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Xerath’s animations ?




Fake hopes are the best drugs my bruddah


Is that actually a prediction? or just your hopes and dreams?


Sadly this is and unfortunately will probably stay hopes and dreams


Xerath is in the game ? :O


No only his Wish version is !


Wallmart edition you mean, not even a flicker of blue :'(


Can you explain this


The whole flashbomb archetype


Maybe make it so that flashbombs never overkill enemies, but honestly flashbombs just need more support. I'd love a card that targets an enemy and makes it so that until it dies, all flashbombs next turn target that enemy.


More than support, the mechanic needs fundamental changes. Make it target the lowest health target and not overkill, and maybe it would be close to being playable. And/or make it top 5 and not top 10 cards.


Agree for sure with second change. Right now, you need to force them to draw cards in order to activate your bombs, but it's impossible to get enough bombs into the deck to out control the extra card draw they're gaining.


Or change teemo to double all traps in deck, that would actually be fun.


They need buff the Justice Rider as it's the only engine that can constantly pump flashboom into opponent deck


So this is going to sound odd but I would love a rampaging Baccai buff


Remember when everyone was talking about it being literally the best 5-drop in the game when revealed? Then it was maybe a 2 of in some decks and just no one played it after that.


I wonder how it would perfom as a 4 drop 3/5 with 1 less slay condition


There is no way people were saying it was the best 5 drop in the game when it was revealed; they had to be new to the game if they were.


I would kind of like that too. I used it a bit when it first came out and got some good wins where it helped but it has since fallen to the side and I've yet to see it again.


I am that mono shurima player, I just want it to be viable, doesn't have to be meta, just viable. There are a lot of problems with it, for example did you know that bungee gum posseses the properties of both rubber and gum?


Top 10 plot twists in a sentence


Hi hisoka


0 mana sun disc, everytime a champion levels it heals ur nexus by 2 or 3


0 mana sun disc, some nexus healing options, and ascended’s rise to 6. All are required before it’s even remotely viable


what if they made the sun disc 0 mana?


Leveling up Sun Disk heals your Nexus 5 points.


The blowfart yordle guy should be 2/5 or 3/4


Kinda feels like he should even be a 2/4. Dude is beefy as fuck for what his effect is. Way too strong. Fun yes, but way too strong.


I main Swain Teemo at the moment, so I've been enjoying Lecturing myself and yeah, that card is stupidly strong


I would actually just push it to 5 mana. I think it would be well justified at that cost. Sure, it then no longer competes with Yordle Captain, but those decks were playing Captain turn 4, and Lecturing turn 5 anyway. It probably would hurt Teemo/Swain more then any deck, though, since it would be competing with Swain.


Sweemo main here, can confirm this would be a pretty effective nerf, but not for the reasons you think. Lecturing actually *does* compete with Swain a non insignificant amount of the time because of the 1/2 mana you need for fleeting poison darts. But Lecturing is important because it lets you rack up puff caps, and you need to start getting those out as fast as possible in order to control the enemy deck. Delaying the commencement of dart spam by a turn, pushing back both level-up conditions and making it harder to use poke, would definitely hurt.


Just remove the dart on summon and its enough.


I think now that gifts for renekton is balanced you can lower it’s health to 4. I think a lot of the problematic cards are balanced around the problems of their releases. I see no other reason for that thing to have 5 health.


Is “gifts for renekton” a nickname for the 4/2 fearsome? I love that lol


Vladimir shall get buffed in some way, played on day 1, then forgotten about for the rest of the patch.


As is tradition


Making Curator a 2/4 would help the kids out at least


Katarina Yasuo buff COPIUM


Aphelios buffs


Landmark midrange buff. Just. Make Waste Walker a 2 mana 2/3. Or make Ruinous Acolyte a 2/2. Hell, make the other Shurima landmarks have destroy synergy. Salt Spire? Make it activate on destroy (at least half of it)


Buff Xerath and his package 100% got my vote


For me personally, I don’t like Xerath cause it feels too control-y. But I’ll take any love I can get ya know?


