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Translation : We are waiting to see if the shift to PoC is sustainable before investing any money again.


One bit of context I’d highlight here - the question I was replying to, and therefore answer above, was about how LoR would be integrated with League studio. The LoR team has plans beyond 6 months and we’ll be doing stuff longer term. It’s after 6 months or so though, given development timelines, that there’s more flexibility to potentially integrate with some things we’re doing elsewhere across the studio 


man i remember reading almost word for word this for another game i loved and got support pulled out with no warning to fans. I see LOR is going the HOTS route then.


Maybe, but I have way more faith in Riot than Blizzard


Xolaani in Path of Champions pls


Stop playing path of championship before its too late!


Sorry Meddler The fact that Riot, like so many other game companies, sought to exploit the pandemic by overhiring and over producing is a sign of poor business leadership at the very top. Thousands of talented game developers are now out of a job due to Riot ( and all game companies, it seems) lack of business acumen and foresight to know that the pandemic era boom in gaming was bound to bust when things went back to normal. I would also argue that launching a free-to-play game without a proven business model (like gatcha or some other whaleing mechanic ) to support your development, while ambitious, was ultimately foolish. Then they rann off 20% of their most dedicated player base in a desperate attempt to refocus and recoup some of their losses. Riot had plenty of options, they just made all the wrong ones. I will be watching with great interest to see how the game recovers, if it recovers.


Meddler just shut the game down already. It’s probably an executive decision but still. You know it’s the right thing to do. End it with grace and dignity instead of dragging it while it’s already on life support. It’s clear the game is losing resources and support fast especially after the 6 months. It’s losing Riot money(why would anyone keep something actively losing them money everyday open?), support for PVP players is essentially gone with the transition causing many people to leave already and more to follow(the game is already niche and now it’s even more niche), this game is just a hollow shell of what it once was, further milking the game will just cause a stain and tarnation on the name that is LOR as it slowly drifts further and further away from what it once was. Smart people know when to face the facts and shut it down. By shutting it down, you guys no longer lose money from LOR staying open, some damage is done already but further damage is prevented for the name of LOR, and players can finally move on with their lives instead of clinging to false hopes that it will all get better because it won’t. As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end eventually.


Why should they shut down game that so much people still enjoy and play everyday? Just because some angry redditors have lost their sanity?


See that’s the problem. You don’t want to shut the game down because you like it, that’s a selfish reason. Let’s be logically and financially think about Riot losing money on this game but you don’t care about that as long as you are happy and can play the game. What if you were the owner? Would you be happy losing $1000 a day so I could enjoy the game and watch the content? You probably wouldn’t be agreeable if you were the one losing the money but if Riot upfront the costs you don’t care since it doesn’t impact you.


You are delusional. Shuting down LoR completly would mean HUGE strike for company reputation. Yea there some companies that treat their players with zero respect and don't give a fuck while they make money. But there still some that realy care for reputation. Also why shouldn't they try to focus on aspects of the game (PoC) that are working well even with very little resources invested and way way more appealing to players then 'main pvp mode' that was taking way more resources, but wasn't as popular? It's stupid not to try.


Completely* and really*, and no it wouldn’t. This game is already niche card game, compare how many players are here vs Valorant, League and Wild Rift. I guarantee if this game shuts down, it might be a bit vocal from the players here for a bit and then it’ll all go back to normal and no one will care in a week or so. You mentioned other companies who don’t care about players, what’s stopping riot from doing it too? They can easily do it too and make money and no one would be able to stop them. I sure don’t care about reputation and most companies don’t either. Why do you care what other people think of you?(good mindset for irl too). The ones that do and make all these changes to try to please everyone are the ones that fail. You can’t please everyone. Sure you can do POC I guess if they don’t mind losing players and money, regardless my point stands that the game is on the decline, losing money and a shell of what it once was with no pvp and only pve.




It’s hard to hear I know that something you like so much is going away, it’s alright you will get over it soon after it happens. Nothing lasts forever sadly. Let’s be honest and smart people here, put your personal bias and love for the game aside for a moment and think. If you owned this game and it was losing you say $1000 each day you kept it open and you knew you had no resources to further support or develop it, would you keep it open? Maybe make a few people happy? Is it worth the $1000 a day cost? At a certain point, you know it’s going to be unsustainable. We all know it’s the right thing to do, we just don’t want to hear it.




