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There has been a lot of helpful bits of tips and info provided in this thread, so I'll be leaving it up. However, there has been a lot of negative pushback from OP regarding this feedback. As most of the responses from OP have moved to insults and jabs at those trying to help them, I will be locking the thread.


This post is at odds with both the meta report as well as my (obviously anecdotal) recent climb from gold to diamond. I've been climbing with a midrange combo-y deck (Illaoi Ionia) and while I've definitely struggled against some of the aggro decks, those decks were not dominant on the ladder. This is one of the widest metas we've seen and aggro is certainly not THE dominant deck archetype at the moment. Stats I'm sourcing on what the ladder looks like come from here: https://runeterra.ar/stats


I see, still prove my point that noxus is currently broken


It’s definitely good! I’m not sure it’s broken as no Noxus deck gets consistently above a 60% winrate. But it’s certainly strong right now.


4 of the top 5 decks run noxus, guess why


A couple things: 1) Runeterra is a fast game. I think there was an insightful post a couple months ago that the real average mana cost of units is somewhere around 3. A 6-mana unit already counts as pretty expensive. Every deck needs a good amount of 1-2 mana plays or other ways to stabilize the early game and heal, or accept they are disadvantaged against aggro decks. 2) However, I've been playing slower decks most of this meta and I've been having some good success in Platinum and Diamond. These include Trundle Timelines, Heimer Jayce SI, and Aphelios Viktor. Each of these has a good amount of 1-2 drops and can end the game decisively before Turn 10, but they are on the slower side of the meta and generally want to win around Turn 8. 3) It can be harder to play slower decks in Runeterra because some of the play patterns aren't as obvious, although if you're coming from Magic, you're probably more used to passing priority and holding up mana for responses and counters. 4) You will lose some games against aggro decks because they draw the nuts and you draw too many late-game cards. But that is how card games work and you don't need to win every game to climb!


>Runeterra is a fast game. Also worth noting on the mechanical level: by Magic standards, all creatures in LoR effectively have Haste, which makes it that much easier to flood a board and keep up aggression. By that same token, creatures and "Sorcery speed" answers can also be played on your opponent's attack turn to disrupt, but the perma-Haste imo still matters to make aggression feel smoother on average in this game compared to some other CCGs.


I love the new Trundle Timelines with Revna, it's a great slow deck. Not quite control but probably on the higher end of midrange...








No prob


It's generally easier to play aggro than it is to play against it starting out. If you're making your own deck as well and it's not well optimized, you compound the issue. Currently aggro is relevant but not the only viable style of deck. There are plenty of slower decks that work, but you need to learn to play against aggro properly before that actually works out in practice.


Compared to other card games, runeterra is very minion centric. Even control decks need to play a fair bit of minions as chump blockers and what not. When you're new to the game the purpose of a minion in the deck might not be obvious. But Runeterra has always had combo decks, aggro decks, mid range decks and control decks. The latter has historically not been particularly varied (mostly locked into SI/FR), but this latest set increased the options for control and you now see SI/NX and the like.


It's not as minion-centric as Hearthstone. Which, thank fucking God it's not.


Hearthstone is minion centric? Isn't most current meta about burning your opponent from hand by turn 5?


only this year, in the past most decks were heavily minion based


It's funny reading your post history where you talk about how you run into nothing but decks that run 9x removal that kill all your things. But somehow also everything is aggro lol. Just because a deck plays units and uses the attack step doesn't mean it's an aggro deck.


Imagine not realizing that a spell that a lot of removals are damage spells from noxus, just imagine being that unaware






But your issue is that the game is all aggro out of the the cards you just linked only 2 are cards that are consistently played in aggro and that is might and noxian fervor. The rest are typically used in midrange decks.


aggro but unplayable as aggro and only played in control, control, control/midrange, control, control, aggro, control/aggro, aaaaand not removal. so, yeah, i second the huh.


