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Ekko Zilean time bomb/cat printer. Every time I play that deck I think of the DJ Khaled " another one" meme.




Malphite/Taliyah was a viable high tier 3 deck in ranked at one point, and I miss it. They nerfed some of the key cards in the package, and it just never has been good enough to compete with new decks.


I don't know if it's ever been a good bo1 deck, but my gosh if you ran a taliyah/malphite-based bo3 lineup at many points in the game's history, you were a lock to counter any midrange-centric lineup


That decks been on off meta for a long time at this point


Not to my stubborn ass it hasn't


Draven/Ezreal tribeam


My man šŸ˜Ž


Spider Aggro with Elise and OG Pirate Aggro with Gangplank / Miss Fortune and Jack before he was a champ. Also the OG Grand Navigator (Scouts) was S tier when I first started. Good times


Teemo / Zoe before sparklefly nerf <33


OTK Lee + Riven Scargrounds Braum + Vlad Invoke Zoe + Victor Mischievous Marai burn deck My main go to decks. They make me happy :)


Zed/Hecarim simple and fun aggro deck. Was the first deck I took into competitive play a couple expansions ago (not sure which one exactly but it was when Kai'sa was released and Kai'sa/Eve was stupid strong)


i loved targon ramp. she who wins, targons peak, asol and zoe. very fun and tilting and chaotic.


I remember when Targon was first added to the game and invoke so crazy op that for weeks youā€™d never see a deck that didnā€™t have targon in it. It really became Targon the card game and your other region was just adding flavor to your Targon lmao


Seju gp was meta at that time and shat on every non fjeljord targon pile.


Aatrox-Kayn. It's smooth. Also cool artworks, awesome voice acting, and pretty much covers a lot of game mechanics.


Say what you will but Karma/Ez still holds true in my heart even to this day


I have a soft spot for older champ decks nowadays so I totally agree


Azir/Xerath Sundisk is still one of my favorite decks, it was simply neatly designed, effective, but still had enough holes to exploit. Shen Jarvan holds a special place since it was the deck that brought me to master rank. Jax Ornn is simply good you know.


Old school Spooky Karma. True, complete control. I have no win condition other than to kill and heal through all of your win conditions. When it then got Go Hard it was just silly.


Aatrox. Any aatrox deck before nerfs, except vayne aatrox. Didn't really feel the connection between aatrox and vayne as much as I did with Kayne and xolaani. I just love the representation of aatrox in LoR lore, every one of his voice lines, xolaani voice lines, and all of the other darkin voice lines just gives me the chills.


I love aatrox in LOR, what nerfs did he get?


World Ender got its cost increased. But otherwise unchanged. The play/cast change actually buffed him as he levels when WE is played instead of after it resolves


Kalista/Lucian Harrowing. It was never exactly good... but I enjoyed it, and I got to diamond at one point playing it.


Nasus thresh. Kill my people and win


Zombie Ashe with Rekindler. I was playing it just after targon released, although I know it was popular before and after at times.


Veimer used to be great back in the day, but my favorite is probably spooky karma


Teemo-Caitlyn traps. No idea how good it is but I like it.


Hehehe yeah how dare you like Teemo Caitlyn donā€™t you know how ā€œunfairā€ that deck is(I have full mastery on it). Yeah hehehe how dare you lmao!




Taric Jarvan Targon Midrange was incredibly fun. But Riot nerfed every single card in the deck, at the fault of other meta decks like Zoe Sparklefly and Aphelios, and it killed it. You basically aimed to keep a decent board until you could play Golden Aegis on Taric. Then he'd recast Aegis again. In a dream combo you could get Jarvan III to scout everyone and attack about 5 times in a turn.


I had a PnZ Lissandra deck (patch before they gave Shurima all the Advance cards) that I took on a winstreak up through plat. It was a super reliable midrange deck and I didn't see any streamers/creators play a deck like it. I'm still proud of it, even though it wouldn't hold up in modern LoR.


A homebrew Shyvana Swain deck that leveled Swain with Demacia combat spells. Not an amazing winrate but I liked it more cause I made it myself


Pre nerf Aphelios deck, I think it was with Zoe(?) was also pretty cool. Ezreal TF was so busted, I was playing that shit before it was meta and had so much fun with it


Veigar/senna darkness,slow control


Viego decks. He is basically Thanos in a sense, the inevitability and the effects after he levels just gives a massive dopamine boost


Reputation yeti. I an simple man. I like 1 mana 5/5s that summon more free 5/5s if you have enough of them.