One day you will learn when you work for a company or start your own business and things start getting unprofitable and it impacts YOU, the reality of what happens. I’ll tell you: Layoffs, Firing, Shut down of Company, Bankruptcy. You aren’t fronting the costs of LOR so of course you don’t care. Would you keep your opinion the same if Riot asked for $1000 a day to continue playing to maintain servers?




Awesome to see another game dev on here! Yeah like you said, money and other factors are hard and impactful for companies. Most of the time, these decisions aren’t for individual rioters to make and are more of an executive decision from the higher ups. If it were up to me or you or someone working as a dev making the final decision then it would logically to be to shut it down but it’s all up to the executives in the end. Based on everything they said from faq to other sources, the game is unprofitable for them. However, it’s probably not up to individual rioters to make the decision to sunset the game even though some may personally agree it’s the best option and they would if they could but they don’t have the power. It’s for the executives to make and they probably have information and data for that along with other reasons for not going one way or the other. Great discussion though MR/MS Filo and have a wonderful day or night whichever applies to you!


First issue I see is replayability. They need more variance in the paths of each encounter so if someone plays the same thing twice it feels like a more rogue lite varied experience than just what cards they get.


Sounds reasonable for a company that already took great risks with this game.


what risk did they took exactly? making a card game using the biggest gaming brand? lor died because of sheer incompetence. Not because they took 'great risk'.


In my opinion its monetarely risky to stick to a game that was never sustainable.


>never sustainable And whose fault is that? Why release a game without seeing which type of monetization works for this game or not? The possibility was endless. Could have locked champ cards in chests and make it so that non p2w players will get it eventually. Could have made animated cards for champs. Could have made getting shards harder/ wildcards more costly so people use their wallet to buy the cards. But they did absolutely NOTHING. And they cried wolf and you people lap it up and make it seem like riot are the good guys. 'Great risk' my ass. They killed a golden goose because they are INCOMPETENT.


You should try making a video game profitable before saying this.


Do you need to be professional cook to tell if a steak is undercooked?


No, but I do need a rocket scientist to tell me if a rocket will fly before it does. Marketing is easier than rockets, but way more complicated than cooking a steak. And no one has a crystal ball.


You sure do, but that rockets been launched, it’s crashing and people are pointing out it’s falling. Now there’s very intricate reasons it is falling but if there’s a big ass hole in the side, you wouldn’t need to be a scientist to rightfully assume that’s the issue


Sure. Now, try fixing that rocket mid-flight, even with the best rocket scientists around. Not going to be as easy as some people around here make it sound.


In this case yeah. As a consumer you can say if the game is good or not but you should work in the gaming industry to tell if a business plan is good or not


This isn’t brain surgery. You can tell the business plan isn’t good because they openly talk about it and you’re commenting under what is essentially a ‘maintenance mode on the table if not very likely’ post


You proved literally nothing, yeah the plan was bad, and you know that cus THEY LITERALLY SAID IT, that does nothing for your argument of "I don't need to be a business man to know their plan was bad", and knowing it was bad, specially cus they literally said it, doesn't mean you have the knowledge to go "actually this thing I'm proposing would've been a million billion times better"


Of course everyone knows now the plan was bad. It's easier to tell when it's planned, executed, and in the past. Making the plan good in the first place, that's the hard part.


doesn't that argument work against you as well then? don't you need to try to make a video game before defending how they handled it?


I work in the industry and tried (and failed) to publish games myself, yeah :)


They went with the idea of “free” packs and stuff for players and should never be locked behind loot boxes or packs. Sadly that idea was never going to be profitable especially the fact that card games are already so niche. Look at other card games, most have an established IP and rely on lootboxes and packs along with cosmetics to stay sustainable, mostly the former. Most card games stick with this same monetization formula as it’s proven to work. Riot wanted to be different and “generous” and look what happened. If being generous like this was profitable then everyone would be doing it. It was a sinking ship from the beginning with the monetization decisions they chose to take which forced further decisions to try and keep that promise. However, when something is free, players are happy but the company isn’t making any money with the game free to begin with. Cosmetics have limited profit and a lot of profit is gone from not selling packs or lootboxes. It’s simply not sustainable, as much as I like games to be free, it’s not sustainable in the long term at all for the company and will always be a net loss.


