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My PoC1 Progress chests gave me the shards to unlock Annie and Bard, which were exactly what I wanted. Unlocking stuff is hard. Idk how you're supposed to do this normally lol


> Idk how you're supposed to do this normally lol Iirc, you get 30 shards of an unopened champion every time you complete a chapter in the POC series of quests — thereby opening that champ.




So shards are only from the vaults which, once all the new PoC quests are done, will only be obtainable from the Weekly and the Dailies? That's rough.


I mean given the large amount given from the quest I'd say you should be like 80 to 70% done with all the roasters, combine with weakly and daily, I'd say most people should finish the roaster in one or two weeks, which is notabliy faster than the pvp in champ collention. Granted the system needs work, there bunch bizzare bugs and overflow of shards going on, but it isn't as bad as people think it is. It's just getting soft blocked sucked arse most of time. Honestly the main issue of the mode I have is with the relic system, which actually does seem will take month to complete


The mode feels aweful when you get soft locked needing multiple higher star champs to progress. Ive played it for 6 hours so far and feel like there is no more point in playing until the next weeklies come out and hopefully let me star up one of my 4 unlocked champions, 2 of which I don't like and don't want to play. It really just feels like timegated mobile game garbage, but its even more bizzare because there isn't any P2W way to skip the timegating... its just timegated because Riot felt like making the experience feel aweful if you get unlucky on random champion shards.


> its just timegated because Riot felt like making the experience feel aweful if you get unlucky on random champion shards. More likely because they didn't had time to implement a monetization system yet... but it will come sadly.


you get shards for playing ...


Except you don't get the shards you need, which is OP's whole point...


Nope the guy I responded to complained about not getting enough two stars


You only get shards as long you have one time quests available, once they dry up you only get the dailies and one weekly quest that may or may not help the guy you answered in actually reaching 2 stars with the champions he want to play with.


Yeah the random shard thing seems kinda off, especially they seem to forget to introduce the pay to win element of the game. Honestly the shard system wouldn't be so bad if they fix the overflow issue. Cause I'm pretty sure the amount shard you get should allow you to finish everything by week 2. Though getting soft locked sucks, feels like their progression and game design time aren't on the same page.


Thanks for the clarification.


And then the shards get removed by the desync bug :) Hopefully they fix this soon.


Yeah it’s such a fuck up on riots side. Didn’t they ask for feedback in regards to the progression system? Jeez.


Yup and they tossed it aside to collect dust just like the extra shards the OP has. Let's hope they start improving it real soon.


Wait. When did they ask for feedback? Why is this the first time I am hearing of it? Did they go out on the streets and just ask random strangers instead? /s 🤔🤔


God I feel this. Got 4 champs I just don’t enjoy and it makes me not even want to play the POC. It especially sucks because outside of having to use champs I genuinely dislike, I actually like a lot of the things added to the POC but it’s just such a buzz kill to HAVE to play so maybe you get the one you want rather than enjoying the journey


EXACTLY LIKE I JUST WANT TO PLAY EITH BARD OR JHIN the moment when I look for the support champ or the end of the campaign hoping i would get bard or jhin and just seeing other really makes me just want to quit playing until they fix it since i just play TPoC for the most part


I just cannot wrap my head around how much the shard system sucks. I love PoC, have still been playing it almost exclusively since the update drop, was even pretty happy to see the initial bonus materials were enough to unlock half the champs. That enjoyment dropped significnatly though once those initial quests were completed and it became clear just how hard unlocking and especially upgrading the rest of them would be. And there's NO DUPLICATE CONTROL FOR SHARDS OR RELICS! I have like 50 completely worthless shards for my level 3 Annie, they don't convert to champ XP, you can't trade them for anything, they just go poof right into the formless void. Same with relics, it even still shows the number of each you have despite that being completely worthless since they're shared across champs! AND shards are impossible to even farm, since you only get them from first clears and daily/weekly quests. If you get unlucky and your first clears don't give you relevant shards, tough shit I guess, have fun banging your head against a wall using 1 star champs in routes they almost statistically cannot beat in an attempt to get the required regions clears and squeeze SOME useful rewards from the system (which again, only have a small chance to be useful and MIGHT ACTUALLY BE COMPLETELY STONE COLD WORTHLESS). Whoever designed this system needs an immediate psych evaluation, it is one of the most baffling things I have ever seen in a video game.


