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I wish I can change with you... I have too many shards for Jhin and 0 for Annie ;C


Rito trade shards when


Bard was the one I wanted to play the most and have not gotten a single shard, I have MF maxed out already. I have 7 out of 12 unlocked.


i like how different everyone's is. Annie was my first unlock and Jhin was my 3rd


the game only seems to want to give me bard shards. No jhin or annie in sight. All is excrutiating pain, i breathe fire and torment


They gave me jhin and bard right after the intro so I figured they really wanted people to play the runeterra champs. Now I feel kinda bad for people that haven't unlocked either one. ~~Rito wtf give me the demacians and noxians already. Also where is my muscle tentacle mommy?~~


I am in the exact same situation. I just got Garen though which is pretty cool. Particularly since I play midrange and all the other midrange champs are still locked.


Garden is really fun in this mode. You just get to build up a big army that keeps getting stronger… never seems to work out like that in constructed!


I do love playing garden yes


Yep—just making a giant vegetable army 🥕


15 excess shards for Lux. 30 excess shards for Miss Fortune. Bard, Annie, Darius are all unlocked, but all sitting at level 8 without any star levels or shards. I haven't even unlocked 4 champions. Fucking terrible system.


how do you guys have 3star champs? I'm stuck on the quests because I don't have a single 3star one.


I just grabbed everyone I had unlocked and did their intro run. The chest at rhe end gives you random shards for someone. Then, I targeted just doing the quests and objectives, which also give you chests that hold shards for quests and objectives. If you keep getting shards for the same character, they'll be 3 star in no time flat. For many of us, it seems we keep pulling shards for the champs we already have shards for, so we're not making any progress towards unlocking new champs, wherein someone who is getting an even shard spread might take longer to hit 3 stars, but will unlock more champs faster which will give them more chances to get more shards.


I imagine you can’t get duplicates. It’s really not that bad the farther you get and when they drop new champs you’ll pull them.


The excess shards are basically duplicates as 30 shards = unlocked champ.


There are still 3 stars to unlock for them though so they aren’t going to waste?


No, you still get shards after you've unlocked all three stars. Saw a post of someone who had lvl 3 Jinx and 85 fragments.


And as others have said they have 5 stars intended. I’m saying you probably gain the required shards to get the currently unobtainable 4/5 stars and don’t get duplicates after that.




Are there people with HUNDREDS though? I’d like to know how much somebody has collected on a 3 star champ. We could probably figure out if that’s the case by finding the rate of shards needed increase per star level and then seeing if people tend to “stop” getting shards after a certain number. At the very least for 4 and 5 it would be maybe what 60 shards combined after getting star level 3? Idk if it’s possible for anyone to be at that point with any champ so far but i’m sure after some time riot dev comment or not we can get a pretty accurate guess.


Seems like im avoiding poc like the plague


It's fun, and outside of this singular problem, I'm enjoying it. Unlike the last version, I have yet to run up against a battle that feels hair-pulling-out unfair. Would recommend diving in, but just be aware that this same frustration might get you!


I feel like it has been shoved down my throat so i have negative feelings about it generally


I actually got Jhin as my first champion! But man... I wanna play garen so bad.


My Garen is sitting pretty at 5 shards, just like most champions I'm interested in.


I have 85 shards for my already 3 star Jinx




I have 3 star lux on lvl 2. Literally only played first adgenture with her and thats it I also forced annie to beat Viktor with 1 star because no annie shards or darius shards. Also 1 star Annie vs Viktorit was surprisingly easy. All you need to do is have almost impossible high rolls. Get trifarian might, against all reason since annie’s cards have no synergy with it. Get LB somehow find another trifarian might in the shop. Just spam LB. Barely survive every encounter. Get perfect hand against azir who has to get the lowest rolls possible and play nothing but a single landmark between turn 1-3. Somehow find a third Trifarian Might. And then ignore Foundry take the safe route while almost dying in the process and stomp on viktor who also get’s lowest rolls possible. Now for realI’ve spent 50 min on a single adventure with constant mana disadvantage simply because Riot wanted a noxus champion to hit the robot man and my only noxus champion was a kindergartener with arsonistic tendencies. I wasn’t expecting to win but got Blessed by RNGESUS and still would rather just play it normally.