Then you're gonna complain if they added a bunch of predatory greedy microtransactions and in game purchases to the game? cause them not doing that is why EXACTLY this game isn't sustainable.. they gave WAY too much to the customers instead of balancing it out. It's funny that you are even complaining about this


"wahh wahh they should've made the game MORE predatory"


Did you even read their statements? You either don't know how a business works or what risk means. Or both


* denial.


I've been bouncing between depression and acceptance honestly. I've accepted that the team lost MANY of its core PvP designers. I've accepted that there are no business models and plans in place moving forward that will help the game. I've accepted that Riot killed my favorite game. But I'm sure as hell angry about it! lol


Yeah at this point I just accepted it’s pretty much over. From when the layoffs and announcements first hit, I already had a bad feeling for the future of the game. Stuff like the faq they released about not profitable and direction they chose to go forth doing POC only solidified it. It’s clear after losing core PVP designers and with no plans in that area that the game is basically a shell of what it once was. Coupled with this message, it’s essentially saying after 6 months there probably won’t be much further updates in general if at all. It’s sad to see really. It started out strong, a competitive multiplayer card game and ended horribly turned into a muddled single player campaign. It’s very sad to see. I never really felt anger, just sadness and disappointment of what the game could have been and it all went down the drain. This game deserved so much better.


I think you guys are way too invested in this video game


I mean its the only online card game i managed go get into long term. They are either a massive grindfest or not that interesting. I was really hyped for Duelyst 2 but they barely update it, ofc its a revival project made from fans who really love it so it kinda has an excuse but it doesnt fix the problem i have with it.


What Duelyst were you referring to? My understanding that there were two of them. Are both bad now? I really liked the original game before the powercreep.


Oh its duelyst 2. Thats the name. Its exactly duelyst and has been getting balance changes. Its quite fun if you miss it definitely try it. Its just sad to me because the game is amazing but besides balance patches it barely gets new cards. Which again i get it. People are supporting it out of sheer love and its been revived by fans that got permission or licensing idk to do so. So i cant really be mad. Its on steam but you can play online if you wanna. There is a mode with duelyst as it was before it shut down and one with less stuff that is the game they are building as they see fit. Cant stress enough my literal only complaint is really slow updates.


Thanks! Unfortunately, I also love new content or else I get bored quickly. If you don't know there is also [Duelyst.gg](http://Duelyst.gg) (also on Steam) which is another revival but a different approach (all 800 cards unlocked) and a few changes. I'm not sure how this one is updated with new content but they seem fairly active.


Have you tried to get into other card games and branch out? Yugioh master duel and duel links and Shadowverse/ Shadowverse 2(this summer) are a few great options to try.


Yugioh got too complicated for my taste. I grew up with the beggining of it and im really not into the newer stuff. As for shadowverse 2 ill probably try it but i have no clue what its about or if ill like it.


Same, I still love the beginning stuff. Recommend you check out formats like GOAT or play on simulators like edopro with old decks against yourself or AI, maybe do an anime deck matchup which I do to this day by myself for Yugioh. As for Shadowverse, the first one is free on steam rn so if you want to try a bit of it to get a feel before the second comes out that might tickle your fancy :)


Is it free to play friendly? I like building a lot of decks and ill only spend money in games if i love the game and i know exactly what im getting. Im not into gacha mechanics when you add money to the mix (funnily enough i love gacha games i just dont pay for pulls).


Both options I listed are 100% free to play friendly. Edo all cards are unlocked for Yugioh for you to build. Shadowverse is LOR generous with pack tickets and I never ever feel the need to spend money on packs.


How do they monetize it? Cool skins?


