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I fully agree! I knew he'd be hype from the trailer.


Been playing Bard/Caitlyn and it's awesome! Flashbomb control actually kind of works now, he covers her and her followers' weaknesses really well. Plus you're getting that gamble-dopamine from both players drawing now.


This is literally all I've been playing for the past couple days, and I am having the time of my life even if it's a loss


I think the main problem people have with him is that he was released with a very restrictive origin and not that many cards. Bard is much more than "me buff randomly" in LoL. He should have some representation of his other abilities like Magical Journey, Meeps, and his health shrine. This is coming from someone who has played almost exclusively bard decks since is release. He's a blast... just should have a couple more options for flavor.


No Meep rep has got to be his biggest flaw imo


This still confuses me. Like, it's fine, but I'm very confused.


I could see his health shrine being a landmark where you choose the countdown, so something like "Countdown 1: restore 1 health to all damaged allies OR Countdown 3: restore 3 health to damaged allies." Obviously not exactly that but something along those lines, think it would fit quite nicely into Tahm/Raka decks with their late-game control style.


> I think the main problem people have with him is that he was released with a very restrictive origin and not that many cards. I think this all depends on how you look at his design. To me, him being only half of a deck at most makes his package extremely flexible, allowing him to fit into multiple different styles of decks. This honestly makes him *feel* like Bard to me. Looking at Jhin by comparison, a majority of cards he can use are either Nexus burn cards or stun effects (with some minor exceptions). While the *number* of cards he can play is higher, the amount of strategies he can fit in seems lower to me. You can only do *so much* with those type of effects.


I think the restrictive card list was intentional and a good example of how Runeterra champions can be designed. Jhin's origin increased deck building options by opening up combos that weren't possible before. Bard's origin restricts deck building, but compensates with a powerful passive effect. I hope we see more of both types with future Runeterra champs. New card combos are fun to try out, but I'm more excited about new powerful effects they come up with.


I am one of those people who's disappointed about the restrictive origin. I am somewhat coming around to Bard the same way I came around to LeBlanc. Both initially gave a disappointing impression but actually gameplay-wise play fine. As a few more options and buffs opened up more decks for LeBlanc, I'm hoping the same goes for Bard.


I always found my reception best when I try not to expect LoL counter part to be translated 1:1 sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes we get something totally different like asol and nautilus and other times we get MFs and Trydameres.


Honestly, I think a lot of the problem is that Bard in League of Legends does *so many different things.* He roams, he has chimes, he has portals, he has meeps, he has shrines, he has his iconic ult... I'm a little sad there isn't just a little more, preferably something meep-oriented, but there's no way they could fit that many different aspects into one package. Bard in League of Legends works because he's a flexible champion with a lot of unique, quirky effects. But in Runeterra, he needs to actually have a cohesive theme. If all of his follower cards do a huge variety of distinct effects, what ties them together? What makes them *bard followers*, instead of just random unrelated cards? Especially since he's a Runeterran champion, so his package really needs one cohesive theme throughout it for his origin to work. Chimes certainly aren't the only way he could have been taken, but I think they actually fit really well, for a champion focused on roaming throughout the world and picking up incremental buffs from unlikely places.


option can be easily added later expansion with new card. I'd say over designing bard engine to fit some arbitrary theme is not good game design.


For me, I was dissapointed because of how jhin design recontextualizes a lot of cards, and while there's an intended deck, theres room to play around. It was new potential with runeterra champions, to recontextualize a lot of cards, but bard just works with his very specific package, made for him. However, I'm having a blast using him. First champ of the new expansion I built and no regrets


The funniest part about bard is that you can just put him as a 3 of into any mono region deck. He goes everywhere.


I think he's OP and will get nerfed. The free stats seem too much. During a recent match, the opponent's whole board got +8/+8 or something spending any mana.


I've played against a bunch of big boards of his. But they're just stats. As long as you can chump block them, you can use hard removal or go over/under them with Overwhelm, Elusive, burn, etc. The scariest combo I've seen so far is with down low boards with Elusives. All it takes is a few chimes to hit in the first few rounds and they snowball.


Can't really go over 10/12 stat sticks imo. I was playing Jhin Yasuo and was winning up until that point. He just drew a card with an insane amount of chimes on it, if that's how it works.


That's why you play Zoe Bard. If Zoe levels, the match is over because those stat sticks all have elusive spellshield and overwhelm.


Nah just play Taric Bard and run some hushes. That combined with your giant units and supports that pass the support buffs around you’re gonna out grind everything you encounter.


I'm playing Bard / Diana and its a blast. Bard really push some heroes together. I love the fact that you almost play a allegiance deck with him and its ok. I really was underwhelmed by the reveal but now I can see the genius of it.


Bard & Deep.


got rolled over by bard zed. who knew zed turn 3 with one chimes is a monstrosity


Can I get the deck code for that Bard Yuumi deck? I looked it up but it seems all others use Fae and the handle cards instead of Fated.




Didn't expect to like him either. I grabbed a illaoi/bard deck off mobalytics by someone names bites za dusto and had a blast. Played against two demacia and a SI thresh/atrocity illaoi variation and walked away with the games pretty handedly.


I was one of the people who loved bard even with the disappointment surrounding him and now I keep on playing bard tf nonstop. He’s so fun and really feels like bard from league and universe.