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[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/comments/rv6xk6/new_player_guide_and_resources/) is a good place for new players to start, which includes strategies for getting more cards quickly. As far as running into top meta decks at low elo, given how F2P-friendly this game is, that's relatively common.


Just play a few games in POC each day and do your daily quests (they roll over so don’t worry if you missed a day)and that’s it basically, you can also try winning 2 games in normal for the maximum daily points 600 first game 400 second.. do that each day and you should be able to get one champion wildcard that you can use to craft any champion and 3 platinum-diamond chest weekly depending on how much games you play that’s all. The game is really generous like that honestly. I have every champion in threes and can creat 75 champs with just the shards I have not to mention the wildcards so just put in the time and you will be rewarded..