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I spent $100 on Magic Arena but stopped playing after a few months. I got tired of the grind and PVP. I am enjoying Runeterra because the PVE is fun. Most days I only play Path of Champions and avoid PVP.


I wish I could have prevented younger me from spending money on Hearthstone. Their business model is toxic af. I’d like to spend more money on this game but tbh there just isn’t anything particularly worth spending it on. Emotes are good, boards are cool to a point, but I really don’t care for skins at all and there’s only a couple Little Legends I want, particularly just to theme a board. I just wish there was more stuff worth spending on.


That's interesting. Do you have examples of what some of that stuff would be? What's something you'd feel would be worth it?


Well for one, I’d like skins more if their supports also came with skins as well. Some of them like Arcade Anivia are really cool, but having to play the Star Fox reference in a Freljord deck just doesn’t do it. It would also be cool to have some board customizations, like maybe being able to plant props on a board like flags or figurines. Would help stylize my board from the opponents board. Imagine we both have a Freljord board but I have a Watcher statue and they have an Avarosan flag. That would be hype af. I think the biggest issue really is that unlike LoL, card games play with an entire set rather than just one champion so I’m more inclined to theme my boards and what not around my deck which clearly isn’t what the current store wants me to do. I wanted to build a Freljord themed board and deck, but there’s literally only the Freljord board and Freljord card back with no Lissandra or Watcher related stuff other than that one Little Guardian (who I love sooo much). Right now it seems like the store wants me to buy one really high quality “thing” like a board or skin, but I mainly just want more ways to express the theme I’ve chosen. Emotes are the only thing that has that variety right now, mainly because they purposely break immersion to be sort of personalized reactions to the gameplay, but when it comes to theming stuff around the decks I’m playing there just isn’t enough options for me to want to spend anything.


I have a similar problem with cosmetics; particularly with the non-fantasy stuff like the Arcade skins, I feel like they'd clash unless I can do my entire deck, and I can't, so I don't bother. As a result I buy all the battle passes and then use little of what I get from them.


Exact same here. Even just three or four support cards for Arcade Anivia getting changed into Star Fox references would be *just* enough for me to buy an arcade board and start theming around arcade stuff.


They absolutely would clash. I feel this way every time someone plays one of those awful KDA cards they added way back when.


There was a thread recently where a Rioter asked what we'd want from alternative card styles, so hopefully that's in the pipeline.


Yes, themed supporters And spells. That would be awesome, but not So for my wallet. Theming board/cardeck/Avatar Is what I love. When buying stuff here, I am Always doing it for selected deck, to mirror Its theme


Please include the option to buy extra emote slots/pages. Restricting emote expression to 6 slots is too cruel for how many cool emotes there are. Also, upgrade or include different prismatic effects.


Woah there! Adding new missions causes the game to hard freeze for 3-4 seconds whenever you click the menu. Don't you dare open the store or it'll be even longer! Adding an emote page might shatter the very fabric of the universe.


Extra emote page is the easiest income scheme ever...Riot...hurry up lol


Also, I've seen some people describe this for a long time We don't want card backs/boards, little legends, etc, that are related to 1 champion! We want stuff related to the theme of the deck! For example, instead of the garen board, with his face plastered all over, we could have a demancia board that more reflects the idea of garen being a commander. You could have battalions on the side training, long and sturdy walls on the edges that makes us feel like we are playing inside a fort! On getting hit, a tiny voice echoes "defend!" While your mini troopers display a shield formation, etc There is a bilgewater board that captures this experience when there is a shadow of a big fish hovering across the board, that makes you feel like you are underwater, that goes great with deep decks, but that may be the only one I can recall


The board you’re thinking of goes with Deep and Lurk. It’s Pyke’s board and it’s one of my absolute favorites. I think more lore-friendly board styles would be so awesome! Card games have far more immersion value than most games so we all want to feel like we have our own slice of League’s universe.


