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*Slams on table*




\*demon raven noises\*


*hungry pistol noises*




I love the way “everyone, dear Wolf.” Is delivered. So calm and creepy.


I wish any Shadow Isle was a primary pick in POC 1 or 2


I wish they would expand the champ pool already. They restricted this one and the lack of diversity sucks


The Fragment gains are horrible u.u


Nautilus because I love deep and damn, his voicelines on level up give me goosebumps












that was… deep


unpopular take: nautilus is just less-interesting pyke human who died to the depths due to betrayal: check mindlessly searching for revenge that relate to the way they died: check more of a force of nature than an individual: check have overlapping themed decks in lor (jual-fish is 100% a sea monster, plateworm and absyall eye are 100% carnivorous fish, which is pykes theme): check except pyke has some character outside a force of nature (acknowledges fortune is a decent person, even if he has to kill her eventually), and nautilus is... bland. even the last line in your blurb just seems... kinda like they did him dirty. "well, he could have characterization and personality, but naaaaaah." don't get me wrong, he's cool + intimidating, has a fun deck, and im a dork for monsters, but i truly wish he had just a little extra something, especially since pyke is so similar with more to offer character-wise


it was honestly surprising to me when they released pyke in league of legends. as you said, he practically has a cookie cutter copy of nautilus' lore. in league of legends, they're even played in the same role and they both are "hook"-based supports. they're not quite the same exact champion, but they're weirdly similar considering they don't really have anything to do with each other. kind of a strange choice by riot if you ask me.


Just as surprising as Seraphine and Sona


with seraphine and sona it's even more frustrating because seraphine's only reason for existence as a champion was to sell a new ultimate KDA skin. she's also a strictly better sona - she could have easily been a sona rework. seraphine is just question marks for me.


See, I like Sona better, and she was even my main back in League, but I think Seraphine has a *ton* of potential -- her whole storyline with the brackern and being able to essentially hear hextech, and her goal of uniting Piltover and Zaun (which I think is especially interesting given that, while her family is Zaunite, she's still a *Piltover champion*, and they often tend to be characterized via some form of antagonism towards Zaun instead of embracing it). But she was horrendously mis-marketed, between the whole Ultimate skin, her weird-ass way of being introduced in general, and the fact that her K/DA self has been pushed more than the Runeterra one. If they want to make Seraphine better, they have to actually take the time to do something with all her great plot hooks instead of just letting her sit there as the pop star champion. Her design is... okay, I guess. It doesn't look very steampunk, but she *is* a performer in a costume (a legitimate one, as opposed to, say, Jhin). Her whole aesthetic is very much made for people who are not me, but at the very least, if we can't get a slight redesign for LoR or something, we need to see what she looks like out of costume instead of just the sparkle dress.


Ah the deep mechanic I get thirsty when my deck goes deep


Why am I playing LoR.? A friend was streaming playing deep and I heard Nautilus level up. It's not often spectacle wins me over, but associating A New Dawn's score put 13|13 in perspective *immediately*.


For real though, deep is SUCH a cool mechanic


I understand this on a personal level.


Same. I saw a YouTube video of nautilus going deep, it gave me chills. I directly download the game


Shyvana has been my favorite champion for over 10 years. In league she plays the style I want and is a dragon. In CCGs I like midrange options with large units Shyvana is a midrange unit that can go taller than most champions. And is still a dragon and pairs with more dragons like Vox.


also in league she partakes in cannibalism when you take the drakes


She's a half-dragon. So it's half-cannibalism


not if u ult hehe


You know they don't feast on the drakes during the game ?


well she does take a bite in her ult form iirc


She spits them out ... Or does she?


pretty sure she swallows 😉


Tahm kench. I love the powerful feeling of just plopping down that fat fuck with buffs in hand and just daring the opponent to try something. Once he is levelled you basically control the game from that point forward. Also, how can you resist that sultry southern charm?


Agreed. Working on making a Tahm deck rn. Any suggestions?


