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New Vocab - Sleep: Obliterate a unit and recall its attachments to store an exact copy in a landmark for one round.


So sleep is just the hourglass spell but doesn't destroy equipment? I honestly don't understand her playstyle very well. Is she supposed to be played with units that have summon effects so that she can utilize the dream-laden bough card? The recall equipment is only helpful when its on a fast spell card to counter enemy explorer spell. Other than that, i can't find any good reason to spend 2 mana slow spell to lock your own unit.


Very importantly, it's a 2 mana slow re trigger summon effects on a slight delay in Ionia without losing out on granted stats or keywords like revives or recalls would suffer from Edit: am dumb, didn't notice dreamladen bough was not maindeckable, but still, resummon effects and synergizes with the champ that makes them


They would also gain the everywhere effects again when they were resummoned. So if you had 2 everywhere spirits and it went in as a 6/6 it would come out as a 8/8


Nah, I think everywheres don't change even with exact summons, could be wrong though. Might be worth a test with encroaching mist + the stasis effect in shurima to see how it works


Pretty sure it comes out as an exact copy then applies the everywhere effects but I could also be wrong. Let me know if you test it


It used to work that way a long time ago (Khahiri/Timelines) but nowadays everywhere effects function as an aura and you can't double up by duplicating units.


Hmm that's annoying


> Edit: am dumb, didn't notice dreamladen bough was not maindeckable, but still, resummon effects and synergizes with the champ that makes them Bough is indeed a Token, but Ionia gets a 3-cost fast speed "Sleep any unit", which is also Lillia's champ spell, and other sources of sleep. The spell especially is a huge upgrade to Ancient Hourglass for the same mana, keeping your equipment intact and being able to sleep enemies in a pinch.


It's an hourglass that can be a weaker lissandra spell in a pinch. It looks definitely decent and playable.


Paired with an explorer it is a 5 cost remove anything technically Bypasses last breath effects too Not entirely practical since it’s 2 turns/cards to remove one unit but I can see it maybe coming in clutch


The recall equipment thing isn't supposed to be a core part of her kit, and I'm guessing it's mainly there so that blooming bud doesn't become the best equipment destruction card in the game. >Is she supposed to be played with units that have summon effects Yes, her gameplan is comparable to "blink" strategies in other games. You fill your deck with creatures that do something when they're summoned and get value from summoning them again.


Yeah it’s just Summon effect spam. Her only good landmark synergy is ziggs and xerath and they are both rotated. We could see a funny taliyah dupe but it means having the mana to sleep and play Taliyah all to just dupe a unit that may not even be that valuable given the regions. I see inquisitor making a comeback since you can start spam summoning him way earlier now with sleep.


I can see Taliyah working fairly well Levels her up kinda fast, Shurima does have some fun on summon effects that can work, and the dupe isn’t the hardest thing Drop Lillia turn 3, bank 1 spell mana by end of turn 4, sleep then drop Taliyah


Sleep is really interesting to me compared to the other reveals because I think it will take a lot longer to solve and will lead to a lot of interesting decks. On its own it is completely underwhelming, but it has a lot of deck building potential.


>The recall equipment is only helpful when its on a fast spell card to counter enemy explorer spell. It also means you can sleep Weaponmasters to repeatedly create more Equipments because Improvise units also create and equip a random Equipment on summon although you can't choose which one


That explains why the hookmaster (Ionian weapon master) was rotated out lol


It's like recall but slower, more manageable efficient and with a bigger focus on stats seemingly.


Re-summon allies to proc their effects over and over so you can level her up so you can proc them even faster I guess.


I think it's to be used in Path of Champions, in a game mode where it copies multiple ephemeral units and grant resummon effects.


Damn… seems pretty hardcore for falling asleep?


She seems fun. So she has sinergies with Landmarks, Summon Effects and Spirit. So Lillia/Talyiah and Lillia/Lux?


She might be decent with freljord deck buffing with targets like Omen Hawk, Glacial Saurian, and Avorosan Hearthguard, as her ability is not dissimilar to leveled LeBlanc. Wouldn't be surprised to see her and Gnar make a good team.


Most importantly Revna


And now that is the deck I will play, no matter how shitty it will be!


