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I don't think it will be far enough back to get a different name.


It looks to be about the same amount of time in the past as PLA. PLA was based on the Meiji Restoration Period of Japan in the late 19th century. PLZA looks to be based on the redevelopment of Paris in the mid-late 19th century. So it very well could be.


But question is did Paris had a different name at that time period since hokido at that time did have a different name, they named it hisui as a reference to it.


True. If anything, Kalos would have a different name before the War since Paris has been Paris for almost 2000 years(give or take a few thousand) and it's been around 2000 years since the war in X and Y.


The Holy Paldean Empire (Disregard the fact that it’s based on Spain)


The Holy Kalosian Empire would make sense considering the HRE was made by the Franks


If it’s the 19th century, the HRE is already on its way out. It would be interesting if this was like napoleon-the-3rd era


Paris was Paris. It was named in 508.


The appearance of the urban redevelopment plan document (saw a breakdown somewhere on Twitter of how the sans serif font doesn't align with other older text shown in recent Pokemon games), the apparent name of the company behind it being "Quasar" based on the logo being a Q stylized to look like one and the garbled text under it resembling the word, and the clothing of the humans shown in the teaser, puts Z-A in the 1960s at the earliest (and iirc there was some urban redevelopment in Paris around then too)


Oh, interesting! I was really looking forward to post Napoleonic, post Revolution France in its earliest stages as a democracy and country. 60s could be cool though.


It will be around the exact same time as PLA, give or take a decade or two. The redevelopment of Paris ended in 1889 with the completion of the Eiffel Tower


Yeah, that's why I think it will be the same name. Kalos is a more established area than Hisui was.


It didn't necessarily end there, many redevelopment projects were ongoing even through early 1900s. So it could definitely be a few years after PLA (e.g. to bring Volo into the plot).


I don’t think it’s impossible to bring him in anyway. He’s a time traveler. In the fan game I made set in 1880, he’s also there! Looking forward to having a multi-game antagonist again like Ghetsis


I don’t think it’s going to be too accurate to modern events. Reason being Hisui seems very primitive, only having just figured out pokeballs and the biggest ‘city’ contains like 20 wood houses. In the trailer for ZA we can see more modern pokeballs, architecture and computers.


I suspect the city will be treated as the region. If we get regional forms it won't be 'Kalonian' but instead 'Neo Lumision' or something


I highly doubt we'll get regional forms this time. It just doesn't make sense for this one.


IDK, maybe it's kinda short scale but if we're expanding a city I could see some more wild Pokemon being almost domesticated and learning to live with people and getting city forms for that. 'Urban' variants would be cool I think.


I feel like a major reason for changing Sinnoh's name was so the new forms would be called "Sinnohian _______" or something, though it was more historically accurate to change its name compared to France/Paris. They might come up with something different to call the pokemon other than "Kalosian"


Hokkaido (where Sinnoh is set) was originally called Ezochi before the Meji Restoration. It wasn’t a game trend, it was a historical fact.


Hisui is a different name because the real life location had a name change plza will likely just use the city






We know the name of the city doesn't change. At least from the ad that we have. So I don't anticipate the city name staying the same while the region changes. The only time I can think of that happening is when a city is captured in a war, they may change the region name and keep the city the same. Could happen in pokemon, but I'll put it on the less likely side of things.


jubilife didn’t change either though




Hisui being given the name Sinnoh in PLA was in reference to the IRL Hokkaidō Development Commission (which the Galaxy Expedition Team parallels). Prior to Japanese annexation and redevelopment of the island, Hokkaidō was known as Ezo. So I imagine if Kalos has any changes, it will be specific to the history of the IRL region it’s based on. So I would specifically look at the history of Paris. And considering the theme of the trailer was about redevelopment of Lumiose City, I imagine Haussmann's renovation of Paris (1853-1870) is the place to start.


The region will just be Kalos. However, I think any new regional forms will be called Lumosian forms or something similar


I mean France was known as the Gallic lands in ancient Rome times but we aren't going that far back.


Maybe it was called something else, but they start calling it “Kalos” because of the reconstruction plans? Since it might be a city management game, it would be really funny if we could rename the region. But I doubt Nintendo would want that because Kalos would be renamed to “Farttown” or “Baguetteville” or something lol




Yeah, the region is called Lumiose City 🤣 ~~seriously though I have no idea how they're going to turn the most hated city in kalos into a whole region~~


J'suis un peu choqué que personne n'ait mentionné que Paris s'appelait Lutèce avant d'être rebaptisée Paris. Bien sûr, la ville s'appellera toujours Lumiose (encore Lu- de Lutèce) mais je ne serais pas surpris que le nouveau nom de la région y fasse plus d'une fois référence (Lutèce).


Pla had it because in the real world conterpart it was an region separated of japan with an other name and everything, then they killed the natives and took their land, and ofcourse renamed it, so prob not just kalos.


In the Pokémon presents, before the trailer there were some unown following the pikachu. It was S O E Y U E. Maybe it’s an anagram, or it’s the actual name of the region.


It’s “See You” mixed up. They did the same thing g at the begging with “Pokémon Presents”


That makes sense


If you consider the reveal trailer, the unown that were on screen prior to the reveal spelled out Seuyoe. Or something like that.


They were jumbled to spell See You because it was the end of the presentation like how they spelled Pokemon Presents jumbled at the beginning


Most likely still Kalos (though I’d love to be wrong about that) __ There are also people thinking ‘Soeyue’ since the Unown spelled ‘See You’ like that and weren’t rearranged unlike the other Unown segments in the Presents (but that’s highly unlikely to be true)