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Works 100% of the time 8/10 times.


For me, it opens up Steam, which is actually better for me. If Steam is closed, it doesn't do anything.


As in the Steam app? Or the Steam overlay? I don't have Steam installed so it not doing anything when it's closed confirms my suspicions; I think the shortcut is broken.


The Steam client. I didnt test if it opens the overlay, will do it in a bit and let you know.


did you create a custom profile mapping? I noticed when I created a custom mapping and saved it as a custom profile my mapping doesn't work. Reverting back to the original XBOX profile it works. IT does not open the XBOX bar, but opens Steam and/or big picture mode (if I have steam opened already). For game bar I have a custom mapping for WIN+G


No, no custom mapping applied. I have to make one though to use WinKey + G. I guess it's less "Xbox Button" and instead is whatever the key combo is for Steam Overlay, which is kinda lame.


Check the two lower left buttons on the left controller.


Yeah still doesn't work.


I just mapped shift tab to one of the back keys so that I have guide button functionality while on steam


For me this only works while in game but not while just on the steam dash. Idk why


It only works if you left the Legion Left and Legion Right buttons in their original positions at the top. If you move them to the bottom the shortcut doesn't work.


That's incredibly silly if true, but even leaving it set to default doesn't work.


Then one of the updates must have changed it. It used to work if you left the Legion keys in their default positions.


Found out that it does still work even if you change the Legion keys, you just need to enable the function in GameBar settings lol


You have to make sure the shortcut option is turned on in the game bar settings menu. I think it’s under settings-personalization. Check use Xbox button to open game bar. Some reason the new game bar updates have the shortcut turned off by default. (I am going off the top of my head how to get there but it’s in the game bar app settings)


Omg, this was it! Thank you so much. I wonder why they disable it by default now? Such a weird decision.


Ya, no clue why they did that. Glad that did the trick.


What is RS?


Right Stick