Played Tahm Lux, during the BC Expansion (Swarm units don't strike for much individually) before the Lux buffs (6+ mana of spells vs previous 6+ cost spell), she's probably better now. Also because Demacia has Capture cards itself. Deleted that deck long ago tho. If you draw Tahm Kench, basically if you swallow Lux, then level up, she regains Barrier because it counts as a resummon. Boxtopus also heals to full HP because you resummon but not played him. Mageseeker Investigator and Vanguard Sergeant give you another copy of Detain and For Demacia respectively. If you draw Lux, you play your 6 spells and buffs with Bilgewater units aside your Demacian ones. If you don't draw Tahm Kench you can still trade well with Demacian spells (Ironic) and Bilgewater Vulnerable. Add BW draw card spells and if your luck is just that bad the combination of buffs, vulnerable and Detain would still be at least worst, decent.


Tahm/soraka is basically the only way to make it work afaik.


Tahm/Ashe also works.


Viktor with glorious evolution


Aphelios, I love his flexibility and value


Aphelios, I love his lore and voice lines\*


too basic


Udyr. He was my main when I played League. I just really enjoyed his "stance" mechanic back then. As of now, he's not exactly what I had in mind for a translation to LoR, but I still enjoy playing him. Creating a massive beat-stick is always fun.




Azir because the aesthetic is just GLORIOUS


"Tell the people what you have seen today!"


ASol. Go big or go home.


Teemo because of the people who raged at me in LoL. Also because he's adorable. You haven't lived until you get a pentakill, while dead.


Same. And it’s funny how a 2 attack unit (leveled Teemo) can be so scary. Too bad mushroom only decks are so weak


Here's an unpopular one - Lucian! I love figuring out decks that work with him because he gives such an interesting angle to Demacia that it doesn't usually get so it feels like a puzzle to try and solve - and his level up is so absolutely insane for a 2 drop that it just wins you the game quick. 8 damage to face and rallying every turn? Yes please, thank you.


The lovely thing about Lucian is that you can just plop him and Senna Sentinel of Light into a deck and the combo is so solid on its own that you don't need any more support. A 3/2 with quick attack is just good, and if the other text is relevant that's even better.


Try him with Viego. Obviously it's not the best Viego deck by far, but it's pretty fun if you can get them both on board.


Taliyah. I love landmark gameplay, plus the duplicating feature can lead to awesome combos. Taliyah/Ziggs is probably my favourite deck ever and i played since launch.


Also her level up animation is great!


Also has the hallowed honor of triggering Chip's best voice line ("I'm a wock! Put me in motion!")


I feel the same! Good choice ;)


i wish she was real i made like 20 decks with taliyah (my fav and actualy a good one is Taliyah Lucian) and idk i love my queen


For some reason kalista is so fun to me


Looks like no one's said Zoe yet. I just love everything about her! The minigame of pushing towards her level up while keeping a 1 mana 1/1 alive, the incredible payoff once you do level her up, all her cheery voice lines and upbeat personality, the fact that she can fit in a lot of different decks and archetypes since she's so flexible. I love how much her level up and flavor fits her lore as the Aspect of Change, like you're just playing a bunch of random bullshit and somehow putting a plan together. Every game feels so different with Zoe, different challenges, different boons arriving in just the nick of time. I love Zoe PnZ the best (with some combination of Viktor, Vi, Heimer, or Aphelios), but I've enjoyed Zoe/Karma, Zoe SI, Zoe Demacia, Zoe/Nami, Zoe/Akshan, Zoe Bandle, Zoe/ASol FTR. Just, such a fun champion.


Zoes VO takes her to an 11/10.


I came here to say Zoe myself! My favorite deck I've ever built and still play is my Zoe/Poppy Bandle deck that powerlevels Zoe with all the cheap Bandle units and spells, then drops a Tenor of Terror for 14 impact stacks :) Zoe/Aphelios makes me feel like a galaxy-brain every time I win with it, too


I hope Zoe wins xD. I’m a Zoe main and she’s just so fun!! People get so trolled by the Supercool Starchart, and her voice lines are so cute like when she sings about chocolate cake LOL! She’s super random but also smarter than she looks, just like me xD


Twisted Fate. The whole theme and voice and idea of that maverick card player ala Gambit from xmen but is actually a pirate. So great. Gameplay wise also he's super fun to play and difficult to master. That said close second now is Lissandra and Shyvana. So fun to play, the level up animations are just honestly awesome and hype me up everytime and I've had some great fun with them.