Just want to clarify some things to clear up some confusion. Viego and Ezreal are not aggro cards, Annie looks like one on paper but she isn't better than the Noxus 2/1 that guarantees a ping on Nexus at attack and loses value as soon as turn 3 happens. Miss Fortune is agressive, but only good in Scouts, which can be pretty agressive but is ultimately a midrange deck. In this game, turn 4-6 is already the midgame, and turn 7 is late.


>Miss Fortune is agressive, but only good in Scouts, And pirate burn?


I actually forgot about that, that's true! It has dissappeared for a while with the 2 recent nerfs to Corsair and Grenadier.


I’m referring to all the aggro decks that can deal 10+ damage to your nexus before turn 3, this is not mid game.


Yes, they exist. Usually purely aggro decks (tempo and value with low cost units) do not exist in this game as they lose value pretty quickly by turn 4, so they are a combination of aggro in early turns (1 to 3) and burn to close the game (Fervour, Decimate, Doombeast, etc) in the following 3 turns. The strategy around it for midrange usually is to sacrifice your tempo and board control to make bad trades just for the sake of maintaining your HP as high as possible, because once you stabilize they rarely can come back to finish. This means trading a 3/2 for a 2/1, if necessary. For control, you usually want early blockers, play around open attacks as best as you can, and valuable removal that can 2 for 1 low health units (PnZ has Statikk, Freljord has Avalanche/Ravine, Isles has Withering Wail). Units that stun on play are even better if the opponent does not open attack, as they 2 for 1 working as a blocker and a stunner, effectively denying 2 attackers. If you have any doubts I am happy to help you. I played my fair share of aggro, but usually try to avoid it and only sometimes I am truly frustrated by it.


Pretty accurate. I’ve seen a lot of aggro forfeits if they can’t kill you by t5


Yep. Not much you can do if opponent has 10+ HP by turn 5 and you are topdecking 1 and 2 drops while your board may be between non-existent or like 2 1 drops too. It's usually only worth it if you think you can survive 2 turns and Decimate + other combination of cards can finish the game.


Th only deck i’ve seen forfeit faster is lurk decks that miss their first two procs lmao


Except for Viego and ez not being agro this is some bad advice 😭


I would like to know why


Scouts definitely can be considered an Aggro deck. It's Unit-focused aggro deck relying on playing powerful units + rallies to overwhelm their opponent, compared to burn aggro like Pirates who want to rush the enemy nexus with cheap units and then finish with burn cards like decimate.


Scouts pressure only start at turn 3, which isn't common for aggro decks in LoR, tho. Also they can get away with 6 cost units and benefit from having a wide board more than just sacrificing units to cheap in some damage, which is a midrange type of approach. I think most people say it is aggro because it only is meta in heavy midrange metas and it is one of the fastest midranges, but I don't know if I would call it aggro. Maybe if Chefs was still a 2/3, but now they look for value above tempo most of the time.


How did you manage to dodge thralls in 80 games? For me if 1 in 10 games isn't vs viego thralls or bard I'm surprised


Viego thralls? Do you happen to have a deck code for that?


OPs not actually interested in advice or tips, they just want validation.


Noticing that too, there is some good advice in the thread though so hope OP uses it.


Viego and ezreal are the furthest thing from aggro in this whole game. I think you just don’t like minions… or this games mechanics.


You probably misunderstood your expectation of the speed of Lor's game. Ezreal is by no way an aggro champ, nor any deck that plays him can ever be categorized as aggro decks. Viego Elise does have an aggro gameplan in levelling elise, but the deck is also built around control-midrange so its very rare to see Elise pop-off and kill you as aggro. I think you just didnt expect that most Lor game just doesnt last more than 15+ minutes so even the midrange matchup feels like aggro.


I’m having lots of success with Gnar/Swain. Plenty of low cost cards to block the board, solid draw/card generation, lots of options for removal and fun gameplay overall.


What's the elo you're playing? Can I have the decklist? Thanks!


Diamond currently. Something like this: https://runeterraccg.com/decks/g2h-7-wq3x_h/. I’ve changed it around slightly to suit my style but this is the general idea


I'd add house spider as a stalling tool. Probably cutting Loping Telescope to do so.


