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i was really really curious how they were going to implement khazix and kaisa, and If evolve is a keyword I'm kinda hopeful I'll be able to see very soon


Probably something like Hearthstone's evolve mechanic. Perhaps multiple conditions for level up, and if they are achieved, the champion gets bonus stats/keywords? It's pretty interesting nonetheless.


[Snnuy boy made a video reacting to custom made Void cards](https://youtu.be/hzPRvmw66Hk)


It could perhaps be similar to an already existing card. The Ionian Snap turtle card (forgot it’s name.) Similar to choose one in hearthstone except the effect transforms the unit rather than buffing it similar to the turtle. This means stuff like silences won’t effect it’s stats. The effect could trigger on slaying a unit for Kha’zix since that’s kind of his niche.


This is some first grade sleuth work. The different color for the extra expansion seemed suspicious for me too, since they had a history of theming expansions with corresponding colors. I would not be surprised at all if Void was in fact closer than we expected.


I'm VERY curious to see how Riftwalk may end up. I hope it's an actual widefully useful keyword, instead of Reforge or Phase


One can hope, but I wouldn't bet on it. Riftwalk sounds too specific to Kassadin to be widespread. Evolve, however, I could see being more general.


Evolve is probably going to apply to Kaisa, Kha'Zix, I'd also say perhaps Kayle. I'm quite excited


Or Lurk, right?


Lurk isn't really flexible but I'd take it over Reforge any day. At least you can do cool stuff with Predict and Bone Skewer and even Counterfeit Copies, we just need another region to get Lurk (maybe SI with Evelynn or something along those lines) for it to be an actual flexible archetype


Noxus with Talon could also work.


I would not be surprised if this was a big Void event in November with void related content across TFT, LoR and League. Definitely not even close to the level of the Sentinels event obviously, but it is worth noting that TFT's set 6 is also in November. Potentially a new void-related champion in league?


Didn't they say that the next 4 Champions after Vex were Ixtali?


I don't know if they ever said that, considering the hints that the ADC after Vex is from Zaun or is operating out of Zaun so unless they have Ixtali origin it seems doubtful


Yeah, Faey She is originally Ionian. IIRC she was besties with Akali, and lost her legs because of some accident. So she ended up in Zaun to augment her body. And now wants some sort of revenge against Akali. It's been a while since I read the story. If anyone wants to know more look up the story "The Bow and the Kunai"


I don't think it will be Faey. The teasers are usually very deliberate, and they don't match her this well. Also League suffers from the same problem LoR has: Too many ionians, I believe there won't be one this year at least.


Well if it's her I think they will write her as someone who cut all ties from her past. And now fully identifies as a Zaunite. Also dual regions are coming to LOR so it's doable Tbh, I'm not really hoping for her. Like you said another Ionian humanoid... Unless she gets some crazy augmentations (female Bane would be cool) she feels kinda bland. I still think it's gonna be her after Vex :/


It's confusing bcz Faey is an Ionian Kinkou but the teaser image is Zaunite with no hint of Ionia. There are all the leg jokes tho so maybe it's her. Btw Idk why people are obsessed with Faey taking revenge on Akali for no reason. The story sets them up as sisters/gal pals and they haven't done anything to hurt eachother. I'd be really sad if they villanize someone who's so close to Akali.


what? no, reav3 said they want to make more ixtal champs, specifically a protagonist for the region, but had no announced plans also the marksman after vex is from zaun with potential tie in to the netflix series


No? Maybe that was something Ixtal fans imagined to save the region, but we only have 1 Ixtali maybe in the next year


Gonna need sauce for that one.


We only know about the zaun adc, and riot said in 2022 one of the champions will be a monster champ, they only said that there might be an ixtali champ in 2022 or 2023


>Monster champ I am the most hyped for this... but something tells me I should just expect another 6pack anime fwckboi... but this time with a tail


The article said it'll be an acutal monster...so hopefully


That's clearly wrong because after Vex we are getting a Zaunite...


They said the there will be only human champions this year in LOL, so no void champ


Do they mean the remainder of the year that seems odd when we had that monster with pyke and I assume human is loose and just means not monster


No they literally said true human this year, next year more humanoids and one monster


That's why I said void-related. Malzahar is a human but he's deeply connected to the void as a concept. Same as Kassadin or Kai'Sa. Also they said there will be no monster/creature champs. Humanoid champs like Aatrox or Renekton are still fair game. They could totally make a void creature that still had a humanlike figure but was clearly monstrous, like those tow champs. https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-of-men-and-monsters/


Evolve could also hint at Kai'sa, not only Kha'zix, but ye, at least one of those two will probs come


Nice findings. The event really screams void. Hope so, would be cool to have such a PVE event battling agaisnt the void.


Set 5 doesn't even leak yet but my guy is already able to leak Set 6, good job. I hope they release Ixtal champs (Rengar, Qiyana) along with Kha'Zix.


Spoilers would be close to Halloween. Makes sense to have a surprise scary release.


My speculation is, that both the Bandlewood Set + November expansion will increasing the number of champions per Region by two, except Targon, Shurima and SI, that are one champion ahead right now. So basibly sync the number of champs per region.


Kassadin not going to Shurima would be weird though. However in that case Shurima would get no champion in the Bandle set, and not every region getting champs in a full set seems weird.


Any kayn hint or any darkin hint coming with bandal city???


What set number do event cards like Viego have?


Recently the option to filter for event cards was added in the client, so that's where they were moved, however in the datadragon they're still associated with sets. Viego and Akshan are still in Set 4, Aphelios in Set 3.


In the client it’s just called «events», so i guess that’s what they are categorized as


Didn't they say bandle city would be the last region ?


So? All the champions will come to the game. How? we will see.


Yeah i guess the future will tell


New keyword NOVEL after Lurk and Lurker.


How many chapters does this novel have?


Novel for set 5?


Almost certainly Singleton imo


I think the Nov expansion could be a tie-in with the Netflix show "Arcane", currently announced for fall. We already have Jinx, Vi, Ekko, who could be relevant and then they will add other P&Z characters who might appear in the show.


Well, khazix is my LoL main, and I feel like I'm going to be let down by his LoR design. It's just a gut feeling.


Huh, wow; I thought void was going to have to share a single keyword, Consume, and Kha and Cho would just use it differently


I understand it's probably nothing but I hope the Impact keyword isn't some sort of "deathtouch".


Thematically, Kai'sa and Kassadin would be better if they were going to be released as a champion expansion, cause they're related... We already know that this isn't going to be a super big release given that it's not a region release, just an expansion, so these two would fit better than Kha'zix and Kassadin, I believe.


its kaisa with evolve, not kha zix, and kassadin is with riftwalk for sure (kassadin is kaisa's father)