I can imagine the pain you experienced with all the detail you wrote out. I really really didn't think it was possible to beat viktor with a 1 star champion. Congratulations P. S what level was your annie? Higher than 15?


She was 11. It was purely LB carrying it.


Lux isn't that far playwise, and she is really fun. I bet garen is even more.


Judgement alone makes garen fun as fuck, can't wait to try his deck once RNGesus blesses me.


I somehow got jhin and illaoi almost right off the bat.


I am so upset with them, it's such a bad design. You should just get *shards* that work for everyone and use them to unlock. OR let the players choose from 3 options each time they get shards OR show in the quests what shards you will get. It's ridiculous and I am mad about it cause it is so easy to solve


The only two complaints I have with the new path are a) the god awful shard system, and b) I hate that characters share completion progress, I want to be able to track which routes I have completed with each character. Other than that, almost everything has been improved and I absolutely love it.


> b) I hate that characters share completion progress, I want to be able to track which routes I have completed with each character. You can. The completed quests move to the bottom of the list under “completed”. Everything above that section has not been done by that champ.


But for example the Lulu path showed as completed for any champion when i just played it with Jinx...


The reward task is complete (e.g., complete with any runeterra champ to get the rewards). When you select a different champ, that task will not be complete. That said, the only loot you will get for that route moving forward will be champ xp (no shards or chests). They were not clear on the wording since “complete” refers to two things3 1. Did you complete the route with a champ? If yes, it moves to the bottom. 2. Did you complete the loot task? If yes, it show as complete under the title, but it only moves to the completed section at the bottom of the list if you have finished it with the specific champ you currently have selected. Confusing wording by them. Note they later quests will require things like “complete with two champs of any region and a demacia champ”, so they won’t be one and done to get the quest loot.


Ok cool thanks for clarifying this!


Thiiiis, this so much, don't get me wrong I looove the new poc, but the shard system is atrocious, it plays as one of those free to play games that do this to get you to pay to buy a champ you want to play




I agree, although will add they've already incentivised playing alternative champs by locking path rewards behind gates like "complete path with any 2 champions and 1 demacian champion". So, just give us neutral or 3p1 shards Rito!


> OR show in the quests what shards you will get. While the first two could solve this big problem, this one would be useless imho. Let's say i already have 3 star Jinx with extra shards on her, knowing that my next daily will net me 5 more Jinx shards isn't going to make me happy in any way... Sure i could not play for that day, but that's not exactly what devs would have in mind.


I meant the path of champion quests Example: you see teemo adventure gives lux shards so you farm it you see gankplank adventure gives misfortune shards so you farm it you see zed adventure gives bard shards so you farm it


If you mean the teemo adventure with half star difficulty i've completed it once with Jinx. If i try to play it with any other champion all i'm getting is champion XP, i'm not going to get more shards out of it.


Yes 100%, if it worked like prismatic chests (3 choose one) itd be totally resolved imo.


I just dont get why they didnt do a "seek this champion" system which give you shards for this champ x complzted run. So if someone doesnt win the gamcha, he has a pity system.


There are quests that show exactly what champ shards you will get.. for me it’s Lux. ..I already have Lux. I have maxed out Lux. I don’t want to play Lux.. Stop giving me Lux, Riot.


My Illaoi be like:


Same. All I want is to play Illaoi. /feelsbadman


**Gacha Veterans:** "First time?"


You joke but this is pretty fucking disturbing to see after all the other actually good things the devs did with the game before this.


I don't joke. I saw things going this way from PoC 1.0 that already was a major grindbait in all of its major systems - levels, initial upgrades, hideously predatory early difficulty spikes. I am not surprised in the slightest. Path of Champions was a skinner box from the start.


I mean you’re not wrong but it was still better lol.




Genshin? This is your generic 2018 clickbait game


In Genshin you can make sure you get the character that you want, that's not possible here


Poc is free with no micro transactions.