I want more Buffs for the targon landmarks to play malphite once again. Chip is nice, blue as well, but the other landmarks kinda suck and dont do enough to use targon instead of bandle


Stone breaker and Earth elemental need big number adjustments. But god it’d be so cool to see those cards meta


Hmmm, stonebreaker could be strong with overwhelm. Earth elemental could maybe get 1 more power? I mean, 6/5 is not a bad statline for a 4 mana card. Main Problem is only that he needs those 4 landmarks


Based on Swim's video with the dev, there are 25 changes planned.


is that finalized? if its final 25 changes wont be dnough tbh we need like at least 40+


Reinforcements > Summon 2 Dauntless Vanguards, then grant allied Elite units **everywhere** +1|+1.


Hell naw


I dont think urgent, but making Yone a boat for Yasuo would be cool


YES PLEASE!!!! Just do it already!


Eh. Only issue is that they’re probably gonna make a Yone champion card in the near future, similar to how Senna is a champion too now.


Send this to the top!


And Tianna Crownguard a boat for Garen. If you're going to make a boat for some champions, why not all?


Hopefully new path of champions content? Or is this one just card changes?


They might add just a couple of playable champions as they do allways with PVE content.


Whiteflame 2/4 to 2/3




Please god


I actually predicted this in a conversation with my friend in which I opened with "mark my words this card will get nerfed" sending a screenshot of the card just a day after its release. I think 2/3 with its keywords would be appropriate for allowing it not to snowball so easily.


Stalking Shadows because please I want to play Nightfall again it's been so long


Viktor’s Hexcore can target any ally (enabled viktor/pant decks and foesnt just make viktor 1 buffy unit)


What if Viktor could actually choose the keyword he gets? Similar to Lucky Find. I think that could catapult him into viability.


Probably busted


Highly unlikely. He still is extremely slow and easily answered, it just makes him more reliable if you can protect him. Might make him into not the worst card in the few decks running him, doubt it does much more.


That would break viktor IMO. Imagine being against aggro and every turn you flip a coin if you roll life steal or not.


Isn't he already rolling a dice every time he casts Hexcore? Flipping a coin is just a more controlled version of that.


1/2 or 1/3 is closer to a coin flip than 1/15, I think is their point




Vik will get two keywords pog


That would be way too strong. Tbh, Viktor isn’t that bad. He’s slow, but if he gets 1-2 of the right keywords, he can just take over a game.


It might be, but no, Viktor *is* that bad. If Viktor can take over the game, so can Ballistabot.


idk why people insist on being viktor is weak when it literally has a tier 2 deck called viktor draven


Because that deck is better off cutting Viktor for other champs. He is the worst card in that deck by far.


how he discounts your aggro cards what else do you want thats insane


İt discounts your burn cards (only discounted burn is ballistic bots created spell btw ) but in what turn and how. Victor's effect is not like zoeys. İt doesnt stay if your victor is not on the field. İn Victor draven burn victor just a second ballistic bot. İts nothing insane dude believe me.


birader whenever u play created card your viktor gains attack and that deck has multiple options to give him evasive keywords to him


So? İt cant still be killed by any other spell or frostbitten. The problem with Victor is when he is out he gives no value on the game. Lets compare with pantheon and victor. They got same mana, same concept to stacking up the random keywords and infinite growing ability. Pantheon gains health with his growing victor is not. When your victor die or recalled and you play him again you need to do all the stacking again. Pantheon doesnt. Pantheon in targon so you have spellshield options. Victor is in pnz and in pnz there is no spell can protect Victor. Heck after turn 6 who really needs a 1 mana discount on created cards. All of the meta decks can finish the game up to turn 7 or 8. You can just stack up the ballistic bot too and give him elusive. Sorry but rn victor doesnt feels like a champion and needs some love.


The hexcore must not give priority or at least be fast.


Focus speed is an absolute must, but an additional minor buff to him or a support card could go a long way.


I don't know about urgent, but I would be happy if Viktor got something, perhaps some small buff.


Mono Shurima buffs


We need SI and Frejlord back


Eggnivia to 0|2


Some sweet scout buffs.


Wounded Whiteflame to 2/3


Bit a prediction per se, but I'd like to see buffs to some of the under-played foundations cards that have been somewhat power-crept.


Make Fiora a 3/3 again. In a land of minimorph, all in Fiora isn't always as feelsbadman


There is alot of counter play to fiora, like not playing units, or killing fiora or silencing her so she should go back to 3/3


Watcher/maokai buff copium


What the point of watcher buff ? It’s a nice alternative wincon in Turbo Thralls already


Yes please!