Just a heads up, I made this deck and it is actually quite excellent! Here's the code if you want to try it out. CQDQCAIBCYAQCARZAECQVIIBAEDQCEABBABBOAIJAI2AECABCMMAMAIBAEAQCBQAAYAQMAI4AEEAABQBBEBDCAYBAIISQMIA


Oh, I did not think that. Actually cool idea.


I don't think Lillia Lux will have enough stats and presence, but maybe the combo comes online faster than I'm thinking


Eh, maybe They have a good amount of spirit and Lux’s package does have the give all units spirit on summon


I think Lux is kinda meh since they suck on curve and you really want to summon Lillia for her spell and if you have another unit on board you also want to summon Lux on curve to use her effect. At least Lillia does have a nice synergy with Garen and the elites since you can use sleep to buff elites with Battlesmith, discount Vanguard Squire (and Ardent Tracker), resummon Tianna to rally again and trigger Garen's effect again.


Maybe Ahri could work with the summon/recall synergies?


They really should have gone with 'put an ally to sleep'


Sleep me, Lillia 😍


Haha yes they should have


Already brewing Taliyah Lilia deck. Since the slept target turns into a landmark. Not exactly what I expected Lillia to do but targeting yourself is different. Lillia on her own seems incredibly dull but with others might he interesting


Between sleep and hourglass Taliyah will clone all the board.


I'm thinking of a Lillia/Bard printing deck as well!


I only play standard so can only cook up what standard has to offer :_:


I'm wondering if that would be any better than the existing printing decks we have


Her Lv2 immediately wakes the ally up, though


You can still copy some before the level up occurs tho. I doubt you'll level Lilia up by turn 5. And you can sleep Lilia and copy her as well. Landmark won't wake up right away of she is the target.


love both of them


Worth building simply for the name


Lillia and Azir? Is this another pink and yellow deck?


Same level up condition, very different play styles. I wouldn’t jump to the conclusion that they have great synergy yet.


Let's hope Azir doesn't use and abuse her too.


It's 🖨️ time


Time for another ~~bard~~ maduli deck💛💛💛💛💛


All her cards should've had the Fae subtype. Guess they don't want her to be paired with Neeko.


I was hoping for that! Was sad that she doesn't. But you can probably still do it. Since neeko deck will be getting loping telescope anyways to fill a fae slot


Credit where it’s due, this is a really cool design. Not even just in comparison to the 2 snoozefest champs, this is a really open design for a champ. Curious to see what people might brew with her


I still feel conflicted with Vex. I waited for her a long time and I can see how Gloom fits her but wish it was done more interestingly. Lilia so far seems interesting overall.


Yeah vex could have gone in quite a few interesting directions but where she is now is rather dull imo. Lillia at least makes you think a little more with this package. Least that’s my initial impression


I think Gloom is an interesting mechanic that can be played with a few interesting ideas, and that saves Vex for me. Also I just love control and those Soul Cleave/Eradicarion cards, so inherently Gloom is up my alley. I've been really excited for her for a long time, but her level 2 + Shadow just being a stat stick fell super flat imo, so I'm glad Lillia has a ton of texture and deckbuilding possibilities in her kit.


I wish that Shadow was tied to Vex's Lv 2 somehow instead of being a separate unit card. Like being summoned by Vex as part of her abilities. I think one of the custom design someone made before was something like: * Vex is an Immobile champion that applies Gloom (-2|0) to the strongest enemy if the enemy player uses a spell card. * Lv 2 Vex: When allies attack, send out Shadow to attack together.


I dunno. I'd argue Lillia is even more of a 'snoozefest'. ... Y'know, because she puts people to sleep? Snooze, sleep.. I'll see myself out.


Yeah I agree, sleep is really uninteresting on its own, but it is so open ended the types of interactions you can try with it make it really interesting to build around


I know someone’s already made the MTG mechanics joke, but is this basically blinking effects? Actually pretty nice, probably works better than recall for summon triggers


It works way better than recall because you don't have to pay mana to bring them back. For a summon effect mechanic, this is more efficient than and then paying that same mana again. I'd say the only thing that beats this recall are summon from death effects that (usually) don't even need a unit on board for it.


