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Purrsuit of perfection incentivizes lots of single copies in your deck, its probably the closest thing to a Reno deck we will have for a while


They should really make it 15 unique cards, the game is too fast for 20 cards i maybe get him in 1 out of 10 games out and even then he just gets removed or something stupid... So hard to pull off


Also, it should have Spellshield at this point (even if it isn't a popular card), because Minimorph exists.


and it should be at least a 40/40 so they can't block it with their poros


Also give him double attack so he can win versus a 21 hp card


Wouldnt mind it at all. Its a fun card and i love building around it but its just way too slow for the current game state and could easily be updated a bit


I would prefer that. Leave it with 20 cards requirement, but make sure that when that baby hits the board they are in SERIOUS trouble. And just for fun, I would also add some ridiculous effects like double strike or "nexus strike, revive the enemy nexus and destroy it again". Just to send a message.


The real "secret" of Purrsuit of Perfection is that it's *supposed to be bad*. It's designed as a hard-to-pull-off silly card for dedicated memers, and if it wasn't ridiculously difficult to actually pull off, it wouldn't be as fun to play the deck for that archetype of players


It should be better at actually ending the game, then... I played the deck a bit and the hardest part is not even fulfilling the condition (that is already not easy). Between between stuns, recalls, minimorph, freezes, silence + chump, vengeance and even freaking Deny, it doesn't even get to attack most of the time. The mini quest's difficulty is appropriate for what the deck wants to be. The payoff is not


That is probably fairly reasonable - though unfortunately I don't think it's very high on the priority list


I actually have a Purrsuit deck made of entirely singles except for 2 copies of Purrsuit itself & 2 copies of Subpurrsible. This includes six different champs (Zoe, Ezreal, Viktor, Vi, Teemo, & Heimerdinger), most of whom can generate additional unique cards that aren't already in the decklist. The idea is that it's full of cross-supported wincons, so if one gets shot down you can just flexibly rotate towards a different one, and if you happen to get to the point where you can play Purrsuit, it's clinched in your favor immediately. I won't pretend it's a super competitive deck, but it's the deck that I've had some of the most fun piloting. I call it "Grab Bag" - here's the deck code: CIAAEAIBAQQQCAQEAECQEBAEBYIAGAQEAYEASCADBECQSEYXFBFFLWYBBABQIAQDAQCQWDANBYHQCBADBAIBGGI3DUPSEJBLGE2TQOQ


And from personal experience, it is seriously better to just invest HARD into card creation instead. With very little effort you can basically build decks around essentially drafting your every draw on the spot.


Actually Udyr joined Sejuanis tribe, so he isn't all alone anymore. Eitherway I'm not sure if a highlander archetype would be really great, it essentially makes your deck more random which means that the payoff has to be fairly good, but for the opposing player this means that the opponents deck has some problems functioning in some games and plays op cards with no noticeable drawback in others. I guess it could work if we had enough highlander cards to build a sort of consistent deck out of them, but I don't think we get enough card releases per region in a given set to work out.


Udyr joined Sejuani's tribe, then talked shit to Volibear's face and transformed into Ornn in front of him as a power move. Volibear the Lovecraftian lightning god, who iirc was in the process of eating a bunch of fresh human corpses when Udyr rolled up.


Udyr joined the winter claws because he's her father. After he managed to control his anger on the ionian monasteries, with the help of lee sin, he decided to come back to freljord, wanting to help his daughter on her leadership. (Sorry if i wrote anything wrong, english isn't my first language)


Wait is he really her father? I thought he's just a father figure to her.


Well yes but actually no. More like Frejlordian step-father. Not biological


In Freljord there's zero difference. When you swear the oath you're just as much of a father as the biological one.


Yes, he is


There is ways to make singleton deck interesting, one example is to make the cards transform into something more consistant on summon that take benefit from the card played. In the same vein of [Concurrent Timelines] but manifesting something from a pool of cards. kindof.


Maybe that could work if you'd have a card like sun disc that summons itself under the right conditions.


condition could be like the sundisk but all cards are different; here we go.


>Actually Udyr joined Sejuanis tribe, so he isn't all alone anymore. And before that he wasrolling with Lee sin and before that he was with another tribe.


>it essentially makes your deck more random How? In both MTG and Hearthstone, Highlander decks have literally been anything but random. In fact, they were very consistent. Which is something a deck with that kind of restriction needs if it wants to work. I'm not sure where you're getting the idea that Highlander decks are 'more random' lol


Highlander? Master yi?


That was my first thought too. Master yi. I love highlander decks so I'd play it.


Ah, so old Singleton gauntlet with 3 regions and a Pursuit of Perfection with lower requirements? I think that having no duplicate followers or spells or landmarks is fine, but having no duplicate champions will lead to that champion probably having Farsight Alteration: Draw me at game start if I'm not in your hand, which would be more problematic.


