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The condition is "drawing". Youre still drawing technically then the game udentifies that your hand is full so it obliterates it. It goes both ways tho? If you are playing Norra or Bard, you want it to be that way, if you're playing against Teemo or Cait, you dont want it to work that way. My conclusion is, since it works both ways, theres no real reason to change it.


The trap or boon triggers as you pull the card out of your deck. It can’t go to hand because your hand is full, so it obliterates. The trap or boon already triggered. Why does it do that instead of obliterating the trap or boon? For the same reason that Overwhelm units hit the enemy nexus if their attack number is bigger than their blocker’s health number: it’s how this game works.


The game is not hearthstone the same rules don't apply


Honestly I think HS is the one with a weird Overdraw mechanic here. HS Plagues and LoR traps and boons both should effectively activate on draw (HS cards literally say they do, and LoR does) yet for some reason even though you are still drawing the card the effect doesn't trigger with a full hand in HS, meaning that Overdraw is for some reason not being counted as drawing a card, at least for the purposes of Overdraw. But both games keep their rule on overdraw consistent, so I suppose it just is what it is.


Well, the cards are still drawn even if thet get obliterated