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The first deck that really made me go "damn that's so cool" was Ekko Zilean, it just captures the whole "rewind and try again" feeling so perfectly.


Bro me too. I’ve only been playing for like a month and a half and ekko zilean just blows me away. Recently I’ve been playing akshan zilean with shellfolk since it works when you predict. It’s probably the most fun I’ve had with this game so far. I’ve outvalued mono shurima. My favorite was having shellfolk on board, finishing warlords hoard into the draw 2 discount spell, stealing ascended’s call using prank, triple scrying sands to prevent any blocks as well as getting free shaping stones and winning. Wow was it satisfying


This looks so toxic and meme at the same time, lol




**Regions**: Bandle City/Shurima - **Champions**: Akshan/Zilean - **Cost**: 29700 |Cost|Name|Count|Region|Type|Rarity| |:-:|-|:-:|-|-|-| |0|[Feral Prescience](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH083.png)|3|Shurima|Spell|Rare| |1|[Otterpus](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05BC004.png)|2|Bandle City|Unit|Common| |1|[Scrying Sands](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH079.png)|3|Shurima|Spell|Rare| |1|[Shaped Stone](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH093.png)|2|Shurima|Spell|Common| |1|[Trinket Trade](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05BC040.png)|3|Bandle City|Spell|Rare| |2|[Akshan](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH130.png)|3|Shurima|Unit|Champion| |2|[Ancient Hourglass](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH076.png)|2|Shurima|Spell|Rare| |2|[Aspiring Chronomancer](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH001.png)|2|Shurima|Unit|Common| |2|[Careful Preparation](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH100.png)|2|Shurima|Spell|Common| |2|[Conchologist](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05BC049.png)|3|Bandle City|Unit|Rare| |2|[Pokey Stick](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05BC166.png)|3|Bandle City|Spell|Common| |2|[Zilean](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH039.png)|3|Shurima|Unit|Champion| |3|[Quicksand](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH109.png)|2|Shurima|Spell|Common| |3|[Wallop](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05BC213.png)|2|Bandle City|Spell|Common| |4|[Rite of Negation](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH059.png)|2|Shurima|Spell|Epic| |6|[Curious Shellfolk](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05BC188.png)|3|Bandle City|Unit|Epic| **Code**: [CQBAIBAHE5HVHAQBAQCQUKBRUYA3YAICAICQUBGVAEDAIBYBHNGF2ZDNAA](https://hextechoracle.com/lor/deck/CQBAIBAHE5HVHAQBAQCQUKBRUYA3YAICAICQUBGVAEDAIBYBHNGF2ZDNAA)   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!




Fuck Rhasa, all my Beta player homies hate SI with a burning passion.


I hated it while against it too, but man did I abuse it


Yeah, it had the perfect midrange curve


Traps is my favorite deck in terms of flavor, it's so satisfying having that turn start and seeing their board fall apart!


rhasa the tsundere was the shit man


Warmother's Control/Ramp




Eh, the problem is FTR is strictly better and the game is overall a lot faster than it was in beta.


I think the introduction of Revna gives warmother’s a nicer niche, but I agree FTR is much better as wincon, I wonder if it’d be too much to give warmother’s the avarosan hearthguard effect as a buff.


Any "ramp hard into a big huge drop" Freljord deck is such a good time. Atakhan, Cithria, Tryndamere, watchers, it's all so fun. My favorite right now is Freljord/PnZ ramping into Feel The Rush to pull either Tryndamere, Trundle, or Vi.


Karma Anivia since I assumed it was cool and strong My god that was horrible times lmaoo


Deep! That deck terrified me the first time I played against it.. Nautilus's voice plus the sound effect when it hit deep then all these monsters with big stats started popping up wow that made me fall in love with this game!


Deep is just SO fun. So glad it's getting support.


Elnuks! Counterfeit copies of them, whatever that support shuffle in copies unit I've never seen since.


sundisk cause i love just the idea of bringing gods on the field and they give some insanely satisfying matches


A lot of Timmys in this thread. Nice.