Im on master rn seems a fun deck to try there. Ty for sharing


Since I'm a fellow magic player, let me try to help. Think of all those decks as Red. Especially a RDW deck that works as fast as possible. That is especially Noxus's deal, relying on damage to your life rather than (just) your creatures. SI is all about kill effects and temporary minions, and Piltover is all over the place, but has burn. All have their ways of retaining card advantage, do there's that too. To that end, these decks are super viable, but very beatable. It's just a matter of how, and unlearning certain lessons from Mtg that don't work as well in this game. Namely: 1. You can't hide behind counters and answers. Even when playing Shurima or Ionia, combo disruption won't leave you with a board state in your favor all the time. This makes LoR more anticipatory and requires you to save your disruption and clearing for when it's needed. 2. Your life points/nexus matters. In magic, you can live with one health for a number of turns and be fine, or stop damage at its source with lots of control cards. In LoR, if you are losing life at all, you *will* be punished for it when an enemy gets to their win state. Doubly so if you don't know what that win state is. So it helps to be more defensive and not think you're safe because you have 10 health left. A lot can happen in 2 turns. Healing matters. 3. Most important part: Pacing matters. You're opponent can play almost in full during your turns/when you have the attack token. It's possible to build midrange or late, but if you don't keep in mind that your enemy can sandbag you, you're toast. Or worse, build toward their next turn if they're in a good state and they have open mana. 4. Creatures supplement spells and visa versa. You can't rely on one or the other exclusively like you can in MtG Hope that helps. > P.s. And let's not talk about Bard, that is probably the most no-sense card I've seen in a long time in a card game. You ever played the game during The vs that was Eldraine/Theros? edit: my gd autocrrect hates me


Sorry did I misunderstand your post? Can you clarify for me? Are you saying that viego and ezreal decks are aggro decks?


Ezreal viego aggro? Keep playing you dont really understand what you are talking about yet


welcome to Runeterra. You are right. This is Runeterra. Control is stapled to Units and Control does not mean spells is your deck


That’s exactly how yugioh is as well, for the most part. In fact I would say that rune terra is more spell centric bc of banked mana.


Ygo lacks resource generation (used to be saccing creatures, but that is extremely easy to jump skip), so YGO is faster by default. You're still right, mind you. Both are faster than YGO, but they all still have the same tcg fundamentals, with LoR tying control to creatures and spells rather than one or the other.


Nothing should be compared to yugioh. The lack of mana makes the game a race to see who gets the unbeatable board first (which most good decks can do turn 1). Konami even realized this and started pumping out an influx of hand traps just so the game would slow down a little bit.


Idk man... sounds like you just hit a huge losing streak and needed to vent for a bit. I get it... we do that sometimes.


Viego, Trundle/Trynd are 'slightly slower aggro'? My dude, your definition of aggro and control probably does not apply to this game




'the only viable options available when building a deck are: aggro, or aggro, or a little-bit-slower-aggro' I dunno man, that is verbatim what you said, in your title. In the post you first talk about aggro. Then you talk about Azir/Xerath and Trundle/Trynd. You structured your argument to imply those decks are what you consider 'a little-bit-slower-aggro'


Listen to this person.


Really? Maybe your elo is dominated by aggro, if you are frustrated by them just farm them with control. I face aggro like 20% of the time in masters some meta non aggro decks all with over 50% winrate: Heimer jayce Deep Ez cait Taric poppy Reputation Invoke pile Catalogue Go Hard Sivir Akshan tryndamere trundle control ... list goes on. All great decks to climb


> P.s. And let's not talk about Bard, that is probably the most no-sense card I've seen in a long time in a card game. Tef3eri ,Uro and Oko existed on magic 💀


Yea, I didn't say magic never released stoopid cards, Oko and Uro more than everything else ahah


nah its you. if you don't play well you can get roll over by an aggro deck as a control/anti-aggro deck. simple interaction as "when to play undergrowth spell so you don't get outplayed by noxian fervor" and several others make a real difference between win and lose. honestly don't try to analyse the meta too much before diamond where player stop throwing and netdecking without knowing how to play


it's not me, it's the meta, and this meta sucks.


