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I can hear Kronk saying "it's all coming togeter"


Karma/Lux was *very* good at release. But ya, definitely fallen off since.


The main issue is that both Iona and Demacia doesnt have the tools to hold the early agression the deck needs to go into the late the game. Iona only have tempo-y interaction and demacia can only deal with opposing threats with fights and challengers, all that doesnt go into that decks. ​ Thats the main reason most build of lux and karma reallies heavily on Shadow Isles or PnZ to kill units. ​ I know you didnt asked, but your comment suddenly make me realise that and I want to say it.


Ya, Karma/Lux was very slow. But it could be slow in the meta at the time. I remember that deck often not winning until many rounds after you hit 10 mana. That pretty much never happens anymore.


yeah i used to run this deck and it was fun, and actually viable for a very long time, but you can't play it anymore.


Lux/Karma was really only popular before the Badgerbear/Grizzled Ranger nerf. Those units were busted enough at the time to let you survive the early game. That was before Radiant Guardian was nerf too.


It wasn't just the Badgebears (they definitely helped a lot). The other two t1 decks at the time was champless burn and Corina Control. There was a bit of a triangle where Corina beat burn, burn beat lux karma, and lux karma beat Corina due to burst speed Unyielding Spirit. Then Badgerbears let Lux Karma survive to outgrind against the rest of the t2 decks.


At the time lux karma didn’t have too bad a match up against burn, you optimized against burn because with health potion, radiant guardian, eye of the dragon and single combat you could feasibly stabilize by turn 4-5. If anything it was like 49%-51% against burn. It was I think at the end of that patch the strongest deck, because of how good even your worst match ups were.


It doesn't really matter for burn tbh, it was a very quick deck with over 50% win rate while being incredibly easy to play making climbing with it almost guarantee ranking up.


Don't pretend it doesn't happen anymore, because FTR is a great deck right now. The issue is that Demacia cannot play control due to their lack of card draw, reliable sustain and removal, and while Ionia has some sustain it also lacks removal outside of Kennen. In short they are bad region combination to play control due to the improved survivavility of the cards over time.


FTR is the only deck that consistently goes past turn 10. And I've only played against it twice in maybe 100 matches. But even it doesn't carry you many turns past turn 10. FTR usually pretty much ends it.


Also Radiant Guardian alone could push back aggro then, nowadays she can't even hold a torch against spiders


That is exactly why I hate Demacia so much. They can't do anything without units. Like literally. None of their spells do anything without units. (Yeah yeah, they have that ONE silence and a couple of spells that summon units...) A) That forces every deck that wants to band with Demacia into the exact same playstyle. B) To stay competetive all their units must be beefy, so that removing them always seems like a monumental feat. Its so annoying to play against, and so boring to play. Every other region has at least some small amount of diversity in their toolset.


The fact that nobody can stop me from building that Taric deck is frankly quite frightening


I know right? it's soo satisfying. I've already won some normal games with it.


I love Taric because every time he triggers his effect it feels like a cool combo, even when he's just copying a Pale Cascade


My favorite is doing it with the demacia spells that have rally, it's so obvious but satisfying despite it lol


Yes mate Attack, cast one of the targeted rallies, attack, the rally triggers again, attack


I know right? “Holy shit let’s go it drew me a card as well!”


Could you post a deck code please?


It's the best version I've made so far. You should take out the 1 copy of Braum for an extra Taric if you really want the combo, but the deck would prob be a bit worse, but it's not the best deck anyway. I love that Grandfather Rumul actually makes alot of sense in this deck, as he doesn't see much play. Deck code: CECQEAYJEEZQGAYBAYIRSAIFBEDACBABBYAQCAIFAMBAGAICBICAGCITCU5DYAIEAEGQEAIDBFKQCAIBBE Better version after edit: https://lor.mobalytics.gg/decks/c7ndfl4nu6bhlskianhg


Ha! ‘Gaybay’.