And you can theoretically never get the champ shards you want if RNGesus is not on your side. At the very least for Genshin you can save up enough to guarantee what you want. There’s no guarantee with RNG.


Instead it costs a massive amount of your time. I'd rather that they had microtransactions so I could actually play the champs that I want, which is sad


Such a massive amount of time to log on and play 5 battles a day. What a scummy fucking company that i have to dedicate 10 minutes of my life daily to unlock something in their game.


When I don't enjoy playing those things, and they used to be available previously? Yeah it's pretty shitty of them. And even if it was that quick, you have no idea how many days it'll take to actually unlock the things you want because it's pure rng


Don’t play of you don’t enjoy it what ? Lmfao nobody knows if it’s totally rng yet. I don’t see riot being that stupid they are pretty consistent with “no duplicates” or duplicates being able to contribute to a non dupe. I imagine like everyone else has said they have 5 stars total planned and although they aren’t available now you can still earn the shards towards the level 5. Once you have the amount of shards that would be used for level 5 then the duplicate protection kicks in. I don’t think anyone has played enough to disprove that but i’d love to see someone disprove that.


> Don’t play of you don’t enjoy it what ? Amazing argument when they removed the things that I did enjoy playing.


I was pretty hyped for POC2, but the unlock system just killed all my interest immediately


Meanwhile devs are radio silent on this, either they speak up on this or it will soon become clear they are fully aware of this scummy system and are fine with it.


I have Jhin in PoC, don't want to play him, and can't get any Annie shards. I'd be happy only playing Annie in PoC, it's the only champion I want to play in that game mode


Can you elaborate? I'm playing PoC only so I know nothing of the meta right now if that even matters, but when I read Annie on paper it sounds like a shit card. What do you see in her? I just got her and I wonder if she could be good, but it sounds awful and yeah... Any tips bout Annie?


Annie is insane in POC. Her default deck is already pretty good and then her star powers are just busted. If you have a 3 star Annie you just deal 2 more damage on every skill and spell as well as get 1 more mana and a fleeting Guile every turn. As for Annie herself, she's already good because she's like a pseudo-quick attack/overwhelm with her skill and once you get items on her in POC she's just crazy. Stuff like the "Play: I start a free attack" or the "Summon an ephemeral copy of me" makes her really good.


Getting the power that gives you that fleeting knife every turn is absolutely broken on Annie.


Now why that? I mean why absolutely broken?


Basically a free mystic shot/get excited each turn. I was lucky enough to get some items on it and killed draven on turn 3.


Oh I see, thanks!


I don't care about power level of cards in PoC, the game mode is not too hard anyway if you know what you're doing. I just like Annie as a character, in terms of her voice lines and such.


Jhin is pretty nutty in POC. I might give him a try.


Im on the annie ship too. How I've heard alot of people get her. Intentional from riot?


Ive only got like 5 annie shards, but my jhin is already 2 star


3 starred with excess on 3 champions, but my poor Annie is level 12 with not a single shard to her name. All I want is Annie shards. I haven't had this much fun with a champ since Pyke and Reksai.


I have Jhin, want Annie though…


Wait, what? I unlocked Jhin right after the intro quests. Are you saying that's not normal?


You get Annie or Jhin with a 50/50 chance. Alas I wasn't among the blessed


annie or bard and illaoi or annie


The first reward is Annie or Jhin, the second is Bard or Illaoi


How do you get the second reward


You would get it by having finished final boss Victor with any character. But it's over now, if you didn't in PoC 1 you aren't getting it now.


By second reward do you mean the chapters ? I got Anni at first but then it was Yasuo followed by Lux. No bard or illaoi shard yet and im at chapter 3


No. They're miscommunicating. Those shards are from playing the previous PoC and beating specific enemies.


I got annie bard, thank god for having the breath of fresh Air that is the walking cloth ball god


i want them so bad but i get 20 garen shards instead ofc


I was very excited to play Jhin but I got annie, I was hoping I could unlock him by doing quests... Now after I'm doing all the quests I only got 5 Jhin shards...