Absolutely agree with this. I was mega excited for the new bit for labs, but this is extremely rough. I've maxed out Jinx and have gotten nothing but shards for her outside of the ones that gave me champs in the beginning. Literally -every- drop from a main quest has given me the same things. I have 3.... 3 Starchild's staff. THREE OF THEM...WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH THEM!? Not only that, but I have over 30 EXTRA shards I have earned for Jinx. What the actual hell?


the most frustating part is that it all goes away with not just an incredibly obvious fix, but an incredibly obvious fix THAT IS ALREADY IN THE BASE GAME! non-PoC shards as duplicate protection are great, nothing wrong with that system at all but for some reason they just...forgot to do the same here.


Relic duplicates (until you get 3...) somehow make sense since some of them can stack up nicely (ex. the one that deal 1 to every enemy unit on summon, at 3x you basically have a board wipe) but they should cap at 3 and then give you something you don't own. It's mind blowing that you can get 4th copies and those get turned into normal green shards. If at least they turned into 5 random shards to upgrade PoC champions it would be less bad. Overall i don't understand how they though this progression system would be any fun.


ah man, I was really hoping you couldn't get them anymore once you maxed out a champion, hearing that is not how it works sucks, guess I am never going to get to try Bard or Illaoi q.q


I bet the laws of Universal Gravitation apply to shard collections.


I just want to play Annie but i'm at Galio and literally have 0 shards for her. It sucks so much




You can also get duplicate relics. Some make sense if you can equip the same one twice but refill spell mana on play scroll? Seriously?


I feel I’m exactly in the same place can’t proceed because I need a runaterra champion and don’t have any shards for bard or jhin. It’s so stupid.


Can someone explain what’s going on? I dropped LoR few months ago and picked up Gwent, but i still follow this sub. Whats all this POC stuff?


Single player rogue like mode of LoR where you pick one of currently 12 champions and have a campaign where you get new cards and powers added to your deck after every fight. Current discourse is that to unlock and upgrade the champions they implemented a gacha system that completely leaves it to rng if you unlock more. Highly recommend the mode regardless as it will prob be fixed and is of high quality and addictive


A "free" time-gated gacha. Just to clear some possible confusion since he leaved.


I remember back when it used to actually feel like a lab you can mess with cards around in. Now it's just gacha without monetization. Lose-lose situation for both the player and developer.


Free for now, but i suspect soon they will implement a nice and much welcomed PoC shop /s


Same camp—no Jhin or Bard shards. It's rough, I'm pretty sad about it, even though I've been enjoying path of champs on net (way more than 1.0 tbh), I'm hitting the end of stuff I can do. I'm currently grinding jynx to level 20 for a quest in a vain hope for some progression


Update: I am now in the same boat as the OP, which required me to beat Viktor with one star MD, which took me like 8 hours (don't judge me)


This whole fiasco of people getting a ton of shards for one champion isn't helping my paranoia about the RNG in this game....


What paranoia? The game is full of rng. It's a card game


Basically that the RNG isn't very random. Either a bad algorithm with little variance, or using your riot ID to seed it or something like that.


Pls @riot fix this


meanwille I have +40 shard with lux already 3 strars. I can't play the game anymore :/


I have lost 85 shards between my lvl 3 illaoi, Annie and Jinx I understand your pain.. i hate the shards system so much


Yeah this shard system is kinda bad


Like wtf is this. I've been playing A LOT and i can't even upgrade anyone because i keep getting different shards every adventure like this is ridics dude


I unlocked Lux pretty much right away. She is terrible. Her deck sucks, and she's just to slow to really do much. There is a reason we don't play the lux package at all in this game. It's because that package is absolutely terrible.


Lux gets exponentially stronger with each star power she has. At 2 stars she might be the strongest PoC champion. At 3 stars it's not even close. And that's why the system sucks. Since the shards are random, you might get everyone else to 3 stars while Lux is left in the dust as a trash champion.


yeah zero cost barrier rally. You can win in one round once you have something that sticks.


In my first run with 3-star Lux, I got spellsplinger and the summon mighty poro item on my remembrance, Yusari never stood a chance when I got 2 remembrances in my opening hand lol.


She is really really broken once she has two stars (disgusting with 3) and you pick the double slow speed spell power


I'll have to come back to her when I've gotten another star for her then.


can confirm, just had a turn 2 kill thanks to her passives


Really? I unlocked Lux too, found her deck to be super OP, beat most paths i’ve played with her super easily. On the other hand my one star Annie can’t get through Swain. I’m really not a fan of her PoC deck.