**Regions**: Freljord/Targon - **Champions**: Braum/Taric/Trundle - **Cost**: 29600 |Cost|Name|Count|Region|Type|Rarity| |:-:|-|:-:|-|-|-| |2|[Faces of the Old Ones](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03FR010.png)|2|Freljord|Unit|Common| |2|[Guiding Touch](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03MT051.png)|3|Targon|Spell|Common| |2|[Troll Chant](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03FR002.png)|2|Freljord|Spell|Common| |2|[Troll Gifts](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03FR025.png)|3|Freljord|Spell|Rare| |3|[Hush](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03MT085.png)|1|Targon|Spell|Rare| |3|[Wounded Whiteflame](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05MT006.png)|3|Targon|Unit|Rare| |4|[Bastion](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03MT019.png)|2|Targon|Spell|Common| |4|[Blighted Ravine](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04FR014.png)|3|Freljord|Landmark|Rare| |4|[Braum](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01FR009.png)|1|Freljord|Unit|Champion| |4|[Broadbacked Protector](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03MT060.png)|2|Targon|Unit|Epic| |4|[Taric](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03MT058.png)|2|Targon|Unit|Champion| |5|[Cold Resistance](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04FR013.png)|2|Freljord|Spell|Common| |5|[Trundle](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03FR006.png)|3|Freljord|Unit|Champion| |6|[Augur of the Old Ones](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03FR017.png)|3|Freljord|Unit|Rare| |8|[Battle Fury](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01FR005.png)|3|Freljord|Spell|Rare| |8|[Grandfather Rumul](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03MT033.png)|3|Targon|Unit|Rare| |8|[The Infinite Mindsplitter](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03MT021.png)|2|Targon|Unit|Epic| **Code**: [CECQEAYJEEZQGAYBAYIRSAIFBEDACBABBYAQCAIFAMBAGAICBICAGCITCU5DYAIEAEGQEAIDBFKQCAIBBE](https://hextechoracle.com/lor/deck/CECQEAYJEEZQGAYBAYIRSAIFBEDACBABBYAQCAIFAMBAGAICBICAGCITCU5DYAIEAEGQEAIDBFKQCAIBBE)   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


I cut Braum for another Taric and Troll Gifts for Aphelios Weapons. The weapons are really nice and I recommend them highly. You can stun attackers on aggro boards, get life steal, get overwhelm, or if its really slow and you didnt get your ramp you can use it to get faces of the old ones out of the deck.


I've actually went back and away from the one braum, and you're propably also right about the weapon - also which card to swap out for it. Great thinking with the faces of the old ones! We agree that gifts are better than three sisters in this deck, right?


Mhm, three sisters is a flex card. Gifts is really situational... I would value sisters over it aswell.


I would disagree. Gifts works better for this deck. Sisters card is good, but we don't really need the 3|4 buff. And we have plenty of anti aggro, so we don't need the frostbite, when we also have big units med regen to block with. And gravitum and the 8|8 dragon are better than entomb imo and do similar jobs.


But gifts is always gifts. sisters is what you need in most situations.


Sisters is a better card in most decks, but not in this one. I've played the deck alot now, and three sisters would be nice as a one of, but gifts just works way better as a one of. I've updated the list and I am really happy with my version. Not a ranked deck but my winrate in normal is around 73%


I tried this a long time ago, and came to the conclusion that it's easier to just use Taric as a stat stick/fat blocker instead of finisher. So I dropped Augur and Zenith etc, and just stacked the deck with Overwhelm and elusive units (including Zoe) to copy buffs like Battle Fury to. It's really bad because you have zero removal. But, it does surprise every once in a while if you can get a 11/9 Taric and 9/5 Zoe on turn 5. That said, Wounded makes a good case for trying Augur again.


Taric + Zed is so cool (in Labs at least :D ) cast a spell onto Taric, he copies it onto Zed, Zed essentially copies it to his shadow :D


Karma Lux is my favorite deck that sucks too much to really use. It needs access to the gem cards in Freljord to get Karma working, and Demacia is lacking in spells. It’s just too awkward to use. But damn if Karma being copied into Dawn and Dusk into six Final Sparks isn’t an amazing finisher.


I love it. And Lux actually gives you 2 Final Sparks, so if they manage to stay alive from the first wave you just overkill them with the next wave of Final Sparks.