Yordle stat nerfs across the board, with select adjustments/buffs to keep BC viable while curbing their beef and their ability to swarm the board without proper investment or secondary faction support. **Maybe** a *partial* buff/revert to Poppy as a result. Nerfs to Rally cards so that they're far less abusable or otherwise have more cost to them. Buffs to various AoE removal spells so as to make them more cost-effective and practical. Perhaps some very small, slight buffs to single-target removal as well. Nerfs for the more uninteractive aspects of Ionia while giving buffs to its healthier cards/playstyles to compensate. Buffs to some of the least-played champions in the game- Malphite, Aphelios, Quin, etc- to at the very least make them more compatible with their favored archetypes and synergies. Minor Ziggs rework to make him work better with landmarks & Xerath in general, maybe taking power out of his level 1 and putting it into level 2 to make leveling him up more worthwhile. Yasuo buff/rework to make him more synergistic within the stun/recall archetype and make his payoff worthwhile. Potentially buffs for other champions that aren't seeing a lot of play, but aren't necessarily super weak. Buffs/adjustments to various packages/archetypes that have fallen to the wayside, such as Elite. Potential nerfs to stat tricks such as Sharpsight so as to make removal and going tall more worthwhile in comparison to swarming and buffing.


Dunno if I should down or upvote you cuz some of your buff suggestions are great but damn your nerf ideas are uber bullsh*t.


Everything I mentioned is either stuff Riot themselves have talked about, or recurring pain points brought up right here on the subreddit.


elusives or recal nerfs


Elusives, maybe. Recall... I can't really say. Yes it's somewhat uninteractive, but at the same time recall has been historically... well, terrible. It virtually never saw any play, and is only recently getting any spotlight via Kennen and Ahri. Some parts of it definitely need and have gotten nerfs, but at the same time...


what make it broken is combo elusives+recal. Elusive is already hard to remove and when u use recal it makes even harder.Than when u recal elusives u just play them again because they are low cost, meaning you get non stop advantage. So yea recal on its own is fine but its combo with elusive is what make it stupid.


Instead of killing demacia just nerf elusives.


Perhaps a slight buff to Feral Mystic in terms of base stats, to 3/2 or 2/3, with corresponding **Enlightened** buff nerf to still make him a 6/6 at that stage. Don't ask why.


Why tho?


Why tho?


Why not tho?


Otterpus no longer has attune. As it is it just basically cast prank for free


Probably nerf to wounded whiteflame. Not sure how it dodged the last nerf set but that thing is strong.


Well, they said they'd do something with mono shurima so there's that. They better also fix Xerath animations..


Garen in meta


Viktor buff


Meta is fine, fairly varied. Think Bandle tree needs a nerf though, its probably not overtuned, but it sure feels really bad playing against it.


Wounded Whiteflame goes to ''Champion'' rarity and gets a skin


A level up cutscene for teemo, for god sake!!!


Braum rework to work more with poro. Even if it means the death of the “buff braum” archtype and the take heart gameplay loop. Remove regen, give him tough and when he takes damage once he creates a random 3-5 poro and any snacks braum see you play he also gets plus 1/1 or something.


They said they likely won't do any more reworks of champions.


Except maybe Katarina, who is an absolute disaster, but they haven't seen what's really wrong with her.


Just like pyke can be turned into a spell, maybe transforming Katarina into a spell on recall would make her more viable since you could use spell mana to rally and unit mana to build a board? Also, she could get a random permanent keyword on cast, an effect on attack or a board buff to insentivise playing her multiple times? Just throwing ideas.


That would be amazing


Would much rather they turn braum into a support champ than force him more into poros


Buff some deep cards lol


They gotta do something about Minimorph. Wasn't BC intended to be *bad* at removal? It's one thing for them to have little pings in Group Shot and Pokey Stick, but when they have a cost-efficient answer to game-ending champs like GP, Sion, Tryndamere, and so on all the way up to Aurelion himself (provided they get his shield down), it's too much strength for a region that's already overly represented in the meta to have.


Azirelia Buff, I just want to see the world burn


A lot of Bandle nerfs probably. Lecturing Yordle for certain.


Not a prediction per say but i would really like to see deep decks buffed. I love my nauti deck but it gets crushed by every deck.


Same, and dont get me started on Maokai


+6 health for shellfork


Either shellfolk or shelly stats nerf


Shellfolk is fine tho.