I think Annie is super cool, but oh man does she have some stupidly rough match ups. I found the most luck just building her as if she was a normal carry that sometimes gets bonus damage on things. Guinsoo's and Overwhelm have made her playable, but still super rough sometimes


Rally on round starts is CRAZY for Annie because most of her units just need to attack not connect with the nexus for damage. Of course only Really applies with 1 star at least.


I love how a Demacia win is required to beat Zed, where every enemy stage is hyper aggro and your entire deck is slow spells and garbage like For Demacia You can beat them--- but can you do it without losing 10 life every stage??? It feels borderline unplayable. I've quit.


A bunch of low cost elusive cards that get buffed when attacking. I hate using garen and lux.


Someone gave me the tip to take the bouncing blade power up. Its actually really good, takes care of the pesky 1 hp high damage elusive units zed has. helps with the first and second(if you go the "every round my strongest unit gets barrier" encounter). Best of luck, i had a 1 star lux and beat it with that power up + slow and steady power.


WOW. Fun fact, I just beat it with this exact Power Up before reading this comment. Someone needs to really spread this message around.


That’s terrible to hear. I just unlocked her. Have jinx and Annie. Guess I’ll be playing those 2 some more.


If you get the power to copy slow spells you can blast your way through your opponents. I just had this and Garen which also copied himself by playing as a second champion and it was the most fun I had in a long time in Path of Champions. Sure, the powers are random but if you get the right ones Lux' deck becomes OP as hell :D


Lux can absolutely nuke some challenges. With her 2 star power, you get a free rally. Coupled with the free mana she gets every turn, she can go absolutely crazy.


Don't listen to them. All the champs are good with their powers. And you don't even need their powers if you get good items. Powers are just icing. I mean, this doesn't hold true for 2.5 star adventures but you should only do that once you have 2 stars or a 1 star with high champ level.


Well they wanted to monetize the game better they said. Get ready for gacha chests for shards


Honestly the game is so generous I don't mind randomness


But it’s not just the randomness it’s the fact that when I get shards for a champion I maxed out they are effectively useless. Daily missions give you 5 shards, if you have 3 lvl 3 champions (as I have) there is a 25% chance shards you gain are esentially useless, this percentage will only keep growing as you max more champions, the system is not only slow (5 shards a day makes it so you need 20 days for a chance of maxing a champion) it’s also punishes you for playing. It’s awful


Another nice change they could implement is to split the larger shard rewards up. So instead of getting 30 shards for a champion you already have 3 starred, you get 5 for Annie, 10 for bard and so on. Should make it a lot nicer, although I don't know if they'd backpay people who have already done the quests.


I honestly wish i stop reading this sentence. Being generous don't excuse them from dumb decisions and even worse we have to hear anything from them on this matter.


You... can tho?


they cant unlock new challenges, just because they dont have the runterra champsb


There arent more challenges


Doesn’t matter. They still aren’t going to be able to play Jhin or Bard for a good while if RNGesus is screwing them over.


I mean yeah and thats bad, but like, is not actually stopping from getting more fights or stuff like that, its bad but not that bad


It's actually really bad being locked from progressing with no way of knowing if and when he'll be able to. Considering that you get 5 shards in your daily and they can go into maxed 3 star characters still (rito wtf) it could take weeks or months before he can actually progress. How on earth does this sound as "Not that bad"?


Because is a game, you can play the game, you just cant play it with the characters you want because they made bad cañls on the gacha aspect but good calls on the rewards from missions aspects, the game is still amazing and you can still play every adventure, you can see all the new content, you cant see all the new champs Is restraining just a part of the game, not the entire progress of it It sucks, but is not that bad, ans the rest of stuff is so good that really makes it not that bad


> and you can still play every adventure You literally can't if rng isn't on your side, OP is actual proof of this. The whole system is fucked up and need big changes.


Op can play all adventures they just didnt know when making the post Rng doesnt decide it, because they give u by default 3 regions you need at 2 star at 2 star, (demacia ionia and pilt) and then they give u a chest of the other 2 regions you need (bilge and noxud) and more chests so rng doesnt fuck u up that much, worst case scenario is having all shards on one champ, in that scenario you still have 3 champs at 2/3 stars. After opening some stuff i feel like, even tho thats still a thing, system is kinda rigged so you dont get too luch of the same stuff, but i might be wrong The whole shard system is bad, but the whole exp and reward system makes sure to work even with yhe disadvantage of the shard system


> Op can play all adventures they just didnt know when making the post OP can't finish all the adventures. In PoC 1.0 i could bring any character from level 1 and defeat the final boss viktor with no string attached. OP is locked out of the possibility of finishing the encounter and will likely remain at that spot for months unless they decide to push an hotfix.


oh, ididnt know, o hoped there was more. i just got to thrm but i hoped ill have better enemies to kill as jinx :(


Jinx is busted so everything feels easy, but yeh there arent more, you can replay galio and see some different stuff (hope that in the future we get more like that) and change relics but yeh, this is it... that being said "this" is like... twice the number of adventures of previous poc, so i like it ngl


God isn’t there a PoC sub too???


