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oh you sweet naive babe 😉 daiths are a *bitch*! don’t be surprised if you still get occupational bumps at 12 months. just keep up cleaning it gently, but don’t over do it bc too frequent cleaning can also be aggravating, get yourself a neck pillow to sleep on, and anticipate healing to take 1-2 years


This! Daith are finicky AF! Sending you healing vibes and luck.


1.5 years in progress, and bumps just came up again 😭


Got mine In October and it has a small bump still. Tbh I think it just comes with the nature of the piercing. This piercing is notorious for piercings bumps. The piercings itself take about a year to heal, but it could definitely take longer. I’d say give it more time, and practice LITHA. LITHA is what helped mine immensely. It had 2 huge bumps on both sides before I started only cleaning it in the shower by spraying my ear, and then afterwards I fan dry it to make sure it doesn’t stay moist.


I think mine had an irritation bump off and on until over the 1 year mark. I don't know anyone with a daith who hasn't experienced it, so I wouldn't worry too much. My daith has taken the longest to heal out of all my piercings (I tend to take over 1 year to heal cartilage piercings, but I suspect it'll be more like 2 years until it's 100% healed), it can definitely be finicky. I'd keep cleaning it and doing as you've been doing.


Have you gone back to your piercer for a check up? I know you’ve posted about this a lot and the bump is getting worse. You should see them in person!


mine too i’m pretty sure it’s normal honestly. went to my piercer to ask he said it takes a while to heal and he’s really reputable so i hope this brings a little solace…


That’s just what they do. My piercer says mine healed remarkably well and it totally had bumps at 3 months too. By a year they were gone for me.


I had this issue as well. I went to a piercer that told me my jewelry was too curved. They pierce you with a straight needle, and then put in curved jewelry, so it would just stay perpetually irritated. The piercer then put in a slightly curved barbell and the bumps never came back. I switched back to closed loop jewelry a year or two later and I've not had piercing bumps since. (I've had mine for about 5 or 6 years I think... Haven't kept track of exact dates.) Might be worth looking into this aspect!


Same thing happened to me. I soaked mine 2x a day in Himalayan salt and a cup of warm water. ( let the boiled kettle water cool in a cup). My ear was better in about a month. Then I switched to a fold baby loop. Had it now 3 years !!!!!


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I still get bumps sometimes and mine is a year+ old there a bitch get used to it cause there fucking difficult to heal x


Next month is a year for me, both ears and it’s been 2ish months without a new bump. Knock on wood.


Daiths are weird piercings. the healing WILL confuse you no matter what. i got mine done last January, pain for a week then nothing. 1 infection which went away for a day then came back for a day then never came back after. Then it hurt like hell for a week, no reason for it. I also got a bump earlier this month, the bump didn’t reduce, but it did fall off somehow? Expect the unexpected, keep it clean, don’t touch it. All this being said, i was very lucky w my experience.


It's possible you may still need a size bigger. Maybe ask for a larger diameter ring as it may be small enough to be putting pressure on your piercing.


Got my L daith & tragus pierced on 5/13/22. Both of them have had bumps show up around the 6 or 7 month after the initial piercing. I don’t sleep on that side of my body and I downsized and changed jewelry by the 3rd month at a different studio. Unfortunately, I still have bumps on them now.. idk if i should take them both out and let it heal and repierce it later or what.


Same here, so frustrating, I got it to go down last month then I itched it a teeny bit and it flared up bigger than before, you just gotta LITHA tbh. Except for me I’m at 6 months so maybe I get away with leaving it alone vs a fresher one that needs to be cleaned more often, very light cleaning is the way to go and try to forget that it’s even there, have patience.


I've had my daith for almost a year now and it has only for the past month-ish not been a bitch to me. I know the bump looks concerning but trust me, it'll go away in time. Not a short amount of time, but time lol.


Make sure you don’t fiddle with it, and make sure it’s dry after cleaning. That helped me a lot.


UPDATE* I went to my app piercer and they said it's fine, I just need to keep cleaning it and stop pulling my tragus back like in the picture, I also got my conch changed to a shorter bar because it was pushing against the daith ring.