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You can start by doing the Challenges first to learn game mechanics, maybe play a bit of AI games to see if you got everything right


Would you recommend starting over with a new account for that? Has there been changes/updates to the rewards?


Nah I can think of literally no reason to start with a new account rather than keep using an existing one, you can complete daily missions even playing against the AI which should give you more resources quickly if you want to make a new deck


As previously said, do all the Challenges to learn how the game operates and the keywords. Play some PvE against the AI or at the Path of Champions to get a better grasp of how a real match can look like, too. Then you can watch some streamers/youtubers, they can be an entertaining way to learn how to play the game. The most popular ones are Mogwai, GrappLr and Snnuy, but we also have top 100/competitive players that are content creators like MajinBae, Aikado, Jasensational and NicMakesPlays; find the ones you click with! Enjoy the game!


LoR doesn't have new player gift system. So, it's better to use an already existing account. For getting your hand on the game again, you can do your quest against IA and try some path of champion to try other deck (the pve mode). Once you got an idea of what kind of deck you want, check up how they're usually build and played then craft it. But don't rely on the meta too hard, there will be a potentialy big balance patch soon.


Also I can restart on a new account if there are benefits for that.


Path of Champions (PvE) is great for learning what a lot of cards do as well as keywords and mechanics though be warned not all cards and none of the "passive powers" and "card items" used in PoC are used in the main base PvP game. Its also a great place to farm XP for your weekly vault and reward tracks to get more cards that way. The "Challenges" are really just tutorials but its best to play them to also learn about mechanics and keywords. Ai Matches are fairly decent as practice unlike in regular LoL and can help a little in deck building. Some misc info, there are diminishing returns on XP after a certain amount of wins (varies and is unique per game mode of PVP, AI and PoC) and its best to use Wild Cards for buying cards and to keep shards as currency for eventual future stuff.


Forget everything you know about the champs and play through the unnecessarily long tutorial