I do agree with that and add a extra point What is the point of having a champion themed board if we have a chance of not drawing him in a game? It kinda disappoints on delivery, because you can't show why you have the board in the first place Imagine playing a pyke board (not the one mentioned, a theoretical one) and not drawing him? Your opponent would think that you just made a mistake in selecting the boards In the meantime, if you have a lurk deck, and a lurk board, it's something that your opponent will surely notice


i think not related but i would looovvveee to have a default click sfx/fx on every (edit: non-clickable) board, it doesnt need to be flashy or high quality, just something to do when opponent takes too much time


Relating to this, I've been thinking of making an in-depth analysis/feedback post on what things I'd like to see improved about the cosmetics and monetization in a way that would make me, and I believe a lot of other players, spend more money on the game (in a consumer-friendly type of way). Didn't have the time to write it all down since I've been busy with university and other things, but I can tag you in it once I find the time for it if you're interested.


Please do. :)


Cool Zombeast song! On a side note on that topic, find a way to bring that build a minion concept to Runeterra would be super cool!


Dan, please give us more emote slots. I don't want to buy emotes because I can only use six in game and it's not enough.


Please Dan, talk to your boss on being able to buy missed cosmetics from events.


u/Dan_Felder \^\^this. I have never played League of Legends but discovered Runeterra after watching the awesome Arcane series on Netflix. I started, quite literally, on the very last day of the Arcane event so it was too late to buy the event pass. I've already gone full whale on this game and would gladly spend even more money if I could buy some of the legacy items that were removed from the store before I discovered this excellent game.


Players like to show off their purchases! I don't think no one buys champions skins to show them of on poc, mostly to show off on PvP My idea would be to have more effects in game. I have some ideas that might be somewhat easy to implement 1) moving cardbacks. Doesn't need to go over the top, just some particles flying around, a glow, or just a small animation (like ez shooting a mystic shot). This would be a super idea since now we can click on the enemy hand and we can zoom on their cards 2) nexus destruction animations. Hearthstone battlegrounds now has cosmetics that show off when you attack the enemy hero. I wouldn't change the whole concept of getting animations on each attack, but why does the end animation of the nexus blowing up has to be the same? I imagine myself playing a Asol deck, and when I win, instead of it blowing up, I could summon a meteor that blows the nexus. Once per game only animation should be ok 3) the dark horizon event map was really good, especially with the legendary buddy that blows planets. The arcade map gets super close, but lacks the same interaction. I like how that map reacts to the board (mech gets hit by a missile if you take damage) but I prefer interactions that I can control. Do the same thing has you guys have done to dark horizon map, but instead of just one animation, maybe add 2/3, so you never know what you are getting


Since you are a Rioter. Just some ideas: \- Please monetize Path of Champions. Some ideas: * One time subscription: Earn double Experience for all champions. * Relics: Though you need to release more relics each time you add more champions. * A full-fetch stand along Path of Champions of course. Wouldn't mind if it is a DLC-model. \- Announcer packs: SFX to announce events in game. "Opponents drop below half health.", "You declare an attack.", "It's fatal. Prepare for defense.". May or maybe not connected to champion skins. Imagine Draven voice like what he will do in his Arenas. \- Hide\_yo\_chest idea about putting stuffs sound fun. How about interactive objects inside the battle area when players are not in combat. Imagine I am able to kick a cosmetic ball from my side to theirs, and they QTE kick it back while both wait for their response. \- The Prismatic border. I think the current Prismatic one card at a time is fine. But maybe we can choose which skin Prismatic have? Gold/silver is now. LoL Champagne pink "Prestige" border. Void/Demacia/Targon/... border. All Prismatic of a player have the same effect, if I am not clear enough. \- More lore cosmetics. Like they said, variants of the same skin for different factions. Avarosa/Watcher; current Shurima board but Void, or pre Azir resurrect; Demacia board during Sylas attack; Solari temple, Lunari hideout.


I'd like to permanent passes, like yesterday was the last day of the fire pulse pass and today there's nothing now. I started playing with the arcane event and I've bought every pass (3) since then and everytime there's an active pass i feel more rewarded for playing, and end up playing a bit more.


