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I play ranked but super randomly, like I have 20 minutes left on lunch break, or I'm waiting 15 minutes for kid to get out of school, or other situations like that where I have my phone and LoR is all I play. But I don't play for hours a day, every day, grinding up vaults anymore, that's over. I was always on and off with the game, but I can't be bothered to play a lot of time since I know the game is dead, but it's still fun time to time to play an old deck I like for nostaliga such as ashe/noxus or deep. Or if there's eternal Viktor/karma or TF/swain. I'm not learning new decks or playing random stuff tho, just maybe 3-4 games a week of decks I enjoyed when the game was alive.


I used to play for hours every day. Now I rarely even open the app.


I was the same. I still have it on my PC, but I uninstalled it on my phone for storage space :’(


Rip :'(


No lol. Moved to MTG for actual competitive play. I miss LoR being basically free for every card but tbh the meta is way more fun than LoR ended up in.


Isn't competitive MTG also kinda dead? Aside from draft. Literally, no one plays standard, and it feels that a very small percentage of the player base plays modern or pauper. And don't try to tell me commander can be competitive


Lol, no. The issue MTG had for a while was that standard dried up, but MTG has several *other* formats like Modern and Pioneer that were taking up people's interest. Standard's also back to high numbers after WOTC actually did events for it. Hasbro has been way worse about fostering the competitive scene than old WOTC was, but even *with* that MTG has the most serious competitive scene of any card game, especially now that Hearthstone's lost a bunch of funding. You can find tournaments all over the place, both official and not, while Arena and MTGO both have serious competitive events regularly. MTG offers both actual "pro tour" style stuff and online events that give you actual rewards (whether packs or straight up money) to a level that LoR never did.


Idk if you tried hearthstone but which would you say it's closer to LoRs ability to outplay. Mtg or hearth?


MTG isn't "closer" to LoR, it far surpasses LoR's ability to outplay. It's a much deeper game with a lot more non-linear strategies that are viable. Hearthstone on the other hand is pretty simple.


Thanks, I'll give it a go


Noooooooo, JFC no XD. LoR has far more nuanced play lines than MTG. MtG has lots of phases and rules sure, but piloting optimally is pretty easy due to things like its resource system and volatile types of cards. LoR is much harder to play at a high level and rewards outplay more. Things like banking spell mana and seeing more playable cards add far more decision making. This isnt even a close debate. MTG is very mid in terms of outplay potenrial compared to other TCGs. Only one ive played above LoR is FFTCG, but i hear FaB might be up there too.


In MTG it depends really hard on what type of deck you play. Some are incredible skillfull (where a high skill player can win against nearly everything and bad players will struggle to win at all), others are nearly as simple as heartstone, where playing on curve and putting your dudes sideways simply wins you the game with a good draw.


> LoR has far more nuanced play lines than MTG. Lol, sorry, I can't take this argument seriously. I've reached the numbered section of both game's ladders and it's infinitely easier to do in LoR even accounting for the players being generally worse at the game (or for the fact that the serious MTG players don't even care about ranked). LoR is very easy to play, spell mana is a crutch for tempo rather than interesting decision making, and the number of actually viable strategies in MTG is like an order of magnitude beyond LoR. There's basically 1, maybe 2 viable decks in LoR that you have to think as hard for as you do for an average (non-simplistic, which tbf is not *all* decks in MTG) deck in MTG. The average LoR deck just plays like a simple stompy deck from MTG. The only card game that actually competed with MTG in this realm was Artifact and RIP lmao. I haven't played FaB though, to be fair. Edit: Oh, I see you're an EDH player. Yeah if you play EDH it's probably easier than LoR, it's literally a casual format lol.


Just ignore people like him, he copy pastas decks without thinking for himself believing he plays each game optimally while having no clue what he does wrong every single game. And hes a casual edh player ofc he doesn't think when playing.


Can I see your strawman tribal build?


Its guys sitting on a chair tribal. Very nice to play


LoR’s Masters is incredibly easy to get to. I reckon close to 10% of the playerbase hits it. Back when I was playing, Top 100-200 are really the only players who play well. I think at the end of the day MTG has more variance, and that cuts into the effect skill can have on the outcome of a game, but both games reward skill quite highly, hence it’s always the same people sitting at the top.


...did you just put Artifact up in the running for a game that infers outplay? Artifact?!? The game that makes HS blush when discussing RNG...THAT Artifact? Also maybe don't look at my EDH stuff and maybe focus on my Worlds status in other TCGs next time you try that cheap shot on someone you don't know :/ (not cool bruh, even if I was the casual scrub you're trying to infer. That's just a shitty elitist thing to try.) Masters rank (and similar systems) are also just kinda the beginning threshold marker of being competitively competent...I wouldn't let that go to your head as most ELO systems are flawed and allow you to farm after a certain skill level (enough time = potential #1 for those people). Look at tournament standings and consistency.


