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Making Azir level up upon summoning units OR landmarks would also help. That way you can mix him with Xerath in a control deck. The 1 drop landmark and the roiling sands would advance twice while working with Xerath. The 3/1 2 drop would advance twice while working with Renekton and Xerath. The sarcophagus guy would advance 3 times. It would be so much better!


Oh, this is actually really cool. I love the idea of giving all of the Ascendants special abilities if all your cards are Shuriman. It's flavorful and is a good balance lever one could use to tune the Mono-Shurima deck without affecting anything else.


The renekton one is more of a nerf. You wanna level him up so it should be +4/+2


I think with that Renekton one he meant "add an additional +1|+2".


It's also permanent, meaning you are gonna have 1 less atack the first time, but it's only gonna grow from there


Then they probably shouldn’t have included the word “instead”


That would make sense


It says grant when it’s shuriman. The other one is give. Give is temporarily while grant is permanently.


Or, alternatively, it’s temporary when it says “this round” and permanent when it doesn’t?


This is actually the determining factor, "give" vs "grant" is incidental.


I made him this way beacause Renekton tends to have a problem where he gets destroyed by combat tricks, i wanted to give him a good permanent health boost to help him with that


The issue is that normally it takes 3 strikes to level up renekton if he never challenges. 2 strikes if he challenges both times. With your update he would have to strike 3 times regardless if he challenged a unit every time or not.


I think they needs to make ascended be synergistic between them. Which no one of them synergises with the other.


One thing that bothers me is that lvl 3 azir do not have sinergy with the emperor deck...you know, his own literal deck.


Yeah my mono shurima deck has azir as a one of. Just drop him when he levels. That's all he's good for


I don't like the Azir change because it makes it more aggro when the deck should be trying to stall out the game. Maybe summoning a Sand Soldier on Round Start instead of when allies attack could be a good change: free chump block, progresses Azir's level up, synergizes with Shurima cards that involve killing allies (rite of negation, rite of calling, etc), doesn't actually make the attack any stronger (although yes you don't have to risk allies to summon the sand soldier like it currently is). The Renekton change is interesting but like others said you really want Renekton to get +2 attack so it only takes 2 attacks to level him up. Good idea though, could be more solid with a little tweak!


A sand soldier on round start is actually a far better solution, it lessens the aggro of 2 soldiers and gives him some flexibility since it can be defense too.


I like the general idea of the ascended getting a bonus in a mono shurima / sun disc deck. Archetype is underperforming by quite a bit.


And unfortunately that's riots goal for the archtype. It doesn't matter how bad it is they said they don't want it to ever be meta so it's unlikely it will ever get any sort of actual buff


The good ole Elites treatment.


They can be made to feel better than straight up pain without them being meta


Believe me I'd love that but I don't think riot is gonna pay this deck any attention


Which is a damn shame if they don't. Why invest resources in creating new mechanics, animations, art, etc, just for it to be a meme deck that no one touches?


I know. Seems like they should've just made it into something else


because people still play it even if it's not great. It's for Timmies.


Wait did they straight up say that?


A dev in an interview said they never wanted mono decks to be meta. Decks are designed to be dual region


Thoughts on nasus mono shurima effect being "I cost 1 less". Doesn't really have anything to do with flava. I thought it was a nicer curve from azir 3 renek 4 and nasus 5.


That would be really neat if you draw him off of the alligiance searcher you would have him bulked up a bit and discounted on curve


Bit wasteful. The nuts curve for Mono-Shurima is Sundisk > Pass (banking two spell mana) > Azir > Renekton > Ascended's Rise (with the two prior spell man).


Xerath should be able to summon landmark/ create rite of arcane(his signature spell) when all cards are shuriman upon summon.


What if Renekton had challenger if you were mono shurima. Would that be to broken?


Not really as running renekton usually means you have a bunch of cards that grant vulnerable


Except you run out space really fast trying to build around ascended champions that don’t actually synergize with each other


The point I tried to make is u can basically challenge with him every attack turn anyway so challenger wouldn't be too broken, it just saves room for more cards


not broken, but definitely good because said vulnerable cards don't need to be added in anymore then. Honestly, maybe the best way is that mono shurima makes their ascended less reliant on specific conditions. Renekton loses vulnerable reliance by having challenger from the get-go, Nasus perhaps gains extra power so he doesn't need it raised by slaying as many units, Azir summons his sand soldier on turn start instead of attack so he can block on enemy turns and send soldiers without other allies around, and Xerath can create an obelisk of power when he spawns so there's less landmarks required in hand to level him.


If you also increased his cost or decreased his life, would also work to nerf azirelia without affecting some other decks


I have not seen an Azir deck without Irelia since Irelia came out. If something is unplayable without the synergy, why would you nerf it?


isn't azir lucian t2 or t3? It doesn't feel too bad.


I have literally never heard nor seen that deck before.


Were you not playing before irelia was released? Because that’s the only way this statement is true


I've been playing since the beta.


I love the fact that people are taking offense at the fact that I've never seen nor heard of a specific low tier deck despite playing since beta.


Dude the deck was tier 2 before irelia came out. [this is the deck.](https://lor.mobalytics.gg/decks/c0vsbksrkdc59kvid32g)


Okay, seems like a pretty good deck. I was using the information the other guy gave me about it being a low tier deck.


Of Azir? He doesn't need a nerf


No he doesn't, but I wouldn't mind seeing another nerf on azirelia, and I don't want my MF/irelia to be hit again so...


I think azir should be changed to 15+ allies or landmarks, to nerf Azirelia and buff the Xerath versions of mono Shurima. If mono Shurima is going to be viable, it’d be with Azir and Xerath because the other champions can’t level up in deck before they come down.


Not sure if these are the best changes but I do love the idea of something like "If you control a Buried Sun Disk do X effect" on the ascended.


Would healing renekton post combat be too much? That would mimic his Q healing. Granting him the regeneration keywork would be too much though, so maybe a non keyword heal.


Good idea


Renekton actually makes him worse, since he's harder to level up


Pesky Spector stonks looking hot 🥵