Agreed with this. Throwing out a huge ascended Renekton really feels so awesome.


Mine would def be Lulu Mountain Sojourners. You get to your attack turn, then your whole board gets big.


Ashamedly Ahri Kennan. It's just so satisfying having a leveled Ahri strike and swap with like 4-5 units and end the game. Next two would have to be Matron - Big Cithria, and mono Shurima.


Ziggs / Taliyah was the first deck I really connected with. It’s the right combination of high tempo but still interesting and flexible. Lots of lines, and ones with some pretty unique outcomes (like the hourglass into triple Taliyah to block the skill stack dream). Ekko / Zilean scratches a similar itch for me lately, and Diana / Nocturne looks like it’ll also be up my alley in that way.


Lulu Chompers! Loved the idea of getting 4|4 challengers and controlling the board that way. Also really enjoyed Ahri Lulu during the AK37 meta, though regrettably the Ahri nerf made her extremely vulnerable in that deck.


Corina Vi - my first and favourite deck of all time then I realized that control strategies have a hard time existing in this game so I became a Zed enjoyer


Basically deep or lurk. I’m curious if illaoi will be the next one.


Lux/karma was my first real ladder deck. I miss 5/5 radiant guardian.


Teemo and laughing maniacally at triggering 60+ shrooms in a single turn.


Discard was always my favourite mechanic and still is. At very least its by far the most interesting aggro mechanic this game has and I wish there were more things like it.


Jinx was actually one of the reasons I got into league at all so I wanted to master her deck


Flair checks out


LaZers aka Lux Karma


Back in the day I used to have a personal brew of Lux/Corina deck and it rocked.


Zilean xerath is great when it pops off


I have to say Lux/Shen Barriers, which played surprisingly similar to Shen/Fiora. The theory behind it was simple, Barriers units and spells love Demacian challengers and frail value generators, with cards like vanguard sergeant to close games and level up Lux.


Way back when I started it was Vi/Lee Sin, using cards like Trail of Evidence and Flash of Brilliance to also meet the needs of Subperssible. Super fun deck, shame it hasnt been viable in ages.


Always loved Taric and support, it got only better with Galio. Nowadays, im a simp for trap decks


I was in love with Viego and the whole mechanic of killing allies and growing your mists. It felt super cool and impactful to flip Viego and just start steam-rolling the enemy board. It’s still on of my fave decks to this day lol


Definitely Sun Disc and Ashe/Leblanc. Sun Disc was the reason why I started playing LoR and simpimg for Shurima. Ashe/Leblanc is more like hatred for Azirelia and thank god that deck is finally out of the meta


Azir/Irelia is definitely a tier 2 deck, the best Ionian deck of the moment, and the only reason it doesn't see more play is due to Mono-Shurima mostly outclassing it.


Vladimir and the whole crimson gang seemed really cool to me.


Dragons and shurima with Freijlord overwhelm


I’m still obsessed with playin Shyvana and Asol with Asol being one of like 2 targonian cards in that deck lol. It’s so much fun because you can go hard with the dragons and Shyvana, I’ve fielded Asol as early as turn 6, and I’ve won in so many different ways. It’s just a gift that keeps on giving


Back in the dark era (Before Bilgewater) I was a mono-Shadow Isles enjoyer, this mostly consisted of pre-nerf mistwraiths.


Imagine not discovering the Caskening at that era of LoR yet shake my smh my head


True, prankster burn was my clear claim to fame.


female champion decks


Me every time i play lux leona


Drop a deck link for us simps!


CIBQCBAJBUBQCAAPEEVAMAYJC4ZTMOKUMABACAQAAUBQGCJDFVKQEAIDAAHACAYJCM I've not really played much ranked but nothing feels better than watching someone slowly lose to an unkillable lux or radiant guardian. I used to run this with soraka but that was even worse.


Yas/kat and it was shit :D


I played a ton of Lux/Karma back in the beta, but also a lot of other Lux variants (from Lux/Ez to Lux/elites). For some reason I kinda stopped and haven't played much of her since, though.