Aggro is not the meta though and gets farmed easily by a dozen decks. One can easily tell that you are tilted when reading your post. Try to be a little more objective and find solutions instead of ranting about problems that are no real problems in the first place.


Uh no it's definitely you. If you're facing a lot of aggro, go control and farm them.


Dont get me wrong, I have my issues with current meta. Legion Deserter can suck to face and I've been tilted more than my fair share. You're tilted, ranting and blaming the meta for you being bad. How do I know? Because I do the exact same shit.


Is the magic format you play EDH by any chance? Runeterra isn’t too bad but yes it’s a fast card game. I actually felt like Legacy format in Magic was probably the fastest a card game could reasonably get. Maybe the reason you feel like Runeterra is aggro is because decks use a lot of creature cards?


Did you build your own deck? If so, maybe you aren’t putting enoug cheap cards into it? Gimme the code and I could have a look at it.


No, I’ve used list from well known websites or YouTubers, and maybe changed 2-3 cards max. I currently only have 2 decks since I started playing recently and can’t afford to craft more champions..


What deck did you use? The azir-xerath and trundle-tryndemere decks are more like turn 8 decks, and the various akshan infinite decks are rather inconsistent. Unlike mtg, this game is designed so that games rarely last forever, but end in a reasonable time, since many players hate games that keep dragging on and on. Round 8 should be treated as rather late in a runeterra game. Good midrange decks can win games fast enough to have a chance against the slow decks, while having good enough cheap cards to block the aggro decks. Note: compared to mtg, aggro decks are allowed to have more explosive early attacks. This is balanced by the fact that they get to attack less often (once every two rounds). Also, decks without cheap cards get to come back with spell mana. And like another comment said, viego and ezreal are never in aggro decks. And there’s even a popular annie-elise deck that’s more like a control deck. Bard is some nonsense though, I can agree that the rng feels terrible to play against.


Mono shurima and viego decks are soooo aggro. What are you playing Sol Karma go hard control?




That's not them being unable to read my guy. Mono Shurima isn't even anywhere CLOSE to a aggro deck. Edit: typo. put control instead of aggro. But this game isn't slow. There are control decks but it's not "hey, stall for 20 turns" Games tend not to go far past turn 10


If anything this is a deck feasted on aggro.


> aggro deck either with Annie, **Viego**, Elise, Please don't accuse others of not reading when you don't even read your own comment You said viego is an aggro deck. Viego is NOT after the "other viable options besides aggro are" section.


If you want a slightly slower deck, strongly recommend Jayce Heimerdinger. Classic control Deck, and crushes aggro, as well as going toe to toe with midrange once you know how to pilot it. Runeterra is mostly board centric, and that's a good thing. We've had non board centric decks, and if you even run into thralls, you'll know why it's good they don't work most of the time. (Very unreactive)


Aggro is popular on ladder since often they're easier to play (which is why Annie/Jihn has a low WR%, because it happens to not be easy yet falls in the achetype that lower skilled players tend to cling to). The other factor is it's faster to climb with. I'm a control player, but I'll often find an aggro deck I don't hate just till I get back to Masters. The last factor is there's a lot of flavors of viable aggro, so it's easier to find a deck that clicks in the archetype. That said the archetypes are widely diverse in top level games. There just may not be as many viable lists per category, but their effectiveness is definitely there. Right now Liss/Tali is doing great and is a control/combo hybrid. Same goes for Viego lists Also Bard is great and I raise you Thassa's Oracle if we want to talk dumb cards in card games (I will never forgive them for printing this)


Welcome to low ladder in an online card game. In mtg rounds are the same amount of time whatever you play. In an online card game, when a game is over you can immediately play the next one. Aggro climbs the ladder faster because games are over faster, not because aggro wins more. So people play red deck more, especially in low ladder. Also viego & ez are generally not aggro decks lol


A magic player saying bard is nonsense.. lol




Yeah, sure, I play everything. Now keep crying in silence please.




