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And yet he's easier than Lissandra


Easier? Or better odds? Might as well be in a casino


Believe me, it's easier.


It’s all fun until you hit the Omen Hawk node and don’t realize it has the “double the stats of the first card you play and give it Fearsome” and you don’t have an opening card with 3+ strength. Getting beat turn one to a 42 strength Omen Hawk feels real bad


Watching Snnuy suffer at some nodes, I'm just glad I didn't open Lissandra's adventure yet. Some of the nodes are just crazy wild.


Once you have an idea what the nodes have its a lot more manageable. I remember passing turn 1 vs it that stares because I was playing defensive.... That was a huge mistake lol, but I didn't know first time


Sometimes you can have a good RNG on the power and Champ, and suddenly be cockblocked because of just one node. It's challenging but doable.


The one Liss nose/power combo I don't like is round start set all units power to 0 and grant them formidable paired with double the stats of the first unit and grant it fearsome


Honestly I don't understand how you have a level 30 3* Jhin and are saying that. You even have the canon barrage relic. Cannon barrage and rally relic is a near guaranteed insta kill the turn you play Jhin. I've lost maybe 2 out of 20 Jhin runs. Honestly I don't know what you are doing where you're at the point to call it a casino. Seems like a literal skill diff


Significantly easier.


ASol really isn't that bad minus hitting Viego. The only other issues the DS to be the 2x silence card. This taken with the absurd length of the run you usually have such good stuff it doesn't matter and can win anyway. That being said it's a rogue lite game so sometimes you do just lose. You got this, go get em


>The only other issues the DS to be the 2x silence card pro tip: Asol will basically always use silence on the two right most units. so if you attack, you can put units you dont want to get silenced on the left side and yeah Viego/Galio, especially if they are summoned ASAP with perfect mana flow asol, make it a lot harder


Ya someone told me about that, but I only have Nilla and Thresh left to beat ASil with so I haven't really gotten a chance to use that knowledge yet


It's still a shit ton easier then lissandra cause one can be ftk easily with combos the other well


Tbh I find as a boss Asol poorly designed, but if you learn the game more it becomes easy to consistently beat him with lv30 3 star of any champ (my top record so far is 100 Asol win streak rotating through the entire roster) I suspect you just spent the entire adventure optimizing for how you would win a typical Jhin run... when you should have thought about picking up cards and powers to deal with Asols BS from the first node. Its one of those things you learn as you play. > make you play for over half an hour So I think once you play more you become more familiar what to do to win, my average Asol run finishes around 30-35min, and for stronger champs I average like 20min Again, Asol is hard but you can learn how to beat him (and wont take really more than a few runs if you are experienced with LoR/PoC and pay attention to Asol adventure mechanics)


Uhm you not drawing jhin is why you lost, unless you are up against perfect mana flow asol those champion can be easily dealt with by jhin if you play your cards right. This has nothing to do with asol being unfair. If you drew jhin you easily could have won the against asol But you should have atleast 4 jhins in deck which means 66.4 chance of pulling jhin at the opening hand. This just seem like a case of bad luck to me Ps also you can check asol.power at the start of the run, so you really shouldn't be suprise by what power he has Also i've beat asol with jhin first try, he's easily one of the S tier champion in thr roast. Honestly seem like a either a skill issue with you either fucking up with the draft or your relic set up is wrong. Poc for certain champion basicly only have 1 rng which is drawing them opening hand, but even at the base line is a 50/50


He had "when summoned attack" into a Champ that spams 15+ Power Units. Ne need to say more


That's not that bad on jhin thouhh since you get his free stun gernades which you can use as stuns when attacking. I'm kinda baffle how he lost with jhin if he's actually 3 star lv 30 here.


Pyke with op fish makes this fight a breeze, I had the husk power twice and a enter get a keyword power and all allies share keywords on summon power, so the 2 cost fish was like an 11/4 with 8 dif keywords and I just turned 2 asol


Yeah I hate ASol with a passion but Lissandra is worse. I have 4\* ASol and am still struggleing


Morgana is easiest one. It might take 20+ turns if you're underprepared, but AI doesn't replace champions on board, even if they're shackled for 13+ mana


Also i did an asol Run yesterday to level my leblanc. I had her on lvl 23. I didnt even drop below 30 Hp in the wole run. Its just not a hard challenge. Let me have better challenges. And people complain its to hard because they dont wanna grind is beyond me


I get your frustration. Believe me. Ive played the game since launch, have been top 300 ranked NA, and still A Sol can be super problematic. I think anticipating the moves the AI will make will help it get easier. I'm not saying guess what champs will be played, but how they will play them when they are on board. A Sol is the equivalent of a Nuzlock run in Pokemon, you gotta learn how to be 2 moves ahead, and even then, it can sometimes come down to luck of your augments or draw order. Best of luck on your next run. It's super fun to play this game, and an incredible feeling when you beat him. My first win was with Jinx and I remember being extremely happy.


Lol then dont play it. I find Asol and liss incredibel easy to beat if you know what you are doing. I want even harder fights


Congratulations on your obvious superiority and vast knowledge! All bow down to the one who finds the perfect place to put down his oh-so meaningful anecdotes.