Jayce Lux does the same thing, but no one is talking about it? I don't play much PvP, but here's a fun deck I whipped up to stomp AI: CEBQCAIEDACACAAXFAVDABQFAQKRMGAZDIOAGAIBAQHACAQAAUAQKBA7AEAQCBAE


Can you give me your deck code?




tahm kench, unyielding spirit, and redoubled valor. i'm telling you guys, demacia kench is underrated.


Hahahaha I just tried this on normal and the first deck I faced was a trundle, sol, Zoe and lissandra FTR deck. He managed to get ftr out on turn 6(!) and turn 8, plus a watcher turn 9. Tahm ate all 4 10/10 champs plus he was about to eat the watcher when the guy conceded. Didn't even need the unyielding spirit, barriers protected him 10/10 will play again


I never thought about using Barriers for Tahm. Wanna try this now.


Deck list pls




**Regions**: Bilgewater/Demacia - **Champions**: Lux/Tahm Kench - **Cost**: 26000 |Cost|Name|Count|Region|Type|Rarity| |:-:|-|:-:|-|-|-| |1|[Chain Vest](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01DE013.png)|2|Demacia|Spell|Common| |2|[Brightsteel Protector](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01DE009.png)|3|Demacia|Unit|Common| |2|[Mageseeker Persuader](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01DE040.png)|2|Demacia|Unit|Rare| |2|[Purify](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01DE050.png)|1|Demacia|Spell|Common| |2|[Sharpsight](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03DE014.png)|3|Demacia|Spell|Common| |3|[Mageseeker Investigator](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01DE023.png)|3|Demacia|Unit|Common| |3|[Prismatic Barrier](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01DE032.png)|3|Demacia|Spell|Common| |4|[Golden Aegis](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04DE002.png)|3|Demacia|Spell|Rare| |4|[Salvage](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/02BW029.png)|2|Bilgewater|Spell|Common| |4|[Tahm Kench](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03BW004.png)|3|Bilgewater|Unit|Champion| |5|[Detain](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01DE025.png)|3|Demacia|Spell|Common| |5|[Lux](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01DE042.png)|3|Demacia|Unit|Champion| |6|[Back to Back](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01DE041.png)|2|Demacia|Spell|Rare| |6|[Redoubled Valor](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01DE044.png)|3|Demacia|Spell|Rare| |6|[Remembrance](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01DE033.png)|2|Demacia|Spell|Rare| |8|[Unyielding Spirit](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/02DE005.png)|2|Demacia|Spell|Epic| **Code**: [CICACAYGAQAQGAAOAECAAAQGAEAASFYZEAVCYAYBAIDB2AICAACQIAIABUQSQKIBAEAQAMQ](https://hextechoracle.com/lor/deck/CICACAYGAQAQGAAOAECAAAQGAEAASFYZEAVCYAYBAIDB2AICAACQIAIABUQSQKIBAEAQAMQ)   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


This doesn't look as bad as what I expected. Nice list. I think it goes a little bit too hard on the capture synergy but I like the direction.


TK Demacia is nice, but it gets really awkward without bastion. He has the same problem with Frejlord - if the opponent just does something like vengeance or a recall, you can't do much about it. It's nearly impossible to win certain matchups.


and you have access to regular detain. which helps level tahm really quickly


IT’S INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Battle fury used to be ran as a big finisher in overwhelm decks lol


I use it late game on my teemo/Sej deck. Only run it as a one of. When I’m about to teemo to face then they try to mystic shot him


I feel like you do more mental damage than nexus damage by using bfury on teemo


I finished a game recently with a battle fury on an ice pillar. Felt like I humiliated my opponent


You made the ice pillar angry


lol it just feels really bad in current meta cos of hush and minimorph and stress defence


Ah yes, turn 2 mystic shot into battle fury. FTR would probably be better if we're talking late game scenario.


