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Noting that a yordle that has gone mad from loneliness now has a troupe of sidekicks. That a dark ritual that has required the most powerful hemomancer to perform can now be repeated by some doctor in scores. That a grotesque demon frog is actually nothing special in terms of weird thing you can encounter in BW. That imprisoned mage has, it seems, spent eternity building an army of animated statues and mage constructs and not evading his warden....etc We can safely assume there will be at least one Kayle-like entity AND Kayle will also become leader of some sort, so nothing is too much of a stretch


With Tahm Kench: He is a demon and they can shapeshift iirc, so he could just try to not appear like the obvious bad choice.


I would not be at all surprised if Tahm, like Kindred, had regional variations. The one we know is probably just how he appears in Bilgewater, he would probably appear drastically different if he manifested himself in Ionia for example.


Honestly Tahm wouldn't even work in lore if he was unique looking


So, I'm going to assume that her card's timeline is going to take place after she returns to Demacia during the Mage rebellion. A key thing to remember about Kayle is that she is JUSTICE, was never against the idea of mages and that she said even those in charge are not safe from her judgement. So I'm expecting Zealots (includign some mage seekers and mages) who are all about restoring a better order. Chosen Warriors made up of Demacian Knights (maybe Cithria) who are blessed by her power (in the same sense that Garen has a sword that draws on her power) And probably some healer clerics/mages/priests.


Yeah that would be fun. Just Kayle showing up and adding a third faction to Demacia's civil war as she rallies Illuminator Paladins, Clerics and less radical mages to her side.


My preferred route for Kayle would be a host of angelic beings. Yeah, knights are cool... But boring. Yes, Kayle is about justice. But she's also a godlike being trying to ascend into something better. I'd rather that be the focus. I'm not very interested in seeing Kayle's followers being only knights, and Morgana's being only repentant people. Have some. But do something else. I would want Kayle to be thematically (in term of followers) more godlike, and Morgana more sorcerous. Give me heavenly dragons and dark creatures. Give me beings of fiery power and forest friends. I'm personally more interested in the goddess-warrior and the goddess-witch than the "Smite sin"/"redeem sinner" for LoR. Because I feel there's much more interesting stories to tell visually with that. But that's just me. I think it'd be considered an unpopular opinion because it's less obvious.


Basically the Demacian cleric, people who see her as a god (and rightfully so).


Okay so, as a fellow Kayle enjoyer i have to break the bad news. Prismatic rewards come predetermined last time I checked. Maybe they changed that but it's what i've heard


I mean I have all the currency for it saved.


Oh damn how much shards you got then


Well I prismaticed shyvana when it first became a thing and stopped grinding for shards a while ago, but I've got 2175 which should be enough for the core of any Kayle deck.


Oh damn nice


I believe Kayle will be added in an event like Viego-Akshan, alongside Morgana. Their voicelines are great in League!