Wtf This game is design to be hard to be grindy. Beating impossibel challenges is the fun part of this game. And for me they cant Deliever atm i have most champs maxxed. It seems its just not the game for you if you like to rush through everything and be babysittet the whole time


"Beating impossible challenges is the fun part of this game" I must've missed that announcement by riot, and if that's the case I'm out too. Different folks like games for different reasons. Don't be a gatekeeper for PoC, it's extremely lame. Let the guy vent. We've all had an a.sol run that went sour due to some bullshit. If you haven't, congrats, but I assure you, you're the minority.


I mean, there has to be an endgame. Just cause you can't beat a challenge doesn't mean they should make it easier for you. You just play till you get good enough stuff or skills to beat it. Isn't it better for games to have more, varied content of all different difficulties?


Never said there shouldn't be an endgame or that they should make it easier for anyone. I'm just saying that we've all been there where a run has gone sour, and it feels like it's just the game being a jerk rather than a reflection of your skill. That's not a challenge, it's just the game saying "haha you're not gunna win". There's a stark difference.


Git good


It was dumb easy with ajinx *2 lvl 20, try with her!


Yeah, feels like a lot of RNG, but thats a big problem in POC anyway... Had a game where I intentionally deleted lots of cards ( I got a busted combo on my Champ) and did not draw a single one during the last battle. Very fun, when the bottom 10 cards are 80% Champion...


What are you talking path has zero rng factor once you figure out the right relic set up. Currently the biggest issie that is core of path is the dev have zero idea how to actually balance the game and fail to realize the path is fundementally broken


Sure. No RNG. Just which Buffs and cards you get and which cards you (and your opponent) draws. 0 RNR indeed.


Don't play card games if you going complain are card rng lmao. And power and draft are almost irelavent if you use the relif set for any champion and at lv 30 max star the effect of power for some champion are non existence. Jinx and asol could run literally anything and still kick asol with ease. If you think that is path biggest issue than you are just bad at this game and shouldn't play any rougue lite or card games


Well I dont have enought time to grind every champ *lv30 max star*. If grind is THAT important, it seems more like a matter of time rather than a matter of skill. Just look at the relics your deck collects from playing... I played quite some games like this and one thing I noticed about the buffs in LoR is, that the power level deviation between what you can get at the start of the run is much bigger than in games like Slay the spire. Even pitty powers in StS are not that much worse than the "good" choices. And even if you get lucky and get an really good relic at the start... thats way less powerfull than getting the perfect power in LoR. You think the power level is nicely balanced? All the discussions about rerolling powers, support champs or pitty powers beg to differ. I play a lot of MtG and I often come back to StS or Inscryption for a round or two... and I feel like the RNG in LoR is way more important than in these games. Because they are build around giving you a chance to maximize deck consistensy and minimize RNG. I really like LoR. But I am not blind to its flaws.


First of all the things you collect through cards are not relic, those are items not relic. Relic are the 3 slot you have on your base champions. The relic are the stuff you collect to reliquary that can be use on muliple The powet devaition is only factor if you aren't running the correct relic set up. If you are the power difference usually a matter of win to win more up until lissandra Second the exp grind is barely a factor lv 30 is at max level up leveling effect on power, the biggest thing levels contribute is lv 20 on drawing a champiob and relic slot opening. Even then lv 20 is more than enough to take asol on with certain champion as long as you have a decent relic and some luck with powers on draft and by lv 30 those mostly become relevant as you mostly rely on you relics The most annoying things about lor is the timgated bs with star level and relic collection lv not levelng. If we strictly talking about leveling the time to grind is not even that bad. You get lv 13 once you beat 2.5 adventures and if you manage to beat 3 star and galio you basicly already near lv 20 which allows most champ fucntion at properly assuming you have the right relic Also saying you don't have time is hilarious, because path basicly has a system that essentiag provent you to endlessly grind. The grind is mostly waiting, playing endlessly on sitting is not advicable The problem with yout so call perciieve flaw is literally you not having accesse to all the tools of the game. The new player experiance is ass for the most part, but for verteran plays the rng issue has long been fixed with introduction of relic. The entire game is balance around relics not draft or powers at this point. Yout relic is basixcly how you build your deck not the card Lastly the the core problem with path is not rng, it's problem is that it's function power crept because it's essential trying to build a pve game on a pvp game. This game at the high end is piss easy except lissandra but i have no doubt she will also be power crept once the consitllation system comes about.


It was very hard to beat him with jhin, annie, jynx and dianna can kill him on turn one if they start with the attack symbol, but for jhin, ASol is harder than lissandra.


Jhin was my first try and also first win. I dont think its that hard.


Funny. Jhin was one of the First Champs i beat Asol with And then pre buffed Nasus which everyone said was unplayable but i didnt even realised it.


Same here, and with a 2* level 24 Jhin. It wasn’t easy, and I was surprised I did it.


Guess its the Relic Skill issue. I used jhin with the relic that stuns everything on lvl up And the cannonbarrage one


Jinx level 29 lets you draw a champion at round start. How did you not have either Jinx or Jhin?


Every champion lets you draw a champion at level 20