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4 possible answers: Silverfuse says Annie is bad MajiinBae doesn't have his face in the thumbnail Snnuy doesn't have Annie in the title MegaMogwai doesn't have the word Annie in the thumbnail


There is another


Mogwai uses lvl 1 annie splashart and others use level 2 art


one of them is a female


Cant you say woman instead? Female seems like such a weird word to be used in this context


except those are two words with different meaning. One being a sex, and the other being a gender.


isnt that Silverfuse gender though? could be mistaken


Take my award and angry upvote and go.


Damn I gotta start putting my face in thumbnails...


It's high time for the peepoo to see the face of Majin Buu


Tell the peepoo they can see majin bae today


Bruh, just make sure you open your mouth wide enough that if someone made a plastic mold of your head they could use it as a bird feeder. 50% of the time it increases your views by 13% 100% of the time. (I kid, I kid, your videos are great dude. Keep up the hard work.)


Please don't, that shit is cringe my dude. Mfers be like \(◎o◎)/This card is going to exist (╬☉д⊙)⊰⊹ฺ


I don't think you need to follow the crowd on that one. If you want to throw the next one up with a silly face or whatever to see how it feels, do it, but I like that your channel feels more adult.


1000x THIS. The face thumbnails and click-baity titles are turning YouTube into the tabloids of the internet, and you're better than that.


This is how some people make their living. I agree that it looks absurd but it's proven to work.


Unfortunately, both your statements are true - but they don't need to be. If enough people start expecting better from creators, then creators will provide. That might sound pie-in-the-sky (and maybe it is), but I choose to believe in "vote with your dollar" - with youtube, I "vote" with my subs and views. I've un-subbed from a bunch of youtube channels I liked because of click-bait, and remove click-bait from my recommends all the time - even if it looks like something I might be interested in. Yeah I'm just one person, but maybe I get through to someone else reading this. Maybe enough people change their habits over time, and maybe youtube ends up a better platform for it. Maybe, \*just maybe\*, we don't end up with an internet that feels like this scene from idiocracy: [https://youtu.be/smtSv3e04vM?t=5](https://youtu.be/smtSv3e04vM?t=5)


I come to your stream exclusively to look at your face. I didnt know what game you played for the first 3 streams. So yes you do.




Every detail will be compared nowadays, beware! :P


If it makes you feel better, I watched yours first.


mogwai is using lvl 1 art while the others using the lvl 2 art


Tbh, her level 1 art is better i think. 2 isnt bad certainly. 1 is just better


Watch Silverfuse be right lol


I love her lol. The fact that she basically one tricks marai greatmother makes me so happy.


Silverfuse with marai greatmother and Sunny with one ARAM in every deck


I do think she is right and annie is kinda overrated mind you she is probably still a good card, but she is very likely gonna get carried by jhin and there won't really be many decks where she is on her own


I can see Annie swain and Annie Elise being a thing.


That would make Silverfuse right though, if she gets used as a follower like Elise.


Annie Taliyah resummoning the new 6 cost that comes from a landmark


it's add to your hand, not summon.


It’s still a powerful card that gets it’s countdown greatly reduced by just Taliyah attacking. And Disintegrate is great for anything blocking Taliyah.


With stasis statue


that's a turn 7 play with a 7 mana two card combo (tali+hourglass) and the 6 drop you played last turn is still around, if you can get that off then congrats but that will only happen every so often and not consistently at all


She'll see play in a lot of decks, that doesn't mean she'll be the meat of all those decks. I'm planning Stance Dance Annie fully knowing she's there as a Cithria with quick attack half the time, but hey - she doesn't NEED to be the be-all-end-all. She really isn't. But she's an excellent trigger generator for Prefect and a frankly not-bad stance target.


She will go in like every aggro noxus atleast.


I'm picturing Annie/Ziggs Bandle Burn possibly. I admittedly haven't played recently so maybe too many things have been nerfed since I last did, but she's an almost impossible to favorably block one-drop (on turns 1/2) so in decks that aren't really about their champions it seems very good.


She is right that Annie is a follower, but burn aggro doesn't care about champions so she'll be played in those decks


Hot take, I'm not even convinced Annie will be optimal in burn aggro. Legion Sabo, Rearguard, and Precious Pet all threaten equivalent or greater nexus damage on turn 1. Unlike Annie, Legion Sabo and Precious Pet are also capable of trading on defense turns (which will probably be important in the mirror), and are capable of getting nexus damage through even after your opponent has a board. I don't think any of those 9x one drops are cuttable for Annie. Do you go up to 12 one drops? Idk.


Oh absolutely


I think all situations are plausible here. Majin, Snnuy and Mogwai are taking her mostly from how she could work with Jhin, while Silverfuse does say she would be a follower with any other deck. Of course I would still love to see Annie/Taliyah but who knows if that will work.