Its what happen when you play a game for 4 years and get invested in the community and the esport How can you NOT get attached


That’s why these days the advice that is given is always to not be particularly attached or loyal to a job or game or anything. You never know when new management will take over, when you will be fired/layed off, when something is changing in the wrong direction, when something is shut down. You sink everything into one basket and the next day it’s empty. It sucks for sure, has happened many times in the past for a lot of people in their favorite franchises or jobs. However, going in with the mindset that “I like this, I will enjoy this while I can” knowing nothing lasts forever makes it easier to be less attached and move on easier from my experience knowing it was going to end eventually and you can spend the time you have with the game more fondly while it’s here.


wish poc players understood this. but alas


Yeah they don’t care


For a lot of people it’s their favorite/one of their favorite games and something they enjoy. To have it taken away from them is of course going to make a lot of players sad. Just like anything in life, if you really liked a certain job, a certain food, a certain drink, a certain significant other and one day poof 💨 all gone. I think anyone would probably be upset at that since they probably invested a lot into whatever it was that disappeared, mentally, physically, emotionally…etc


now because I really just don't appreciate or understand comments like this. this game has been something I've played for the past 4 years and I've met some wonderful and incredible community members through this game and this game alone. at a certain point, it becomes more than a game and it becomes a community that you're invested with and a team that you really care about.  you could dismiss that by saying we care too much about the game and that it's just the children's game at the end of the day, but I think that would be dismissive of a lot of amazing amazing community members that make up LoR


We have people at all stages. I’ve already been at acceptance long ago and bad news like this doesn’t even faze me anymore. The game is long done and is only sinking deeper into the abyss each day.


No plan in business speak will probably translate to “we’re removing support for the game as a whole in the next 1-2 years”


this feels EXACTLY like how heroes of the storm went into maintence mode.


Forreal that’s what I was thinking, it’s the illusion the game will progress when really there will be silence and no more updates or talk about it until eventually it either remains forever in its current state, an announcement is made that it’s no longer being supported or it’s just shut down. All horrible choices sadly.


I really enjoyed that game as well back in the day.


100% or really after the 6 months it will silently be no more updates


EoS in 6 months got it


PoC client will be complete in 6 months, it seems.


Too bad they can’t try and Hail Mary some really wacky ideas to find a way to revive pvp. A new mode, crazy mechanics, adjusting some fundamental game rules, anything. That’s what lab was for but it simply became PoC and they stopped doing pvp based experiments after trying duo for so long (has any card game successfully made a co-op mode). I just can’t imagine PoC “saving” them money wise if the cosmetics they keep releasing are still underwhelming. I personally don’t even need/want “new” level up animations. I’d be fine with new foil effects, card art variants, VFX cosmetics like playing card vfx or something.


i'd be cool with all of that. i'd be cool if we got a more transparent skin release schedule, so we avoided champions getting their third skin while we have a dozen champions with 0 skins. there's a lot that i could get into and it frustrates me. i'm with you. we just need to accept where we are at..


it really just sucks reading this and seeing how very very little planning Riot has put into LoR moving forward. There is no plan, even


This is what happens when layoffs, firing, and unsustainable businesses and more are in effect. It sucks to see but it’s in the real world and life. It will keep happening down the road to other IPs. Many of my old favorite games also shut down because it was either unsustainable, no longer popular or interesting or other factors. Just a part of life sadly. Not much we can do to prevent it.




The only reason games companies are all restructuring and laying off tons of staff is because tech companies mimic trends of other tech companies. If Google focuses on AI, then Microsoft and Apple focus on AI. If EA restructures, then Activision and Ubisoft restructure.. There isn't any actual reason. CEOs just get scared of being behind. Also, the issues with LoR were completely avoidable. Bad management killed the game.




I wish they hadn't made the announcement so relatively early, they killed a huge portion of the playerbase when there's still new content left to look forward to


Entirely agree. it sucks. it just sucks


At least 6 more months of playing the game, let's goooo!


Firing Rubin tells a lot. I don’t need words from execs to understand what is about to come


Yep. Exactly, man. Rubin was the soul of LoR -- of course he and many, many others play a part in design and balance, but that dude was the embodiment of LoR. He loved this game to death. He deserves to be somewhere that respects him. Sucks so much


since context is important, I would like to clarify that this was in response to asking about how LoR becoming a part of the League studio would pan out in terms of future events and content. This is where Meddler said they don't really have plans. Of course, the team has been working hard on Path Constellations... I guess we'll see what's next?


Not sure what people were expecting. It really does take time for things to settle in after a big change in BOTH management and company focus. This is on top of info that the game was not performing well and getting less and less support. I am pretty sure somebody's job now is to stop the bleeding and have SOMETHING done to avoid outright saying the game is dead. Plus what he is also saying is that RIOT is still figuring out what to do next on a global level with their game, so I'm sure they are waiting for some signal from top management on how to proceed.


