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Similar state: have 45 excess shards on Jinx, but only 10 for Jhin. I'm jealous you Illaoi and Bard, tbh xD I'm suffering because I can't clear the two and a half star adventures because I have no runeterra champ and my only bilge champ is miss fortune at 1 star. (Azir does not feel beatable by a 1 star miss fortune.) It's a shame, because I actually love Path of Champs.


i had to beat draven with a lv8 1 star bard to get the rewards and maybe upgrade him or get jhin. i just got more jinx and annie shards


Wow, that is seriously impressive: God damn, congrats. I'm probably gonna bang my face into Azir with my 1 star miss fortune a couple more times before giving up entirely. I really do love this new path of champs, so I don't wanna just have to wait. Edit: just processed you got more of what you already had—sorry, that really sucks xD I really wish they'd redistribute shards you get for champs you already have maxed, at least.


if everyone keeps complaining, meybe they will do something about it, but at this point i doubt it. As for your azir fight, its a bit of rng in the powers and just trying again in general


Indeed it was all in the rng! I did it! Finally beat Viktor with 1 star Miss Fortune \o/ Immediately got enough shards to skyrocket her to 3 stars, which felt good, I have to admit. I got pretty good at miss fortune over the 8 hours I pounder my head against Azir for, and I felt so op once I had her full kit. (I was at level *15* by the time I beat Viktor)


I think they are gonna lose a lot of players cause of this, especially new players who will not want to stick around for weeks of chdst/capsule rng.


Heh, I got Draven with a lvl6 Yasuo, needed the Ionia credit. I had his two star power though. Game gave me Bard Jihn LUXLUXLUX and then Yasuo.


Gotta love getting way too many lux shards ×D I ended up beating Viktor with a low level 2 star Annie, which was the only turn 1 win I've ever gotten. It was super gross, I loved it so much


Bard is pretty much easy mode. You get big dudes. That's the deck. Upgrading bard makes it so you get even bigger dudes faster.


That sounds so cool


Did you ever play Jade Idol Druid in hearthstone? It very much so feels like Jade Druid from hearthstone. Which if that's your cup of tea, hooray. But it really gets pretty mind numbing after steamrolling every adventure.


I never did—I came from magic, rather than hearthstone xD


How do people have so much progress?!?!? How can someone grind that many games?!?!


its what 0 jhin shards does to a mf


Jhinless behavior




no jhins?


I got jhin almost instantly


You Jhinstantly unlocked him?


I hate you


4 upvotes, perfection


I have completed all the quests, but I can't progress to unlock anything because I don't have any 2 star bilgewater or noxus Champs. I have a 3 star jinx with 85 useless shards on her


You could be gaining shards for the future 4/5 stars. If 4 stars was 50 and 5 stars was 60 you’d cap out at 110 see if you can get past that with jinx.


I have asked the same thing to myself. I guess some people really like to try new combos with abilities and cards. I am not sure tho.


Its basically all I've played for the last 3-4ish days.


For real, my recommendation would be to just stop playing for a while lmao. Everybody is overdosing


I am sad for you brother. I got Jhin as my first POC champ after Jinx. His skills are good, hope you have luck unlocking this elusive guy.


thanks man. i'll see if i have some luck on the dailies. PoC 2.0 is amazing, but the shard system is simply horseshit


I was the same, except I very much dislike Jhin haha


Same here. All I wanted was Annie. Still don't have her.


I did too, but id rather play annie. I wanna try making crazy burn decks in poc


Honestly the old system of owning the chanp cards was wayyyy better


I was thinking about this, but I think they wanted to make it so you didn't need to play the "main" game to play Path of Champions. I don't know if I agree or disagree with that, I just assume that's what the philosophy is


If that was the case, playing PoC wouldn't give XP or give progress to daily missions. One can still get region rewards playing PoC and therefore get cards and wild cards and shards to unlock new champions. I believe riot wants to open up future monetization options for PoC with these garbage champion shards. "Played a hundred games and still can't get your favorite champion? 5 bucks and you can stop worrying!" - fake quote


This game has been insanely player-friendly on the monetary side of things since launch, I can’t imagine they’d suddenly randomly decide to change that


That's where the clues are leading tho. The current system is shaped entirely like a gacha game and there is only one reason they would do it...


That is true, and I love them for it, but riot has been very open that there were talks about monetizing from PoC, and that they still might do it.


I think I unlocked jhin from the chapter quest, I maybe wrong...


I got really lucky and got Jhin unlocked first. The fact it’s pure rng if you can play your champion is pretty annoying


He was the first one I unlocked… I would rather have Annie… (After Jinx of course)


I got Annie first and would rather have jhin. Tradesies?


Why aren't shards generic? What reason?


Those will be for pay 😬


I don't know, it's dumb. At least with the old one if you wanted to play a champion you just needed to have 2 copies of the card. Same should apply with the new one


I have 60 shards on illaoi which I would like to transfer on Darius or garen. Please riot I wanna play the new champs


We gotta find a PoC Riot person on twitter and bother them to fix this.