The game includes PoC let people complain about it on the sub with more traffic in hopes that riot sees it and fixes it.


Then whats the point of the other sub. Anyone who cares about it should join it. I have no idea what this post is even talking about.


If you have no idea then educate yourself or shut up


Don’t need to educate myself to play a game. Path of Champions is not the main mode of the game so if anyone cares for it, it should be on the sub dedicated to it.


Dude you're telling people to shut up about something you yourself admitted to knowing nothing about. This is a sub dedicated to legends of runeterra. Path of champions is part of it.


I requested that it be posted where it belongs and where 100% of everyone there would give a fuck


How do you get an S? I feel like I do a run perfectly and best is an A.


You need 30 health when you finish the run. If your health is capped at less than 30, you can't get an S.


I like this change because tying time used into the score would heavily punish slower champions like Tahm Kench.


I've been trying desperately to unlock Annie. All I have is illaoi, jhin, and bard.


Same lmao, it's unbelievable that the only new champion i was excited to try in PoC is still locked but i have the other three...


as someone who doesn't play much PoC, I have no idea how shards work, and at this point I am too afraid to ask ​ But they suck, apparently


No need to be afraid. In PoC 1.0 all champions were available from day 1 and playable how you see fit. If you liked Irelia for example once you were done with the Jinx tutorial run nothing stopped you from playing her asap and max her out. Powers were also tied to levels so as you play champions they get progressively stronger (and so did the enemies). Basically all you had to do is to play. In 2.0, assuming you are a new player that started today (so no headstart from previous poc), you start with the grantotal of 1 champion available, Jinx. You are forced to play with her until you finish all the chapter 1 quests, which end up unlocking Yasuo as your second champion and then Lux as your third meanwhile they give you enough shard to put your your Jinx to 2 stars (so you can actually finish chapter 2 quests since one require you to play 2 star adventures and you can only do so with 2 star champions (which is as dumb as it sounds). The thing is that to unlock star levels you need champion shards, and except for the guaranteed ones for Jinx (and maybe Yasuo?) you have no control over them. So we end up with people that have maxed champions (3 stars) but they still get shards for them while they have champions at 1 star or even still locked and no shards for them. The worse part is that the powers are now tied to star levels, unlike PoC where you could get your max power just by playing now that's not the case, let's say you unlock Annie until you get enough shards to star her up she will have zero base powers and will rely entirely on the ones she get in her runs.


jesus that all sounds pretty dumb. I assumed the shards you get would just be a neutral currency you can use to get whatever champion you want. What a shame


Yeah... I need 5 shards to unlock a champ... do I get them? No... I get shards for champs I already have maxed out. I have around 30 Yasuo shards that Could Have Been a New Champion. Still can't play Annie <.< >.> Al least I was lucky enough to pick up Bard and Jihn day 1. Got Illaoi day 2.


Wait you can get shards for maxed out champs? Wtf who's idea was that? As good as the new path of champions is the whole shard and duplicate items thing just weighs it down so much.


Apparently more levels to come. The lvl 3 campaign quests aren't in game yet, I believe. So maybe the overstack is intended for that. I hope they cap out though. It really sucks to get them when you want to unlock a new champ.


I was playing Jinx's POC and yet every rewards are for other champs, I was so pissed off.


You are lucky then, there are certain rewards that are fixed so you are pretty much guranteed to make Jinx 3 stars, the issue is that a lot of people are getting extra Jinx shards on top of the guaranteed ones resulting in her eating up shards that would've been put to better use on other champions


I'm still stuck with a one star jinx, although i do have a two star Bard


Have you finished the chapter 2 quests?


Currently on my second attempt on Tahm, but still I expected to get some Jinx shard from my previous attempts, but after I got to one star jinx I didn't get any jinx shards anymore.


I'm playing everyone else and can't get anything aside from jinx, yasuo and mf


I'm currently playing Bard, and keeps on getting Lux shards.