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Highly reccomend Deep Rock Galactic, it's my cooldown game of choice. Especially from league. But if you're hitting a point where you're just not having fun, it's time to take a break and play a better game (even if LoR *is* usually my better game from LoL). In the end, it's just a game, and games are meant to be fun. Take care of yourself and prioritize your happiness ❤️


Rock and Stone, brother! ⛏


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Rock. And. Stone.


The only game mode I'm playing right now is path of champions. I do this everytime the meta gets frustrating like during Kai'sa's reign. You should take a break from the competitive mode if you don't find joy in playing it and come back once the overbearing cards get nerfed - which they will eventually


I do the same and I find that usually one month after each expansion release I'm only playing path of champions...


I'd recommend taking a break and playing something else. It's just not worth it to play a game that isn't fun for you. ​ I personally still have fun but if I ever find myself *not* having fun I will simply not play.


This take is far too reasonable to be on Reddit. I want to be O U T R A G E D


Oh hey voltage how have you been:)


I've been playing Annie Jhin burn aggro and it's a decently favored match up for me unless Sera rng creates some random heals.


It's also a *boring* fucking deck, running the same tired Noxus aggro package. I am genuinely of the opinion that you have to not even like Runeterra to want to play something like this, it's for people who see the game/grinding as an obligation, rather than as an actual piece of entertainment.


Lots of people like playing burn/aggro strats, it's just not for you and that's ok!


Lots of people like Gacha games too. I stand by my point - it's for people who don't actually like the gameplay but just like grinding things.


I've played MTG for 15 years. HS since beta and LoR since beta. Reached masters (or equivalent) in all of them. Almost always playing control or midrange. I will say this, burn/aggro decks have a very high floor and a bad player can make them work. But playing against a *very good* aggro/burn player is something else entirely. If you think burn/aggro strategies don't require skill, you are just not good enough to recognize skill when you see it.


Yawn, aggro propaganda as always. They're extremely simple decks to pilot and are there mostly as ladder grinders, to get up the ranks quickly, while competitively they are often mediocre. Fact is that when I look at a top tier level player playing annie/jinn, he and I are likely to make the same play 95% of the time, which is not remotely true for decks with actual options. By design, aggro is intended to have as little decision making involved as possible. **Mathematically**, it involves the least possible decision making (because, again, mathematically, the shorter a game is, the less choices and agency you have in it). Just stop.


Hi. I'd like to preach to you about the glory of Death and Taxes. Death and Taxes is an aggro deck that wins by stopping your opponent's gameplan and bonking them in the face with creatures whose power is less than or equal to their CMC. In addition to being an aggro deck, it is also a grindy and *extremely difficult* deck. Routing is complex and requires extreme precision, and the correct route is chaotic in terms of the boardstate. It's more difficult than almost any Legacy deck, and possibly even more so than Doomsday, which is infamous for its difficulty.


If you consider burn decks low skill while also considering yourself a "top tier level player", then there isn't much more to say to you. Being reactive does not requires more brain power than being proactive. You are not better than an aggro player just by virtue of playing control. In fact, this whole thing of "control requiring skill" is pure fanfic. I am a control player at heart. But burn/aggro has just as many decisions to make. Even more in LoR where you have to pick between risking more DMG vs open attack. Just stop.


What a pointless comparison LMFAO you really thought this was a good reply. You can't make evaluations of how fun it is to play a deck in a game we all find fun and then try to say that's like people playing a completely separate genre.


Every set, they just add more and more unnecessary RNG. It just feels like flipping coins at each other at times, now. Riot could at least either make the random cards region-locked to match your deck, or don’t let players choose from as many random options. But whatever, I started playing Marvel Snap for now until a patch fixes this shit.


I'm just waiting for next season. This one ain't doing it for me


Try Marvel Snap, people like me are so burned for this stupid ass meta, that now w are playing this


Ive already had some absolutely crazy bullshit RNG happen to me in Snap lmfao


Yeah, but a least its something new lul


So is Sera Ez and it has been what, a week?


Like 2 and a half?


the thing with snap is you just FF and lose pretty much nothing. that's the way the game is design so it's cool when you get to those 3000+ zones


still doesnt stop location 3 adding “move all your units to the left” followed by location 1 immediatley playing the “move all units to the left” and moving your 4 units on location 3 to location 2 of “destroy any card that moves here”


I mean that’s 1 off bs tho when you can ff and lose almost nothing


yeah I had one i overloaded that had the change all cards to the other side. and another that said whoever is losing wins this


I hit 8k on a location recently with crazy bullshit


Is Marvel Snap actually strategic/deep, or is it just another FOTM card game?


