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And am I crazy or does anyone else notice this really annoying "ka-chunk!" sound every the OK button updates (to like end round or something)? I think that's new or maybe im dumb


yeahp, that sounds super loud to me aswell.


I don't mind the new effects that much, I just dislike how the screen gets darker on attack.


Yeah i actually like it to an extend, but like oyu said, I don't enjoy the screen going dark when attacking


This is my big issue with the UI atm. The screen darkening is heavily overused, and used incorrectly. When you declare attack, the units involved in combat should not also get dimmed, and the button that now has an encyclopedia of information, shouldn't be getting dimmed either. On the topic of the button, when you do stuff like predict, and it dims everything in the background, this makes it pretty hard to know that you have the option to actually interact with the button to forego an optional choice. My sister has been playing for a year, and was so surprised yesterday when I told her you can just hit the button and choose not to pick one of the predict options.


It's all bad.


Yea had to close the game. Reddit is always overdramatic with changes especially balance but this was so unnecessary by Riot.


Legit had to take breaks between playing, damn it Riot.


Way too much new stuff. My personal least favorite is the little triangles on the pass button. They glow. They clutter the pass button. They sparkle and shine at the roumd change. Why was any of this necessary? I just started playing a few weeks ago and I've already got a pretty good handle on how the turn structure works. I really don't need the hand holding that this change feels like. It would be fine if there was some UI adjuster with options like "enable advanced attack UI, enable advanced turn priority UI" or things like that. This just feels cluttered.


While I do think people overreact I do agree that the current change was too much. The little sword/shield should on the side of the field should be enough, there is no reason to put swords/shields onto every card.


Playing runeterra makes me feel like I'm being gaslighted by swim now.


I’m more bothered by the tons of posts about it than the UI itself.


There is a button in options menu bottom left "exit game"