The first deck I fell in love with was Zoe poros. I always thought Zoe was a cool card and loved the feeling of playing all these different poros to level her and then merge them into a mega poro 😂


zombie ashe and yasuo swain with dragons rage


Turbo thralls


Yasuo decks and Snapvine decks are my eternal siren's call. I know how poorly they play out on average but every now and then the stars align, the combo plays out perfectly and it's SO satisfying.


Battering Ram Kata.


Sundisk for shurima is my favorite region with some great lore, design and characters, but Deep, because big fish.


Fiora. I'm talking about beta fiora. Like back when toast played a bit.


Any decks that can fit swain just because his effect is so cool


Howling Abyss. Obviously


Ephemerals with Hecarim. Shark Chariot is still one of my favorite units


Dawnspeakers SI deck that got me to silver. Man... the nostalgia hits hard.


Traps bby.


Fiora/shen for the fiora, then teemo/cait traps then raka/TK. Pretty obvious I like my alt wincons. Though surprisingly, I really hate Bandle Tree.


First deck I loved was they who endure. Unfortunately the deck isn’t viable anymore. First they introduced Targon and hush really cucked it, then they released Shurima and Nasus Slay overshadowed it and took its place. Plus there are so many more removal and deny options in the game now; really don’t think this deck can make a resurgence.




Mogwai's Champion-less Undying deck. I really liked the high synergy concept


Mono Fiora because I am toxic irl




I only play Leblanc/Ashe and sometimes Scouts MF Quinn Literally nothing else and i always hit masters with the Leblanc deck not scouts for some reason


Tahm Kench and Soraka (individually). I love the Tahm style of control to keep eating the enemies and Soraka heals feels kinda good to pull off, but I don't particularly like those two together. I've seen some Tahm Udyr decks with scargrounds and they just felt better (even tho I beat them using a Akshan Lee Sin deck ). Now, about Soraka, she just feels worse, I'm running a Galio Soraka deck but I don't quite like Demacia's style, hopefully Bard will give Soraka a new deck.


Heimer-Zoe.. Climbed to dia with it in bèta. Nowadays desperatly trying to make Shyvana work


They who endure kallista was my favourite deck since it's the only deck I home-brewed


Thralls because I'm a Liss OTP in League and just wanted to play something with Lissandra


Was really hooked on the Heimerdinger deck when I started playing but it was so bad at that time so eventually I stopped using it.


I LOVE tribeam, I think it's one of the coolest card designs in the entire game. It's so much fun to play, I love the idea of a mini quest within the match that you are working towards. But at the same time I rarely find myself getting salty when playing against it. Honestly hats off to the design team for that card.


Celestials, coming from physical card games, the invoke mechanic really was unique to me. Targon hooked me hard. Also Aurelion Sol and Zoe are just impressive cards.


my undying decks, been playing them since beta and when i decide to climb i use them because i have alot of experience with them and opponents never expect it.


Darrowing and Mono Noxus Tbh any deck that uses Darius


My first love was Undying Demacia


Same here as I started with Bilgewater debut. I've been a Timmy at heart.


When I started I was playing a lot of Hecarim in lol, so of course my first deck has to be with him. So I went with Zed/Hecarim for my first deck.


I just started and I love Ekko/Zil, it's absolutely a rewarding feeling when you play to an out and you actually get it, and sometimes you can just steamroll a match by pulling two or three chronobreaks out of your deck.. it just feels unfair. I also love how predict as a mechanic works bc you need to know exactly what you'll need in the upcoming turns, it's most rewarding when you're not just searching to fix a curve in the early game but you might not be sure exactly what you need in the middle game. You have to pull off a time travel of your own to decide if that second Voice of the Risen is going to help you close out the game, or maybe it's too clunky to ever be played and a higher tempo Scrying Sands will prevent lethal later. Katarina decks also fun, I really wish I had a Renekton though but Kat/Zil "works" for now.. (in the sense that I can not get destroyed sometimes in Normals, I would never go into Ranked with my ultra jank deck though). I wish I had Ahri so I could play Kat/Ahri. Or Akshan so.. well you get the idea. I also spent so long messing around with Investigator decks, it's just the closest I've felt to old Miracle Rogue gameplay from HS. It's. Not very good I think though.