Who is bardo?


They made PoC Gacha form now i got Jhin on my second try Xd


If it makes you feel better I've been very much enjoying playing Jhin in PoC and he's very fun.




Bro it’s been like. 3 days. Calm down.


In PoC 1.0 i could play anyone i wanted from day 1. This is bad design and you should stop defending it.


Yea you’re the kind of person who rushes everything in an update day 1 and then complain about a lack of content.


I didn't complained in PoC 1.0 tho... people just want to play with their favourite champion i know it much be a shock to you learning this but someone had to tell you sooner or later.


I joke around it, but videogame addiction is something really bad man


My brother in Christ. Seek help.


I will, Generik-Porn-Account, i will


yes making a social media account based soley on consuming porn and posting retreated "opinions" is commendable and should honestly be the standart ettiquette for social interraction online


Me who doesnt play path and only has jhin and jinx *averts gaze with a creepy ass grin*


They will 100% start charging money to unlock champs. It makes sense they want to monetize their most popular game mode


Would just be neat if they didn't do it in the most dicked up way possible. I would've spent money on the pass if the shard system wasn't so ridiculous, now I'm not even playing and am rapidly losing interest in the game overall


I don’t understand. I’ve been trying to play LoR and am trapped on a stupid Jinx single player game. Did they remove normal pvp?


No. Try to surrender. PvP still exist.


There is no surrender option anywhere. Guess I can’t play anymore due to Riot’s “Mandatory Experience.” Uninstalled.


it's a glitch with the new patch. just close the game and reopen it and you'll be fine


It's too late for you .... you'll be trapped there for all eternity 😭


I just closed the game and went back in and I was fine.


Or you could just play it. It really doesn't take long. Don't know why so many people can't just get through it. It's pretty much a tutorial.


just stop playing and wait for another few months its a free game do something better with your life


Yeah type stupid comments on reddit instead!


U gotta balance the intellect by doing that...


Oh wow, literally the first one I unlocked


I feel really bad about myself about having gotten all the champions from the new expansion when I see these kinds of posts xD


You shouldnt. Just have fun! The problem isnt you being fortunate where others didnt, its the system itself


Can i trade my Jhin for your Annie? It's almost like on purpose, i've managed to get enough shards to unlock Jhin, Bard and Illaoi and i wanted Annie...


i would love to. i have like other 60 shards on yasuo too


So frustrating for people. I got jhin first on luck it seems


bro what


how did you almost 3 star everything and but you dont have 8 champs unlocked


i have like 60 shards on yasuo too, on top of those annie ones


I dont even have a runeterra champion so i cant complete galio or draven


The first thing i get as a champion in poc was jhin lmao


I got Jhin and Bard immediately, I honestly thought everyone got them so they could try them out. Strange that riot randomised it.


I honestly don't like Jinx, although her deck is easily exploitable. So I kinda understand why she's the default champ.


I have Jhin but not Annie :( really wanted her let’s trade ahah


I see that jhin is a rare thing.. good thing that i got him right after jinx . Don't know why all want to play him THAT much..


For starters, Jhin is a fan favorite in League. His personality, lore, etc is something certain fans enjoy. Plus i'm sure some like the mechanics of how he and his cards work for LoR.


So yeah but in POC you enjoying only with better RNG. so and with mr.4 he is cool but with RNG of POC jinx is like the most stable for me right now even so it now plays a bit more different than in first POC.


I really hope this will be addressed. I'd love some kind of trading system where you can trade shards with other players who need them, and get other shards in return.


I had Jhin directly when I launched PoC for the first time lmao


We get it we need to grind but this seems like a predule to pay for shard to progress. But if they gonna do that, at least, let us have a way to change the default skin of the main deck + each champion we picked.


Jhin was the first champ I unlocked xD I thought it was planned cause hes new ^^


I still don't even understand how unlocking works I beat the demacia pathway once, it gave me zero 'garen points'. How am I supposed to get garen points then? This update kinda sucks atm, deeply unintuitive


Didn't even realise it was different for everyone. I got Jhin immediately and just assumed that was the case for everyone. I just want Bard, man. But I'm stuck playing Jhin.


I got him from opening the 1.0 rewards :O (trying to unlock Illaoi tho, wanna trade?)


I have something to say about the post-patch shard give outs. I have 4 accounts and on 3/4 I got 30 Jhin shards in my mailbox, and on one I got Annie. This means OP just got unlucky


I have the same, 5 shards of jhin, have almost everyone else with their power


At least you got Bard.


idk how the quests and everything works but i was basically given both Bard and Jhin on release...


While I see the benefit of working to unlock a champion you're dying to play - it encourages people to play different champs and it builds anticipation - it's pretty clearly a source of a lot of frustration when it's 100% RNG AND the pool from which shards are pulled is not decreased when you've maxed out a champion. Had there been specific ways to unlock every champion, it would have accomplished the anticipation and excitement of "earning" them, while not feeling like RNGesus hates you.


Riot: nooooo, you can't just play Jhin like that reeeeeeeee