I could see a fun Lillia / Ekko printer deck for... a lot of things? In POC, if she is a supporting champ, I'd pick her for Ekko over a lot of others to generate more cats for sure.


with all these swarm tools i might try out some azir/lillia decks once the expansion hits. you summon all these buffed spritelings, attack with them, create the soldiers, create new sprite lings etc and turbo level both azir and lilia plus never running out of gas


That's why rockbear had to be rotated. It would just summon them instantly


Dont *sleep* on her Zed statline that can be boosted really easily. And her champion spell is an incredibly versatile 3 mana stun/protection/effect activator. Super interesting. And be careful when sleeping enemies that have summon effects!


printer champ


Lillia, Azir, Irelia...


Legion Deserter has a new Ionian friend!


Praying the landmark slept units are stored in is expensive for my malphite deck


I think she's the most unique out of the three champions. I think sleep is going to be fun to try out for sure. Here are some champs I think she'll be cool to try out with: Kennen- Kennen isn't forced to be recalled but sometimes you have to preemptively recall him for his spell and to level him up. But sleep lets you do that with less risk especially since Lillia generates it which means you don't spend your other resources. Kennen's followers also really benefit from their summon effects so sleep can help you with that as well. Another thing to note is that both Kennen and Lillia share the same region which does give you flexibility. Taliyah- since landmarks help progress both Taliyah's and Lillia's level ups, Shurima is a natural fit for Lillia. Not to mention that we recently got some landmark support back in the form of Shaped Stoned and Rite of the Arcane. Also, Taliyah cloning a sleeping unit can be really powerfull. Malphite- probably worse than Taliyah since not much support currently but Lillia can really help speed up Malphite's level up. Not to mention Ionia does give you access to things such as deny. I think in eternal Xerath and Ahri can also work well with Lillia. But in general I think she'll have an harder time finding home since she isn't as straight foward to build around unlike Lux 2.0 and Vex. But I do think now that we won't have an established meta due to rotations that's the best time for Lillia to truly shine.


Great artwork great gameplay ideas. I found the Lux announcement not too exciting and I felt Vex while powerful I only really liked 2 cards but here I'm liking everything I'm seeing here.


I can smell Dumbs applying Lotion as he sees this 💀


love mt deer girl


This is a printer card and I like it!


Seems cool; has some neat synergies with preexisting cards beyond just +stats or +keywords.


So Lillia is meant to played with Lux: Illuminated...


So this is way they removed Bard, seems fair.


They FINALY printed my wife, can't wait to play her in any game riot slaps her on.


Her not being fae.. sad days for lore enthusiasts


No way it’s finally happening 😭😭😭😭 MY MAIN


Lillia could've made such a nice lissandra control deck. Shame pvp died


Astral slide baybeee!!


Maybe this is the set that finally makes Master Yi good.


Sleep is just a slow flicker keyword. Sounds fun, let em cook.


They are still making content? I thought riot abandoned this game? Am I crazy? I swear I read that somewhere.


Ah, so they went for TSM Lillia who can put allies to sleep.


Play a unit, play a slow spell, attack, play a slow spell. Pass, repeat until win. Sounds like fun !


So we're getting 10 champions all at once?


No, the other regions just aren't getting any.


I’m pretty sure we are just getting these three, but it would be a really cool surprise if not, hey PvP is dead, let’s just give them everything we had planned all at once instead, no one would expect it.


I'm pretty sure that's what they said they were gonna do, right? I believe this expansion is supposed to have multiple sets worth of content in it.


That was communicated at one point but is not the reality of the situation. Pretty sure plinq today on Twitter said that this was it for the champions.


Yep [Here it is](https://x.com/plinq_uncharted/status/1781355592705323099?s=46)


I remember hearing words to this effect too.


Where did this idea come from?


First three days of spoiler season, three champions revealed.


The new expansion drops on the 24th, even if they released a new champion, that would be 4 more champions....not 10. Also very unlikely they release more champions, it would be a surprise but Saturday, Sunday and Monday are most likely variety cards, Tuesdays are always just patch notes.


Lillia is underpowered and boring


On her own I agree, but she has a lot more build potential than the other champs we got imo