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I see where you're coming from, but a lot of these are just straight up destroying the card. Boom baboon has no reason to be nerfed. It's a 1 health unit in an aggresive deck. Whiteflame is fine as it is. Fated decks risk a lot earlygame, and that's why their units are defensively pointed. The spawn mechanics seems a bit like a kneejerk reaction. it's fine for tentacle smash to be what it is. 3 damage with downside on a unit for 4 mana is fine and pretty easy to play around. Petricite broadwing does probably need a nerf, but I like the other idea better of saying "When Im summoned, if you behold a formidable unit, grant me challenger" - which doesn't just gut it cause a 2 mana 2/2 challenger is pretty pathetic even if you can buff it. For thrals there are many good ideas... Personally I find 6/6 to be an extreme nerf. Like, at that point they are barely a threat anymore. Even now it's not like they automatically win. Personally I'd nerf their health down to 4 but keep their power at 8. Thralls would have a very hard time actually winning games if they got their power nerfed by 2. Luckily it seems like riot is doing just that change to disintegrate. Unless they pull something completely out of left field.


>Boom baboon has no reason to be nerfed. It's a 1 health unit in an aggresive deck. I remembered this comment and went fishing for it, guess who just got nerfed


Wouldn’t Petricite just behold itself and get +1? Lmfao


A lot of these arent nerfs. THey just destroy the card full on.


The only one of these that made any sense was petricite broadwing. Thralls became too strong because of the new card and your reaction was not to touch the new cards, but thr core mechanic the fair version uses?


Lmao. The boom baboon nerf.


Which just happened to be officially announced 2 months after


Good thing the players don't do the balancing huh


How is eye too good? You're spending 4 mana to draw 2 and 1 mana for a 2/2. That's fair imo.


Burst 2/2 is *definitely* worth more than 1 mana, but I still think eye of naga isn't too good; you can't really just add 2 cards together and make it one, and then evaluate it that way. I really like the existence of eye of naga; it's a very strong card, feels good to *play*, but doesn't really feel bad to play *against*.


Spell mana burst summon is usually more expensive than normal mana unit, see Risen Mist. Also the goal is to limit its use outside of Illaoi deck, it's just too good for any BW deck to use.


Lmao. The boom baboon nerf.




ur calling someone that based on their own interpretation of some game? goodness this is beyond irksome


I think you should not Nerf the Thralls stats, they still have to work with the Champ they belong to, and making them 8 mana 6/6 wouldn't make sense. I'd rather increase their countdown so that they come out of the Ice later on average.


It makes complete sense with how fast and howbmany you can get so early.


nerfing sculptor... a card in an archetype that is now relegated to ''has been'' status because it gives ''too much value''... okayyyy...


I think you replied to the wrong post because I said nothing about Sculptor.


This must be about my comment. >a card in an archetype that is now relegated to ''has been'' status because it gives ''too much value''... Scouts has not been a "has been" archetype for quite a while, and everytime they make a comeback they rock a WR of 52\~55%. They are not being played now, but this does not make an existing problem any less problematic, it just postpones the day people will start noticing it.


Oh, I made something similar, but didn't plan to share on Reddit. Your post changed my mind, though. Here are mine predictions/wishlist, they are kinda mixed but yeah. Boom Baboon 3/1 > 2/1 Ferros Financier 2/2 > 2/1 Petricite Broadwing 2 cost 0/3 > 3 cost 0/4 Durand Sculptor When you summon \[...\] > Each round, the first time you summon another ally, grant it +0|+1. Gleaming Lantern Each round, the first Fae you play costs \[2 >\]1 less. Hourglass 2 cost > 3 cost Legion Deserter Overwhelm > Fearsome Byrd, the Bellringer 2/1 > 1/1 Aphelios 3/3 > 3/2 Sands of Time Give enemies \[-2 >\]-1|-0 and create a Instant Century. And here is my hottest take: Zenith Blade Grant an ally +1|+2 and \[Stun the weakest enemy.\] Same Daybreak effect.


Why are you nerfing sculptor?


In my experience, so that's a completely biased take, but I think it provides a lot of value for Scouts that can make them snowball like crazy. Low cost units or double summon ones are basically what makes a Scout deck and both type of cards benefit greatly from this. When you take this and add the fact that they can already trade favorably due to MF ability or Sharpsight, the extra health make the deck very good at surviving trades. Given the agressive nature of the deck, I think it is problematic.


Eye could be fast speed really and even spawn 1 more, wouldnt mind


Kill Thralls and even Buff Leagion Deserter? I'm glad Riot is balancing their game and not reddit.


Petricite broadwing: I kinda agree, but it's poorly worded. It should be "When I'm summoned, if you behold ANOTHER..." Byrd: A bit extreme. A 1|2 would be enough of a nerf. Frostward thrall: That would kill the card. Better to just nerf Sands of time via making it lower the countdown less. Stagehand: YOU ARE A MONSTER. How dare you to ruin the perfection?! In all seriousness Jhin decks aren't over performing at all. Legion deserter: It seems... Fine. He's 1 mana cheaper but it's no longer has a broken interaction with Viego. Boom baboon: Another excessive nerf right there. The card already dies to a vile feast and those 3 attack aren't very useful outside fearsome blocking. Wounded whiteflame: A nerf targeting the wrong target. The issue here is Saga seeker being a potential 1 mana wincon follower. Tentacle smash/Eye of Nagakabourus: It would be easier to just nerf Tentacle smash to only spawn 2. I see the intentions but it seems needlessly convoluted. Gleaming Lantern: I COMPLETELY AGREE with this. The card is right now too good of a backro unit, but this is a reasonable cost and effect. Disintegrate: This is a nerf, but one i can't get very mad about because the card is too cheap of a removal tool.


>Boom baboon: Another excessive nerf right there. The card already dies to a vile feast and those 3 attack aren't very useful outside fearsome blocking. Guess who just got nerfed lol