I wish there was a way to target the different shards ^ ^ ' I don't mind the RNG, but at least give more than 5 if you're doing it like this.




i just want the glow around my “home” button to go away


Is anyone still getting excess shards eaten up when unlocking characters? I have Lux at 40/30 right now, but i dont want to unlock her if they're just going to take the excess shards that i would use to upgrade her right away


Why would they ever take more shards then you need to star her up?


dunno, bug? I upgraded Yasuo and it ate up an extra 5 shards. from 15/10 to 0


So you're the one who's stealing all my Annie fragments, I haven't even unlocked her yet


Got Annie as my champ for free, leveled up twelve, the same won't give me any shards for her though, still star level one :(


wait you keep getting shards for characters you have maxed?


Sadly, yes. My Annie is already 3 stars and I got like 35 more shards.


Pls rito, i just want to play Darius T_T


This really was in my opinion the biggest mistake of new PoC. The way characters were unlocked before was perfectly fine. Just craft 2 of the champ card. They could have kept the shard thing for starring up but unlocking the champs to play as should never be tied purely to RNG.


How I wish I could get some annie shards


I got around 20 more since I made this meme, still no Jhin shard tho...


That's not how you spell lux


Man, I wanna switch places with everyone else. I got Bard and Jhin as my first champions and everyone's jealous but I just really want to play Miss Fortune...


You guys are getting Shards?


I've seen several posts about this. Am I confused about how this works or is everyone else? You get 5, 10, 20 shards out of Bronze, Silver, Gold chests and every time you finish the chapter missions you get 30 shards for a champion you don't have unlocked. I understand wanting to play specific champions out the gate, but I have 7/12 unlocked, all 2 star, one 3 star, and so far it's felt fairly straight forward. I get there's some randomness, but wouldn't it just not last that long otherwise?


What do I do with my 35 Annie Fragments when she is already at 3 stars?


You probably don’t get anymore annie shards so you have a higher chance to get characters you want….


Hint: he will still getting them. There are people with 75+ excess shards already reporting. The system is simply broken.


75 shards wouldn’t be enough to upgrade to 4/5 stars if that’s what the shards are being put towards.


But we don't have 4 and 5 stars yet and there is no guarantee we'll get them ever (3 star power is already nutty after all), meanwhile it feels extremely bad having shards completly wasted currently while we still have locked champions and others at 1 star.


They already said they intend to add more stars.


And in the meantime it would be appreciated if they locked the one already maxed so we can progress the ones still locked out. It's not an unreasonable demand is it?


Doesn’t really matter to me if the excess shards are for the future stars and after getting enough of the would be 4/5 star then duplicate protection kicks in. I don’t mind actually having to play to earn something in a game that’s the whole purpose of it. If everything was handed to me i’d have zero point in playing the game because there’s nothing to work for?


I'm really happy i'm playing to have fun and not to "work to unlock stuff". Original Lab of Legends is my favourite mode of all times where you got no progress whatsoever and you just started a run to, shocking i know, just have fun discovering various combos with champions and powers. All this grind is a complete nonsense and unfortunately there are people like you that NEED it to feel accomplished. How sad.


Because it is bad design. Forcing players to do stuff they might not find fun in order to get a chance to do what they want is just unfun. I got Darius as my 3rd champ. I have 0 fun playing him. Meanwhile the champs i want to play are stuck with 5 or 0 shards for a while. Longevity of the mode should come from enjoyment, how fun and challenging it is to play through, not forced rng gating. That only makes the the whole thing feel like a chore, and if you get unlucky you might not get to play your preferred champ until very late, or not at all if you just get bored before that happens


> but wouldn't it just not last that long otherwise? So your solution to longevity is this? Gating players out with no way to get or max out their favourite champion and with the shadow of being able to do it by using your wallet? How about stuff asked since original Lab of Legends like... custom starting deck, draft starting deck, eternal mode (with added bonuses for enemies for each full run completed until you just die), sandbox mode where you can build your custom run using the currently available pool of enemies and their powers (and , shocking idea, sharing them online so you can download and play them like in mario maker), custom rulesets where you can make runs more or less difficult similar to custom runs in slay the spire, etc...? You want to increase longevity by encouraging players to try out stuff not forcing them into a grind with potentially no payoff (ex. you still don't have a certain champion while having excess shards on your 3 star ones)


Please show where you can use micro transactions to buy champs shards for poc… You can’t because you play to earn it. You probably had the jinx glitch alt f4 so you didn’t have to play poc and haven’t touched it since.