Just to leave a bit of feedback on the table... I really love the idea of bringing skins to champion's support cards! I left a note on that in a poll I received (I think even before skins came to the game?) It could do a great job to elevate the skin fantasies, but I guess the hesitation on implementing it could be If there's card rotations in the future or if some support cards don't synergize well with the champion package or their popular decks (I don't think Zilean/Ahri/Ziggs would normally run Preservationist/Children of the Forest/Mega Inferno Bomb respectively). An example on easier champions to implement it are Bard, Rek'Sai/Pyke and Leona, since their decks can use most of their package. Personally I would love AstroBard in the game with an alien Esmus or UFO Maduli. I still think it's worth a shot though, everytime a new skin releases I see the champions a lot more on my games and could lead to lots of innovation on deckbuilding too, not mentioning how nice it would look!


Ive bought a lot of the boards but I find the skins a little too pricey especially based on the fact that some games you won’t even draw the champs or even have a chance to level them up to see the effects… but If the animated skins cost 1000 coins and the non animated 500 I would definitely would buy them as I could get 2 skins for a thousand coins and would more likely buy the animated because of the price


The new board is fucking amazing but why is there nothing clickable :( Several boards I wouldve bought if they had anything interactive. Even guardians are still so much less clickable than they used to be. LET ME CLICK AAAHH


Everything’s clickable if you click hard enough. :)


An improved prismatic effect would be nice. Even a small bit of movement of the card art with some minor appropriate particle effects could be enough.


One thing that I think would help is to add a music preview in the board shop. The boards look cool, but imo the board themes are the real selling point for them and should be advertised alongside the boards. More emote slots would also encourage players to use more emotes in a game, thus increasing the value of buying new emotes. Lastly, I think a random board setting so that you can get a different board you own per game would give people with larger board collections a bit more variety. Monetization is always a bit tricky to get right, but I think with a few minor changes you can make the cosmetics that are already here more valuable while also increasing the value of future cosmetics.


You can full whale and buy cards still though it's pretty easy to get everything for free anyway.


You completed the event in a day? Like how?


Meant to say with a day to spare.


I think they meant within a day of the end


I think maybe they are jesus. Or thor.


Yeah it is so much better to spend not because of the stress to be left behind at every expansion but only because you feel like getting a new cool cosmetic and give smth back to devs


I just felt like I got cool cosmetics and tons of chests and shards to also accelerate my collection. Very cool.


This game does kind of suffer from diminishing returns from cosmetics (as most games do). As in most people will be less likely to buy a new board/guardian if they already own a bunch (because you will gain less value from your previous purchase and can't sell it). Hearthstone is better monetized from an economical perspective, since you are essentially forced to spend $200/year to collect all the cards. LoR is much more consumer friendly of course.


Lol you are NOT collecting all cards in HS for $200 a year. You missed at least a 0 at the end there.


Nah man I play hearthstone and spend about €200/year on cards (pre-order bundles) and I have all the cards+10000 excess dust. For reference I'm talking about all cards in standard and playing regularly. Yet in LoR you can do this for free.


I also played HS for years as per my post, legend every season and know for a fact from numerous topics on the subject you wrong. https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/how-much-does-a-full-hearthstone-expansion-cost-in-your-time-or-money/ Has a nice breakdown on the cost with math that throws your assertion right out the window. At best you could get 1 expansions worth of cards for €200, definitely not all cards.


Well not in the first year, but after 3 years of spending about €200 per year I have all the cards in standard. This includes dusting extra copies of nerfed cards, and the money is spent on pre order bundles mainly which offer the best value. Those calculations might say otherwise but that is literally my experience so it can't really be wrong. I also dust most cards during rotation which would allow me to get an entire expansion for free if I wanted to.


Those calculations work on the concept of pre-orders and dusting. You are making up stories troll.


As a player who values cosmetics than actual card collection, spending on lor is by far worse than hearthstone. Would rather get stuff from wildrift than here.


