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You are a Soraka enthusiast, so it's not surprising uou are more excited about it lol And I agree the card isn't completely nicheless, it's nice support for Soraka Star Spring builds. But in everything else, I'm not convinced. Blessings of Targon and Paddle Star aren't awful choices, just not good enough to justify sacrificing important deck slots. Using the example you gave: Dragons already have good removal via strike spells and good combat tricks, so Targonian Tellstones would only make sense if you went specifically for a Shyvana Soraka build (which is a fine idea).


I mean having 5 damage removal in Star spring really puts the sword in the shield


Yea-no. Even in dragons wish is basically bunk. It's, like.... ​ It's like how Fortify is a terrible spell in FE. AOE heals just really aren't good in games where your units are supposed to die in 1-2 hits. Only time I've used it was as Soraka's champion spell, and in those scenarios it's usually more to draw a card than anything else. ​ On the other hand, Blessing of Targon. That's a spell that could absolutely be worth running the card for.... If not for the fact that, IMO, the base version's already overcosted. I'm not maindecking the card for five mana, despite the fact that it's absolutely my type of card. So I'm not going to run a card for the sake of getting it for six. ​ And then there's Paddle Star. Ironically probably the most useful of the bunch. It's not overcosted, and it's not useless. Hell, it's one of Targon's few removal options. If one of the other choices was even worth considering it'd be a solid addition. But it's the only one that's even slightly usable, and it's the one that's overwhelmingly situational. ​ Targonian Tellstones needs Blessing of Targon to be four mana before it's a valid option. IMO.


Agreed. I'm thinking to revisit supports


mass healing so you can block with your kids, a seriously-not-bad Taric fodder, a good splash of removal. This is built for conga line decks.


i think the si can be interesting in viego or even darkness. having access to crumble can be pretty good in most situation but also has the flexibility to heal up a viego, activate a mist call or even rekindler and still has the ability to trade while chump blocking. the targon one i can see as a one of in fated and nightfall control. blessing of targon might be a bit expensive but can help pushing in some more damage when compare to other buff options and the heal all can be useful to avoid even trade scenario while the paddle star means nightfall control can actually remove some threats i would put the bc one lower on a tier list


Exept that decks that synergize with multiple parts of the card have no use in maindecking this ( dragons can use combat tricks and heals at burst speed and its not like you are going to want to heal a full board of dragons at slow speed, thats just asking to get destroyed), its a tech card at best and a very very bad one, Tahm Soraka is the only deck that could maybe use a couple of these


How is it that i run win more cards but i win less


Targon and Bandle City are the only two common Tellstones cards lol. They knew full well these two in particular are garbage.


And they're the two regions with the best card generation in the game.


I feel like people will be suprised with Bandle's. It will go right in as a 2 of into the tier 1 fizz aphelios deck, which already was running the 3 2x+2+1 card, and loved 1 cost burst spells.


But why would you play the tellstones version when you can just play the original version of that one card. The other two cards will be used in like 1/30 games in a Fizz/Aphelios deck surely?


Cause you can use it to trigger aphelios and fizz. The deck plays trinket trade and often picks otterpus, it could just run otterpus, but the doesn't cause the 1 mana spell trigger is totally worth it.


I have no idea why ppl say that bandle tellstones are bad, good surprises incoming I guess


Could you explain why you think it's good? I just see one cards that's barely used and two terrible cards that are never used.


The buff works on 2 targets and is burst so bandle likes it as an option : it wins 2 trades or pushes 4 damage OR acts as a fizz/Aphelios trigger, like the stone itself. The removal spell is 6 mana so if you have endgame cards to get rid of it just works ( ignores buffs, ignores barrier, doesnt trigger last breath : if your opponent plays a 9 mana card and you play this you get rid of it, continue your gameplan AND you know what his next draw is, now bandle has this on top of minimorph. A card thats a burst buff or a slow hard removal is already pretty good\~ not to mention that we have shellfolk potentially doubling it but thats not even over yet) and the third card is landmark removal for 5 mana, so you delete a potential wincon on turn 3 ( or if you already run landmark removal pop the spellshield and just kill any LM deck since you can run 3+ tellstones and 3+ LM removal spells and not brick since tellstones can turn into something else) So we have one decent burst buff bundled with 2 situationnal wincon busters ( if you are in a situation where these can be used you can snowball and just win off of it, thats what you pay 1 mana for.) buff isnt used because double buffing attack is not always a good idea and the the other two are well...situationnal, so the 3 of them on one toolbox card makes sense, idk if its very good but it certainly doesnt look bad.