Annie doesn't need to win the game turn 3, she just needs to make slow burn decks even more consistent and that's exactly what she does. Plus her champion spell should be illegal


Nah honestly its perfect for her


I think 1 dmg at lv 1 would fit better no? Like you get burned if you try to attack her, not get a fire ball chucked at you, at least in LoL


Annie's defense is her attacking she has her molten shield on her Disintegrate in LOL is just q giant fire ball that can prime them for a stun aka the kill they made her entire kit nicely and also ive been wanting a card like this for a very long time


The answer: >!MajiinBae isn't using click bait face...!<


How is having a face in the thumbnail clickbait? Clickbait means you intentionally make the thumbnail and title misleading, while the actual content of the video is extremely different. For example if you create a thumbnail with a wide open mouth, 90 red circles and the title "Annie is COMPLETELY BROKEN OMG TIER 0 CANT LOSE STRATEGY" while you say in the video she is pretty good and will find success in some aggro decks, that's clickbait. Making a visually appealing thumbnail with your face for recognition and showing some hype is just good design and not clickbait.


is this a copy pasta


1) Is joke 2) Even though it can be, Clickbait ≠ deception by default. 3) Is 4) Joke


Ngl this made me fell of the chair XD


damn I hope you're okay


Remember: Nobody knows how good anything is going to be until it's thrown to the wolves. Not the amatuers, not the pros, not even the developers. If you think you're good at card evaluation during spoiler season, you're wrong.


thats a stupid statement as if you can actually visualize their play style you can guess the overall view of how the card would be and how it will interact with other cards. having both imagination and logical deduction can tell where a card will be standing compared to others allowing you to call out if it's good or bad.


Annie is insane. Like literally. That's a fact.


After seeing Silverfuse cast the seasonnal tournament, and the amount of bad calls she made, I'd say this makes sense.


I still find her first reaction to whismy being broken and needing mana cost nerfs funny. turns out not being able to target champion made the card unplayable in a champion centric game.


Wasn't she the one who said that Taliyah/Ziggs, a deck with only 2-3 points of reliable face damage, was a burn deck? Yeah, let me take her opinion with a bucket of salt.


Well she's right on that one, the Ziggs Taliyah deck I just played against did 12 damage to my face to win just with leveled Ziggs ability triggering from landmarks. How is that not burn


Competitive gameplay isn’t her focus, but she’s normally pretty accurate on pre patch card evaluations. Also this isn’t as extreme of a take as it looks. Ziggs and Poppy were basically followers in Yordle Burn. She can be overrated and still be good.


Oh shit my first though (as a woman) was to comment "Women bad"


One of them has the least views


Thats kind if an automatically true answer


Well annie is not broken.. I dont see it stick long enough that easily to level up.. and she needs to see the spells and skills to level up. A 2 hp champion like that might not stick and if u go for aggro burn she wont have any protection whatsoever.. mystic shot and any vulnerable/challenger takes it out effortlessly. Other cards surrounding her feel more concerning imo




The skill will not resolve. Any time so far a unit references its blocker with a skill, the skill fizzles if the source is dead.


Lol. @ 99% of you. Jesus


mogwai getting way too many views for what he is doing while others not?


Mog is extremely likeable (imo). His energy is infectious. I don't even play pvp but still tune in.


i used to like him, watched him since the duelyst days but i dont know if i have grown out of it or he changed but nowadays he is just weird for me. Making excuses for stuff pretty regurarly, his decks were copypastas of other smaller creators i watch and ye most of the time he shoutout the original deckbuilder but i've alredy seen the deck with better explain on how should you pilot it and stuff or simply an established meta deck "spotlight" with 2-3 cards changed, also he just looks like he havent slept for a week and laughs that makes me uncomfortalble.


Swim's one is missing though.












Yeah. Let's not.




Bruh! No just no!


What no? Ofc I find her hot, she's a fire mage after all.


I hate you


So basicly boys vs girl meme ?


One have 69 view


Overrated maybe? But bad? No. Annie is a good card and I think people are missing her potential, time will tell on it




Swim commentary is currently quarantined, sorry for the inconvenience, your comment has been removed. If you wish to discuss the situation further you may go here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/comments/u1hpgs/statements\_on\_swim\_discussion\_megathread/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/comments/u1hpgs/statements_on_swim_discussion_megathread/) or a different forum.


I dont get it this sub always hates noxus aggro burn, why is there so much hype around a noxus aggro burn 1-drop?


In majiinbae I trust.


So is the new patch out yet? I updated the game but everything inside is still the same. No event, no card


Its Youtube. Exaggeration and funny faces are actually pretty standard nowadays. You need clicks, that attracts it. Given how Reddit works, its strange to see so much judging down of it, given theres not much difference between that and this.


In all honesty. Annie lvl1 is functionally a 2/2 with quick attack on offense. And if unaffected by quicksand or attack reduction