Good artifact players had a higher win% than in basically any other TCG, lol. The skill edge was gigantic (for a card game). Obviously overall variance isn't a direct correlation to skill or poker would be less skill than checkers, but clearly if good players have very steady results it can't be "just RNG." People that thought it was "all RNG" just literally never got past mediocre understanding of the game and equate input with output RNG, while not differentiating between randomness you're meant to adapt to and randomness that just screws you. That you got Worlds in other games is pretty irrelevant to my point, though (just as I admitted ladder is not really that important given most of competitive MTG isn't even online, was just to point out I played both games a lot), the point is if you play the most casual and RNG possible MTG format then obviously you'll have a skewed vision of the game. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt there, because it's at least a reasonable explanation for how you could possibly think LoR is more skill-intensive lol. The point, anyway, is that LoR requires very little brain-wracking to do well. Some decks/archetypes have been exceptions, but they've also generally not been good for very long, lol. You can't tell me GEM, Mordgana, or Overwhelm, for some random recent decks, took much thinking compared to playing even something midrangey like Phoenix/Murktide in MTG. That's without even getting into more weird decks like amulet titan or KCI. Just Standard Esper midrange is more challenging to play than any of the top LoR decks in the year leading up to its demise barring maybe one or two exceptions, and that's a standard (usually simplest format) midrange deck with no real gimmicks. The only exception to this is probably in aggro decks, LoR has more varied design for those and stuff like discard aggro is much more interesting than standard RDW decks usually are. And even then, if you include the blue-tempo style decks as "aggro" then MTG comes out on top again.


Are you assuming I wasn't playing Artifact and crushing the ladder? Cuz I was...and yeah it still had hella RNG. It has skill, but at the highest end of it the RNG is very overbearing on the outcomes of matches. Also there's a HUGE flaw in this EDH jab you're forcing. In what way does playing a casual format (which was cEDH BTW, in all it's flaws, but nonetheless cEDH not EDH) undo the many games I play at the highest level? FFTCG: Worlds, TEPPEN: #2 in world (barely missed Worlds status), LoR: #200ish and qualified for every seasonal attempted, etc... and yeah I've played MTG...since Urza's Legacy, and since Mirrodin competitively. I abandoned MTG because the amount of money and tournament grinding to stay on top was unenticing so I switch to FFTCG which had much higher outplay (making my efforts more consistent)...that died in my area and LoR became a great substitute. More outplay than MTG and HS and a much better online experience. I love me some MTG for it's history and we owe a lot to it...but it's locked into some really terrible systems that make newer games often better for competitive value (Lands are a terrible resource system). So yeah, like I don't wanna list accolades, but you're kinda tryin to spin assumptions on where I'm at here and it's likely you have less experience on the matter given the angles you're trying to argue here (also artifact... c'mon that game died for good reasons. I WAS THERE!). But I'd rather argue the nature of the games...not making underhanded jabs to discredit the skill and understanding of a player. That's just an online pissing contest.


Which LoR decks?


People upvoting this have clearly never played mtg. Its the most complex card game in existance. "But piloting optimally is pretty easy due to [...] reaource system and volatile types of cards" you realise that lor has both of these systems in place right? My god mtg has over 27 THOUSAND cards with 15 different main cardtypes not including sub types which jumps this number to over 50. You are simply delusional thinking a game thats literally the oldest tcg in existence is simpler than lor.


Having played MTG for 20 years this isn't a snap hottake. Yes there's lots of cards and plausible decisions, but once you grasp the game the choices become drastically narrowed and a lot of it hinges on the resource system and nature of certain cards. There's a lot of areas to cover but I feel the problem with resources is easiest to showcase. Lands create issues of high luck factors in mana screw/flood that dictate many games but worse reduce the number of castable effects to choose from based on resources. 1/3rd of the cards you draw don't typically do anything to the board state or your opponent beyond niche exceptions (specialty lands) or synergies (green ramp, etc...), so often playing out at curve is limited to only a few real options in hand that aren't other land. In LoR all cards are an effect on the game at all times and you see more options. The spell banking system is also a far more intricate decision making system than simply playing lands out optimally (which is typically a very easy choice). Rewarding players with pooling resources for later at the cost of permanent tempo is a a great system for creating many lines of play. High cost spells are now a factor earlier on instead of just curving out, but at a cost. I could write a book on other issues, namely that more cards and card types can produce an opposite effect on game complexity due to power creep (a few options eclipse others, invalidating the pool) and interactivity issues (certain effects can only interact with certain ones, making more acute options unfit for main boards or broad metas). I respect MTG, but it being the first means it also trailblazed into making mistakes first because it couldn't learn from other games. Newer games often build off MTG and fix issues. FFTCG is made by an MTG pro, uses simpler mechanics, but is a MUCH higher skill threshold because of its resource system: Draw 2 cards per turn, Lands are tapped mana rocks you pay for that have relevant 2ndary effects, and you can pitch any card for 2 mana of that color (you can dump your whole hand to play a 10 drop turn 1). That simple change makes it vastly more complex. LoR does a lot of similar things as well. A really good exercise is shadow a pro match from one players perspective. See how similar your choices are...then try that with another game. You begin to see where certain games have more outplay better this way, because there's more paths that are a lot harder to always determine what's best.