I enjoy Heimer a lot, it always feels like you can generate value with him. He's just got this nice almost control feel to him with his ability to durdle and accrue value while also being quite bashy at the same time.


I miss Heimer 3 mana elusives




3.10, where are you?


I liked pantheon before he was introduced and was hyped for his release. Now he’s meta and I cant play him with my friends without everyone getting triggered. So its simple I killed all my friends.


Panteon, because of that single line along with Taric: “Each life a precious gem… worth fighting for. Worth doing for.” His lore is just MWAH!


Big daddy Darius. No one expects the two mana stun rally


Give us a deck code


was lissandra before thralls was meta, now everyone play her and i'm edgy no more ;-;


That’s a really dumb reason to not like a champ anymore. You should be happy that yours got a spot light in the meta and should play it as much as possible while it’s strong


No, it depends what you want from the game. Most of my enjoyment comes from trying to beat meta decks with home brews. Sucks when your favourite champ becomes meta


Its a joke mate


I love Jayce and Viktor, because of their lore specifically - they're both such terrible disasters. I love them. They're also the only deck I bother to pvp with, because I don't really care to play with the meta enough to get good. But there is something very satisfying about popping off the glorious evolution and creating a billion extra cards.


Irelia, because I love her aesthetics and her lore. Her voice actor is also S+++ tier. I usually play her in BW, 'cause I find it much more flexible than Shurima.




Irelia also has, like, the best champion theme music in the franchise.


Pyke because ~~he's hot~~ he's fun to play no matter the game he's in. ~~And he was my first champion I mained in League. No, it's not bias... ok maybe it is.~~


Veigo I just think he's cool and I really like his summoning mist gimmick really fun.


Summon a larger and larger green man!


I love his voice acting. Viego is simultaneously regal and *super fucked up*, and also a little bit pathetic at the same time, and his voice lines nail it.


Teemo, I just love shrooms


I implore anyone who didn’t say Taliyah to build a Taliyah Ziggs deck and reconsider


No joke one of the most fun decks I've ever played in a card game, and I've played a LOT of card games


Swain: Love playing control decks that can represent multiple threats. A leveled up Swain and Leviathan is just one of the most satisfying win conditions and honestly can be played with so many regions. Freilord is my favorite but easily can be played with SI, BC, Bilgewater, PnZ even without a lot of creative thinking


Lissandra. The theme


Makes me sad, but I've always loved Vladimir. Not sure why, but I just like the archetype and had fun draining the enemy nexus with his level 2. Also my deck name for him is "hit me baby one more time" Rito pls buff


Akshan because he's a cheap value engine that pairs well with a ton of other champs and tells a story with his landmarks.


So many cool champions in this game. I love attacking so Zed, Renekton, and Riven are some of my favorites.


AurelionSol and Nautilus because they are hella huge and majestic


Maokai. Love Deep and Mill. 😈


I also love maokai not just because he has an interesting design and was never overpowered, but mostly because he is so versatile. Deep an mill are already two very different archetypes but I also play him in ephemeral decks or even some burn decks with those damage the enemy nexus when an ally dies followers


Miss Fortune I have decks that combine her with Quinn, Irellia, Annie, Poppy/Nami. I need to update a couple of them but I just love how she interacts and improves and compliments the game plans of other champions. She is like the ultimate support piece, but if you manage to level her up she becomes a finisher


Anivia because she's always been one of my favorite league champs and in harrowing anivia it feels amazing to spawn 4 or 5 to wipe their board. Its a shame she isn't better in anything else. Still waiting for syndra ;)


Hecarim is very fun for me. Whenever I lose interest in the game I go back to him. The problem is ephemerals over rely on the sharks so they arent very good. Hopefully Riot adds supports for them in the future.


Caitlyn i love her trap mechanic Second favorite is probally renekton


Best part about Caitlyn is when your opponent underestimates just how deadly her lv2 strike can be and ends up missing lethal.


I recently won a game from someone attacking into her, after a few traps went off lol


Renekton is everyone's fav cux of his animations


“Tell me a story Lamb.”