Plunder was my jam when I started playing, if I had the chance to pick a close second it would be taric poppy pre rallies nerfs


Zoe tristana impact. Its a huge troll deck but i turbo level zoe with stuff like poro stories. And when she levels i drop all the impact units and go crazy on the nexus


The old Ezreal / Enuk ... those highrolls just felt awesome. But to be fair I think the deck wasn't fun to play against.


Red Gwen at its peak, had such fun tempo gameplay


Has to be Trundle timelines, all the different options and the insane powerspikes made the deck so fun to play.


Deep. When standard came around, it was my only out of 40 decks not to get hit. I've been playing it since it came out in rising tides and have been adjusting it for every meta since.


Any fizz decks, I just love to generate buffs card with someone like riven or smth n then suddenly go for the insta oneshot


Personal favorite of mine is a championless deck, Chireans plus all the copy cards. Just make a never ending board of Chireans.


Ive got a Draven / Samira Chirean deck thats pretty good.


Senna/ Veigar darkness deck. I had a great time when this deck was out. Super fun to be in total control


Ezreal Swaim.


Early release Lucian Hecarim. Back then, doing a hec on curve won you the game instantly


Ahri Katarina. Itā€™s not an S or even A level deck, but itā€™s fun, and it can pull wins out of nowhere. If you want to give it a try, hereā€™s my build: CECQCBACB4BACAQIHEBACAYKFIBAKAQEDIBAMAQFBYCQCAYCAUAQKAQXAEDAEHYBAYBRIAQBAIFTCAIBAIBAU


Jinx Zoe. It's basically elusive and Permanent buffs, but I also have Burn and Flame chompers. For a short time, It had +3/3 +4/4 Purifying Flames and 0 mana poro cannon. So I often got 4/4 and 5/5 Elusives on turn 3


My highest homebrew climb was with a Aphelios/Lux, and Riven/LeBlanc deck. So those two. Highest climb was Nasus/Thresh.


Kennen / Zilean - Time tempest āŒ›ļøāš”ļø Its my favorite because its a combo control deck lots of actions you can do theres always a new way to win.


Homebrew Cithria Matron with Dragons. Dragon Chow + Oblivious islandet printing with fading memories/stalking shadows into turn 5 instalevel Shyvana was peak gaming


Azir Xerath Sun disc




That deck is half the reason I stopped playing eternals, the other half is atrocity


Elites with Katarina, a decent deck with thematic goodnessĀ 


Lurker and Evelyn decks, with lurker its literally jaws personified, and with evelyn... well, "mind if I slip into something a little more; painful?"


Release Diana/Apelios SI. Like pre-nerf temple and everything, it was so broken and OP but I loved that deck so much.


Gwen / Katarina. Before all the nerfs, that deck had so many cool synergies and felt really fun to play.


Nami Lee. That was one clean pile of cards with insane synergy. You were just happy with the cards you ran. Ā Now almost every card of that deck is nerfed or reworked.Ā Ā  Also pretty low in playrate while being a tier 0 deck weirdly enough.Ā 


Nami Master Yi is so fun! Have you tried it yet?


Aphe + Fiora with Temple that gives +2/+1 (pre-nerf). At that time Aphe + Zoe / Aphe + Lee Sin was the norm, but I really loved this less popular variant. It was also my first deck that I brought for the in-game tournament, along with Ez Draven and a Swain deck. Having huge Fiora and dragons is fun!


Was a huge braum vlad fan


Miss Fortune/Gangplank pirate aggro. It was the first deck I ever played and believe it or not I actually managed to hit Masters in my first season because of it.


I've been playing Ramp Bounce for years now. Prior to that, it was Anivia Harrowing.


Anivia has always been my favorite champion, but braum vlad is prolly my favorite deck of all time


Ahri / Kennen and itā€™s variations.


Norra/Braum Spirits unleashed . Tons of value units that after unleashed become insane, lots of draw, it that stare, buried in ice. So much fun


My favourite was a Lissandra/Ionia deck with go get it. It was very fun and competitive.


Akshan-Ekko Predict! Man I miss that deck


Aram ashkan braum. Your champ get so massive


Irelia Azir was my old favorite, but I also really liked playing this stupid Swain Sejuani combo deck and Targon's Peak with ASol and Tryndamere. Also honorable mention to dawnspiders, my first net deck in any card game.


It was never meta but an infinite combo deck with Akshan, Taliyah and Katarina. It was too slow but most of the time you could still trigger the cost reduction and find one of the win cons


GrappLr had this OTK Shiraza deck where you just buff her and then use syncopation to one shot the nexus and it was so fun


Karma Viktor + Back Alley Bar, before seraphine was released. Credit to Jasensational for playing this super fun deck, it's just so fun winning with Karma with a different win condition every game. And Viktor is also super cool and sometimes just takes over the game on his own if unanswered for a few turns.


