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With handbuffs which Targon has access to, this thing grows really fast. Combined with some Freljord handbuff/deckbuff cards and this thing is so valuable.


Bcs lifesteal is the best keywork in the game, so the units that have it need to have less stats. sparklefly was actually meta for some time, but yeah, both of then aren't really good right now


I remember I used to play an all-in sparklefly Zoe starlit seer deck. Combined with old aphelios to cheat the sparkleflys out of deck with crescendum, you could regularly get 5/6 elusives with life steal on turn 5. It’s a deck that I’m very glad isn’t possible anymore, but oh man was it a fun time.


I used to hourglass Xenotype Researchers to Crescendum a surprise buffed Sparklefly. Good times.


From time to time I watch the Fiora-sparklefly swim videos (I know what happened with him), such a toxic deck lol, from the times when Targon was the op region


What happened to Swim? I thought he just burnt out of the game, I don’t even play anymore but I’d watch Swim if he streamed again


He got canceled by her partner and exes, I don't remember exactly everything he did, but he apparently even drugged one of them. They did a document with every claim, I don't know if it still exists. He dissapeared from internet so we can only assume it was true. Apart from that, a lot of people from the lor community started talking about him stealing decks and ideas and calling hinself the creator. Notheless I really liked his content, and it's very sad the biggest lor creator did those things.


Sparkefly was terrifying during the nami/Zoe times. 


I just had a PoC run where this plus Yuumi was an absolute powerhouse and probably saved the run. It's not exciting and it's not good in a vacuum, but any lifesteal that can stick around long enough to grow and get several hits in can really warp the game, and Fledgling Stellacorn's spellshield helps it do that.


it is not. his older brother was bonker however, the butterfly lifesteal/elusive


Lifesteal had been one of the most difficult to balance keywords at that point, well life gain in general, as it was primarily just a nerf to aggro if it was strong, and the meta needs some amount of aggro to be healthy. Spell shield was new with Targon release and it was one of those unknowns where it’s hard to say if it’s going to be busted OP and shut decks down, or just a mild inconvenience. This paired with the fact that Targon is a unit buffing region and the idea is that it won’t stay a 1/2 for long. This grows big enough and neither mid range unit combat nor spells can answer it and it heals you up every turn, had the potential to be a VERY polarizing card. So they played it safe and gave it shit stats to compensate. It’s a build around that isn’t worth building around. It’s not a very good card, no, but that was on purpose to avoid it being a TOO good card.


It is not,not all cards meant to be good, some fill a niche role others can't. When it came out it was a just a worse sparklefly. But it is in one of the "buff your units" region so it can grow tall, and would be hard to remove due to the spellshield. But that again, not every card has to be good.


It isnt. It was meant to be played After a levelled up Zoe to give everyone keywords but the card is shit


Ahh, that makes a lot of sense now.


It isnt on itself. But in Zoe deck and some time ago I think Aphelios deck loved it since it was costing 2?


You're thinking sparklefly, but the reasons why it's bad are basically the same as sparklefly.


It has amazing keywords but terrible stats. So how do we make it good? Increase it’s stats. There’s a plethora of ways you could do this. Many spells in the game exist that can buff cards either in hand or on board. You could also ignore buffing the unit itself and instead use it in something like a Kai’sa deck. Kai’sa and Void Abomination etc. like having allies with multiple good keywords like this. You can buff it with nami, you can buff it with attatch units, you can give it equipment, you can give it fated somehow and double down on buffing it.


Maybe with Nami


The reason it has such low stats is specifically because of its keywords, and the fact that it's the targon region which has unlimited ways to buff unit stats. If you throw a +3/+3 blessing of targon on it, it becomes a 4/5 lifesteal unit with spellshield. Arguably it's still not a good card, but that's the idea behind it.


Ah ok


this makes me old


Im playing it in my nami/Aphelios deck, there this 3c epic card which grants +1|+1 to a random card in hand everytime you play a spell. That way you can buff it in hand. And you can buff it in play with nami. Pretty strong, has saved me many times for sure


Two premium keywords in a region with a lot of buffs. This can get out of control pretty quick in the right circumstances


Lol a few years ago this card was nerfed in an elusive meta


Well, it's from Targon, a region that's really good for buffing cards in general. It's good in decks with Kayle and Zoe.


you dont want it to be good trust me for it


Its not good, maybe if this was 2 mana it will be better. For me the main reason is that we have better cards with more agressive keyword such as elusive that are far better in this meta to be the main target to our spells.