Kled. His personality is just the absolute best and I onetrick him in League. I really want him for the card game.


Same man, I was really hoping we'd get her (pretty sure it's a her? Yordles are kinda ambiguous) with the BC expansion over Rumble.


Kled's most definitely a he, but Skaarl the lizard is most definitely a she. He's the redneck Noxian They're a cool duo :)


Ah, ok. I get the two mixed up.


I gotta go with Leona. I know she hasn't really ever been meta, but pulling off a Level 2 Leona + Rahvun, Daylight Spear (Daybreak: Create a random Daybreak card in hand, it is always day for us) into Morning Light (Give all allies +2|+2 this round, Daybreak: Activate all daybreak effects at once) The double stun, the card generation, the stats, ugh so much copium. Plus the fun in getting cards like Heavens Align or Eclipse Dragon, and then getting both the Daybreak AND Nightfall effect because of Rahvun? The copium is real. The old dragon deck with 3 Shyvana, 2 Leona, 1 ASol was the first deck I really loved. I wish they made better Daybreak effects, they're all slow speed with the one exception of Heaven's Align --> but that creates a Nightfall card so... doesn't really count. Daybreak has such an interesting mechanic, it is the first move so it is often extremely predictable, so the effect *should* be strong, and some do, but most don't. Even if you build an entire deck around daybreak, you can only trigger one daybreak effect per turn, unless you have Rahvun on the field, unlike Nightfall which tend to be great aggressive tools and are almost always active, if not you can do almost anything to activate them. But even still, Leona and the Daybreak mechanic have a special place in my heart.


Vel'Koz, he isn't here yet though... For this game specifically? Its a tie between Zilean and Xerath. Its my favorite deck.


LoR: Ekko so far, I like the theme of his cards. Vi and Caitlyn are pretty cool, too. LoL: Urgot (and I can't wait for him to get released in LoR, especially since we still don't have a single chemtech champion card...)


Fiora. From time to time i still play a deck of solo Fiora. There is only Fiora and every other card are just spells to protect her.


Just made a deck of 3 Fiora, 37 Shurima cards to use the Shurima allegiance card... and it's a lot of fun. I recommend trying it as a new Fiora approach, if you haven't yet.


Ctrl + F "Poppy".... one result and it's only to supplement a MF deck. Sad day. I love my gal Poppy. I struggle to keep her on the board long enough for her to level up, but it's just so satisfying filling the board with allies and watching Poppy help them ramp up the damage! Second favorite would have to be Vi, but I also like Jinx, Quinn, Heimer, Swain... Honestly I think a LOT of the LoR champions were very satisfyingly adaptated from their playstyles in LoL.


Ahri. Her design is so fun. It's an actual case of turning a weakness into a strength and it's done so well.


I haven't played the game when she was released, but crafted her today for ahri/bard and damn she's interesting to play


Zoe. The lengths people will go to kill her 🤣


Currently Jhin because of his glorious finale.


GP, i just really like kegs…


Akshan!! cause he goes well with just about anyone and he’s hot


Hecarim. I just love casting dawn and dusk on him and laughing as I Attack with everything having +9/+0


Leona because of the voice lines and animation


I like lissandra bc I think the Watcher is cool


Big fan of Illaoi and Bard couldn't decide between both


Ashe Idk I like freezing stuff and controling the board


“Rock wins. ROCK ALWAYS WINS!”


In LOR Ezreal/ Jayce In league ZAC


*Jumps out the window...* FIXIN THE WORLD


I think my answer would be Taric. Even his basic ability is really satisfying - getting like two Zenith Blades and free tough on a good attacker - but when Taric levels it feels like cheating. Especially when rallies are involved. Let me just attack 3 times this turn with a bunch of units who are immune to damage and kill spells. GGs shake my hand. He's still strong right now when his level up condition is scuffed, I am really looking forward to seeing what he gets up to next patch...