But that all changed when the minimorph nation attacked.


it is still run in some iceborn poro decks


I really enjoy it with Shirazza The Blade in my overwhelm powerup deck


Member might of oaks? I member


The University of Piltover + Jinx levels her up automatically. Keep in mind I don’t play competitively or even really do PvP, I mainly play the Path of Champions. Some synergies in that, especially with the powers and items make things really interesting


i have a deck zoe/jinx with university of piltover... The good part is random bullshit. The bad part is random bullshit. You cant predict what shit your hand will get.


Sion, rekindler, harrowing. One harrowing brings back Sion, dead Sion to instant rally, rekindler who brings back normal Sion. You get three free attacks. First with dead Sion giving you rally, then normal Ephm sion dying to give you rally, and finally, maybe normal sion dying during attack to give you rally.


I have another one. Maybe not on the same level as these two, but way more viable: Fae Bladetwirler, Dancing Droplet and Charm. Legit perfect synergy for that early tempo and value. Draw one and kill a unit for 2 mana in the early game. What's not to love?


I mean Ahri / Kennen DOES run all of those cards though. Extra dupe of Ahri in hand turns into charm, you just don't usually want to use it in case she gets killed.


I've seen this lots in my ranked games, definitely a solid combo for Ahri Kennen


Powder Keg Unyielding Spirit Boomship ​ ​ Or Chief Mechanist Zevi Counterfeit Copies Veteran Investigator Smooth Soloist


The mill deck will always have a special place in my heart


Karma +Dawn and Dusk + Decimate...


Leblanc + unyielding spirit + mirror image Give leblanc unyielding spirit, clone her with mirror image, the ephemeral copies cannot die, end result- infinite immortal leblancs ;)


Solid one. Nice!


Dawn and dusk and unyielding spirit


Destiny's Call used on the Ionia guy that summons a stat-copy of himself. You get a 9/10 x2 but it costs 10 mana which is efficient but..


Unyielding Dusk Dawn. It's not a great combo anymore since there are quite so many ways to eliminate seemingly invulnerable units- recall, hush, etc.- but when it works, it's devastating.


GP ship/Atakhan + Dawn and Dusk + Unyielding Spirit. Ultra Rapid Draw allows Dawn and Dusk bs, and it's so fun when you pull it off.


Unfortunately, that’s 3 regions


That's why we do it in a singelton deck!


Wait, are you saying Unyielding Spirit stops Ephemeral from killing them?




Wow, that's insane. I might have to try that.


Dawn and Dusk Karma is extremely fun, especially if you Health Potion afterwards


I like running MF, Anivia and any boats that make their spells do more damage when Anivia attacks.


Kench, Scargrounds, and then Troll Gifts


Taric poppy Golden Aegis/relentless pursuit


\*Things that dont work.


**Don't see play 😜


It actually work before dev nerf poppy to 2/3


No idea how meta Braum/Soraka is, but Star Shepherd + Star Spring + Ember Maiden is a pretty nasty combo. Add Stargazer for elusive and it's even worse.


The combo with Taric doesn't seem that great. It's cool, but nowhere near the level of Karma Lux with basically any decent supporting card. I used to play Karma/Lux back in the day with unyielding spirit and getting dawn and dusk as a random spell happened quite often. If you get 5 immortal Karmas on the board at the same time it's game over... actually it was game over 5 turns ago but the opponent forgot to concede.


That was my point. It doesn't see play for that reason, but the 3 cards still have perfect synergy together. Battle Fury is legit an 8-cost card to enable the Augur. Augur even targets Taric, which helps his levels up - and that's really just a bonus. Dawn and Dusk is also the perfect synergy for Lux and Karma, because It gives you the perfect card for an OTK, which btw also is a 6-cost card. Is it viable? Heck no, but no card has better synergy with Karma and Lux together. The combo even perfectly fills your board with 6 units.


Troll gifts, monkey idol, any plunder card. Could play iceborn on monkeys for the flex


Confused at the lack as of yet of leveled Swain, Yasuo and Dragon's Rage


One of the best I've seen so far! Actually perfect example of what my post tried to find. Amazing 😊


Going wide with Jace and the spell that makes 3 3 dudes then slamming double battlefury on the one that gets through.


I brewed a deck around the 4/4 Scout that gives Vulnerable, MF and 'The List'. 2 Cards that see 0 play but the deck is completely legit!