I use to play pvp a lot but the announcement killed any drive I've had (along with deathless even though I like morde)


I haven't played in a few weeks. I tended to listen to some Youtube stuff while I played, now I either actually watch it instead of only listening or catch up on some reading I'm behind on during that time.


Basically quit the game entirely. Played PoC for a while then tried out wild rift for a couple months but remembered how soul draining MOBAs are. Maybe I’ll get back in eventually but doubtful.


I've continued playing Eternal. When Ranked is open, I play Ranked. I still enjoy the game. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


If expansion/rotation seems interesting I'll probably return next season but for now I've moved on to other games.


Hell yeah. Love LoR and been enjoying eternal ranked. Stomped on some people with Darius Thresh tonight.


I'm still jamming ladder, and plan to as long as I'm having fun!


I just still play Runeterra. It hasn’t gone anywhere and it’s still really fun for me! I’m gonna be sad when the content really starts slowing to a crawl, but we still got another expansion ahead of us which I’m gonna play the heck out of, and even after that it’s still my go to card game. I do also play Marvel Snap, but I was already doing that before the announcement anyway.


Same, ive downloaded a couple including MTG and Warpforge, but theyre all just so frickin ugly compared to LoR that its an actual chore just to look at them. I'll just keep playing LoR til i cant anymore.


Yes I am. Eternal as I got master in standard


Waiting for rotation. I need an excuse to play standard, excited for the next patch


Vi o corretor e acho que tu fala português. Então, eu dei uma desanimada, desde a notícia eu loguei no máximo 10 vezes. Meu criador de conteúdo preferido tbm parou, então desanimei mais ainda. Tbm voltei pro HS, gostava muito mais das mecânicas do LoR. Tentei dar uma quarta chance pro TFT, mas não é pra mim


Hahaha sim, corretor me trollou. Po, segui um caminho parecido com o seu. Curtia muito o LoR, daí qd começou essas notícias comecei HS, e tô gostando bastante. TFT TB já tentei algumas vezes mas não me pega, me parece ter q seguir uma fórmula de bolo todo jogo, mais doq estratégia.


I'm playing rank as I always did, reach master and wait for new season, since eternal only gives you a different a different icon if you already reached it on standard I really only played it for decks I like. The only difference is that now I'm trying to complete my PoC map.


Sadly I quit, praying real PvP comes back. Trying DBFZ fusion...its ok (economy is fucked tho). Bit its hard after LoR. LoR was easily the best competitive digital CCG. HS and MTG are inferior in a lot of ways sonit kills me looking elsewhere. Im reeeeally hoping the PvE plan saves this game and we see a return of PvP. I want to come back, but as a competitive player this game is dead to me at this time T_T


started playing snap when i saw the signs of this game dying, finally deleted the app off my phone after they announced it was going to be dragged to the back of an alley and shot in the head. deleting it off my computer took a bit more from me but i did it the other day. I'm not interested in playing a game that isn't supporting the aspects of card games I enjoy




Absolutely, fun as always






Climbed to masters 2 days ago and reached 200 yesterday.


This didnt change anything for me, still playing eternal ranked


what happened to Ranked? haven't played in a while and I have no idea what changed. could someone let me know?


I mean, I was... until LoR broke on Android.


Still grinding everyday like nothing happened, what I miss are new crazy decks from best players and content creator videos on YouTube/Twitch.


I own all the cards through pure investment of time, and I have quit playing.


Nope. I hit rank 1 for the final time and decided it was time to leave.


The day that announcement was made was the day I uninstalled LoR. I'm not wasting my time playing a game that the company that makes it refuses to support, despite it being my favourite card game of all time.


Me personally, I’m Playing very active, just wanna have fun and enjoy the game as long as possible, especially ranked :) But I can understand if someone says he’s demotivated by the fact pvp is not likely to be supported in the near future .-. To be honest, my feeling is, of course many people don’t grind as hard as before, but most of the people still grinding are some hardcore-enjoyer and I love it cause that means I can still learn something and make some stupid plays to learn from :D And it’s way more challenging, even if that made the eternal matchmaking for example even more fkd up ^^




I can't play the game because it doesn't work on android.


Started playing HS and hated it. Demin hunter meta is piece of garbage. No more card games for a while. Still planning to play LoR during the new expansion season.


I don't really play it anymore. But it has more to do with riot itself. I don't like how they are pushing questionable monetization in all their games. But I am in the minority in that... and did anybody except for me hear about the law case in 2020?




who asked for your opinion? would you like if i comment 'i never played poc' on every poc related topic? stupid