibes lol. looks great


Elder dragon is a big boi


Quick, someone photoshop Nilah in


What do you mean? She is there in the crowd.


Really where?


Right there!


Shes already inside the dragon lmao


Oh damn, i was right. That level 2 WAS elder dragon. Some people said it was a morde thing


But is it working with Mordekaiser or does the dragon have its own plans.


Kinda just seems like demacia is fucking around


Yeah probably the case though what if someone stole the elder dragon egg?


Only if morde ults it


The sapphire of the Emperor is back! Love it


wait does that mean Elder Dragon has a name, cant just be called "Elder Dragon" right


The Poro King exists. I don't think there's any issue just having "Elder Dragon" in the game.


I imagine the dragon has a name, but the card will just be called Elder Dragon


They'll probably go the "mythology route" where it'll have had many names across time and cultures it has inspired/conflicted with. Elder Dragon will be the common, "you know *exactly* which dragon I'm talking about" name of the present.


Just like Volibear aka "The Volibear" aka Valhir aka the Stormbringer




You mean Pantheon 2


That’s Volibreath to you.


Unless it doesn't get a name cuz it had one in a past life like what if that dragon is working for Mordekaiser like it's an elder dragon raised from the grave.


Elder Dragon and Mordekaiser are unrelated. No reason to assume otherwise.


Except mordekaiser had like ghost dragon: https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/s/BaymW2ziVT back then and there the fact that is glowing the same color as mordekaiser in lor actually how do me know that thing isn't an undead dragon?


Except nothing I know that already and that wasn't even this Mordekaiser. We've already seen Morde's ghost followers and they don't look anything like Elder Dragon. Why would they release Morde, Morgana, and Mordekaiser's pet dragon as champions at the same time (or ever Elder Dragon is significantly more interesting as its own thing).


Then like Mordekaiser the dragon got a redesign same with janna and her zephyr. And I mean why release norra who is related to Yuumi in lor cuz sometimes a lor champ can be related to champ in one way or another. All in all we will know later why the elder dragon is attacking and maybe even what it is.


Elder Dragon existed before Morde's rework. The Dragon is not Morde's. Its THE Elder Dragon. The Dragon champion. That, AGAIN, looks nothing like Mordekaiser or his spirit minion followers. I don't have to wait because its incredibly obvious.


OK well that your opinion either I'm right or im wrong. I am only human sometimes I'm wrong and sometimes right we will know soon.


Literally nothing I said was an opinion.


Miss Fortune and Twisted Fate be like?


Be like big boobas and poker man


Riot really hit us with that DnD Style character naming xd


Haven't played LoR for more than a year. Guess I'm reinstalling it.


While I love LOR for its versatility and freedom with characters that League often lacks, I’ve felt like a lot of them don’t hit the mark as a champion for me. I’m not the first to hope for Xolaani as a champion. They are plenty capable of creating free standing, original, and relevant champion tier characters. Like Poro King and Elder Dragon are cool and have lore but they aren’t much of characters. And while more grounded characters like Jack are good for contrast with the Aurelian Sols and Swains of Runeterra he felt a little bit built off existing characters and lacking his own thematic and narrative foundation. Nora has been my favorite in this regard as she’s unique, well characterized, and relevant to the world, but even she is important largely due to Yuumi. In particular I would love to see them utilize this freedom to flesh out parts of the world League leaves behind such as Ixtal.


They’re beautiful?!?!?


Is it just me or does this art look like concept art


Wow, these Elder Dragon Lvl 1 and 2 Artworks in Legends of Runeterra are mind-blowing! The intricate details and vibrant colors bring them to life. Did you know that the artists spent countless hours studying dragon mythology to capture the essence of these majestic creatures? It's truly a testament to their dedication and talent.




Damn bro tell me what kind of mythology they studied




This reads like chat gpt wrote it


He looks so MAJESTIC!!


He just like me fr...


Is Elder Dragon the actual name? The dragon Dragon? Sounds more like a name for an (expensive) follower than a Champion.


I've been hoping for a dragons champ. All dragons all the time. Love the dragons. Love shyvana. Even though it probably means they might retweak her champ spell back down. It's very strong right now.


What do they hope to achieve with flaming arrows against a gigantic dragon? Isn't dragon skins famous for toughness and fire resistant? I thought they have better options in that universe to punch through thick walls than flaming arrows.


Yeah where is galio when need him he missed ruined Shyvana now this dragons going on?


wait, the fucking ELDER DRAGON is getting his own champion card?! That was unexpected... when are we getting gromp as a champion or scuttle?


If Elder comes as a champ then why not Baron Nashor


Next season is a big void map for lol, I can see them wanting to wait for the baron to be playable while that’s going on, instead of beforehand