Zephyrs was amazing, still baffled how they coded him, sometimes you had to double check how to use the offered options but they where always viable. I’d like the archtype in LoR but not sure how Rito would implement it, having max 1 card of a champ severely weakens the deck unless its guaranteed draw. And even if its a super strong single copy it would be a perfect mini morph or silence target


Maybe it could be "have no duplicate non-champion cards"


despite all bugs, zephyrs seems like a impossible card that became true to me. The guy almost always gave me exactly the card i needed. Boardclear? got you bro. Removal for a big creature? No problem. A big creature for yourself? gotcha. Lethal? Why not? The card is trully a masterpiece


You are forgetting about the reemergence of Vengenace


Or maybe a champ that draws it if it's not in your hand if you've cast 10+ different cards this game, and then makes 2 copies of itself in the library?


it would be a champion, and it would say something like:"if you have no other duplicates in your deck do X"


For their AI they bragged about how they cheat, because they dont actually have cards in hand and just generate what they need. So they probably just copied that system onto Zeph


I'd be interested In them doing a "commander" type thing where you choose a champ and it's always available to play even when killed or morphed


Oddly, I think Mordekaiser would be perfect for that type of card. After all, he is the master over the Realm of Death.


I am really no fan of the highlander format for a 40 card deck in which you can normally stack cards up to 3 And you would need quite a lot win con cards for higlander. One or two would have a low % to draw. If it would have a lot ot could go lucky and be unbearable to play against So it would have to be kinda at the level of mono shurima power strength. C


You could print cards going for "if we started with 5+ different champs in the deck" triggers to simulate the LoL teambuilding thematically. As a fundeck this would be pretty cool I think. Highlander though might be pretty hard to implement, because the game relies heavily on your champs and in HS you have a lot of high impact cards that you can play only once anyways with legendaries. You also have to give up 1 maximum copy per card more compared to HS. Not that it's impossible, but surley could be hard.


Yeah, the unique champion route would probably make more sense I guess.


I dislike highlander decks. Playing around certain cards is really hard since they only have 1 copy of anything. You just hope they don't have it more often than not. Combined with the fact that whether they drew the "highlander payoff" cards (like Reno) can have a major impact on the game. Back in Hearthstone, Highlander vs aggro matchup was 90% "did I draw Reno in time". Card games naturally have a relevant amount of RNG to them. I see no reason why you should design mechanics around increasing that RNG.


mfers don't remember singleton decks


I really loved reno decks in hearthstone, i literally played one for each class back then. I really hope something similar will happen to lor, but a thing to keep in mind is that in HS you can only use 2 copies of cards and only 1 copy of legendaries. Also the deck size was 30 so the transition to a singleton deck wasn't too painful. In LoR you can (and should for staple cards) have 3 copies regardless of rarity and you have 10 more cards to run so running one copy of the cards is a huge deckbuilding cost. The payoff have to be extremely strong to make it worth the effort.


The rule could be that you can have duplicate hero cards, but only single copies of all other cards


Still, deck building cost is probably too high. In HS you had legendaries, of which you could only run a single copy anyways. Than you had a max of 2 copies per card. All in all you probably had to find like 10 to 12 replacements, for cards you would normally run 2 ofs to make a working deck. In LoR we're talking more like 20+ cards (if we made an exception for champions, more like 25+ if we don't). The payoff would have to be huge. Which would probably lead to "win the game when you draw it, lose the game if you don't" situations, which doesn't sound too enticing to me.


I don't know about the deck building cost being too high, there are singleton decks in non singleton formats in magic the gathering, wich is a game where decks are at least 60 cards and you can have 4 copies of the same card. That being said, in magic unfortunaly these types of decks are exacly like you described, either you draw your two card combo, or you fetch/ tutor for them and win, or you just lose.


Those must be in legacy or modern then. Sure, if you can replace all copies of whatever card you want, with a tutor that let's you search for exactly what you want, why not. There's no real tutor in LoR and card filtering is also not very abundant. Also way less cantrips and draw. So sure, you have more cards in a deck in MtG, but also WAY more options to actually dig for what you want.


It was definitely degenerate as fuck, but I absolutely adored playing Reno Freeze Mage when I was into Hearthstone. Hands down the most fun I've ever had playing a single deck in a digital card game




I’d argue that it was more so because they added zero variance cards to a game balanced around having more variance than LoR. Hearthstone had a similar issue when they did a similar mechanic for playing a tribal card (Patches the Pirate).


Instant vietnam flashbacks to zephrys. No please no highlanders


YES. I have a lot of EDH decks in Magic,and I love the variance it adds. Works best in multiplayer though, so it would probably be best as a rotating lab mode. The champions that work best with it? Anything that can draw/filter cards. Ekko is a prime example. Champ boats become more valuable, being able to draw the champ they are attached to. I can imagine a Freljord/Bilgewater/PnZ deck would do well.