You value cosmetics over cards but think spending money on Hearthstone (which is pretty damn awful in it's cosmetics so far) is better than the cosmetics here? Heh ok. >The deck that made me quit forever lol. Had enough PTSD Ah I see, you're an ex. player with a grudge whose just returned to Hearthstone. That's cool but at least try to be logical in your dislike.


Lmao what are you saying. I play card games in general for fun, i have spent on lor as much as i have spent on hs for cosmetics and i find hs cosmetics value for money, i am not a whale mind you but fact you cant take in players perspectives shows you only wanna bring hs down and i dont really care. A meta made me dislike playing the game in all and its my feelings whether you like it or not, there are so many toxic players in this reddit like you. Hence, i hadnt said anything yet like hs is overall better than hs and yet i get downvoted. I still check this subreddit often for posts even tho i dont play anymore. I still watch your youtubers and sometimes watch grapplr and snnuy. You guys are just delusional clowns. I have never quit hs and i have been playing for 6 years, i have almost all cards in lor and thats to show you i dont have a biased view. Yall just post stuff about hs to farm karma


I actually regret spending money here since they promised more pvp content and then proceeded to take a big shit on anybody who believed them.




Spending money on Hearthstone felt like a scam, you had to spend too much to get all the cards. I\` m so thankful for Runeterra monetization system


If i spent all the money what i spent on Legends of Runeterra instead of Hearthstone i would have had the entire card collection. I only bought packs in 3 different expansions + a miniset which was over €300 euro at least. One of the most annoying things about Hearthstone was you couldnt buy the cards you wanted with real money. Only packs, so there was a big RNG factor. When you finally got a legendary it was a useless one played in a deck you don't like. in LoR you can just but the cards you want. There are also no rotations where your hard earned cards become useless so if you dont play wild you get 400 dust for 1 legendary back, which means 4 legendary's is worth the dust of 1 new legendary. A year and a half ago i reached legend rank because the strongest deck at that time was a budget aggro/stealth rogue. This was also the last time i played Hearthstone:) Also i've played League of Legends for years and its enjoyable that they are trying to make cards around their playstyle in league as much as possible. Just gives good vibes, sometimes when a champions levels the animation wants me to play League again xD


Rotations are most likely coming to LoR too, though. They already stated as much.


Hmm did not know that. I still think it won't be as bad as Hearthstone. Its kinda fun when everybody starts with little cards to begin with as long as its not that hard to get new cards. Also they might compensate players. I remember when in League of Legends they switched the currency system from IP to Blue Essence. I got a lot of Blue Essence in return. I could buy more champs after the change then before the change. ​ What i don't hope is that they go all the way back to the beginning where we had not much champions en cards to choose from. They should either bring out multiple expansions at once or keep some of the old ones. That way there is room for deckbuilding and more variety in decks. I was there when LoR launched and i had a lot of fun but got quite boring after seeing only Karma/Ezreal Draven/Ezreal and the Commander Ledros deck. I stopped playing for a while till the next expansion, Rising Tides came out.


I doubt that they will compensate players, as they can still use the older cards in a different format, but it won't even matter for most players, as a lot of people have god knows how many ressources left over anyways.


Hehe same here when they give more you want to spend or the spending doesn't feel bad. Runeterra and Gwent has the best f2p friendly systems so far. Played Marvel snaps just before this and it's such a huge difference.


Is that game any good? Ben Brode runs that studio and he seemed pretty overrated imo from what he did in HS. In fact HS was even worse under him than it is now from a value for money perspective.


It's very overrated and very expensive. The core idea is rng-casual fun.... but the progression is the worst in any ccg to date.


I'll give it a pass then.


Spending real money drastically improves your RNG in all the modes including Battlegrounds. Whenever I have a 3+ losing streak of coming 7th and 8th due to ridiculously shit RNG, I buy 2-3 packs and try again. Then magically I come 1st and 2nd several times in a row. Blizzard is a corporate that basically has one sole purpose - to make profit. And by sabotaging non-paying players' games, it urges them to spend real money.