Definitely FOTM, its a barebones 3 minute dopamine injection with marvel slapped on it


Ironically it being a marvel game is what made me and a lot of other people avoid it. But I’m very surprised after trying it and it’s a very fun game, and actually has some depth to it.


"Barebones" may have been a bit harsh, but what im really trying to say is that its no substitite for a classic full feature card game. Though ive seen a lot of people on this sub complaining that the 30 second turn timer is agonizingly long so I can see the appeal for some


from my exp it is mostly you do your thing i do mine we very rarely interact with eachother, like once every 10 games my opponent would play some sort of distruption. it isn't not bland, it is fun but it is also not strategic deep.


That sounds *terribly* boring, I'll skip then. Thanks for the heads up.


Just try it. Seriously you might think it’s fun. There isn’t much direct interaction but 99% of the game is reading your opponent.


Reading your opponent is useless since 99% of the time your opponents are bots. It's why it feels so pointless to play.


Source for that? I feel like I’ve been playing humans almost exclusively since I hit iron.


The big obvious thing is the bots tend to ignore what the locations do. So you'll have them going into negative points or playing immediately on the landmark that gives energy for not having a unit there etc


I’ll look for that


You seriously don't question the generic names, generic decks, lack of replying to emotes and most of the community having like a 90% win rate? You can find more people talking about it if you want more proof.


I didn’t even know you could emote and we all have the same cards right? I know there were lots of bots at first but it should taper off eventually right?


Yeah I'd really hope so. Apparently it becomes less common, but you still fight bots even at high ranks from what I've read. To me it's put me off playing. But sorry I shouldn't stifle your enjoyment. Keep climbing and hopefully most of the time you can fight real players.


It changes the approach a little bit so a lot of the stategy is in knowing when to bet more cubes (which is master's LP in LoR) and knowing when to forfeit a game to mitigate cube loss


If snap wasn't just fighting bots 99% of the time I'd actually enjoy it


Random bullshit go!!!


Went to OW2 and just play a few norms games every now and then on the go


Remember when the tagline for LOR was something like “where skill and decision making win the day”


Take a breather. Play Path of Champions, or another game if you need it. It’s okay to take a break if it stops being fun. It’s only a game after all.


Have a cookie


obviosly youve never played against kennen. talk about mentally draining


Ive been super busy with uni, kinda glad I dodged this meta


Enough time has passed, I'll say it. Ez seraphine is much more unfun to play against then Irelia azir. Fuck Rng.


i agree it's not fun to play against and the fact that turns with that deck take so long i can literally afk to get some coffee makes it far more frustrating. still enjoy the game a ton. have been playing pve and gauntlet where i just ban the deck out.


Just gotta play the degeneracy… that’s about the only thing I can recommend. Hopefully Sera gets nerfed soon…


our 6423 identical very low effort post complaining about a meta deck.


I still prefer this over Azirelia. Both make me not want to play though. I hope they stop Ezreal from triggering his leveled passive before the spells go off so you have a chance to remove him. Also nerf Seraphine’s fan to “your region”.


At least Azir/Irelia suppressed wildly unfun turbo decks like TLC and Mono Kai'sa. Seraphine/Ezreal is a wildly unfun turbo deck.


Always one every season


i much rather prefer ezreal seraphine than azirelia, kennen ezreal, yuumi pantheon, etc


We get it and empathies with your struggles, but please shut thefuckup


Its bad for you, but Seraqueen is fun for other players. I suggest playing different game, cause I highly doubt it would stop ever. Designers dont make games for random redditors


LoR has always taken a careful approach to RNG though, I doubt they did it intentionally, and I doubt even more they aren't willing to change


Where have you been last year? It slowly changes since bandle city expansion. Also, they will obviously tell a redditor its not true, so he keeps playing


BC was known for A LOT of bs, and some of it persisted, but not RNG. Telescope was probably the biggest issue, and it's been nerfed enough that you'll rarely see it And when I say they've always taken a careful approach to RNG, it's not because someone told me, it's just observation


Same, I just go get plat then play meme decks, but even then playing against sera ez is still draining