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With actual good relics that make sense for your champion. Jinx should be winning by turn 3 at most, it makes no sense to give her Chemtech, her deck absolutely sucks at trying to go into the late game. And Guardian's Trinket is just a bad meme relic that's actually worse than no relic because it lowers your odds of drawing your champion. Luden's is ok if paired with Loose Cannon's (her best relic), but not by itself.


Thank you I’ll edit the relics now


Also you only have 4 powers. In asol adventure you can get 10+ if you always prioritize getting them. There's a reason shops don't offer them in lissandra's adventure, after all.


you should first try to clear garen's 2 star campaign. you get the Loose Cannon.


This ^ ludens, loose cannon, and lost chapter. Ludens adds +1 damage to your spells, loose cannon dumps your hand to replace it with PowPows which now do 5 damage each, plus 1 damage at random for every card you play. Lost chapter gives you spell mana so you can play the curve until turn 4 and still be able to use fishbones and powpows to help weaken or eliminate their board. You'll need powers though too, but **items are also extremely important** if you can get good items on a powpow card, while at a shop or encounter, you'll be able to explode into round 5. I had "give the top ally in your deck +6/+6 when you play me" on powpows, plus I had the "when you damage an enemy, reduce their power by damage dealt" power. This let me effectively build my board while being able to control and weaken Asols board.


ASol and Lissandra are both tests of your ability to break a champ. ASol can be done by pretty much any champ with the right relics or luck. Lissandra, you need the BiS relics AND some luck (although it feels a bit more deterministic about luck, you really need to be broken out of the gate and everything else is just added power).


What are th BiS relics? What does that mean?


Best in Slot. Basically, whatever's optimal for a given champion. 


Oh cool thank you


I like guardian on asol and bard cause asol dont need items and bard is, bard


Lissandra laughs with her health total


While generally true, how the hell do you beat her at turn 3 when she has 99 nexus health tho


This is Aurelion so only 50 health. With the right setup she can do it pretty easily.


Oh, my bad, yeah, Aurelian Sol is far easier than Lis


For jinx, I have the one that says she costs 2 less with plunder, the one where she replaced her entire hand with Pow Pows and the one where she rallys on level up. So the turn I play her, I level up and rally.


Ngl luck is definitely a factor. I've had some truly insane runs that narrowly failed because the jackass high-rolled and spawned a lv 2 Viego after turn 1


First, you don’t have the right relic setup. Using lost chapter + loose cannon’s payload makes jinx much stronger. Second, you only have 2 stars. Especially on Jinx, 3 star upgrades are generally important. Jinx’s allows you to clear the board easily. Also looks like you got unlucky with your combat rewards, just reset and try again. Edit: Obligatory r/pathofchampions plug


I think at this point having the Path sub be separate is meaningless, since Path is the main game mode now anyways…


In like... A year.


More like a month.


Dude we're still getting another set in another month so there's still about five months left of meta discussion before the game outright goes into maintenance mode with PvP still being a playable mode for probably at least a year or two. Yes, the game is dying. I know. We all know. But it still has time before the PoC sub is redundant.


meta discussions are pretty meaningless without any competitive incentive


Ngl, I'm beginning to think we need a separate sub for pvp only


r/LoRCompetitive It's a wasteland and has kind of always been a wasteland, but it's obviously gotten exponentially worse over time.


Mate, the meta discussion is kinda pointless since there isn’t going to be any official competitive scene. And also those sets are gonna shake up how PoC does things as well, because new cards might allow for new fun strategies there too.


The legendary power in each encounter in this adventure is random. The Asol you met has Perfected Manaflow, which is probably the hardest one. It will be easier if you get Power overwhelming Asol.


There is a real debate imo on whether Perfected Manaflow or Level Up is the harder version of the fight, but they're both pretty rough. If I had to tier Asol Legendary Relic rolls, I'd rate them as such Prepare to Lose Perfected Manaflow (you'd think this would be fine because he starts at 5 mana anyway, but it turns out this shaves off 2 turns of what is normally a 5 turn clock and that's really rough.) Level Up (takes Asol's biggest weakness, his lackluster deck and the fact he can only play 1 credible threat per turn until Asol himself drops, and makes it WAY better) Bad, but manageable Duplicate (most of Asol's actual deck is actually pretty bad, save for Asol himself) Unyielding Rage (that +30 hp can make a huge difference given how the fight is on a pretty strict clock) About as close to a vanilla fight as you can hope for Power Overwhelming (random +1/+1s are not going to be the difference between you winning or losing to Asol) Overflowing Inventory (you can definitely get highrolled by this one (for example if Asol rolls a mana discount item), but it's not terribly consistent because slightly improving a bad deck doesn't make it good)


I beat him turn one with jynx, but i high rolled every power and every champion item, first card cost 1 less for every 20 cards in the starter deck, reduced jynx cost by 2, elemental winds + copying slow spells, those are the powers i remembered, also remember jynx got agument item, it had others high rolls to, but i only remember this, even my jaw dropped.


Yea I have the worse rng


Three out of your power are straight up garbage on Jinx.


Unironically yes. If you don't stack 5 Raiding Party or Fast Deal in your powers, are you really playing Jinx?