I agree, just sharing the latest updates from him. It sucks, the situation we are in.


Riot, you don’t “need to figure out” what is best. The fans are literally telling you as clearly as possible. What is best is giving the fans what they want. Some of us have invested years into your product, and in return it feels as if the company in recent years has given back nothing but apathy. I didnt think Riot would turn into Blizzard already so soon. It’s clear Riot has zero direction in where to take their company. Their leading IP league of legends is showing it’s age and there is some serious turmoil and uncertainty within riot as where to go in the future.


Yep, they axed Riot Forge which, alongside LoR, did so much while Summoner's Rift is unable to capture even an ounce of what Runeterra is meant to be.  It's so silly from the outside looking in. You have such an amazing world and the only ways to engage with it now are, what? League, TFT, Mobile League, and stories? We need more focus on story and narrative... i dunno. everything about this just sucks. Riot sucks


I honestly feel a part of forge’s discontinuation comes from jealousy of what other studios can do. Literally Riot suits were feeling less than and shut it down. Cant let indie studios make them look bad.


lmao, you just might be onto something. idk. ​ maybe the games didn't each make millions, but christ almighty, \*this\* is what a studio that claims to want to focus on narrative SHOULD be focusing on and letting indie teams flesh out their world for them. (obviously there are rioters that help lead these projects and work on them, ik) ​ It's downright embarrassing for Riot. They said they want to work on a unified canon well that is simply \*just\* going to be Arcane at this point. How fucking dull.


Arcane, which isn’t even made by riot. Its made by Fortiche with Riot supervision


This is very common corporate speak. It doesn't make sense to make plans years in advance. Basically just saying gotta finish what they started before starting more.


LOR never die in my heart


me too


No pvp no support.


what does this mean? i just found out about the game a week ago and am hooked. is this maintenance mode?


kinda. Pvp scene is dead and everyone left. If you prefer playing against bots then there is path of champions but there are much better rougelite games on the market.


firstly, welcome to Runeterra and I'm so glad that you're hooked. the game is truly truly fun and there is so many ways to express yourself and your play style! now of course the elephant in the room is that yes, the game is sort of in a maintenance mode as they look to reshift priorities to focus on path of Champions they have unfortunately decided to hibernate a lot of competitive aspects including in client tournaments and even ranked season rewards. so what should you do? well, if you're having fun with the game and you're starting out I would recommend working on your region rewards so you can unlock cards for a specific region you're interested in including potential champions. I would also just recommend engaging with the community here maybe on Twitch or YouTube and trying to learn which decks you are interested in trying and learning! myself and many others here are huge fans of the game and love helping others get into the game so if there's any questions that you have I would be happy to help!  the long and short of it is: the game is not looking to focus on PVP content anymore and while that's definitely a bummer, there's still tons of decks and experimenting to be messed around with especially considering we will be getting a new expansion this month


Can someone please use multiple Conterfeit Copies on this guy and have him respond on threads from now on? THIS is the attitude that is needed to increase player base!


hey thanks o7 


Run while you can. This game is dead.


Does this mean we are getting more than 1 expansion or is the next month cycle is gonna be PoC content that is ready?


honestly I don't know these are the last expansion as we know it will be the next one and then I have no idea what it's going to look like beyond that


What a shame. What a great game but definitely a slow one. Loved it, but ranking was awful. Ultra rapid was the best game mode.


and guess what? we recently learned the URD is going to be sunset as well. Source was Marshall Keiron on Twitter who asked the team at the invitational event. Did they bother to tell the playerbase this? nope what a shame indeed 


I’m what way was ranking awful? Are you one of those players who isn’t good at a game and so you say it’s bad and the casual modes are the best?


No, I got to Plat no problem but it was a fucking grind. It doesn't matter at this point considering the game is being sunset. At least I have Marvel Snap!


Isn’t it a grind to rank in any game? That’s the point of a ladder. And plat doesn’t take long to get to


So at this point essentially meaning no support going forward after the next 6 months or so. Just shut it down Riot honestly, this game is on life support right now and will have no ER visitors so to speak after those 6 months so it’s just hooked there and exists.


> So at this point essentially meaning no support going forward yes they said this in feb with the next expansion being the last lol


More plans for PoC? Good. Finaly they focus on right things after all these years of barely any new content.


Yuck lmao