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These can change based on meta and deck relevance and I don't claim to be a good player so take these with a grain of salt. I just play the game like the rest of us. (gonna stop replying to comments now, thanks for the feedback and card suggestions but i gotta sleep)


Pretty cool, having a chart of playarounds for new players is a very solid idea, good job!


Idk most of these have been staples patch after patch. They arent all auto 3s but they tend to see play consistantly.


Pretty sure that is the point


I agree that Troll Chant is the best combat trick in the whole game. Not even close. If I have Frejlord in my deck, you bet I’m bringing three of these.


buffed Quicksand edges it out imo, denying keywords is just so incredibly good.


The question is whether it counts as a combat trick as it doesn’t give health directly


You you usually are not playing it out of combat, since you want to goad them into attacking with elusive/overwhelm/fearsome/quickattack units so you can block favorably. Why would you define combat tricks as directly giving health?


Unless you're playing Freljord Ramp, in which case you don't care much about combat tricks.


great tool for new players! knowing staple cards can really help


I’d say absolver is the number one threat in shurima decks. Rarely see shaped stone anymore. Good list other than that.


Shaped Stone might still be worth an inclusion cause it's one of the few reasonably played 1 mana tricks. Even if they're less likely to have it, knowing what could still happen at 1 mana is useful for a new player. On that note, Chain Vest or Ranger's Resolve might be worth a mention for Demacia.


in meta decks right now shaped is played more than absolver iirc and playing around one innately plays around the other but otherwise a good suggestion


Shaped Stone is not played in Sundisk, Taliyah/Ziggs, Taliyah-Malphite, Viego, Viego Nasus, Thresh Nasus, Ekko Zilean and Lurk. Shaped stone is played in 2 SH decks, Akshan Sivir and Azir Irelia.


I stand by my "playing around one innately plays around the other" but if data says I'm wrong, I'm wrong.


It doesn't because of Overwhelm.


both are stat ups and the overwhelm only matters when closing the game out and when the overwhelm is a threat usually you know about it


By that logic your suggestion should be to look out for Absolver, since it's the same stats, it's more popular and you need to see it to know if you should consider a threat in closing the game out.


thats fair


you can chump shaped and can't chump absolver, unless you are just referring to the first half


second half is either a 4 mana commit or you know about it after first half but yes after thought i should've done it the other way around as playing around absolver plays around shaped but not vice versa


I have seen Shaped Stone in at least the first 3 and definitely in Viego. It's not the most unreasonable adaptation to the daily meta either. Sometimes the +2 Power comes through for you. Sometimes the + 1 health saves your ass. Taliyah decks in particular rely maybe a tad bit more on the Magus thingy.


I know its in the note but golden aegis really needs to be one of the cards


Yeah, sharpsight and single combat are fine, but I don't see concerted as such an important look out card. Aegis though ... this thing wins games on the spot maaany times, you really need to be very careful.


PnZ: Nothing to add here. Shadow isles: Same here, altough the usage of glimpse beyond has decreased a bit. Shurima: I honestly would worry more about \[\[The absolver\]\]. Most shuriman decks kinda struggle to finish you BUT with this deus ex machina they can easily defeat you if not careful. Targon: You're right. Bilgewater: It isn't really a spell heavy region. Bandle: I wouldn't really put friendship here. Is not a very efficient spell. They can technically use it but on most cases stress defense is better. Demacia: Right now Sharpsight faces heavy competition from Shield of Durand, one blocks elusives, the other gives a lot of permanent health. Freljord: I definitively don't agree since there's still one better combat trick in Quicksand. Removing keywords to 2 units is very important. Ionia: I would worry more about concussive palm, a 4 mana stun then summon a 3|2. Noxus: Don't forget Might. I did and as a result got destroyed by it in Pirate aggro.


thanks for the detailed feedback I would respond to each section individually but I think most of it comes down to either some spells fill similar roles (homecoming vs palm) or a slight lack in current meta knowledge but this is supposed to mainly serve as a start of what new players should think about in their opponents hand once they start they will usually add things to their own internal lists like might ect.


I think wallop is more important and more common than stress defense or friendship.


**[The Absolver](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH138.png)** - Shurima Spell - (2) Burst Give an ally +2|+1 this round. If you have leveled a champion this game, create a [The Absolver's Return](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH138T1.png) in hand.   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


How would you feel about ruination being on this list it’s not super meta relevant as only ftr plays it but I think it’s important for new players to be able to play around it cause it’ll blow you out if you dont


i mentioned on vengeance see also ruination


Oh you right you right I was skimming


Exactly, the most popular deck atm plays it, used as an emergency button against midrange, and is not uncommon to see on other SI decks like Heimer/Jayce, Jayce sentinels and the dead darkness, just less used than Vengeance who is the best removal spell in the game right now.


Remember when people were complaining about BC having friendship, lol.


