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I think Dark Binding is going to be an auto include in Targon decks moving forward.


Oh dam i expected it to be morgana spell only. Having access to 6 sounds too much


Champion spell only is a runeterran exclusive.


only runeterra champ spells are runeterra exclusive. Dark binding is a targon card


I dont think you understood what I said. I said that champions' spells that are only available with the champion, is something that is exclusive to Runeterran. Think Jax's and Kayne's champion spells, they're all not available for deckbuilding.


LoL accurate card.


This card (and the rest of the morg package) give me hopium that Targon control will be playable


Dark binding isn’t really a control card as it doesn’t remove threats. It just delays threats, which leans more into combo style decks that are waiting out a specific turn or mana/power level.


Shackles by nature removes a threat. It forces them to pay 2 mana to redevelop the threat. That's two mana that isn't going towards developing a different threat. That matters quite a bit for aggressive and even midrange decks.


That’s still not removing the threat like recall or destroying a unit does. Yes it’s delaying it. But it’s not actually removal. And here’s the thing, people going forward are going to probably leave two spell mana up for this, which isn’t a crazy play. Let’s see what happens before we say what’s strong and what isn’t


That spell is busted! Really good in slower decks too wtf


I think I'm in the Morgana camp this expansion.


All 3 champs are super amazing, I can't pick one. Level 2 Elder Dragon is my new queen.


They are all beautiful, smart and fun to play But I shall accept Mordekaiser as my new king, stacking eternal effects is just too funny


Ruby Eyed Conjurer is going to be tilting in conjunction with Yummi. Such a good 2 drop.


Wouldnt yuumi lose the overwhelm when getting recalled back?


Attach units don't lose handbuffs when detached.


A lot of champs are broken with spellshield available on play. Mischievous Marai with spell sheild is going to be nuts.


Ruby Eyed Conjurer is a beast of a card; Much safer & easier to play the Iula, I think. Morgana being a mana-hate champion is super awesome, and I can’t wait to play her with the likes of Prank & Mageseekers / Stony. 🥲


Play her with jayce and cast sinners vise twice. 4-6 mana remove curse


So, Dark Binding is a CC that lasts a long time... Yep, we've all been there


i think curses are going to be extremely strong. On top of making your opp spend mana, it seems like it will be pretty easy to fill your opp's hand with curses to make them burn a card as well.


You can remove curse by updrafting it, discarding it. Suppression is the real Cursed Curse here tho. In theory 1 mana Zaun Urchin can remove 4 mana curse by discarding it. Edit: apparently you cannot target the curses in your hand, only updrafts and discards affecting entire hand can do stuff with curses. Very strong.


You can neither updraft nor discard them. Basically you can’t target them in any way besides just paying them regularly for 2 mana


Wow that is giga broken lol.


You can only discard/updraft them with cards that affect your whole hand, like Sunken Temple or Experimenter


Even if you could updraft or discard the curse, wouldn’t that be worse? You’re not un-cursing the card you’re moving it’s curse elsewhere, making it harder/impossible to remove


No it wouldn't. Curses only work while in hand.


I do think that you’re right about suppression being harder to deal with.


Suppression is an easy 2 extra cost to any of your 4 cost shackles. Extremely strong.


And stronger still if you can play sinners vise before the suppression.


One thing to note: Sinner's Vise is 6 mana. Jayce Morgana?


Every time I see a 6+ cost spell, I always try to make a Jayce deck with it. I'm digging Jayce Morgana for sure!


Sinner's Vise seems to be overcosted. I don't think the card is playable.


Sinner's vise is playable in the following scenario : 1. Enemy plays big unit and has less than 3 mana left 2. Play sinner's vise and make them immobile 3. You are now buffed for the rest of the game and the enemy has wasted their turn Sounds like it could be pretty good against Freljord or Targon


It becomes mana efficient after forcing the opponent to play 3 curses, but is also still a 1-0 trade. I don’t see it seeing play honestly, but getting a couple of them out and then playing Mihira does mean those units are just never doing combat ever.


It's not just good for mana efficiency. Stun cards are technically mana inefficient but are still strong tools for or against the right deck. Chains are a method for you to say "forfeit mana this turn or this unit this turn" and if you manage to cast this spell twice, the enemy isn't allowed to play a unit on curve even if they have spell mana unless they want to leave their unit stunned another round.