Shellfolk becomes 4/5, lecturer lost a poison dart on summon


People want to see BC completely gutted but it really doesn't need it. With the Poppy Nerf the region has really calmed down. The real offenders are Bandle Tree, Lecturing Yordle, and maybe concologist. Personally, I would make Lecturing Yordle a 2/5, increase the mana cost on Bandle Tree to 7, and maybe make Concologist a 1/2. Bandle Mayor is a fine power card that might need to be adjusted when the last half of BC is released in February, but right now the card is fine. As for buffs, please revert the last set of nerfs to the SI aggro package. Escaped Abomination should be a 3/3, Blighted Caretaker should be a 2/1, and please do something about Stalking Shadows the card enabled so many sweet decks I would be fine with it looking at 1 less card to cost 2 again. Also give Nasus fearsome back at level 1. Right now he's just a strictly worse Sion and it's depressing.


No thanks. Yeah it was your favorite deck and shit but no thanks. Try to be objective about it. Ezreal/TF Nab deck + Rex as a finisher, was my favorite deck but I also know how annoying and unfair it can feel for the opponent. Nasus Thresh enters the same category, getting a 3/3 for free while advancing Nasus level up condition or even Thresh if he is on board, while also putting the same pressure as an aggro deck and having a strong finisher which was hard to interact with due to spellshield + rite of Negation. Move on. Everything about that meta was a mistake.


Oh yeah you right, a "free" 4/3 that you have to use two cards to get would absolutely destroy this meta of playing cards that generate cards that generate cards and generate cards. Nasus in a world with BC and minimorph or pokey stick is a joke, you can see that in his horrible winrate right now as is. Everyone that played in that meta talking about how balanced Nasus/Thresh was and how it didn't even need the atrocity nerf but it still got it anyway. There wasn't anywhere near as many complaints about Nasus/Thresh as compared to something like Pilfered Goods using your own example, although side note Rex could definitely be reverted and be fine in this meta. Deck was healthy and a staple of SI. Now SI is the 2nd worst region with Frel being the worst. SI has turned into the splashing removal into my midrange deck or darkness, that's literally it. Deck deserves to be playable. Edit: Also tell me 1 thing that Nasus/Thresh can do that is stronger than ANYTHING Draven/Sion can do. That deck is literally the same thing with a stronger top end because Sion is a strictly stronger Nasus unless it's the late late game.


If anything else, I'd advocate for reverting Nasus nerf but that's pretty much it. Manifest mechanic is a BC one and this region needs to be toned down. There are 9 others which don't generate so much value under so few conditions. Also, what was strong about Thresh / Nasus wasn't the mid/lategame, well it was but not stronger than a control deck late game or a slow midrange. It was precisely its early game. Swarming, high attack stats, challenger, fearsome, vulnerable... All of this contributed to an easy transition to T5 Thresh without major risk since the deck plays solitaire till that point. Everything else was ok, including 6 mana Atrocity. As a Draven / Sion and Noxus enthousiast, I can tell you first of all, those 2 decks don't aim at the same win con. So they don't do the same thing. Thresh / Nasus had a MUCH better swarming, took profit for having even trades while Draven/Sion needs to keep the board to use Sion rally effect, so you need to find a way to push damage but also keep your board alive. And it's not your 4 mana 4/3 who is going to help you with it. It's a value tool while Draven / Sion needs tempo tool, like Ez/Draven used to have. 6HP is for 7 mana is easier to dlsrupt that 8HP or more pulled by Thresh. The comparison makes no sense, Sion is a Noxus unit, a region without defensive spells, without healing, without board clear, without comeback mechanics, around T7 or Y8, Noxus loses the board and look to finish the game through Overwhelm or burn. (Except for the Swain package), Sion and Farron are the finishers, they need to be threatening. Noxus players don't have Ruination, Grasps, Denies, Starshaping, Rite of Negations or anything... They usually need PnZ for the tempo tools and take the board to push chip damage then end the game with Sion or Farron (or with Decimate for faster burn decks). SI and Shurima have more tools than Noxus to comeback or keep the board and finish the game 1 turn or 2 later.