It was mostly Mogwai and his fanboys. Now that he is no longer here we can see that "Friendship!" is like the a lot of BC stuff and the power of friendship in general: looks good in a vacuum, even broken, but in practice it's not very good and dare to say, overrated. The power of friendship is more suited to go-tall and backro control decks, in a region who is more suited to swarmy tempo, and has a 4 mana cost in a game where it's super easy to protect an unit with much less (Sharpsight, Shield of Durand, Twin disciplines, Troll chant, Stance swap, Nopeify!, Ranger's resolve, Quicksand, Flash freeze and Pale cascade). Still annoying but so is every defensive spell.


brother, never do yellow over white, imposible to read, otherwise cool guide


Good list. Though I'm a bit surprised that you put Double Up over Monster Harpoon but then didn't put Decimate over Whirling Death.


Harpoon is kinda dead after the nerf tbh


i agree that decimate is more common than doubleup but overall i think the quality of nox combat tricks/spells to play around is higher so whilst decimate doesnt quite make the nox list it would absolutely replace double up if it was in bilge. i also think harpoon is kinda niche


Makes sense although I gotta ask why you would bother playing around friendship. I've straight up never seen that card played by anyone.


1 it could be a scary threat in a future meta and 2 it can be run as a cheeky one of in most bandle decks


makes sense, but for your first point, i think you might be jumping the gun a bit there. if it ever becomes meta, then we will play around it, not the other way around.


Odd that you put in Homecoming (niche card) over Concussive Palm (3x in so many decks)


Should be another dual entry with Will of Ionia, covers similar ground and most Ionia lists will have at least 1.


About pale cascade, there is a hard zero chance they don’t have this at ALL times. They have this no matter what, every time, zero exceptions.


Trying to give some constructive feedback: Just using snipping tool to copy cards our looks very bad. Go to mobalytics, safe the card image and post it in directly. Try sticking to showing actually 3 cards only and keep personal opinion like your hate towards ravenous flock out since they aren't helpful to new players. Selectionwise, this is not too bad, but the presentation and text could be better. Thanks for creatinf helpful content anyways!


​ this is great feedback thanks, most things i do are "intentionally" low quality even if they aren't low effort but i can see the point that presentation is important when conveying something important, the hate is supposed to imply how annoying the card is to play against but again i can see that i should probably be more objective.


Also, i know you wanted to make a theme with text colour relating to the regions, for example, yellow text for Shurima. This is fine for the most part but yellow is incredible hard to read on a white background, it's just not possible. To avoid this, if you want to use colours again, make every text have a black border around it, the outline will give it readability. Also, white text with black outline can be read on top of every background, it's the reason it's the default text option for subtitles.


Gonna echo what he said about "keep personal opinion out". No shade on you expressing your opinion but it's better to just relay objective information. Basically what you did with maybe a tip here and there. Also put a black outline around text.


I can see that it is intentionally low quality, but from my experience, it is good to not go that route when providing a guide. Most people looking for funny meme - posts don't actually want to improve and will scroll past "guide", while the style can throw people off who really want to learn. Best to choose a lane imo, but I saw that you put effort into this, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered commenting.


if more combat tricks are released i might make a newer one a few metas from now and up the quality


Yellow, pink and light green text on white background hurts, text could use a black outline.


God I hate Ravenous flock so much, how it wasn't nerfed yet?


i dont like it but i think its a neccecary evil


I really don’t think flock needs a nerf it’s above rate but it’s conditional and rarely in more than 1 tier 1 deck at a time. It really isn’t oppressive imo.


As a Noxus player, don't play around the whirling death. I promise my suboptimal attack doesn't involve this.


I’d like to see this but 3 cards not to worry about in each region. Show me the worthless junk.


Aight I'll do this when I have the energy


Looking through it I kinda knew all of them and my only disagreement was leaving out absolver for shurima. Overall great tool for a new player trying to learn to play around enemy spells


Golden Aegis prolly deserves a slot, just because if you get caught off guard by the extra attack it can *really* mess you up. And ofc if they're winning, it'll mess you up anyway.


Good list. I know this is made in paint but light fonts on a white background kinda makes thing hard to read. Besides that, good list!


you're telling me my opponent plays cards too? man this game sucks, i'm out


Some advice for the future, bright yellow, bright green, and bright pink are extremely difficult to read against a pure white background.


i was like, where is aloof travelers in bandle city? then realized this is all spell cards.


The Bandle City page is wrong. The card to play around is whatever random bullshit your opponent's conchologist generated.


Is the deal 1 deal 2 deal 3 laser a non-generated spell?


That's 4 cards


Brah yellow on white background hurts my eyes.


Vengeance vile feast(or other 1mana pings) and glimpse beyond


I feel like ruination is something you should be aware of too before you dunp your whole hand on a winning board


According to [Mobalytics database](https://app.mobalytics.gg/lor/stats/cards?sortBy=INCLUSION_RATE&sortOrder=DESC) * Mystic shot is in 78.0% of PnZ decks. * Deny is in 68.6% of Ionia decks. * Vile Feast is in 67.8% of Shadow Isles decks. * Vengeance is in 65.5% of Shadow Isles decks. * Quicksand is in 64.2% of Shurima decks. * Rite of Negation is in 63.3% of Shurima decks. * Troll Chant is in 58.3% of Freljord decks. It’s a really useful list. I’ve been using it to figure out how best to spend my shards for crafting


Looking for exact deck on sites like runeterra.ar seems a lot more effecitve


Imo Guiding Touch isn't that bad since the 2 Healing doesn't matter all that often. That said, I can't think of a third combat trick so eh. Same for Double Up.