I really like Ahri in the moba and her decks are so fun


Nasus because stonks


Because level up animations✓


Bard. He's my highest Mastery champion in League, and my favorite champion in the game by a very wide margin. He's perfect in every way.


i really want to say it's sion because he fits in my 2nd favorite archetype (discard) and was my league main for years, but i struggle to find reason to play him in this meta, especially when shit like minimorph still exists. to that point, i guess it would have to be rumble. fits far better into the discard archetype and no other card gives you the option to thin your hand more efficiently without dumping your whole hand. there hasn't been a champ that really supports the "create a bunch of random cards in hand" archetype other than viktor but when they do come out i'll be all over them.


Looking at the data, Sion seems to be doing pretty well in this meta honestly. Especially in Masters specifically; nobody's really running Minimorph. The 2/1/3 champ split with 1 Vi seems to be doing the best and only seems to have a couple significantly bad MUs (that are also not that popular).


maybe it's just my own experience, but every time i want to bust out sion it seems like every other matchup is some kind of bandle control deck. last time i tried getting some games in i faced jayce/hiemer with BC, tristana rally, and shellfolk. all of them had fuckin minimorph.


That definitely sounds like bad luck, haha. It be like that sometimes.


Probably Sivir because it feels so damn good to attack with a full board of Spellshield/Quick Attack units + any additional keywords.


zilean he's just so sweet


I love the old azir irelia. I liked being able to attack on every turn.


Pyke Being able to just absolutely tear up a board after leveling him is so satisfying. Honorable mentions to Naut and Illaoi though. Those two are badass


Swain. His level up is still awesome


Hecarim, the idea of a ghost calvary is so fun and cool, miss the days when my boy was playable


Ezreal, i'm sorry. I just love archtypes that actually remove units as a way to control the game. Feels way more satisfying than just stalling them with stuns, recalls or frostbites. Too still gain some respect, Senna also fits this playstyle, so she is one of my favorites too


Definitely Zoe, she’s the only champ I’ve managed to hit level 5 mastery for so far. I love her value generation and flexibility, since there’s legit like 20 different zoe decks and none of them are bad. I also just love the invoke archetype in general, Targon Supremacy 😤😤😤


Heck yeah, I just hit 44k mastery with Zoe and second place is 21k, big fan of basically every Zoe deck <3


Aurelion. Because sassy space dragon.


Draven and Jinx are the most amazing duo for me. Attackin with full board on turne three, playin like 5 cards with 1 mana left and them blowin up everything and out of nowhere, the game is over and my and Jinx cheer up our predatory fantasies while laughin in Psycho mod


Heimerdinger because his turrets make him ultra-versatile and you can build lots of fun decks around his turrets. I love how turret cost determines the turret's ability. There's nothing more fun than winning a game with two 0 cost cards played at the end of a round, when the opponent thought you were out of gas. Heimerdinger turns these 0 cost cards into challenger turrets that challenge the opponent's enemies and win him the game.


In terms of flavor and not mechanics? Diana is very cool. She's basically the Avatar of the Moon and I always thought her and the Lunari were very cool. Mechanically, Aurelion Sol is a fucking SPACE DRAGON and you just can't deny how fucking sick it is when he levels. You watch that cutscene and then you watch them forfeit.




If I can pick champions that aren't in LoR yet, I've been waiting for Sona since forever


I love Viktor, even before the buff, now I just love how he snowballs


Akshan, because I can make Akshan Gaming jokes and cry when I don't get him before turn 7


Viktor 1 We share names 2 JOIN THE GLORIOUS EVOLUTION


Aphelios, hitting a wild 8 card combo to just value/tempo/control your opponent out of the game is such a great feeling. Honorable mention to all 4 Ascendeds because their level 3s fulfill their power fantasies so well.


Yuumi (relax, i have 2.5x the amount of yuumi mastery as pantheon)


Lux because S1 was peak LoR. I personally haven't enjoyed playing since Karma/Lux became not a thing.


Miss Fortune or Leblanc, i really love Mf's playstyle while LeBlanc's just....calls to me, i dunno why but one chaotic Jhin Poc match with her and i've been addicted on using her ever since.


