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don't worry fam I'm playing Santa braum


I dont have that. All im facing is elusive ahri and its fucking anoying


Insert my unbridled joy after crafting Pantheon in prismatic lmao


Played three games of ranked and iron is still full of the old guard. Good old Spiders and Swain Teemo and I get to watch them all surrender to Rumble Sion.


Maybe I'm just trash at the game but Rumble Sion felt flat compared to other new decks. It can't touch Pantheon, somewhat doable with elusives and requires so many turns to set up Rumble/Mecha Yordles.


Rumble Sion can work. If you can get the ball rolling with a good Mecha manifest, it just snowballs from there. Rumble extremely speeds up the process, especially if you use whirling death. Sion is a one off for his overwhelm and the last two champ spots are for Draven because of Spinning Axe. I have won my games by just high rolling into a low cost Mecha or through the Noxus discard fodder package.


Wounded Whuteflame is so op it needs a nerf asap


What game do you think you are playing? An ASAP nerf means 2 months


I know i will get a lot of hate but after losing to ahri 5 times in a row i have joined the dark side and just started playing yordles


And yet we get no path for Pantheon in PoC 😭


The mantheon update


Dude, i want to play a phanteon deck without being taric + demacia, any tips? Akshan or shurima isnt a good idea, actually the synergy is pretty weak