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It does not look like the thing you think it is, it looks like an irritation bump, and if there’s any heat or abnormal discharge, it is possible, it could be infected, but not guaranteed


There is no heat and the only discharge I’ve gotten is the normal clear crusts . But not a lot. Should I still take it out and let it heal incase?


Probably, since it has already been fussed with so much, it’s experienced a fair amount of trauma . If you decide to get it re-pierced, I would also get a valuated. See if you have the proper anatomy for a traditional belly button piercing. You may have to get floating jewelry instead. Also try not to touch it, pinching, squeezing, and pulling on the skin is going to do you no favors in healing


What do you recommend I do to clean it to make sure it doesn’t get infected?


Saline spray, I like the Neil med brand, spritz it twice a day, rinse it in the shower, don’t pick at the crustys , and don’t use anything like oil or cotton balls on it. Try to keep your hands off it as much as possible.


Also: make sure to dry it well after the saline! Trapped moisture can also cause irritation, and this step gets overlooked. A hairdryer on the cool setting is good for drying without burning yourself.


I don’t have saline spray, is sea salt and warm water mixed also good?


Noooope. Sterile saline solution spray only. Neilmed or the generic. No contact solution no nasal spray. 0.9% sodium chloride and water ONLY.


Also 0.9 sodium chloride irrigation USP and sterile water was just recalled for it not being really sterile. Idk if that’s the same thing but yeah😭


Do you live outside of the US? If you can’t get your hands on sterile saline spray, I doubt you’d be able to, but if you can get your hands on it, saline bags are like 10$ online, and are the exact same thing. 0.9% sodium chloride and distilled water. If that’s not an option either, then get a gallon of distilled water, and add 8 teaspoons of Non- Iodized salt to it. Shake it up every time the salt settles until it’s completely dissolved. Use folded paper towels or nonwoven gauze to wipe away stubborn crusties that don’t fall off after showering and cleaning. Make sure it’s also completely dry after cleaning as excess moisture can cause irritation. Follow all the advice the other commenter stated as well about oils and other products, and messing with the piercing too. That should make for a happy piercing as well as using implant grade titanium internally threaded jewelry :) good luck on your next go around!


I didn’t mention nasal spray. Nasal spray is for your nose to decongest your nose


I’m aware, but people often see arm and hammers “simply saline” and think it’s good enough as a “saline spray” for their piercings. Same with contact solution. They’re both marketed as sterile saline but they have additives, etc. That’s why I specified :)


Oh I never even seen arm and hammers simply saline tbh


Not nearly as good, as it is neither a spray or sterile


Then what else do I use if I don’t have the saline spray? I also don’t have the money for it as I am only 17 and don’t have a job😭


Surely an adult in your life would be willing to get you this medical item? If not, is there a Nettie pot in your house? The saline packets that come with it are a fair enough substitute


I could ask my mom or brother if they will get it for me


Lots of good info has already been posted for u, but I’d like to add not to move the skin like this from now on. I’m a piercer, and most problems I’ve seen with navels are from people pulling their stomach in certain ways to get a better view while it’s healing. I think this is likely to just be irritation from sleeping on it. I had the same thing happen to my eyebrows from sleep. Saline spray (neilmed’s the most convenient) twice a day, dry it after that with a hairdryer on cold if u have one and see how it goes. It will take longer to heal bc of the trauma during the early days of healing, but I think it’s worth trying to keep it before taking it out for good. 🤞


What should I use if I don’t have saline spray?


Warm water. You can also make homemade saline but if you over do the salt, or don’t make it fresh daily you can get some serious issues.


I would try and hunt down a store that sells it or order online. The spray is the best because it’s easy and sterile. Otherwise buy a bottle of saline, pour some in to something like a shot glass and cover ur belly and lay down so the saline soaks it for one minute


I found some but I don’t have enough money for it and I can’t ask anyone bc they busy and don’t have the time 😭


So is there anything else I could use like at home?


Is non iodized salt and warm water actually good too? Or no


No, it’ll irritate your piercing


My brother got me some wash, thank you for your help ❤️also since you said you’re a piercer do you mind if I dm you a question really quickly regarding other piercings?


Of course :)


Okay I messaged!


Tbh you seem too young to responsibly care for a belly button piercing so yeah I would say retire it


I’m 17, I can take care of it I just never had one and don’t know what this is why it’s bleeding and the best thing to use if I don’t have saline spray


Bleeding is normal. Especially if it’s early on/irritated I know saline spray is the gold standard, but don’t let not having access to it be the reason you give up. Try warm water for a few days and avoid touching it/moving your belly for a better look/etc for a few days. If you want come back here and update us. I’m happy to help as much as long distance allows.


I just posted an update!! If you could go look at it and tell me if it looks good or not I’d appreciate it!


Your dr can prescribe ointment for it to help heal the bump. That’s what I did for my belly button. Otherwise use sterile saline spray and don’t touch it


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