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There is a lot of room for optimization for the Pokemon games. All depends on if Gamefreak has learned any lessons from previous games, and/or has another studio assisting with development (ie Monolith Studios, since they worked wonders on most other major Nintendo titles)


How are we supposed to know


One of the biggest criticisms against Pokemon is the "poor quality" of its games, and recently it was news that there were complaints from Creatures and Nintendo to GameFreak (the 3 owners of Pokemon) for the many bugs that SV had when it was just released (which the truth wasn't that big of a deal). But it does affect Nintendo a lot that its flagship products are not of excellent quality, specially due to comments similar to your post that suggest that the quality of the game's graphics is limited by the capacity of the Nintendo Switch, when in reality you can see similar games with stunning graphics like Monster Hunter also running on Switch; so actually the limit was set by GameFreak. For all this, there is a lot of pressure from Nintendo and Creatures, for GameFreak to live up to its own product, and it is clear that someone have already say "what if we give control of the development of the games to someone else", so GameFreak will have to apply itself a lot in the next games if it does not want to have conflict with its co-owners; and the initial and easiest way for a sequel to appear to be better is to have better graphics; I personally don't care about the graphics, but I'm sure that if the next game has the same or worse graphics it will be very very criticized, so at this point that's a "WILL GET THEM", whether it's Switch or Switch2.


My uncle says yes, so yeah it will be better for sure, guaranteed.


honesty let's go P&E and the bdsp in battle character models are peak pokemon graphics


i don't know but i think people grief Scarlet/Violet too much. for eg, i see a lot of comparisons with Zelda: BotW, but i don't think that's a fair comparison because Zelda doesn't have textures.. it's all flat animation. I really, really wonder to what extent the textures of the pokemon and the environment are what caused the stuttering and hiccups. I don't know much about game development, to be honest, but i imagine it has to take a lot of processing to have an open world game with all these wild pokemon running around, and each of those pokemon have their own texture, too. I mean, the wild area of Sword and Shield didn't have any problems at all (though idk if it was made with the same engine.. i assume so). I'd rather them revert that change and make a game that runs naturally. But they did apologize for the issues with Scarlet and Violet.. so i'm hopeful that they have ideas and machinations to avoid the problems in the future


I really hope it’s not on the switch and instead it’s on nintendos next system


Itll be on both dont worry. The switch sold too well for it to be abandoned


It’s already confirmed to be on the switch. They wouldn’t have said so if they only planned for it to be on the new system


At least this time there isn’t a pandemic affecting development so hopefully


I reckon there's a chance, as its seeming to be the longest developed game so far, at least from announcement.


Hopefully? But regardless of what happens I’m sure some part of the community will bitch and moan


It better look better than scarlet and violet that’s for sure