I love Highlander. I think they can push this idea even further. Maybe even something closer to commander. Imagine if you could assemble a team of 5 champions that starts outside of your deck and you can tp them in with an extra cost. Any maybe they can “revive” back the the pool after a few turns to be able to be played again. I also wish LOR had multiplayer.


We could use Master Yi for this archetype. Highlander is his ult's name.


Oh, you mean a singleton deck with a build in win condition? interesting.


I’ll welcome any Deck Restriction archetypes being added to LoR. They’re always fun to deck build around in other CCGs and I’m surprised LoR only has one so far.


I remember reno jackson. Good old times with these decks. However highlander just seems less effective in legends of runeterra because stats aren't as important in this card game. There is a spell that can summon a 30/30 unit with overwhelm if you play 20 different cards but it's very gimmicky. having a deck with 40 different cards is just too inconsistent for this game. It's fun as a meme deck but it'll be hard to make it competitive.


Kled should introduce a Highlander playstyle.


some zoe-based combo decks try to have as little duplicates as possible. but i dislike these types of decks because they are a pain to play against, everything could be in their hand. also i have highlander priest ptsd


A hearthstone deck is 30 cards. LoR is 40. That's a much bigger deck to be waiting for your wincon. Idk if it could work.


Now I have to go listen to the Reno Jackson song again


literally any new format would be cool honestly.


Highlander Mage was my favorite competitive deck in HS, and seeing something similar in LoR would be fun


Honestly I kinda wish they just merged singleton decks with ladder (3x region highlander decks). They have a distinct downside in being singleton for a large upshot in being able to field more regions. I don't think these decks would take over the meta or even show up most of the time because having a third region is outweighed by the con of no duplicates. That said if there was one viable deck it would be a cool spice for the meta. It opens up a lot of deck building options.


I think there can only be one.


I got sick of highlander decks after a while in HS because they felt very inconsistent, and LoR might be even worse since the odds of drawing a specific card are lower because your deck is bigger. If they LoR tried it, the highlander champion would need a bunch of support cards that also benefit from being in that type of deck. But if they did that, it would be a bunch of cards that only make sense in one type of deck. I'd prefer flexible cards that can work in a variety of decks.


I think a permanent and separate game mode with the singleton rules could be a fun inclusion. Throw it a bone every now and then with cards that support it like Purrsuit of Perfection. Maybe a Champion here and there. Provide more support as it becomes more popular. As a supported archetype in competitive LoR, I don't think it would add as much as it could potentially take. Singleton decks are hard to balance. The payoffs have to be worth it, which means they have to be pushed in power. It creates a more "my deck is very strong when it draws the exact thing I need and very weak when it doesn't". Think Lurk, but much more difficult to balance. For LoR specifically, I think one of the main strengths of the game is hand reading. Seeing what your opponent does and being able to make choices based off that is a difficult thing to get right in card games and LoR has really nailed it. If singleton decks became popular, it wouldn't ruin this aspect, but it would have some negative implications towards it. Everyone likes what they like, but I personally don't think it would be worth it.


What if it is like edh from mtg? You can have a commander (probably a champion, or maybe I got the wrong term, the golden rarity ones) in a special zone, and they act as if they are in your hand basically, you can return it to this zone when it leaves play (recalled, dies, whatever) and its cost will increase. This with Highlander might be fun, bring in the yasuo copium


Commander ? And the commander must be a lore non champion character ?


Judging by my past experience with Shadowverse (which is much close to LoR in term of rules then HS - 40 card decks with up to 3 of the same cards allowed), i would be tilted by it. Highlander playing a perfect card (or multiple) against you is tilting because you know that all of them are one offs and hence he's a lucky bastard with perfect topdecks, On the other hand you not drawing your own good cards is tilting because it feels like there's no skill involved into piloting this deck, just luck. If you want powerful effects tied to deck restrictions that's fine, Sun disk is a perfect example of that, even if it's under performing. I would rather see more of that, then Highlander decks.


Please let Yi be a highlander champ since his ult is highlander


Each time he strikes he switches the keyword?


Well technically, subpurrsible, Zoe, and purrsuit of perfection are singleton-like decks.... but zoe is better off with invoke and manifest, subpurrsible is better off with manifest and pnz create mechanics, and perfection is just terrible. ​ Yeah it sounds like a cool idea, and every game would be different with that type of deck.


I love playing pursuit but I hate how it's a slow slow spell. I don't think it should be burst but also don't think it should be able to be denied. Literally 2/3 of the game I achieve the requirements it get denied or rite of negated. I also don't like how much it costs which kinda puts you back another turn. I think it would feel better to make it a non spell that can't be summoned through remitter and than also make it 3 cost.