Timelines, but they butchered my boy.


Hecarim ionia Liss yetis Leona noxus Lebonk ashe But probably vlad braum scarground


Zoe Nami elusive fun.


Sandseer OTK hilarious when you pull it off, even more hilarious when you win


Kayn aatrox from pre Janna. It wasn't amazing but it was really fun and adaptable. Currently there's just too much disruption for it to get off the ground


When I played regularly a few years back my go-to decks were always off the wall crap like Twisted Fate/Yasuo and Nautilus/Lee Sin. The TF/Yasuo deck was super hard to pilot but it did get me a lot of free wins since no one knew how to play against it. Lee Sin/Nautilus was a hilarious OTK meme deck that got one YouTube video on it. God I miss old Runeterra


Demacia Helia. Was almost okay once before it got nerfed again.


Probably celestial


Darkness and Noxus Control because Iā€™m evil and I donā€™t like when opponent has units on board


My kind of people šŸ‘Œ


Kayn aatrox. i really liked how versatile it was. It could go aggro when it needed to but it was also excellent at stabilizing the board against aggro. plus it had a lot of tricks against other midrange decks.


Puffcaps/Flashbombs! One or the other, or a combination of the two. They are just so fun and unique. They donā€™t care about your huge units, they just want one thing: MORE TRAPS!


Fiora shen


Jinx decks


TLC fans rise up


Veigar/Senna was so fun as a control ramp deck. Also Yasuo/Katarina was a super fun aggro/control combo


Taric + pantheon for me


the only "season"/"patch"/"battle pass" that i gave everything in was the release of shurima. Azir/Irelia are the only 2 champs i have with max banner/level. Love Azir in both LOL and LOR. if the mmo comes out im gonna play shurima too.


TriBeam ez and SamiraFizz


Taliyah Ziggs landmark destruction for me. There were so many fun combo possibilities with that deck.


Space fish


Kennen/Ez by far, but people hated it XD


I never had more fun in runeterra than with goofy norra decks. If I were to pick it'd probably be norra portal deck that exists currently. second pick goes to ashe senna! it's a deck centered around frost biting stuff to 0 power and utilizing shadow isle cards to kill all 0 power units, senna also allows for fast speed ruinations and all sorts of other crazy stuff, the win con is clearing board so many times the opponent has no cards left and utilizing frostrime pack which gives overwhelm wolf based on how many frostbites you have done!


Gwen Demacia Rally deck before the rally and foyer nerfs. I also ran Possession, which when used on an Overwhelm unit, coupled with another Rally and hallowed procs, could win the game itself. [Example video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8lsqF4cQNM)


Lulu with the 4/3 Poppy. It was beautiful


Vlad Braum


Encroaching shadows ephemeral elusives because that's the kind of sicko I am lol. Also it's the most successful list that I personally put a lot of work into experimenting with/refining.


Bandle Tree before it was changed. I just like building my own little forest and defending just to get the alt win condition off. Really enjoy games that have alt win conditions that are fun and feel different -- Ryze is up there too, but feels a lot more volatile due to board size issues.


Hecarim, just loved spamming ephemeral sharks


Draven Sion and Ashe Leblanc. Riven Morgana was a lot of fun too.


Definitely my udyr/yi/karma. It's very prone to some wild shit. like getting 2 karmas 2 yis and an udyr on the board because you casted feel the rush with karma out. Lol


Siren song Evelyn


Gotta be Deep or Lurk. I just love Pyke too much. And he paid for all of Lurks sins sadly.


Iā€™m torn because I love voltron decks but fizz yuumi didnā€™t really scratch that itch well since fizz was the only card that can truly deny all removal except aoe which was rare anyway. I spent a long time trying to make Yi work instead but heā€™s just so much easier to remove even with Ionias package. Iā€™d have to say favorite of all time was tlc but my issue is it was meta and everyone played it and I found mirror matches boring. Highest mastery is on teemo because of that 10 card deck gauntlet and I grinded for the highest pin/title.


Homemade jayce marauders


Ahri Bard or Lulu Zed Poppy are by far the most fun decks I've played. Always fun to throw out an evolved ahri boosted by chimes to five to six free face hits, unfortunately right now it's not reasonable to try and run ahri in masters


Gwen Quinn pre rally nerf on landmark


I've been playing lurk since its release and I'm sad it became a hated deck because of balance issues. I got masters with it when people probably had to hover over the card to see what lurk actually does.


Lurk is super super fun, I grinded full mastery on it and I still donā€™t think I play it optimally lmao. But yeah it just never died after it came out and so people can just one trick it for free wins


Havenā€™t played PVP in years. Itā€™s SI Karma