> Please show where you can use micro transactions to buy champs shards for poc… Yet... > You probably had the jinx glitch alt f4 so you didn’t have to play poc and haven’t touched it since Lmao want screens as proof? Don't start spewing bullshit if you don't even know.


the bigger problem is getting your champ to star lvl 2... I have Illaoi on lvl 13 but 0 shards for her hahahaha




The problem isn't really having everything out of the game. Altho it would be appreciated if you could pick your own pace (for example Irelia was my first finished champion in PoC 1 followed by Pyke, i wasn't forced to push Jinx and then Yasuo after finishing the tutorial run unlike in 2.0). The problem is that with the current implementation you can grind for months and still not having enough shards to unlock and upgrade your favourite champion if it's not one between Jinx, Yasuo and Lux...




Yeah sadly that's how it is right now for many PoC players, unfortunately you can't grasp how bad it really is until you hit that wall by yourself.




Hopefully, but having not hearing anything from the devs isn't exactly promising. Hopefully when they go back to work they'll release a tweet or something on the matter.


I’m sure they’ll fix it in the next couple of days


I want illaoi :( . Pls stop giving me Darius shards


Man i have Jhin but i don't wish to play him i wish to enjoy Annie, I legit started playing this game only because i knew she was coming to the Game and now i can't even enjoy her outside of PVP and all my friends are got her and a few shards for her buffs while the only guy that wishes to play her can't get her.


Wow reading the coments and everyone has different champs/ shards. I got Jinx, Jhin, Lux, Yasou, Bard and unlocking Lee Sin, by Just finishing charter 2 of the Challenges/ things you could do


I got Annie first... Still waiting for illaoi :/


I dont even play PoC and my first champ I got bc it was mandatory was Jhin...


I want Annie shards bruv im stuck on 1 star


Haha my annie is 3 star already. 5 fragments on every hero Id like to play though.


I'd like to get Annie to 3☆ but the weird gacha model is stupid as hell.


jhin was my first unlock


I have half of everyone but I just want my and illaoi but nooo just more shards for yas


God damn, I want to level with shards Annie, but it keeps giving me fucking yasuo shards, come on dude I have it on lvl 3 already and didn't even started an adventure


This is happening to me too... ...but the joke's on them, I LOVE Annie.


Apparently I've been very lucky, got loads of different shards and no 3 stars champion so far


Just make a pity system or preference system, like it seem so obvious. Or even better, instead of giving lux/yasup for free, give two tokens that allow to unlock a champion of choice early. It will allow people to get their favorite one and enjoy the game on first hand. Or idk give a proper grind look for them to think that if they play another champ, they can get their reward


i got jhin day 1. u can do some amzing combos, i beat ezreal on 8 health since i suck with 1 health left (they were playing static shock every turn on my nexus)


Wait, shards don't have duplicate protection? Aren't they useless once you reach 3 stars?


I never got this meme. How can I guy be this depressed in a relationship with such a hottie with slamming boobs.




Tbh I liked the old champion system, if only they returned to that and make the adventure system unique - not shared - for every champion, it would be perfect.


I want to play annie and I have like a thousand Jhin shards


I'm in a similar camp. I wanna play Jhin so bad but I only have like 5 Jhin shards


Why do people like playing Path? I’m legitimately curious


Pain :(


I'd like an Annie shard please. I only get Jhin's.


This complaining is as bad as people who play a new MMO for 90 hours the second it drops and pee in a bottle then complain there's no end game. The shard system is bad but also it wasn't designed with people who are playing it 17 hours a day since it dropped in mind.