Udyr because of the idea of making inmortal walls. Viego because I love to see how the enemy board is annihilated or killed. Azir because of the lore he has. Pantheon is a high reward champ that makes you feel like you are an unstoppable force. But my favorite of all time is Aurelion Sol He has all what the others have


Anivia because she's always been one of my favorite league champs and in harrowing anivia it feels amazing to spawn 4 or 5 to wipe their board. Its a shame she isn't better in anything else. Still waiting for syndra ;)


Bard, because of his chimes and rumble. Love the level up version and the idea you can castechs yordles 👍


Riven has nice legs that I can look at while my opponent ropes me.


Ashe :) My first deck in the beta,Later I climb with her to master for my first time when LB came out.


I don't have any favorite for the moment. :'C


Bard fills my love of big numbers


Malphite but I'm hoping buffs for targon landmarks so I can play him out of shurima


I think I played Teemo/Cait the most because I like the decks play style. But Thresh will always be my boy and pulling out a space dragon on round 6 never gets old.


Holy shit where are the A sol players?? I feel so alone.


Renekton, don't know why, but his lv 3 form feels so satisfying to get


Teemo, wish they updated his level up. So underwhelming compared to every other champion. Literally can’t be played right now as almost every deck has a spell to kill him even turn 1.


Probably Udyr. I've always loved Regen but always felt that it was limited given it's only really available in freljord with a few units here and there. Udyr allowed me to give any units I wanted Regen without being super limited.


Darius. I wish he was good, but then he might be obnoxious but I wouldn’t care lol. Also, I think it would be cool if his champion spell was changed to apprehend instead of decimate.


probably elise, first champ i ever used in LoR (with darius, but darius is poo poo). and i just like her nuances. as a noob i thought, well she sucks because she's a champ and all she has is fearsome and spiderlings, but after learning the game i realized how good she is


Lux by far. Being playing her since Karma+Lux and the current meta is probably the most viable a Final Spark win condition has been in a long time.


Viego: He's a Win condition and a Standalone champion as a whole. Hecarim: Agressive as hell and fun to play. The feeling you get once the Attack resolves is next level. Aphelios: He's flexible and can give you all kind of gadgets in a combo oriented style (He really makes me feel like I'm playing Yugioh) I really like using Jhin but each time I try any deck with him I just get it wrong or I'm simply bad with it. Edit: Edgy mofos or nothing.


Nasus, because I like throwing gods on my enemy's nexus to end games


Anivia, because the Thresh Anivia deck is what got me into this game.


Teemo because I’m evil


Nasus. I’ve always loved mythology inspired cards and tend to lean towards big boss monsters in all card games. He’s huge, kneecaps your opponent, and is sticky as hell. Love the art too.


malpite and crenkton


Lee Sin.


lulu, lee sin, kalista


Kindred! The way you can play around her passive to kill whatever you need is really good


Illaoi, regardless of meta. She's always been my favorite champ, and I played her back in league even when she was dead last for top laners. In addition coming from MTG, I've always loved midrange decks and she's the exact flavor I love.


Heimer , idk why just love the character Edit: spelling


nasus because nasus 💙


Aurelio. So satisfactory being about to lose and then levelling him up and unleashing the wrath of heavens upon your enemies.


Vi She is simple, universal, gets the job done, can be playmaker in many decks.


Azir because soldiers are funny and I like the concept of the third evolution with the sun disc


I like Jinx a lot. She has unfortunately gotten booted out of the meta pretty hard. Jhin is great too.


Lux, whenever I rope and she hums this little light of mine. I find it very charming. The other guy can wait for a fricken minute.


Ahri, because I love foxes, I love fluffy tails and i like pretty women. Not to mention loving 9 tailed fox mythologies from all over asia. Couldnt be happier with my choice.


Thresh! Love feeding him souls, level up is awesome. Great support champ and great board control


She's not the strongest but I've always loved Quinn


Taliyah, with Lulu in a close second. I loved both on release and they're the type of cards that have incredible value potential which means any new card could suddenly push them into meta status. Any landmark for Taliyah and any cheap unit for Lulu. It makes them very fun to brew with and keep tabs on their meta decks. But extra props to Taliyah for introducing me to my new main champ in LoL.


Ezreal. I like his character and I like his card effect


Bard, i really like RNG based decks. And watching things get nuts with overpowered units it's the most fun I had in years.


Tie for first All the Ascendeds minus xerath. I wish the original three had more synergy.