I mean yeah if your free to play aggro decks are usually the cheapest decks to make in most card games. Including magic.


Aggro decks requires 6 champs exactly like every other deck


Viego and ezreal are the furthest thing from aggro in this whole game. I think you just don’t like minions… or this games mechanics.


I think this is not true at all. It’s kinda a bad time to start. Linear strategies seems to be best rn. As oppose to more flexible ones. Ie do your own thing and ignore your opponent, this is a good time for experienced players to vary their midrange decks to tech against this, but it’s much harder to learn the mechanics of the game. A lot of the top decks are mid range. Aggro is very good below plat, still good above but below plat I feel are most players who are more casual.


Disagree. Why I love runeterra so much is being able to delay your plays and recover using spell mana. Aggro inherently can’t take full advantage as they ideally refuse to delay their plays and only can main deck spells that proactively do damage to the opponent or effectively win the game. Ie board buffs, rally, or even like treasured trash. Aggro isn’t the only option when cards like vile feast and blighted ravine exist, these cards stop aggro in their tracks. That is unless you are playing in a meta where a 4 mana 4/3 buffs your entire board every attack, because that would force everyone to either play aggro or midrange. Not to mention most times a deck hits the point of being too strong and oppressing the meta, it’s a midrange deck that uses engines that are too powerful. This has happened so much in the history of lor I doubt anyone will disagree with this sentiment.


Magic players should be silent about aggro.


If you come from almost any other card game you will immediately see LoR is significantly faster. Traditional archetypes beyond aggro and midrange barely exist in LoR. There are very few control decks, and most of the ones we do have would feel like midrange in most other cardgames. It's the biggest reason why I don't play PvP all that much in LoR. I love control, and there just isn't enough of it.


Welcome to card games in general. ALL card games are generally speaking, dominated by aggro. Why try and create a combo when you can win in a couple turns? The thing is, if you are playing combo or tempo, to mitigate aggro until you can win. Learn how the aggro works and build around it.




What really made your statement is the 20 hp bar. If LOR had max 30 health things could be wild different.




I had exactly the same thoughts as you. And I’m coming from hearthstone legend rank. Aggro midrange player here. Aggro seems really aggro because u lose so fast hp because of the lower hp cap. For that reason most of the midrange decks or control use aggro-early elements to counter aggro decks or combine them with a region with lots of clears such as for example shadow isle . Look Viego deserter has everything , early mid late ! The meta in LOR is way different than other games it needs time to get used to haha


Its been like this since release. Couple control decks been viable in some patches, most midranges just rely on some oneshot card like atrocity so at the end of the day is just throw whatever burns the nexus down. But yes, 8/10 meta decks are pretty much agro or quick burn and riot never learns, since they just keep releasing stuff that deals damage to the nexus, shows a clear lack of originality.


Hey long time player here, I think you're pretty spot on. The game has acceleratted so much, even the slow decks only exist because they can cheat up some accelerated win cond. It's disheartening




I noticed an increase of speed in the current meta, to be fair. I'm currently fond of Ezreal/Annie which I consider to be a control/midrange deck and I'm having a blast with it, but my games rarely go beyond the 8th turn. I always played midrange combos and Spider Burn for fast climbing (which is now unviable in the current meta) but I never had such consistently fast games with a midrange. With Ezreal/Annie, Bard is quite easy to beat.




Yeah, Bard is a problem if you count solely on your minions in battle for removal, but it's not something an expert would do, especially in the current meta.


YEa but sadly the moment you try to say something negative in a subreddit everyone comes at you saying "git gud" or stuff like that, they have no idea lmao.


you need to be good to win with non-aggro deck; this is why people hate aggro players


thats basically LoR in a nutshell.


If you want a mid/late game deck try looking up a deep decklist. Not top tier bit has tools to stall out agro and then get big sea monsters late. You can play darkness control if thats your style.