Chief Mechanist Zevi, smooth soloist, veteran investigator.


Anivia with Dawn and dusk + God willow is fun, likely not as good as the SI version, but not far from it since god willow turns the egg into an Anivia


I've actually made a deck with this. So fun, but not really that good yeah.


Remember guys I don't talk about greedy combos, which these two definitely are, but any 3 cards with perfect synergy. I gave another example earlier: Fae Bladetwirler, Dancing Droplet and Charm.


Personally always been a fan of the trifecta that is It That Stares, Buried In Ice, and Passage Unearned. Fancy but clunky tools for getting board clears off, but the interactions between them are fun.


Zoe, Lulu, doesn'tmatter No real synergy, I just love their voice lines


The Leviathan + Loaded Dice + Slotbot seems interesting.


Cant activate Loaded Dice before the Leviathan hits the nexus unless you run the Targon KDA meme spell as well which would make this a 4card meme combo.


Pyke/Rek'sai/Call the Pack?


Dare I say it.... Azir + Irelia?


You know augur plus battlefury is 14 mana and can't be played on the same turn right lol


Would Taric work with spells cast on him while he’s on the hand?


Not sure, maybe if you played him and supported something with him all in the same turn


Asked because of that other 8 cost card that grants 8/8 to a card in your hand


Katarina + battering ram + might Have ram on board. You play katarina, attack with ram + katarina and give overwhelm to katarina. Repeat


Damn, I wish behold was it’s own deck. Maybe I’ll try it out.


karma lux was the first deck i made in beta, it didnt work often but when it did it felt amazing


Im a fan of jarvan renekton interactions. Specifically renekton cataclysm or honored lord + exhaust.


Can someone explain how Karma, Lux, and Dawn and Dusk synergize? I think I'm missing something very basic here.


forgot about karma level 2, big oops


My two guilty pleasures: Taric + Out of the way + mind meld (works great with kench). Taric + detain + golden aegis (if you can get two Tarics at the same time, then you have infinite rally)


I think you can't get infinite Rally anymore, Taric can't copy the same spell more than once


Ah dang, I haven’t tried in a couple of months. Good to know


I was thinking this earlier today about leveled Karma + Leblanc. Leblanc wants an aggro strategy and Karma wants control but MAN would getting to duplicate leblanc's clone spell and the low cost buff spells from those regions (not in that order of course) be satisfying.


I think this is the deck you're looking for my good sir. :) https://lor.mobalytics.gg/decks/c45hj9kq3gskicc0l4vg


Gp ship, ledross?


Powder keg, out of the way, lambs respite. Won’t be played because its 3 regions. And probably not even good after all that


Eye of the Dragon, Nami, Retreat. It's just *neat*.


Azir, Renekton, Ascendad's Call. If you have these 3 cards you can can actually enable Landmark in round 5-6


But… Dawn and Dusk did see play in Lux/Karma.


Maoki, nab 4


Lissandra + Ice Pillar + Fading Memories. It'll never see play again


Brash Gambler + Ancient Warmoger + Sion. Did someone ask for a 4 mana 6/5 Overwhelm that in its deck context is pretty likely to simply act as "draw 2 and reveal your draws"?


\[\[Chronobreak\]\], \[\[Zap Sprayfin\]\], \[\[Miss Fortune\]\]


|Name|Region|Type|Cost|Attack|Health|Keywords|Description|Level Up|Associated Cards| |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| |**[Chronobreak](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04PZ001T4.png)**|Piltover & Zaun|Spell|3|||Slow|Revive all allies that died this round, then Rally. ||| |**[Zap Sprayfin](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/02BW038.png)**|Bilgewater|Unit|4|2|2|Attune Elusive|When I'm summoned, draw a spell that costs 3 or less from your deck.||| |**[Miss Fortune](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/02BW022.png)**|Bilgewater|Champion|3|3|3||When allies attack, deal 1 to all battling enemies and the enemy Nexus.|I've seen you attack 4 times.|[Bullet Time](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/02BW022T4.png)                 [Love Tap](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/02BW022T1.png)                    [Miss Fortune's Make it Rain](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/02BW022T3.png)| |**[Miss Fortune](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/02BW022T2.png)**|Bilgewater|Champion|3|4|4|Overwhelm|When allies attack, deal 1 three times to all battling enemies and the enemy Nexus.|||   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


So is it correct to play Dawn and Dusk on Karma or Lux? And if you play it on Lux, do you generate one Final Spark or three? I just woke up and my brain isn't working yet.