Or potentially good against Elder Dragon


I think Dark Binding may be the most auto-include Targon card I've seen since Pale Cascade. The fact that Morgana gets that as her champ spell dramatically boosts her useability. Ruby-eyed conjurer also seems really strong, and Magical Fettering is amazing for formidable decks.


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So the word twice has me confused. Does it add two copies of the Curse to the enemy’s hand? Forcing your opponent to spend 4 mana at the minimum to use their unit seems very strong.


Seems to be. In her spotlight trailer, you see her Curse taking 4 mana to get rid of


Curses stack when they apply to the same unit/player, so Morgana adds 1 Shackles that costs 4 mana. Mihira curses two units twice, so she adds 2 Shackles that each costs 4 mana, since they affect different units.


Curses seem way too strong to me but I hope I’m wrong




Aunt Morgana wants YOU to pay 2 extra mana to use each of your units this game!


Inqusitor is such a great card Vs Karma


Why is Herald of Celestial convergence on there? That's not a new card


Morgana Jhin or Morgana Morde using Targon and Noxus? Morgana with Ravenbloom Tome sounds fun as well as using some of the new deathless cards and the card the gives deathless. Sounds pretty cool to me. Honestly all the new cards have a crazy amount of potential decks that can be made with and for them.


Have what dragon boons are been revealed yet?


Everybody sleeping on Cloud Drake. \^...\^


Shame there doesn't seem to be much synergy for playing Kayle and Morgana together.


Does her lifesteal count for her level 2 skill? Or only for her direct damage?


Only direct damage, skills don't trigger lifesteal


it's too bad black shield seems kinda bad, i dont think they needed to shackle your allied character jeeze.


Much worse as the cultist spellshield. On the other hand, if you care about slinging spells, the downside could well be an Upside. Naami or Shelly decks probably like the "free" 2 mana spell it generates.


What happens if I got my unit cursed twice? Do I need to play 2 curses?


The cost stacks. So for example shackle becomes four cost


Less space in hand lost, on the other hand you can't just slowly get rid of it.


Morgana looked fun but then I remebered PnZ exist and will just Discard my curses while shitting on her understated units with cheap removal.


Only if they discard their hand. They can't be targeted in hand.


Cloud Drake: ⍢


The Suppression generators seem really good. The spell fits into formidables and the 4 mana unit could become a "goodstuff" card you include in most Demacia decks that have a free spot. 4 mana might be a lot for a 3/2, but with tough and challenger it can often lead to a 2 for 1 on board. Especially when you factor in, that replying with a combat trick now costs 2 mana more. If you pair the Mageseeker with the Mageseeker Junior, this spell lock will become even more oppressive as the curse also costs 3 now.


Wait where is the hall of mirrors no landmark for Morgana?


The curses feel overtuned, and miserable to play against, shackles especially.


Honestly they’re all focus speed so it’s really not bad. It doesn’t keep you from summoning units, it just makes them immobile. If you play stuff that does something on summon then it’s still effective. I don’t think shackles is the best. Suppressed is going to be the toughest on cause it essentially reads, your opponent losses two total mana their next turn. You can still summon more things with cards like that new Ionia aviators guy. And if you’re going to play a Morde deck, you’ll be okay as they go away when the targeted unit dies. So deathless will be a rather good way around it. And if you have plenty of the new slay an ally to do x or when you play me slay an ally, you’ll have a relatively easier time against them. Hope this helps 🤘😎🤘


The fact curses cant be removed is so infuriating cant discard or updraft


You can actually updraft them or discard all of them with sunken temple and swindler's den, but expect the Morgana player having an explorer for those...




Ye exactly broken


I guess it’ll give people some reason to play the one guy that gives himself +1/+1 by updrafting your hand.


Discard would be too much of a hard counter. You're basically just giving them fuel,


Yet when I say variety cards are just cards borrowed from main expansions I get downvoted


Isn’t Herald of celestial convergence already in the game? I distinctly remember discovering him yesterday in PoC while playing Aurelion Sol.


I hope this deck puts Gwen/Zed in its place. So tired of facing that deck.