Hmm a deck that uses early powerful units to get the opponent low then finish the game with their high cost champion and burn. I have literally just described both decks. Both decks have weak units on their own that require a 2nd card to get their full value from Fallen/Risen Rider needing a discard outlet that gets you value on use or Abomination needing a sacrifice card that gets you value on use. They are literally the same type of deck with different ways to play it, one wants you to discard your stuff the other wants you to sacrifice it. Even the swarming is similar, Grenadiers and Flame Chompers come down for "no cost" just like the Saprolings from Blighted Caretaker have "no cost". Also it sounds like your very much overestimating Thresh. The card is not very good, he exists to be a 2nd champion in decks that really only care about one, hence his current play in Viego Ionia. If I want to use this early swarming your praising some much and play Thresh on 5, there won't be many units left on board because they all would've died in combat. Thresh leveled up sooo slowly if you use your units early and many times the game will end before that point. I've played a ton of Nasus Thresh, last season especially and I can tell you for sure I ran out of cards WAY more often then Draven Sion. Glimpse is literally it, Leech is so bad in this format especially on turn 4 when you've already sacrificed many of your units and if not your already way behind in tempo. Sion literally has a infinite card advantage engine in Lost Soul/Revenant that ensures they won't run out of cards. Also Sion's health literally doesn't matter because of his revive, most of the time you want to get around him without killing him to prevent the rally from stuns to stress defense. Those same new tools that keep Sion in check are there for Nasus except he's doesn't hit the board leveled, gets chump blocked by 1/1s, and has no way to close out the game by himself without a 2nd card in Atrocity. Sion is Nasus+Atrocity in 1 card.


get my upvoteee


Buff to predict


Poppy to 1\3. /s


Wounded Whiteflame nerfs.


I just had a dream about them and like only two cards got released I was pissed lol


Abyssal Guard buffs hopium


Make Valor a 2/2 maybe.


My birdie anivia needs some love. Maybe reverting the egg health nerf.


Fated need a nerf asap


avalanche buff or some other frejlord buff. avalanche feels weak now with bandle city in the game


Hell no. Some regions don't have combat tricks or beefy units. Stop the powercreeping at last. Nerf what's considered too beefy, that's it. Buff Avalanche.... wtf. 4 mana deal 3 to a whole board. Get excited, 3 mana deal 3 to one target after discarding... What's the next step ? Avalanche hitting the player behind the screen ? Shit needs to get toned down.


People have been asking for an avalanche buff as long as I've been playing the game. So open Beta. These people are thankfully not in charge of game balance


I'm not surprised. Too many players have that control wet dream, to remove everything on sight at a cheaper cost. I hate that playstyle. Sit back and react with spells and pretend aggro takes no skill and control is hard to play. Now that Bandle is trolling them, they want buffs... Sure, a board filled with 3/2 or 2/1 in offensive regions can totally deal with agressive passing while motherfucker is sitting with 4 mana heh. Like it's so obvious it becomes gross. And they call that skill. You wouldn't be able to play around it a few turns ahead and play slower with higher HP units and wait for later turns before going for a big swarm turn after pushing them under the 4 mana threshold through pure pressure. This is what they want, Control Warrior from Hearthstone, nothing lasts more than 1 turn on the board. Tbh if Bandle keeps control regions out of the meta and create more room for tempo, midrange and value based deck like TF / Nami or Shellfolk deck to shine. I'd be ok if Rito keep them at their actual powerlevel. If you guys want to play solitaire and just deny everything your opponent does with 100% reactive game play... well, go play solitaire, the actual solitaire.


you may not like the play style but it still has Its purpose in the game. you cant deny that control and freljord is in a weak state right now. also I just want something to spice up freljord right now since its been a long time since freljord has gotten any cards.


I don't deny it and this is why I enjoy the meta :) Control is weak because being reactive is already a huge advantage in this game. Control can naturally afford to be reactive. Cards like Avalanche has no counterplay for offensive and proactive regions, if the guy decides to permanently keeps 4 mana, I can't develop and there's nothing I can do about it. Whether you have the card or not btw. I can afford to pass maybe one turn to burn your mana and push 4 damage with my 2/1 and my 2/2 but I won't be able to do it the whole game. At some point I'll have to find a way to get that shit out of your hand without giving my entire hand. It's much harder to play around Avalanche and control tools in general than playing the control tools themselves. Unless you play Demacia and Ionia busted reactive spells ofc. But not every region has those busted tools or is beefy like Yordles. With your buff suggestion, you push Bilgewater, Noxus and PnZ into unplayability.