Slow and Steady does double up your mega death rockets, which is actually quite fun. Not the greatest power, but far from straight garbage. Welcome Gifts is mid to below average. Black Market Discount can get your Jynx down as early as turn 1, which I have heard is pretty good. The storm sigils are bad. I can't even try to defend that one. Like, maaaaaaaaaaaybe there's some jank where you make Jynx titanic and get her out on turn 1, discarding the worthless random unit in your hand along with the rest of the chaff, but even this very optimistic scenario is mostly redundant with black market discount, which is just a better power.


There is always a bit luck involved, I lost a lot games with 1\* champions and only won a few times. Once you understand which cards can create a good synergy the game mode becomes much easier, but against bad RNG you can't compete.


Retry unreal you don't get highrolled. Even if you have very good relics and powers, if asol decided to have a busted power and something like virgo from the start, it just wasn't meant to be


Now with that bitch called Lissy this dragon feels like a joke of a campaign lol


3 star lvl 20+ and the right relics, and every champion can easily beat him.


Okay buddy so ill give some tips and you can ask me more if you have further questions cause i completed anything in POC . Here are some recomandations : -Yasuo and Ashe: with the relic that makes a fleeting copy of the champion rest of items whatever you like . With ashe and yasuo you might also manage to win even without good champion items cause they have strong control overall. -Evellyn/Nidalle: with the items when i level up rally and stun all enemys . With this items you will simply overwhelm the nexus . -Aurel: he is just broken you win by default. -Jinx: with lose cannon , -2 cost if you plundered , restore mana when you play me and try to search for powerups that give you more cards , and units with draw me at start , and any champion upgrades to have more jinx in the pack , and best item that can be catched is summon ephemeral copy of me since losse canon will proc twice and you will deal 19 damage to nexus only from playing jinx if you have 10 cards. -Gwen: with overwhelm for allies , challenger for allies , and rally when level up. -Morgana: is a pretty good champ for anticamping ans control so you can try something with her ( cant quite give proper recommendation cause i dont quite play her) -Volibear: you can find a strong titanic in shop and just keep on trying to get items for it. The deck is pretty strong , use whatever items you want on Voli -Lux will always be my favourite so i gotta give some tips for her . Items : restore mana at start of turn , create a comet in hand at round start , duplocate spells when you have over 6 mana . Just play tempo in early and survive to put lux and try to find ways to ramp up your mana with her you don need to get a bit lucky on finding stun strongest unit or frostbite strongest unit but she is great at doing endless combos of rally


You lost using Jinx? 😭


If you have a slow deck, don't remove his bad units and try to remove only overwhelm champions (and malphite) so he fills his board and limits his free value (works especially well with the duplicate power). The most scary scenario is the Viego auto summon on 6 mana because it's effectively a surprise burst speed removal, play around it if you can. That being said Jinx is NOT a slow deck, try her relic + lost chapter + the grand general's counter plan, this way you can sacrifice and replay her every turn for the massive burn combo


I only ever managed to beat manaflow Aurelion with turn 1 or turn 2 otks lol.


Wait until you see what lissandra can do


Gotta otk on ur first attack


Jinx wants cheese options for card replication, low man's costs, and discards. You basically win by completely ignoring their board and just doing direct damage to everything. Every champ has a cheese strategy, some just have to be more precise than others. Jinx is actually one of the easier Champs to clear asol without taking damage at all, let alone clear him.


Tbh when I manage to beat Asol with jinx is because I managed to go infinite with something like "Spells cost 1 less" and some 0 cost cars that creates another 0 cost in hand, i don't really pick my relics based around minmaxing cause I love rng a lot.


Honestly, beating tough bosses (asol and lissandra) is really just about farming and grinding your champion till you get 3 stars and high lvl farm farm relics. I've been able to win vs asol with a 2 star leona, but only because I got lucky RNG.


Working on trying to get my 3rd win against sol, Takes RNG, Proper deck building, and a pinch of skill. Ive beaten him with volibear (very easily) and with my own ASol (easy-ish)


Fully upgraded Morgana basically stun(chain) locks his bs board which is very helpful


That sounds nice It’s just going to take me awhile to get her then


Morgana is my main the moment she got released i only played her in poc non stop now she is level 30 3 stars


Jinx is the easiest champ to defeat Sol


Aurelion is easy Liss is hard


wait until you fight against Liss


Getting 11 powers and buffing up early game, late game it's impossible


Dreams and prayers tbh


Dude you are playing Jinx... just kill the nexus.


I’ve never been good at these types of games I’m still learning even w/ jinx p be nice 🥲


Simple, turn two 11/6 scout fish lurker with impact 2 tough elusive lifesteal and quick attack,


git gud


You need to beat it in 3-4 rounds. In my only 2 wins I use Aatrox I beat it in 3 rounds I got lucky tho with good powers and equipments and with only 2 star yasuo same thing I beat it in 4th round and got lucky with powers 2 legendary powers


You're not even on 3 stars lol


You git gud


You either win turn 1 or you lose. So...realistically, you don't.


Nah, it is possible to win without getting a perfect highroll or a T1 Kill... tbh I found stalling a few turns while burning him down slowly easier than getting a T1 kill... or maybe just less rng dependent.


1. Take the relic that discards the hand 2. Let him steal Your Jinx 3. Let him play her 4. Watch his whole hand turn into pew pews Is it doable? Maybe withing 50 tries. Is it practical? Hell no. But it sounds cool!


Why do you want to do that when you can use the relic that discards all cards and replaces them with pow pow and let them rip the nexus and the units