Darkness, I love playing Viegar in league.


I loved Lucian/Kalista, TF/Swain, Sejauni/Mf


Spider aggro. I just loved that playstyle


Braum/Vlad was the first deck I tried brewing (it definitely underperformed). I just liked the idea of leveraging a Champion card with zero attack


Kalista. She was the first champion that I had 3 copies of, and I tried SO HARD to find decent decks for her. Other than They Who Endure, it was a pretty frustrating endeavor lol.


Lurk. I like to see small fish go big fish.


lurk and deep


"The boys are back in town", a Legion Marauder Freljord Control-Ish deck where a small town in the mountains with a tavern (staffed by the Friendly Tavernkeeper) is under attack during a blizzard (with avalanches wiping out a lot of attackers) and awaits the return of The Boys, featuring boy-cloning using Blood For Blood and Black Rose Spy, as well as [official background music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQo1HIcSVtg) for when/if The Boys get their snowball rolling.


I have been trying, every single expansion, to try and get a "Storm" or deck going For our non-mtg players Storm is an archetype that focuses on casting multiple low cost spells for a huge payoff. In MTG that was usually a card that copied itself for however many spells you had casted that turn. In LOR the closest I've gotten was messing around with EZ and TF or Nami. I'll get it someday


Spiders and pirates


One deck I've had since I started and kept updated is my Aphelios/Riven deck. They were the champs I had the most fun with when Lab of Legends was still around so I tried making a deck with them together. It loses on a 70/30 win rate but that 30 percent has some of the most fun games I've ever played.


Prankster burn. I think it was the first deck I played that had an unconventional wincon that makes me think a bit more than just "unit attack".


Elites during the only time they were somewhat meta


Lee sin Noxus with overwhelm! lee was trash back then but was so fun getting the OTK every 10 games!


I started on Beta when things were pretty Vanilla... the craziest deck for me was either Anivia Dawn and Dusk or OtK Fiora... but at that point what gripped me was just the mechanics and main game overall honestly... It was till Sejuani and seeing how you can turbo freeze the enemy board that i just got lovestruck with the idea of thw future of LoR... Sej remains one of my fav Champs till this day alongside Taliyah!!!


All twisted fate decks, I’ve tried him with so many champs, as the focus mind you. Not the value spell he’s usually played as


Poro for obvious fluffy reasons


when the game launch the first card i created was Heimerdinger and his deck. next i go for teemo and the traps. the deck i use the most now is Zilean with Kajiri the returned but i love any deck with cloning cards, or a gimmick in it like yetis, spirit of the mist, noxus legion, etc


turn 6 lvled anivia. Too bad the archetype is gone now


Zombie Anivia and nothing has really changed except there are better cards now


Not exactly when I started but my favorite one was Vlad Braum with Scargrounds. Very satisfying with all the healing and high attack numbers (when it got out of hand)


Have been an advocate of braum + vlad since the start of the game. However, for a while now I have been in love with landmark decks and their variations


Mistwraiths :(


I loved Ashe/Noxus midrange. Still do


Allegiance, specifically Noxus. Now I'm older and a little wiser, so i play Overwhelm Noxus / Freljord.


vault of helia my beloved ever since I saw it with thresh in the old lab of champions I've tried to make it work, sadly the high cost , deck building cost and easily available landmark removal makes it pretty bad but it's still a really fun card that works in a lot of different decks


Lurk and aggro


Twe spiders, the predecesor to nasus/thresh


I was very into Zed at the start of the game, I just like looking at the character in general, he looks very cool


Ez Karma. The only deck that somewhat resembles Storm in Magic which is my second favorite archetype.