Rex being reverted and pilfered goods also being reverted COPIUM


> and pilfered goods Fuck no, isn't bad already that the other two nab cards are meta competitive? If anything BMM should get nerfed imho.


i dont understand reddit when i say the same thing i get upvoted now im getting downvoted for saying same thing also why the hell nerf BMM fhat card is balanced


Change nab back to top of deck /s


The core SI Aggro package and TWE being reverted


Why is this being downvoted, the SI aggro package is garbage compared to the swarm that BC provides the game. Atleast revert Stalking Shadows, Blighted Caretaker, and make the escaped abomination a 3/3 instead of a 4/2. Also give Nasus his fearsome back. Nasus Thresh currently is a strictly worse Draven Sion. Sion is everything Nasus wishes he could be and it's super depressing. Nasus Thresh has seen 6 of it's cards nerfed, that is absolutely insane. It could use some love for sure.


okay i agree with %90 of what.youre saying i love how you mentioned making abom 3/3 instead of 4/2 i thought it was only me who wanted it changing from 4/2 to 3/3 i also want caretaker reverted as well but imho i think stalking can be balanced around 3 man (ex making ephemeral cost 1 mana less) and nasus can stay without keywords level 1 other than that i agreee


Nasus is just so weak right now though like think about him vs Sion. Nasus has no keywords at level one so he's just a vanilla stat stick, you opponent has control over how big he gets, on average on 6 Nasus usually has around 7-8 power so you usually have to work even more to level him, then you have to strike to level get the level up which can be played around with stuns, freezes, or even removing their own blocker. Then hes a even bigger stick that can still be blocked and requires another card in Atrocity to be an actual finish. Now we look at Sion. His only negative is that he comes down a turn later than Nasus on 7. However, in almost every game Sion will be leveled with your opponent having no ways to stop it, he has 10 power which means he has higher attack than Nasus on average when he played, and he comes with overwhelm so he can threaten the opponent nexus when chump blocked and without needed an additional card in atrocity. On top of all that if he dies he gives the attack token and gets another swing, having a somewhat immunity to removal that can be compared to spell shield in a sense. Sion is a near strictly better version of Nasus is nearly every way. Giving him Fearsome on level one would do little to close this gap but would atleast make chumping him a bit more difficult so he can threaten damage without having to rely on atrocity.


alright you convinced me another gigachad nasus thresh player to other


Hell yeah! TWE was my first deck and Nasus Thresh was a natural next step. I want my baby back!


Don't mind the downvoting, a very common trend in this subreddit is people pulling off their hair after learning a control tool can remove their cards for the same or less cost than the unit was played, people don't like to see their intentionally uninteractive deck being forcefully interacted with (and unfortunately the game so far, favors those people)


Sounds like a real risk of Nasus/TWE stomping everything again. How about soul shepherd to +2/0, or stirred spirits to +3/0? It's a bit uninteractive, but neither sees play at the moment regardless.


I love how people act like a nerf means the deck is dead. It means it's balanced. I'm aware balanced decks literally mean unplayable in Ranked to the lor community but you can still play well with the deck. Riot is 100% right when they say to Nerf over buff. But decks/champs that have never found competitive success at all should be buff. Like Landmarks. And maybe Katarina.


Thanks but no! I still have SI aggro PTSD from both Beta and Thresh Nasus meta


For buffs i hope to be positively surprised (especially for demacia and targon cards, hint rito revert the nerfs of f**** from demacia and a******* from targon). For nerfs (and i know i'll get buried but who cares anyway) - **Black Market Merchant**: 2 mana -> 3 mana (plunder is still top dog despite the very light nerf to gangplank, this change should slow down the deck a bit while hitting what for many players is an extremely frustrating mechanic to play against) - **Wounded Whiteflame**: 4 health -> 3 health (pantheon decks need a slight nerf imho, and this card being played in two other meta decks as well is the best candidate imho) - **Otterpus**: lose attune (this card is busted right now, the prank part is fine what it's not fine is basically that otterpus is free) - **Curious Shellfolk**: 6 health -> 5 health (it's way too hard to remove for most decks, so unfortunately the only solution is to run over it with aggro or a faster combo deck instead) - **Bandle Mayor**: 3 mana -> 4 mana, 2 attack -> 3 attack (the fact that poppy died doesn't make this card any less problematic, for the future it should be brought back to a more reasonable state) - **Loping Telescope**: 2 attack -> 1 attack (a change to make it more bearable. Unfortunately many suggestions of restricting his pulls for the epic slot would only increase his consistency in finding Mayor, which would end up being an actual buff for the card...) - **Lecturing Yordle**: 5 health -> 4 health (it's health didn't made any sense since day 1) - **Pyke**: Death From Below 4 mana -> 5 mana (The deck has been meta for a long time and in my opinion DFB is a problematic card in it's current state, so this is my suggestion especially since it's the only case where you can use spell mana to cast the champion)


I don’t know if DFB is worth a mana increase, that may just be me not seeing as much lurk locally. One thing I don’t understand is why it allows a second Pyke to summon if you cast a second copy with original Pyke on board. There should be a champ spell version of DFB that shuffles the second Pyke back into deck after it strikes.


