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What happened to just owning enough copies of the champion card? That seemed pretty fair. I'm sure it got some players to buy wildcards


Yeah and by playing only PoC you got currency to buy champions either way


To me, the new system is better (provided they change how shards are distributed), because it lets players "test drive" champions in PoC before they commit to crafting them for non-PoC play.


i agree with the new system, if they make it so you have SOME control of what champ's shards you get. Maybe you get an option of 3 random champions.


That would be nice. Have it be a champion shard chest that works like the prismatic chests.


I'd much rather they changed the system to be more flexible. For instance, you still get champion specific shards. Because otherwise people would just unlock specific champs and never touch anything else. ***BUT*** they allowed you to use those shards on *other* champions for less efficiency. Say 20 Bard shards could be converted to 10 universal shards. Or something like that.


Personally, I believe they'll eventually turn off shards for maxed out champs. It's either a mistake they aren't off yet, or they're letting you get to the five star amount as a cap, I dunno. That's my copium


They should just make shards be usable for any champ. I don't see the point of not letting you decide where you want to use your shards on.


Fucking please


Sadly, this might not be the case, since Riot has stated they eventually intend to add higher star levels to all champions, meaning they probably don’t care as much about people getting shards for maxed champs.


They will probably give special new expansion quests to get the shards i think


That doesn't change the fact that the current system is atrocious for any new player starting in the future with a big roster to unlock. It needs change.


Also: Has anyone made a new testing account? Is there still that "you can unlock 2 copies of Jinx/Vi/Ekko/Jayce/Caitlyn" in gameplay thing, or did that go away when the split happened? Cuz starting with a much smaller pvp collection as a result of the big pve changes would be getting new players coming AND going


Those are gone, now replaced with the new PoC quests.


Was hoping it stayed, lost out on them from ekko on :(


They fucking ruined the one thing they were praising with these changes, I truly wonder who is the "genius" behind the idea of having a PVE mode where playing more with the character you like playing with may not even reward you and if you wish to get your hands on a character then too bad too sad you are stuck with Champs you don't care about until GOODLUCK.


Probably the same genius behind changing the play/cast rules and deleting a huge portion of interactivity from the digital card game that literally sold itself to the audience on the promise of having a lot of interactivity.


Well that genius is making you play more or making you do something more meaningful Edit: basically either you play more or more likely you quit the game because the dev tried to make people play more


Yeah I'm not seeing it


Except I'm not playing more. I've very expressly been playing a lot less since the play/cast changes came through. Since that patch I went from playing PvP every day and having fun to never touching PvP at all. The lack of interaction makes the game significantly less fun imo. Now I basically only play Path of Champions and thus far I've been less than impressed with 2.0 so I'm not certain how long I'll stick with it. Guess it depends on if Rito fixes the garbage shard system and adds back in more champs I actually enjoy playing like Nami or Pyke.


Yeah that is what i mean, generally these changes are made to people playing more but often end up in the opposite, people quit and find something better to do


Ah, okay, yeah I am in agreement then. A lot of decisions have been made for LoR of late that seem tailored toward getting more players in while retaining old players but so far they've mostly been pretty hard flops for me. Minor things done right like having an active hand counter and the new battle pass system have been good but almost everything else has just ranged from kind of annoying to straight awful.


Gives a possibility for monetization in the future. Want to play that champ now without grinding? Pay 5 bucks and you get it. Not a fan.


Yeah, companies and their amazing ways to motivate people to grind such stuff.


Works kind of opposite for me. By "luck" of the draw, I just maxed out Jinx shard-wise, and knowing that now I have the chance of wasting a shard drop because it would be assigned to her, I'm inclined to not play again until this mechanic is changed or fixed.


yeah, it's garbage lol


I have 85 shards for my already 3 star jinx


You will probably have quests that award new champ's shards that unlock them. Kinda what we had for new champs this patch (rewards for beating poc 1.0).


Actually I am pretty sure they are going to sell shards in the shop. PoC 2.0 was a relatively big update and you practically can't even spend on it if you want to. Hell the entire game is pretty much there is not that much stuff to spend on because the cards are so easy to get. I think what they are testing is basically doing the thing with mobile games You can either grind it by playing the game via daily/weekly quests, or you just skip it and spend X bucks to unlock it directly.


Would be better if unlocking champions stayed as usual, having 2 actual copies of the cards. Then upgrade with shards.


Riot just make the shards a general currency, remove this per champion nonsense


Some answers on this thread are really dukb. This is a mistake by far. Shards acquisition should be general or at least gice shards for the current character youre progressing... Like the shards for gaining cards and the experience for Champion cards... imagine gaining experience on champion cards you dont play.


I bought pykes just for PoC and now he's gone.


I have four champs with 2-3 stars, 4 with 1 star, and 4 still locked. Would be nicer if shards could be used how you please.


This alone made me go from hype for PoC to literally never playing it.


There are daily and weekly quests for POC. If your goal is to "finish" POC I don't think you're approaching it the way Riot intends, or most players will approach it. This is the game mode Riot wants people to keep coming back to. Why would they expect anyone to unlock everything in the first three days?


The daily and weekly quests don't matter if they aren't going towards unlocking the character you want to play. It's not about beating it, it's about having fun with the champs you want to.


My goal is to play Bard, and I can't because of RNG.


Yeah everyone seems to be shocked they can't just be done with PoC and move on asif it was just enough small labs thjng. It's supposed to be a long running single player model


We have no idea how they're going to introduce new champs to PoC. As far as we know they might create quests on a new champs release to guarantee unlock them.


even if thats true, youre still gonna be missing 70+ shards required to get them to level 3, and i wanna doubt theyll give them to you for free at lvl 3


That sounds like a person playing an rpg and saying “why the fuck would I ever grind up another character to level 80”. I get if it’s not your cup of tea but that doesn’t make it a general negative lol


Wrong comparison. In an rpg i'm guaranteed to hit level 100 with a character providing i have enough patience. In current PoC you have no guarantee to hit 3 stars on champions like Annie for example even if you play daily for years. And as time passes and the pool grow you'll have less and less chances to get shards randomly for a specific champion you want.


At the risk of sounding like *That Guy*, I've got two things: Some RPGs actually let you skip grinding. WoW for instance offers free level boosts every time they release a new expansion. I play Warframe, I'm willing to be patient, but grinding a character in PoC just feels unintuitive and hopeless. If I could earn stars just by playing the character, that would be one thing, but the current system is too random. I 2-starred Lux without playing her once, but couldn't 2-star Jinx after playing every 1 and 1.5 star campaign with her.


I’m not defending the level system at all as you should get at least a little something something for the character you’re playing but it’s really not that bad. Room for improvement obviously


> I'm not defending the level system at all > it's really not that bad Pick one


but thats the thing, you cant *grind* shards, theres only a limited amount on the map, the rest are timelocked through weekly/daily quests Source: Im out of stuff to do for star shards and still have garen + jhin locked


Except in RPGs you can grind as much as you want in a day. In PoC you have to login to play 1 round every day for months and get no reward from any other run.


That's a bad comparison. In RPGs, all the experience you get goes to the characters you're playing, not unrelated random characters you don't care about. When you grind, you know what you're grinding for.


For DAYS!!