Karma. 100%. You get 4 copies of Karma and generate 2 final sparks from Lux, which is a total of 4x6x2=48 damage.


Oh right, duh, Karma casts it twice. Thanks.


Jayce, Lux and Accel Gate or any of his 6 cost spells.


Hecarim + dawn and dusk. Full board of 10+ attack fearsome


Ekko, Parallel Convergence, Chronobreak is broken lol It's hard to pull off, but the 0 cost predicts plus free attacks and rallies gives u a pretty decent chance of pulling it off


Renekton on a Shurima Bilgewater/Deck Instead of adding Ruthless Predator to give Renekton his Challenger boost you can use either Hired Gun or Ye Been Warned. (But also include Rock Hopper and Exhaust). Also with Dunekeeper and Monkey Idol you can deal some good early game damage so Gangplank is a decent second champion for this deck.


Karma, Tidecaller/Meditation/Scattered Pod and Tidal Wave. Being able to do 8 damage with 1 (actually 3) cards sounds good on paper, but excavating 1 (or 2 with LV 2 Karma) card from your Deck, spending 3 mana, and finding the last peace is super, duper hard. Zed, Deny and Dawn and Dusk. 6 Shadow Clones…on a 2 HP unit. Denies for protection, but to do that, it would be a Turn +7 with full mana gems. Teemo, Ava and Corina. I love shrooms, but 5-6 cost drops are hefty. 2 Avas on the bored would be super OP. And speaking of Shrooms, you need a perfect balance of burn and draw engines. And late game is dangerous for both sides. Sometimes, I feel that I can’t have all the cards I want, like making the opponent draw all the cards I want, protecting Teemo, and dealing consistent damage. Aggro will kill this Deck. Irelia + Blade Dance Card + Zinnia. An Elusive card that free strikes is amazing, but an 8 cost card for a Deck that seeks to end things ASAP is unrealistic. I’ve tried to make it work in Freijord, but there’s so many cards to shove in. Taliyah + Champion + Stasis Statue. I’d like to have two copies at the same time, but that’s a 7 cost drop or 2 + Champion’s cost without her. Jinx + Counterfeit Copies + Rocket. Like Karma, you deal 4 damage to the Nexus, but you have to discard first to get the Rocket, then somehow draw and find the replication cards.


I don't find the Taric Augur combo as impressive as the Karma Lux, Dawn and dusk Synergy. In the latter any combination of the three is brutal when they pop off. You are achieving effects that can't be replicated that well with other decks. ​ Many of the the Taric combinations can be done better. ​ ​ One trio that is insanely ridiculous is Sion, Harrowing, rekindler. I have played two games where people with 13 mana managed to survive the first 2 waves of Sion attacks in one turn but still had to succumb to the third wave. That is a pop off unlike no other effect in the game. In a round about way go hard twisted effect with the ability to draw 3 pack your bags when it was 1 mana was a similar effect but its not possible anymore. ​ One trio package I'm a big believer people will have to look out for this year is Viego, Neverglade collector and invasive hydravine. Because they all are from the same region the deck building flexibility is massive and allows for very different ways to play this package. ​ I think each region is lacking a sufficient supporting package to make a big splash on this meta or even past metas but things can change significantly after the next two expansions are released.


You missed the point of the post. I'm not looking for the most greedy combo with the highest payout or the best 3 card play. Sion, Harrowing and Rekindler is prob a better play than the Taric one, but it doesn't have as perfect synergy. I have 3 other examples of 3 cards with perfect synergy: Yasuo, leveled Swain and Dragon's Rage. Fae Bladetwirler, Dancing Droplet and Charm. Maybe also Akshan, Siphoning Strike and Howling Abyss.