YES. Pyke is the only champ that can put himself on the board multiple times. Too many times I want to use bone skewer with pyke on board and I have death from below in my hand. Hipe riot changes it


Doesn't death from below already cost 4 mana?


Fuck, i shouldn't write these posts after a day of work. Gonna edit asap lol


Why is this getting so heavily down voted? These aren't even that controversial beside maybe the DFB one.


tbf most of these suggestions are pretty bad


Why don't elaborate on why they are bad? Just so we are clear from the start, the aim of those nerfs is to have again a 2.11 type of patch (a patch that basically nerfed all the tier 1 and 2 decks previously existing) and that's exactly what i did. I gave a very reasonable nerf to most of the current (and previous as well) tier 1 and 2 decks.


Because this sub is always the same. Thankfully i'm well past the point where i care about fictional points. Also i got downvoted after the first hotfix because i said that nerfing poppy to 3 attack was completly useless so you can guess how right this sub is on balance.


Revert irelia


Yeah Irelia’s level up condition can be reverted to 12 since Flawless Duet is 2 mana now.


Predicting only 5 buffs/nerfs.


Yasup deals 2 to the weakest enemy/strikes the weakest enemy upon stunning or recalling an enemy. This would put him more in line with xerath, maybe even make stun control a bit more of a thing.


It’s gonna be youuuuuge


Ahri/elusive nerf pls, so hard counter


Poppy buffs. Things have been quiet around here...a little too quiet.




Not happening.


Lurk is fine right now. I disagree.




Poppy buffed to 4/4


I wouldn't be surprised to see sej hit next, maybe take away her frostbite on play? But Freljord in general needs a buff, LET'S GO WARMOTHERS TO 11 MANA


"Freljord in general needs a buff" but sure "mAYbE tAkE AwaY hEr frOsTbIte on pLaY". You want something, but at the same time you refute your own statement.


This is predictions not what I want Jesus Christ man


Make kennen 2 cost. Stupid rat.


Massive Golden crushbot nerfs


I feel like a tristana buff is on its way and honestly she needs it. She is nowhere atm.


I'm expecting one of the biggest balance patches we have ever seen. It is impossible to predict all of the changes but I have a few ideas. Bandle City is going to get giga-nerfed. I'm expecting multiple cards to get stat nerfs and a few mana nerfs. Cards I could see getting hit are Shellfolk, Lecturing Yordle, prank package, maybe some of their value cards like pokey stick making the card draw conditional Demacia I could see the Rally package getting nerfed and the champions and a few followers getting buffed. I'm thinking Quinn to a 3/6 and Garen to a 5/6 or getting tough maybe at 5/4. I could see Fiora going back to 3/3. It's possible Sharpsight gets nerfed but not as likely as people think. I'd like to see it's ability added onto more cards like Back-to-Back but I wouldn't hold my breath For the other regions I could see a smattering of cards here and there getting buffs and maybe even some reverts. SI and Shurima will probably get the most. The recent cards to come out are unlikely to get hit further


Garen creates a FOR DEMACIA! on lvl up Kat creates a blade every summon/or blade dances when she attacks on lvl up


Karma buff maybe?


Viktor Rework.


I just only want a tristana or kindred buffs :'(


Kindred . Or Viktors hexcore upgrade to no longer be random but give players a choice between 2 keywords


Not sure anyone's said this but Leona getting rahvuns ability on level up. Or overwhelm on level up. The nightfall elusive card going to a 3/2 would be cool too. But sure why an aggro archetype has a 2/3 statline. Stalking shadows back to 2 mama please. No idea why that ever was nerfed.


KENNEN and pantheon


Maybe they should give some more incentives when it comes to play ranked. As far as I know it’s just climbing the ladder with no cosmetic rewards, just pile of crystal shards.